Coronavirus is a super virus. No question that the novel COVID-19 is amazing, like no other virus in scientific history. It has a tremendous number of special properties, things that make it tremendously powerful. So powerful that it’s practically a superhero virus. Certainly more powerful than ANY other virus known to man.?
To wit:
1. Corona, the super virus, has the ability to cure influenza and nearly every other disease.
In fact, since it was discovered, people are no longer getting or spreading the flu. Miraculously, because of corona’s super powers, very few adults seem to be dying from the flu. And when someone dies of, say, diabetes or a heart attack or stroke, the death is actually from coronavirus and coronavirus only.
2. It makes necessary surgery no longer necessary.
3. You MUST wear a mask to stop it. But, masks don’t work to stop it.
So, the CDC says wear them. Yet The WHO says don’t. Um, okay.
4. It turns healthy humans, even those who test negative for it, into dirty vectors of disease.
Coronavirus is a super virus in league with these asymptomatic carriers. The danger is everywhere. This virus, and these phantom carriers, are all trying to kill you.
5. It makes rational people crazy.
Terrified of everything, panicked unless they sterilize each package of food with bleach, afraid to visit any store, afraid to walk nearby any healthy person, afraid to hug their healthy grandchildren, friends, and relatives.
6. Our antibodies may or may not give us immunity to it.
According to the CDC:
- “It’s unclear if those antibodies can provide protection (immunity) against getting infected again. This means that we do not know at this time if antibodies make you immune to the virus.”
7. It’s the only coronavirus from which we cannot be saved without a vaccine.
And the only coronavirus for which a safe and effective vaccine can be developed.
8. It turns the best educated, most respected scientists and medical doctors into “outliers” and pariahs.
Their crime? Looking thoughtfully at the data and suggesting we end the lockdown instead of fomenting panic and urging everyone to stay home.
9. It’s the only virus known to man that cannot be spread from children to adults.
Oops. But actually it can.
Coronavirus is a super virus, for sure.
Its greatest power may be fomenting lots and lots of confusion.
Be afraid. Very very afraid. Stay in lockdown.
Stay stressed. Don’t go outside. And most of all, do not question anything you hear or read about this virus.
On second thought, come on in. No, actually, wait right there. I’ll just run and get you a nice tall glass of Kool-Aid and pass it to you through the door.
Related posts:
Healthy People Wearing Masks: Should They or Shouldn’t They?
What if We’re All Wrong About Coronavirus?
Natural Treatments for Covid that Actually Work
23 Covid Memes You Need to See
Published: May 3, 2020
Last update: April 7, 2021
OMG! We are SO on the same page! I work in Integrative medicine in CA where a flu exactly mirroring the symptoms of this fear-mongered virus hit last November following so many international conferences in San Francisco. It spread until February and then started to calm down, like any RNA virus moving along biological lines. I see cases successfully treated with substances that cannot be patented. This shelter in place is not for our health, that seems clear. Meanwhile, people were off the roads, and a fleet of Houston Electric trucks and sprinter vans were busy slamming up 5-G on the schools.
Glad the article resonated with you. It’s clear from the data that we need to end the West Coast lockdown. I don’t know who is feeding what (mis)information to our governors but it’s ridiculous that our lawmakers and leaders don’t realize that at this point the “cure” is causing much more harm than the disease…
The governors are well aware that this is a plandemic. They are in on the scheme to remove our rights including medical freedom and are planning to employ digital money and 24/7 surveillance.
Another great article!
I noticed the preponderance of utility trucks here in Virginia, even rental units which I’d never seen around here before. Do they think we don’t notice? Always think of the end game.
Love this piece! And you’re writing style overall ??
Thanks for taking the time to read it, Vida. ?
Hi Jennifer, I enjoy reading your articles and the emails you send me. I’m curious what you see as the purpose or end goal to all the excitement? I think few people actually KNOW, however, I’m curious to hear your opinions. Thank you, Leslie.
Thank you. You are brave. I appreciate your writing, social media sharing, research and books.
Oh, and now, we are also hearing the COVID19 is a threat to our pets and we now have to social distance from cats and dogs…. ack!
Keep watch over your shoulder…. Take care.
Don’t forget also that even simple cleaning spray and even a few seconds in sunshine kills it. It’s so weak yet so strong?! Which is it?
And if masks work why can’t we go out now? And if masks don’t work why are we wearing them? They need to make up their minds.
this corona virus is the emperor’s new clothes!
Thank you!
I am so shocked how much of our country drinks the Kool Aid daily!?
I support you and all those that are saying to America “Wake Up” research and think for yourself. We have rights!
I have 2 new grandbabies and another on the way. I will protect them at any cost! I just wish I had more influence than their pediatricians. I plant seeds and pray everyday??
Also… did you know this suoer virus can tell the difference between big box stores and small businesses? It ONLY attacks the small and leaves the 500 people gathered within in the big alone!
Please check out Dr. Mercola’s interview of molecular biologist Judy Mikovits about corona virus, it will answer many questions you may have.
Thank you so much Jennifer I enjoyed so much your article and loved how you unfolded the situation, savvy! I hope it invites people to breathe and regain a sacred gift of intuitive mind. I also enjoyed Dr Mercola’s interview with Judy Mikovits, another brillant and brave soul, fantastic lady, I purchased her book “Pathogen” right after listening to the interview. I am so happy to have visited this chatting space, I am native of Japan, educated in the sates and now living in Belgium, so hard to share my point of view not just around COVID symptoms however on most of health and environmental issues even with empirical data. Much love.
Ah, bless you for this little humorous piece, Jennifer. You make me smile❣️
Yes, yes, yes!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Thank you for the article!
Is there a place that we can actually find out how many deaths have occurred in the last few months from the biggies–heart attack, cancer, stroke, etc. And compare that with other years? I think that would be really informative and potent info.
Kelly — Jennifer asked me to share this with you…
I’ve been using this CDC page: to compile total deaths in the USA. It doesn’t separate deaths by illness though, other than P&I. (pneumonia and influenza). I imagine there are pages with various other diseases too, but I haven’t searched since I was just looking for total deaths, which seems helpful in figuring out how many extra might be caused by Covid, since there’s some question whether the coding of death certificates is accurate due to new CDC guidance issued in late March.
To find total deaths you need to look at the bottom of the page, which lists three weeks at a time, then scroll it back to prior periods using the timeline gadget at the top. The more current numbers (past week 15) are not complete, as they update past weeks’ stats regularly, so I haven’t looked at week 16 forward yet.
Here’s the total deaths I compiled with the numbers posted on 5/10/20. I compared against 2018 because it was a bad year for flu.
2018 2020 2020 vs 2018
Week 1 – 66,134 59,546 90.04%
Week 2 – 67,495 59,887 88.73%
Week 3 – 64,647 58,373 90.29%
Week 4 – 62,780 57,811 92.09%
Week 5 – 60,974 57,298 93.97%
Week 6 – 62,780 57,638 91.81%
Week 7 – 59,779 56,943 95.26%
Week 8 – 57,793 56,878 98.42%
Week 9 – 56,692 57,103 100.72%
Week 10 – 57,093 56,652 99.23%
Week 11 – 56,326 54,704 97.12%
Week 12 – 55,766 54,810 98.29%
Week 13 – 54,918 58,120 105.83%
Week 14 – 55,294 65,610 118.66%
Week 15 – 55,228 69,880 126.53%
TOTAL 895,717 925,214 103.29%
Thank you for taking the time to respond so thoroughly! I have a look at the website and see if I can find out more!