Editor’s note: This is not a debate about whether vaccines and Tylenol cause autism but a true story written by a mom about her son. Liam was born healthy and now has severe autism. His health was destroyed after his family did everything the doctors told them to do. The doctor’s orders included giving Liam vaccines on the CDC’s childhood schedule, as well as Tylenol before and after the shots.
As Susie Olson-Corgan, Liam’s mom, explains in this story, she followed all of the doctors’ advice. As a result, her son ended up with severe autism. It’s clear to her now that vaccines and Tylenol cause autism, at least in her son’s case. I met Susie at a conference, The Future of Immunity in Seattle, Washington. She left her son for the first time to attend, needing two caregivers to be with him while she was gone. Susie looked familiar and I realized I had seen her in a Vaxxed video called Seattle Moms Rock. She has generously agreed to share her story here ~Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.
My Son’s Stolen Childhood
By Susie Olson-Corgan
I was 22 years old, healthy, and active when I got pregnant with Liam. The pregnancy was pretty easy. The first trimester I had morning sickness, but after that it was a breeze. We moved twice while I was pregnant and I would overdo it sometimes, but a few days of downtime was all I needed to recover. I loved walking around our local lake with friends. When it got colder I turned to mall walking and doing pregnancy exercise DVDs. I felt great. I was so excited to become a mom.
Liam was born strong and healthy at 10 pounds 3.1 ounces. His Apgar scores were 9 and 9 at one and five minutes. Right after he was born, they gave him antibiotic eye ointment, then put him on my chest. He started nursing immediately. He knew just what to do.
Liam was given vitamin K at birth and a hepatitis B shot despite my request that those not be given. The staff apologized afterwards. They told me they were changing shifts and had not communicated well. I had forgotten my birth plan at home so no one had it in writing that I did not want vitamin K or hep B. It was an unfortunate mistake.
After that, I didn’t let them take him out of my sight for anything. We were released from the hospital within a day of the birth and went home to enjoy being a family of three.
Walking like a pro
By two and a half weeks Liam was rolling over. He gained head control and was able to sit up early on. At six months, Liam was waving, saying, “Hi,” “Momma,” “Dada,” “Nana,” and “Meow.”
By eleven months he was walking like a pro.
At a year he could climb, run, jump, and get into everything!
But when he was a year old is also when things started to go wrong. When Liam went to his 12-month well baby visit, he had a fever.
I called them before we came in. I told both his doctor and nurse that he was sick.
They said it wasn’t a problem and they would vaccinate him anyway and I should bring him in. Since he had been acting fussy all day, they told me to give him Tylenol before the shots, which I did.
“He could die of the flu,” the doctor said
The only vaccine I knew I didn’t want Liam to have was the flu shot.
Several people in my family had had negative reactions to that vaccine.
I myself had never had a flu shot, and I had never had the flu. Liam’s dad agreed. He had never had a flu shot either.
But the doctor was visibly upset when we told her we did not want the flu vaccine.
She actually told us Liam “could die of the flu” if we declined the shot.
She left the room and returned a few minutes later saying we were in luck, they were out of the flu vaccine.
Then she joked that if she had had the vaccine in the clinic that day, she would have just slipped it in with the rest of his vaccines without telling me.
An inconsolable baby
As soon as he was administered his 12-month vaccines, Liam started screaming.
That night he had a fever of 105.
He also started having explosive diarrhea that covered his body. It was so acidic and painful that he screamed until I put him in the tub. The diarrhea ate away at his skin until it bled. He started arching his back and wouldn’t let me hold him.
He was inconsolable.
I didn’t know what to do. I called the pediatrician.
She advised me to alternate Tylenol and Motrin. She also reassured me that the reaction he was having was “normal.”
Never the same again
But after that night Liam was never the same again.
He recovered from the diarrhea, but he stopped making eye contact. He no longer seemed curious about things like he had been before. His physical demeanor changed so drastically that it was obvious, even to people who rarely saw us.
