Editor’s note: COVID-recovered patients don’t need the vaccine. Twelve-year-old children don’t either. This is an interview with Peter McCullough, M.D. In it, Dr. McCullough explains his concerns about COVID vaccine safety.
I’m Dr. Peter McCullough
I’m Dr. Peter McCullough and I’m an Internist and Cardiologist, and academic physician professor of medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine at the Baylor Dallas campus.
I think this whole pandemic, from the beginning, was about the vaccine. So I think all roads lead to the vaccine. There are already places in southeast Asia and Europe that are laying the groundwork for a complete compulsory vaccination. I mean compulsory.
That means somebody pins you down to the ground and puts a needle in you. That’s how bad stakeholders want vaccination.
Listen, that’s not of cost, you don’t have to pay for it. It’s all provided.
A needle in every arm
There are people—or stakeholders—they do want a needle in every arm. This needle in every arm is a very important moniker.
Why do you want a needle in every arm?
Let’s take COVID-recovered. Can’t get the virus, can’t receive it … So why would they want a needle in every arm of a COVID-recovered patient? Why? Why? Three studies show higher safety events.
{Editor’s note: You can read those three studies here, here, and here.}
See, the tension that Americans are feeling right now as they try to keep their jobs and go to work, is they know they can die of the vaccine. That’s the problem. If the vaccine was like water and we just got it and no side effects, who wouldn’t take it? You’d say I’ll comply, they’ve got my social security number anyway in a database, I’m already marked. I’ll just get it.
But no, there’s something very unique about this vaccine. It’s something about injecting something into a body that is so important to stakeholders. That it doesn’t matter. Kids 12 years old told they can make their own decision on this.
{Editor’s note: To read more about how COVID affects children, click here.}
And it could be their fatal decision? Think about that. North Carolina just passed that. Oh, “Kids 12 years old can decide on their own decisions.”
Over 4,000 deaths following COVID vaccine
There are 4,000 dead Americans … Over 10,000 dead people in Europe. That die on days one, two, and three after the vaccine.
Why are we pushing this in a way where people’s jobs and their education and their livelihood decide on a decision that’s potentially fatal?
The tension, you can cut if with a knife! There are parents that say listen I want my kid to go to college this year, but I don’t want to lose them to the vaccine. They know what’s going on. The internet is full of these cases:
Blood clots, strokes, immediate death.
Based on safety data, “I can no longer recommend it”
Now, I am fortunate. I have not directly lost a patient to the vaccine. I told you, most got vaccinated in January, December, January, February. Based on the safety data now, I can no longer recommend it. I can’t recommend it. It’s passed all the thresholds of being a safe product. It’s not a safe product. None of them are. It’s not just Johnson & Johnson. In fact, more of the safety events in the United States have occurred with Moderna and Pfizer!
There are now papers written by prominent scientists calling for a worldwide halt in the program. There are prominent virologists, many of them, including Nobel Prize winners, who have said, “Listen, if we vaccinate people and we create a very narrow incomplete library of immunity, which is what the vaccine is. The vaccines are all targeted to the original Wuhan spike protein. Which is long gone. That’s extinct. Patients are getting vaccinated to something that doesn’t even exist anymore. That Wuhan spike protein is gone. We’re hoping the immunity covers the other variants. But that narrow immunity is a set up. It’s just like giving everybody a narrow-spectrum antibiotic. If you did that what would happen? We grow up super bugs.
Setting ourselves up for super bugs
There are warnings out there saying, “Don’t do this. Don’t vaccinate the entire world. All we are going to do is set ourselves up for a super-bug that’s going to really wipe out populations.”
So, for many reasons, indiscriminate vaccination is a horrendous idea. It’s a horrendous bio-weapon that’s been thrust onto the public and it’s going to cause great personal harm. Which it already has in thousands of people have lost their lives.
I’ve never lost a direct patient, but I’ve had patients lose their family members. Lots of them. I filled out a safety report on a patient who developed blood clots after one of the Pfizer / Moderna vaccine. And I’m telling you, it took half an hour to do it. It was many pages. And each page said, “Warning! Federal offense, punishable by severe fines and penalties if I falsified a report.”
Thousands of vaccinated Americans died
All those thousands of Americans that have died with the vaccine and hospitalizations in the database, I think are real. And they are far beyond anything we have ever seen. And as doctor and a public citizen I am extraordinarily concerned about the vaccine. The vaccine center right down the street here is empty. I drive past it every day. Americans know. They’re talking to each other. The vaccine’s not safe. And now the effort is the vaccine stakeholders want kids without parental guidance. And now they want to be in the church. Americans and people worldwide should be extraordinarily alarmed.
Question: Why has there been such a relentless focus on mass vaccination as the ONLY way back to normalcy?
I think it’s about what the vaccine means. And Whitney Webb gets credit for this. Back in April, she said, “Aha I figured this out! This is what globalists have been waiting for.” They’ve been waiting for a way of marking people. You get in a vaccine, you’re marked in a database. And this can be used for trade, for commerce, for behavior modification, all different purposes.
And you’ve seen it right here in Dallas. They’ve announced, you can’t go to a Dallas Mavericks game unless you’re vaccinated. You’ve had people say listen you have passports, you have colleges today announce that they are not going to give any credit to natural immunity. Every scientist in the world knows that the natural immunity is way better than the vaccine.
