“The doctor just dismissed my concerns,” a mom of three sons told me. “He said, ‘Mrs. G., nothing’s … [Read more...]
Have You Ever Invited an Autistic Child to a Birthday Party or to go Trick-or-Treating?
In a Facebook exchange about three, four, and five year olds still in diapers, one of my friends … [Read more...]
Do Vaccines and Tylenol Cause Autism? One Family’s Story
Editor’s note: This is not a debate about whether vaccines and Tylenol cause autism but a true story … [Read more...]
How This Mom Scored a Victory Over Autism
Children can and recover from autism. When Mary Romaniec’s son Daniel was seven months old he was … [Read more...]
What’s Really Causing Autism? My Letter to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Everyone wants to know what's really causing autism. Autism rates are at epidemical levels. The … [Read more...]
Steve Silberman Is Wrong About Autism: A Doctor Responds to Terry Gross’s Interview
I listened to Terry Gross interview Steve Silberman about the history of—and myths about—autism with … [Read more...]