Liam stopped breastfeeding around 15 months. When I took him in for his next well baby visit, at 18 months, I expressed concern about Liam’s sudden decline in health after the 12-month vaccines.
The doctor literally laughed at me.
She told me his previous reaction was “typical,” and made me feel like I was a just a nervous first-time mom being paranoid about nothing.
She was the expert.
I was just the mom.
What did I know?
So I let the doctor give Liam another round of shots that day, vaccinating him against eight diseases.
I don’t know if I will ever forgive myself for that choice.
This time it was much, much worse
The same series of events happened with this round of vaccines but this time it was much, much worse.
Within a couple of hours Liam’s leg swelled, his eyes became swollen and glassy.
He started screaming, arching his back, and kicking.
Like the last time, he was completely inconsolable.
I called the pediatrician who once again reassured me what was happening was “normal,” and advised me to alternate between Tylenol and Motrin.
I gave him the painkillers as she advised but he got even worse.
His breathing became labored and I called again and told the doctor I wanted to bring him in.
I could tell by the way she spoke to me that she thought I was being dramatic. We showed up at her office anyway.
A bad vaccine reaction
After examining him, she acknowledged that she thought he was having a bad vaccine reaction. She ran blood tests. She saw with her own eyes that she was burning up with fever, had a high white blood cell count, an increased heart rate, and concerningly high blood pressure.
Now she started taking me seriously.
She told us we needed to take Liam to the ER.
In the Emergency Room they gave Liam oxygen, steroids, antibiotics, Benadryl, and Motrin.
Despite what his doctor had said, the Emergency Room doctors insisted Liam was not having a vaccine reaction! They did not have any explanation for what was wrong with our son, but they were sure it was unrelated to vaccines.
After that day Liam stopped making eye contact.
He could no longer walk.
His words decreased to just “Momma” and “Dada,” and then to none at all.
He used to sing the alphabet song. Now his singing was replaced with screaming.
Liam no longer wanted to be held or touched or to interact with anyone.
He would crawl into his closet and close the door.
Screaming for hours
At night he would scream for hours at a time.
Nothing we did helped.
He started banging his head on everything: his crib, the walls, the floor.
He would hit himself in the head with his hands, with his books, with his trucks.
Over the following days and weeks our phone calls to the doctors were answered less and less.
Every time I called they told me to give him Tylenol for the fever and to stop being so paranoid.
They told me he was acting was “normal.”
I knew this behavior was anything but normal but I had no idea what to do about it.
My son was in pain.
He had left our world and entered his own.
Signs of autism ignored
Child Find is a public service that identifies and evaluates children with disabilities. We asked them to assess Liam when he was two and a half years old. When they came to do an evaluation, he wouldn’t come out of the closet. He wouldn’t talk, acknowledge them, or interact with them at all. I answered their questions. Then they interacted with him for all of fifteen minutes and concluded he was normal.
I still wonder how in the world they thought this behavior was normal. They kept assuring me that boys are “slower to develop,” and he would “come out of his shell” in his own time.
I explained that he used to talk, make eye contact, sing his alphabet, and play with friends.
This wasn’t a lack of development, this was a loss of development, I told them.
They said I was being worried for nothing and I would see that what they said was true.
We were told to “just give it time.”
Vaccines caused my son’s severe regressive autism
After being laughed at and having our fears dismissed by doctors for more than two years, we brought Liam to an autism clinic at our local university. At three years nine months old, he was diagnosed with severe regressive autism. He was completely non-verbal.
We wasted more than two years not helping our child because medical professionals ignored our concerns.
The doctors failed our son.
We failed our son.
Looking at videos of my boy and photographs from when he was a baby, you can see the light leave his eyes.
The curious little boy who once ran to the door every time Daddy came home no longer acknowledged either of us.
Vaccines were the trigger that took away my child’s health.
Vaccines caused his autism.

Susie with her son Liam. After getting vaccines and Tylenol, Liam had a severe vaccine reaction. A talkative baby, he is non-verbal, and incontinent.
