Teen in Hospital After COVID Vaccine
“Have you seen this video of a teen in hospital after COVID vaccine?” a reader asked me a few days ago. Given the unrelenting censorship on YouTube and other social media platforms, I suggested we transcribe the video, in case it gets removed. As wellness expert Penelope Sullivan wrote about recently on my website, we are seeing a concerning number of acute reactions in teenagers and young adults after getting the COVID vaccination. The most worrisome reactions are reports of heart inflammation: myocarditis and pericarditis.
On a positive note, Trevor’s father, in the video below, says that his son is on the mend. But he also warns parents that our sons and daughters are “literally test subjects” for the pharmaceutical industry. And he mentions that getting the COVID vaccine may not be optimal for your child’s health.
Here’s a transcript of the video:
Hey everybody, this is Eric at Fish Tails. And this week we did not do anything fun because, as you can see behind me right there, hospital stuff.
So, you may have heard of this issue where teenage boys who get the COVID vaccine are potentially getting myocarditis, which is the inflammation of the sack around the heart. Or pericarditis, which is the inflammation of the muscle around the heart, I think.
[Editor’s note: According to the CDC, “Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis is inflammation of the lining outside the heart.”]
So, my son Trevor here has a double whammy. [Jokes back and forth with son about where to find his Twitch account if you like to watch Twitch.]
We are here at Peace Health in the pediatric wing. This is Trevor. Say Hi Trevor. [Trevor says hi.]
So, yeah, that’s unfortunately the week’s deal.
So, I guess my note from me to you is that if you have teenage son—apparently it’s not a super common regular thing—but maybe think twice before suggesting, recommending that they go out and get their COVID vaccine because apparently it’s happening both with Pfizer, which is what my son got, and with Moderna.
I’m sure it’s got a lot to do with the fact that they pushed it through the FDA and didn’t do their due diligence because they didn’t have time. No fault for them. That’s just the way it is. But now your sons and daughters are literally their test subjects. It may not be optimal for their health.
My son’s been here since Friday mid-day, and it is now Sunday at 9:45. So, no fun things this weekend but I just wanted to make sure you guys know what’s going on so you guys can keep your family safe.
We’re fine. Trevor is on the mend, I think. It trended in the right direction this morning, finally, so we are hoping that the noon day one will trend even more in the right direction. And thanks so much for watching.
The video was uploaded to Youtube on June 13, 2021. Title: “Teen Son in Hospital After Covid Vaccination.” Location stamp: Springfield, Oregon.
Watch it below.
Related posts:
Myocarditis and COVID Vaccine: Is There a Connection?
Can You Still Get COVID After Being Vaccinated?
Natural Treatments for Coronavirus that Actually Work
I can’t for the life me understand how the dad is so happy as his son mane injured for the rest of his life! Plus let’s the manufacturers of the vaccine off the hook so easily? Without question they are @ fault with such poor testing. And the deal is most in this age group are at such a low risk that taking the 💉 should be passed on and allow his young immune system do its thing!
Well, I’ll speak to this. This Dad probably cried his eyes out behind closed doors. He has to be strong for his son and not scare him now. Plus, he probably doesn’t want the video to be taken down. My 2 cents.