Vaccine-Injured Children Matter, And So Do Their Parents
Families of vaccine-injured children took one (or two or dozens) for the team. First modern medicine harmed them. Then the media steps in to add insult to injury
By Anonymous
Special to
I recently read an article about Sandy Hook parents. They’d agreed to be interviewed and studied, to teach us all about grief, and how we as a society might do better by people who are the subject of public tragedies. Their generosity in sharing their experiences moved me beyond words.
There were many hurtful things that happened to these Sandy Hook parents after the deaths of their children. These hurts compounded their grief. Things heaped upon them which made what was already unbearable even harder.
Truthers claimed Sandy Hook didn’t happen
One of the most heinous were the self-proclaimed “truthers” who claimed the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax. The truthers say Sandy Hook didn’t happen. They harassed and threatened families on-line and in person.
It’s almost unbelievable that people so twisted and cruel could exist.
The following analogy rings true for me. It’s not my intention to cause Sandy Hook families more pain by linking their cause with my own. It’s only to show people what they’re doing to parents of vaccine-injured children when they ridicule us, shame us, and attempt to silence us. Or when they stand idly by while others mock and insult us.
I’ve been kicking this around in my head for weeks, and I just have to say, that you, too, might be a “truther.”
Truthers claim vaccine-injured children don’t exist
You might be inflicting harm on parents who are grieving. Parents who are living the unbearable physical loss of their child, or the loss of the child who once was, due to vaccine injury.
Those of you who roll your eyes and label parents of vaccine-injured children as conspiracy theorists. Those of you who become enraged when we try to warn you about the shoddy safety record of vaccines. Those who would write off mothers, and think you know better than us what happened to our own children.
What do you gain by this unkindness and hate?
The naive pseudo-intellectuals, educated but not truly capable of their own critical thinking, citing “well respected sources.” Most, if not all, of those compromised by a for-profit medical system and a deep-pocketed pharmaceutical industry.
The friend who vaccinates selectively and admits out of one side of her mouth that she has not done a deep dive into the research, but who out the other side of her mouth reprimands me for posting about Judy Mikovits’ book (though she certainly hasn’t read it), and proceeds to think it’s her duty to police my Facebook page as my own personal fact checker. So confident and yet so ignorant. So unable to see her own bias. Or realize my pain.
Don’t tell me, a parent of two vaccine-injured children, I’m not seeing what I’m seeing
The older friend, terrified of Covid-19 because she has lung issues, who sends me sweet messages about how I am being led astray by new age fluff and conspiracy theories. Everything sent with “so much love,” in an effort to convince me I am not seeing what I am seeing, have not been living what I’ve been living for the last two decades.
Because darn it … she really, really, wants that Covid-19 vaccine to work, and clings to its promise.
The liberal friend who works in tech, at a hospital, who thinks he has objectivity. Also writing off Mikovits without reading her book, or any of her work, because “trusted sources” did his thinking for him.
The liberal friends who claim to be free thinkers, agreeing and liking all the hate shot toward “anti-vaxxers,” reposting that hate on their own pages. I see it, you know.
“Vaccines are safe and effective.”
“Vaccines save lives.”
These are pharmaceutical industry public relations talking points. These are their mantra, based on greed, not on science.
The Bernie loving 21-year-old boy who’s probably spent a good couple of hours online researching, confident he has the mansplaining authority to speak of these things.
My fellow Democrats, who rail against climate change, and Monsanto, who admit we are all being poisoned by toxic chemicals, the government is corrupt, and that industry has undue influence, except when it comes to vaccines.
Not possible.
Can’t be.
I can’t hear it.
I won’t hear you.
“Vaccinate your fucking kids.”
Do any of these describe you?
Well, you know how most people feel about “truthers?” That’s how I feel about YOU.
The cognitive dissonance is real
When you write off what mothers all over the world are saying, when you ignore us, when you tell us what happened to our children didn’t happen to our children, you fall into the realm of “truther,” in my opinion.
You are a pretend critical thinker. Your cognitive dissonance is real and deep and it disgusts me.
You think you are so very “woke” and socially conscious. But you are not. You are a follower and you let others do your research and your thinking for you.
You’re no better than those under mind-control on the far right.
You don’t read the peer-reviewed scientific studies or any of the books you are so quick to dismiss.
We ex-vaxxers have been through enough
We ex-vaxxers have already been through enough with our kids.
Some of our children have died.
Many of our children will be in diapers the rest of their lives.
Seizing the rest of their lives.
These are the children who will be unable to support themselves the rest of their lives.
Unable to make or keep friends, to get or keep jobs, to communicate.
In wheelchairs.
Smashing their heads into walls, and floors.
Physically abusing their mothers, unable to manage their mature bodies or their emotions.
Average life expectancy of a person with autism? 36 years old.
Vaccine-injured children have suffered enough
Vaccines DO cause, “autistic-like symptoms,” seizures, encephalopathy, thrombocytopenia, Guillain-Barre syndrome, paralysis, Kowasaki’s Disease, hearing loss, blindness, DEATH, and many more miseries.
Read the package inserts.
Read the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System reports. It’s humbling. You will see there are thousands upon thousands of vaccine-injured children. And the real number is a fraction of what is reported.
There are over 9970 vaccine-related reported deaths, and 819,169 injuries where the patient did not die reported to VAERS. But, according to government-funded study conducted by researchers at Harvard, only 1% of adverse reactions ever get reported.
How DARE you deny vaccine-injury? How dare you ridicule parents of vaccine-injured children?
This baby died one day after receiving vaccines:
This infant started having diarrhea the day after being vaccinated. Then vomiting. Then fevers. She was one of the hundreds of thousands of vaccine-injured children. She died.
Read this story of another of the many vaccine-injured children:
And this:
Maybe now you can understand why I’m sick of gently guiding you along? Why I’m tired of being polite? Why I’m done with you thinking you can shame me?
Parents of vaccine-injured children followed the rules
We parents of vaccine-injured children are NOT ashamed. We are the parents who did vaccinate. The people who followed the rules. We did what the doctor ordered. We are full of regret, but not shame. YOU should be ashamed.
On behalf of every mother that has had her grief denied, ridiculed, and compounded by compassionless ignorant know-it-alls, has had her child’s injury or death made into a mockery, who has been chastised by people who know far less than she does,
I say YOU should be ashamed.
That’s what you are.
About the author: The author of this post is a Democrat, a registered nurse, and the mother of a vaccine-injured young adult. She’s had it up to here with her fellow liberals being not only insensitive, but hateful, regarding vaccines and vaccine injury.
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