A good day for Liam
Liam is 10 years old.
He never really has a typical day, as things are constantly changing with him.
While Liam eats breakfast, I massage his feet with oils to relax the muscles. First his feet, then his calves. He has cramps in his feet and problems walking from having been a toe-walker for so long, an issue associated with autism.
After breakfast we move on to our school day. Liam is still non-verbal. Most of our structured time is spent matching colors, letters, and shapes. We also work on speech, coordination and small tasks. After lunch we usually do art and sensory play, and practice life skills such as getting dressed, pouring water in to a cup, going to the bathroom, brushing teeth.
Then Liam gets a couple of hours of free time while I make dinner and clean up. During that time he plays with his cars, his iPad, interactive books, his sensory table, and his stuffed animals. He also likes to jump on his trampoline.
At 7:00 p.m. I start the bedtime routine with him and by 8:00 p.m. I have him in his room for the night. He gets to pick out two or three books to read with me.
While he is looking at the pictures, I massage his feet or rub his head. Whatever is hurting him the most.
He likes lavender essential oil so I mix that in with magnesium to help calm and relax him.
Then it’s lights out.
Liam spends the next 4 hours or so trying to wind down for sleep.
That’s a good day for Liam.
Not the life I planned
One of our biggest challenges has been around diapers.
The diapers on the market for larger children aren’t made for kids like mine. He is chemically sensitive so most diapers cause him angry, painful rashes. The ones that don’t, leak. So they’ve been leaking throughout the night, which makes him agitated and aggressive when he wakes up. On those days I get him in the shower as quickly as possible, which helps to diffuse the meltdown. Then I strip his bed, put on new linens, and get his breakfast ready.
Watching him go through life facing these difficulties on a daily basis is hard.
Some days I feel despair. If there were a magic pill to wipe out all of his suffering, I would give it to him immediately. But since there isn’t, I try to find the best in this situation.
My life is nothing like I had planned, but better than I could have ever hoped.
When I look back to who I was before his diagnosis, how I stressed about the smallest things and didn’t appreciate my life like I should have, I know that I am better off now.
Liam finds such glee in simple things: sitting in a tide pool at the beach, watching the waves, being bounced on his trampoline.
He has taught me to find glee too.
I have become an advocate for my son.
I’ve shed the insecurities I once had.
I no longer allow other people’s opinions of me to stop me from moving forward in helping him. I’ve left my ego behind. Instead, I ask for help whenever I see an opportunity that could benefit him.
I have become outspoken in my community. When he and I are in public and people make snarky comments, I take the time to educate them about vaccines and the damage they caused our family.
My son’s stolen life
My son should be in school, making friends, playing sports or in band.
He should be going off to summer camp and enjoying his childhood.
Instead he stays home with me, trapped in a body that has been damaged by modern medicine.
I do the best I can to bring him joy, but it pales in comparison to what he deserves.
This is avoidable.
Please, do better for your children than I did for mine.
Do your research.
Never give your child Tylenol or any product containing acetaminophen (these Duke and Harvard researchers explain why).
You can always vaccinate later, but you can never un-vaccinate.
My son’s life will never be what it was supposed to be because he was injured by vaccines.
Now I fight for your children, to protect their futures, to give them the chance mine doesn’t have.
Readers, did something like this happen to your family? Do you think vaccines and Tylenol cause autism? Are you feeling concerned about vaccines and Tylenol or do you think it is just an unfortunate coincidence? Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.
Susie Olson-Corgan is a children’s health activist and a stay-at-home mom of one. She lives with her family in Seattle, Washington.
Resources for families affected by autism:
Thinking Moms Revolution (TMR)
Website and accompanying Facebook page that connects parents and grandparents whose children have been over-exposed to toxins to each other. On the site you’ll find hundreds of stories of children injured by vaccines or other medically sanctioned health interventions. A group of hardworking volunteers updates the blog regularly. It contains a wealth of information about autism, SPD, PANS, and more. TMR helped Susie’s family learn how to access information and connected her with other parents. It was one of the founders of TMR, Alison McNeil, who first explained to me (Jennifer) how vaccines and Tylenol cause autism.
