Breaking news: I gave birth to a new book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, on Tuesday, August 23, 2016, co-authored by Dartmouth-trained pediatrician Paul Thomas, M.D.
You can see me swear like a sailor in the book trailer of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan.
Or check out the ANIMATED INFO-VIDEO my co-author and I made about the hepatitis B vaccine. Over 88,000 people have viewed it on Facebook. Edited to add: Information about vaccine ingredients is being actively censored. Read more about censorship here. For this reason, the video is no longer available on YouTube.
And if you’re curious what other people are saying about the book …
“Finally, a book about vaccines that respects parents! If you choose only one book to read on the topic, read The Vaccine-Friendly Plan. This impeccably researched, well-balanced book puts you in the driver’s seat and empowers you to make conscientious vaccine decisions for your family.”~Peggy O’Mara, editor and publisher, Mothering Magazine
“Sure to appeal to readers of all kinds as a friendly, no-nonsense book that cuts through the rhetoric surrounding vaccines. It offers validation to those who avoid some or all, while offering those who do want to vaccinate help on how to do so safely. This is a great book for anyone with children in their lives.”—Natural Mother
“A valuable, science-supported guide to optimizing your child’s health while you navigate through complex choices in a toxic, challenging world.”~Martha Herbert, M.D., Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
“An impressively researched guide, this important book is essential reading for parents. With clear and practical advice for shielding children from harmful toxins, it will compel us all to think differently about how to protect health.”~Jay Gordon, M.D., FAAP
“Personalized health care based on the needs and vulnerabilities of individuals is the way to deliver optimal medical care. In this book you will learn a new way of thinking about vaccines. Rather than a one-size-fits-all vaccine strategy, the authors suggest thoughtful, individualized decisions based on research and collaboration between parents and clinicians—a plan to optimize a child’s immune system and minimize any risks.”~Elizabeth Mumper, M.D., founder and CEO, The Rimland Center for Integrative Pediatrics
I’m driving to Portland, Oregon for our book party TONIGHT. If you’re local, here are the deets.
Amazon sold out of the book in 2 days and it is listed as not shipping for 1 to 2 months. But we’ve been told they actually have 800 more copies heading their way on a truck now.
More soon! Love to you all!
Published: August 25, 2016
Last update: February 4, 2020
James M Muellner says
Wow, you are a wonderful and dedicated woman who I am so proud to have met. Rarely does a person have your kind of determination to expose the truth in any area of expertise. Keep up the good work. Your friend from MN. Jim