The Canary Party
Movement created to stand up for children who are the victims of medical injury and environmental toxins. Our sick kids are canaries in the coal mine. This group also informs readers about legislation that could impact your family.
Talk About Curing Autism (TACA)
Non-profit dedicated to educating, empowering, and supporting families affected by autism. For families who have just received an autism diagnosis, TACA speeds up the time from diagnosis to effective treatments. TACA helped Susie’s family with information about diets and with other resources.
The Arc
Community-based organization with nearly 700 state and local chapters that helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Arc of Washington State helped Susie set up play dates with other families facing similar challenges.
Readers, have you heard of this connection between vaccines and Tylenol and autism? Do you think vaccines and Tylenol cause autism?
Related articles:
Is Tylenol Safe During Pregnancy?
Tylenol Alternatives: Better, Safer Remedies (for Kids and Grownups)
Tylenol and SIDS Have Too Much in Common
Published: April 27, 2017
Last update: June 25, 2021
My sons story is similar. He had vaccine induced Regressive Autism. He lost all speech and language after a vaccine at his 15 month “well check”. He became aggressive and self injurious and also developed PICA. Many years of therapies and some biomedical and he’s doing much better. Vaccines have changed our lives forever but we are a stronger and healthier family from everything we’ve learned since his injury. God Bless sweet Liam and his family.
Hello, I am a behavior therapist and work with children and adults diagnosed with autism and other developmental disabilities. We also work with typical functioning individuals. I also have a 5 month old son. Nothing have been proven just yet as to what causes autism, but there are many different theories and hypotheses. I am not sure if Liam’s mother would be willing to answer some questions for me. I enjoy researching and learning about both sides in regards to vaccinations and autism, even more so with having a son of my own.
It is also my understanding that the shots are now a “cocktail” of several vaccines, rather than the 1-3 that were given in the 1950’s. Do you have any idea if this is true?
It isn’t Autism – It is a chemical induced brain injury! Time to stop letting the liars, thieves, and thugs dictate the narrative! AKA big pharma (Research and Manufacturers of America). They’ve used as a cattle in their game of Russian Roulette.
When the World Health Organisation (WHO) had a global vaccine safety summit (Dec 2019), clearly forgot they were being filmed and confirmed everything the #ExVaxxer / #Antivaxxer community already knew was true. Oops.
2:00 Dr. Heidi Larson, PhD, Director of the Vaccine Confidence Project says the biggest factor in vaccine hesitancy is vaccine safety.
4:26 Dr. Larson says that doctors and nurses are “very wobbly” and “starting to question the safety of vaccines,” and it’s a “huge problem.”
6:20 Dr. Larson admits doctors don’t have confidence in vaccine safety to stand up to mothers asking questions. Doctors only got a “half day of vaccine instruction in medical school.”
8:06 Dr. Larson admits that the WHO’s issue with social media is not vaccine “misinformation,” but that the information “seeds doubt.”
10:24 Dr. Larson admits that global health replaced natural immunity with dependence on vaccine-induced immunity on the “assumption that populations would cooperate.” People got the 6 vaccines in the 1960s-1980s, but now it’s a problem. But since they got the world dependent on vaccines, global health has no choice but to continue pushing vaccines.
13:10 Dr. Larson says there is a lot of safety science needed, they can’t keep repurposing old science that isn’t relevant to the new problem that vaccines are causing.
16:04 Dr. Marion Gruber, FDA admits that vaccines NEED to have safety monitoring specifically tailored to the one vaccine under consideration. Risk management plans WILL need to take into account all of the safety evidence they have. These safety measures do not exist.
19:40 Dr. Martin Howell Friede, WHO cautions vaccine makers from using adjuvants because they cause adverse events. If makers must use an adjuvant, they should use an old one with a “history” (that allows the vaccine maker to say the adverse event wasn’t the adjuvant.) The new adjuvants will be accused of causing adverse events, but there will be no new vaccines without adjuvants. His solution is to build confidence, not make them safer.
25:15 Professor Stephen Evans says “It seems that adjuvants multiply the immunogenicity of the antigens they’re added to; they multiply the reactogenicity, so it’s not unexpected they multiply the adverse reactions. Is my thinking is correct?”
27:22 Dr. Friede, says the “major health concerns they see are the long term effects of vaccines,” not the sore knot on your arm. Adjuvants act differently with every antigen, and impurities. We need larger studies and we need to measure the appropriate things.
31:28 Dr. Friede, admits that it’s necessary that we figure out how adjuvants work so they can start to asses how plausible it is that adjuvants are causing the major health concerns.
31:38 Dr. David Kaslow, Center for Vaccine Innovation and Access admits that they do their studies on very small groups of people. Says that “one of the things they need to invest in” are better biomarkers and mechanistic understanding of how adjuvants work so they can understand the adverse events.
32:25 Dr. Gruber states that one issue that complicates the safety evaluation is the length of follow-up because the longer you study the group, the more “coincidental” adverse events pop up. Giving adjuvants to the elderly may do nothing, but be reactive in younger people.
38:13 Dr. Kaslow, “Coming down the pike relatively quickly is a new target population for us in vaccines: maternal immunization. We don’t have a strong pharmaco-epidemiologic baseline in that target population to say ‘is this an expected adverse event due to pregnancy, or is this the vaccine?’ We need an investment in that study so we don’t derail our pregnancy vaccines as they go into low-resource settings.”
40:07 CDC ACIP meeting vaccinating pregnant women is “off-label.”
41:24 The FDA admitted they have no studies about vaccines and pregnancy.
41:55 Nigerian doctor asks if there are any safety studies on injecting multiple vaccines, from multiple makers, with multiple adjuvants, into a child at once.
44:12 ACIP meeting, the CDC admits they have no data on injecting multiple adjuvants at once, but they recommend it anyway, in different limbs.
45:22 Dr. Robert Chen admits no, they don’t have data on injecting multiple adjuvants at this time, they need to link databases together to “start to answer these types of questions.”
50:01 Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist with the WHO, says in a commercial that vaccine safety tracking is robust, and examining the data lets them promptly address problems. They are “thoroughly monitored.”
52:40 Dr. Swaminathan admits, “We really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries. We can’t give answers about the deaths. We need to put mechanisms in place to monitor what’s going on. With many drugs, we only learn about adverse events after they are introduced to the populations.”
I agree! It’s a brain injury from vaccines.
I am so sad to read this story. It is very much like my own but my son will be 22 years old this year. The fact that doctors are still telling mothers to give Tylenol before and after vaccines breaks my heart. It is not logical to suppress part of the immune system and then inject the body with diseases, adjuvants and neurotoxins. I no longer have any faith in the medical community.
Yeah you’d think by know the medical system would be more updated on there work and advise. And you’d think they’d figure out by mixing the two is just very risky for sure!
Your story sounds so familiar to my story. My son had a vaccine reaction after his two month check up. The following day after receiving his vaccines, he was crying, vomiting, arching his back and had a seizure. He could not be consoled. The doctor told me he had a virus and my thermometer was broken and to give him some Pedialyte. He did not even want to see him. It was only after we took him to the doctor that he was sent to the ER. He didn’t suffer from Autism but as a result of his vaccine he suffered severe brain damage and cerebral palsy.
This is so much like our story! It is not a coincidence that so many families have the same experience. I would add that in my case and many others who share a similar story antibiotics also play a role in the demise of their previously healthy babies. My daughter lost all speech, eye contact, even to ability to use her hands or tolerate motion. If the truth wasn’t being suppressed by so many industry influences it would be common knowledge now that our current medical paradigm is disabling an entire generation of children. Thank you for what you do and I hope that parents start listening to parents. My daughter had a much improved because I stopped listening to MD’s and started listening to parents and my gut.
I also did give him tylenol before the vaccines. I dont know if that was the cause but My heart hurts for my son everyday…
There is hope and there IS help available for those who ask for it.
Toe walking is a sign of toxicity, it can be addressed and helped.
Detox and rebuild.
You know what detoxes automatically and is already in your body? Your liver. That’s right, your body needed a way to get rid of things that your body ingested.
In 1991 I followed the doctors and nurses advice and gave my daughter Tylenol 1/2 hour before her first vaccinations, oral polio, hib, and dtap. A few hours later she turned purple and began screaming I called the doctors office and they told me to give her more Tylenol. Over the next few hours she was very lethargic and began having small seizures. I didn’t know what they were because her movements were subtle and she was a newborn. I met her doctor at his office at 5:00 that day and he diagnosed her seizure, gave her phenobarbital and said we have to take her to the hospital, “if this is a pertussis reaction it could get ugly.”
My daughter seemed to recover that night, we were told just febrile seizures nothing to worry about. Our local health department told us that she should not get anymore vaccines due to her reaction and if we wanted to we would have to go through a private physician. She met her physical milestones but never talked and had limited social interactions. At 2 years old she received her PDD diagnosis. At 13 years old she began having grand mal seizures and then started having more typical autistic behaviors, hand flapping, rocking, and talking to herself.
She is now 25, and is still plagued with daily seizures but she communicates well and is really easy to care for. I am fortunate in that I know. Her father, brother and I plan our lives around the care and keeping of her. I resent terribly the way that the medical community and the government refuse to acknowledge what happened to her life, and continues to thousands of others on a daily basis.
Same story here. My 17 year old son, also a 10 lb. 4 oz baby with Apgars of 9! (4th child) was the only one I gave Tylenol to with immunizations. I had no idea it would deplete his glutathione and make him incapable of excreting the mercury. Decided not to vaccinate children 5 and 6. Perfectly healthy in every way.
Hi Susie,
I am making a documentary. Can you contact me please?
My son was given 7 vaccines at one time and also slipped into autism afterwards. I should be sleeping right now but hes been yelling for around 2 hours. Makes it hard to go to work the next day. I have a pretty strait logical explanation of the cause of autism of you can understand the mechanics of blood. Please listen to what i have to say. -blood feeds all parts of your body with oxygen and keeps cells alive. Red blood cells travel through capillaries so small that they move in single file and deform to oval shape to fit through the smallest capillaries. Some parts of your body including parts of your brain are fed strictly by these tiny cappilaries. When you flood your bloodstream with white blood cells which are 10x larger then red blood cells, they can clog vital blood pathways starving these tiny cappilaries and causing cell death which is basically a small undetectable stroke. You can have a stroke in other parts of your body as well. Heart, lungs and other vital organs causing cell death and and mutations which are labeled as many illnessed but really should be called stroke damage. Posting this has gotten me banned from every forum. Its gotten my facebook deleted. Its always wrong info that stays because they dont want anyone understanding the basic cause or so many illnesses theyve caused with their vaccines. What price would you put on a lifelong disablity. I wouldnt accept $100,000,000 to give my son autism. Now what would it cost to care for him for life. And pay for his suffering. I would say somewhere in the range of $20,000,000 for every child hurt by vaccines. Thats why noone wants to admit fault. Also vaccine companies are unaccountable and the government was supposed to be overseeing them to ensure there is quality control as part of this agreement. Theyve failed. Whos going to take care of these kids when the parents die from lack of sleep and a weak heart from all the agony they witness from the most loved person in their lives.
Hi Susie,
I was wondering, when Liam received his vaccinations, were they all in the same location (Like in one thigh), or were they in different locations. For example, when I had my 3 month vaccinations, I had one part of it in one leg, the other part in the other. I was wondering if Liams was like that?
Andrew Wilson
Yes my now 3 year old is still not talking. He’s verbal but has language of a one year old. I wouldn’t say he’s autistic. I don’t know which we’ll visit it was. Either his 12 month or his 18 month but around 18 months old he stopped saying words all together. I gave him tylonel before and after all his well visits when they would do the vaccines. I didn’t know then about the tylonel and vaccines until recently. Just wish doctors would educate themselves on all this. This has to stop. I’m going to be getting him some liquid glutathione to help his body and brain detox the heavy metals.
It wasn’t the vaccine per se, but the fever it caused and the acetaminophen, you were advised to treat it with. That advice is in fact medical malpractice.Since acetaminophen doesn’t reach full proper processing in humans until they are about 3, it is dangerous, more dangerous than aspirin and the potential for Rye’s. see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5044872/ which probably understates the danger.
I could only get through about half of this. There are so many inconsistencies in this “story” and absolutely no evidence whatsoever to prove that the information is true. It’s baseless and anyone with half a brain will see that. I find it absolutely irresponsible for you to post this bs.
Prove your points by adding factual evidence from real trusted sources.
I hope that parents know well enough to search for better information so they don’t have to blame themselves for their children’s autism.
Vaccines do not cause autism.
Tylenol does not cause autism.
Flu shots do not cause autism.
Ibuprofen does not cause autism.
Ultrasounds do not cause autism.
Then what does cause autism because science cannot agree… you seem to know so much-which is great… again leading medical research cannot agree on any one cause of autism however there is an agreement that various things play a roll. So staunchly staying what doesn’t cause it seems quite the contrary to all science.
Point the first: this is a real story from a real person about a real sequence of events that she and her son have experienced. Are you flat out denying her existence? I’m sorry, I just don’t follow the logic there.
Point the second: How can you spend any amount time on this website and not see that there is a preponderance of evidence for many of the connections that the woman makes about her son’s regression?
I have searched for better information. I was terrified that my children would contract and then die from some disease so I looked into the research myself. Here I am, 3 years later and hundred of hours of tedious research and prayers that I was wrong, and I have come to the unassailable conclusion that vaccines are unsafe, untested, and unethical in almost every facet of their existence as they stand now. Don’t think for a second that I wouldn’t take the infinitely easier route of following the schedule and/or my doctor’s recommendations if I thought that was the best thing for my kids. My choice has made life more difficult for my family in several areas, but at least I can sleep at night knowing I’ve done everything I know to do to protect them.
Take your own advice. Look at the research; ALL the research. If you can come to different conclusion, after having dived as deep on this as I have, please let me know. I want what’s best for my kids and I’m sure you do too.
Vaccines did cause autism in my son. We stopped vaccinated, spent the next 12 years detoxing those poisons from his body and now have a fully recovered neurotypical 18-year-old. Some people are crummy detoxers. They cannot excrete toxins and those toxins cause brain inflammation. Read the vaccine package inserts. It happens. A lot. And no one knows when their child will be impacted.
How did you detox your child ? I have the same story and I started detoxing my kid and he got so much better but he the suplementos stop working. I don’t know what to do
Ma’am, you are clearly ignorant. If you are fine with shooting your children full of poison, then you go right ahead and do so. But for those of us that have been dealing with vaccine damaged children for years and years on end, you will never convince us of anything other then what we saw in our children. I’ll give you scientific. An experiment of 3. All three kids damaged by shots. Each one a little less then the others because I was getting smarter as I had more kids. But I wasn’t getting smarter fast enough to realize I should have stopped listening to the doctors when they told me the cause of my children’s health issues was not vaccines. Tell that to my video camera where it is clearly seen how they were the day before, and the day after. And then the days before, and the days after. You, my friend, are ignorant. For your sake, I hope you never experience what millions of other parents have – autism induced by vaccination.
Vaccines do not cause autism.
Except when they do:
Almost every kid getting a set of vaccinations is also advised to take Tylenol. Guessing it’s the vaccines and Tylenol is the scapegoat.