If it’s about COVID, why don’t we have COVID-recovered go to the Mavericks games? Why don’t we have COVID-recovered people freely go to college? Why do we have to have faulty vaccine immunity be the priority? And have natural immunity not count?
Vaccine is a way of marking people
See, these types of things make me think that Whitney Webb is correct. This is actually about marking. The vaccine is a way of marking people. It’s a way of starting to assert efforts to create compliance, behavior control. Don’t forget the vaccine is just a starter. Now there’s going to be updates, there’s going to be boosters. They’re already prepping people for this. There’s going to be more. The vaccine manufacturers are all linked. They are all uniquely indemnified.
What medical product is there indemnification where if something happens to you, you don’t have any recourse? You know, a woman gets vaccinated, a pregnant woman, she has no maternal fetal rights. Something happens to her or her baby. She’s out of luck. This is extraordinary what Americans are doing. It’s absolutely extraordinary what’s being thrust upon us now.
Question: How is the development and deployment of COVID vaccines a departure from previous vaccine development and safety review?
US FDA regulatory guidance on vaccines. And there have been modern vaccines. You don’t have to pick the old ones. We’ve had modern vaccines, shingles vaccines, hepatitis B, meningococcal vaccine, demand a minimum of two years of safety data. Two years. By regulatory effect, written and codified into the rules for the manufacturers. That was all thrown out. Two months for COVID, two months, two months of observational data.
This idea that we, can vaccinate people that were not even tested in the trials. That has never been done before. We have never just thrown a vaccine at somebody, without having any data. None. So the very first pregnant woman, that was vaccinated here in the United States: It was done with no knowledge of safety. And no knowledge of efficacy.
85% of COVID deaths preventable
And the argument that we have heard, the argument that we have heard is that COVID-19 is a bad illness. Six hundred thousand people have died. The vaccine could help them, we should give it a shot. Come on, we should just give it a shot.
Well that 600,000 died. I’ve already told you that 85% of that was preventable with early treatment. Which was actively suppressed and squashed. And not only that, is if this vaccine can help them, the vaccine better be safe. It better be safe.
And my comments on the vaccine are, safety, safety, safety. Let’s see it. Let’s see it. And just like Americans should have been getting weekly updates on treatment innovations, Americans should have been getting weekly updates on vaccine safety. Very important. Weekly updates from our federal officials on safety. Super important.
Medical malfeasance
Those two things are probably the two largest acts of malfeasance in all of medical regulatory history. It will go down in history of malfeasance. Wrongdoing by those of authority.
How come there was no updates on treatment and no promotion of early treatment to reduce hospitalization and death?
{Editor’s note: Click here to read about natural treatments that actually work. And click here to read about treatments without lockdowns, masks, or social distancing}
And now when we release the vaccine, why are there no safety updates? Why are there no attempts for risk mitigation, in terms of making the vaccine program safer?
How do we have all these vaccines. How do we know that we can vaccinate pregnant women? We know because of years and years and years of safety data. Before a vaccine has ever been injected into a pregnant woman, it’s probably been tested for decades before we’ve tried it in a pregnant woman.
We would never out of the box take a brand new technology, that’s never been tested before, ever. And we know that the vaccine technology produces the dangerous spike protein. It produces the Wuhan spike protein, the spickule on the ball of the virus itself, which damages blood vessels and causes blood clotting, and all of them do. We would never unleash that into a pregnant woman’s body. Americans have to understand, something is very wrong with what’s going on. What’s going on now in the world. These are examples, clear-cut examples of wrongdoing, that is at such a high level. The group think is in the wrong direction in such a consistent and overwhelming way … People are being harmed in an extraordinary fashion.
Question: Can you offer any investigative leads to researchers trying to discover WHY we suppressed early outpatient therapies for COVID-19?
To make the problem worse than what it is. Many methods to make the case count look higher than what it is. Make the mortality numbers look worse than what they are. Many methods to create the reaction out of proportion to the reality. So lockdowns, fears, economic suffering. All of these things making the pandemic way worse than what it is … More fear, suffering, hospitalization, death, loneliness, lockdown. In order to promote mass vaccination.
These two are totally linked. It’s about mass vaccination at all costs! The world must be mass vaccinated! And human beings on earth ought to understand at this point in time. What we are seeing is unprecedented. It became known that the virus was going to be amendable to a vaccine somewhere around April or May. And at that point in time {the medical establishment} suppressed therapy. Nothing could be published. The fake Lancet paper squashed treatment and then prepare the population for vaccination.
Once the vaccines come out, they’re short-tracked. There’s all kinds of enthusiasm regarding it. Needles in all the arms, trucks rolling, Americans cheering, and then the mass vaccination program starts off. And then, before we know it, we’re vaccinating pregnant women. Why are we doing that? That can’t be safe.
COVID-recovered don’t need a vaccine
Now we’re going to vaccinate COVID-recovered patients. Wait a minute. They have complete and robust permanent immunity. No one has ever challenged the immunity of a COVID-recovered patient. Why are we vaccinating them? And then it keeps going and going.
At first we vaccinated high risk people. I didn’t really understand vaccinating young health care workers, because they weren’t at risk. They’re were never any hospital outbreaks in the United States. The only thing that was clear, nursing home workers gave it to nursing home patients. We knew that. So nursing home workers should have been vaccinated. And then maybe high-risk people, and we should call it a day. I always estimated that maybe 20 million people needed the vaccine.
But that didn’t seem to satisfy the vaccine stakeholders. Which are Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca (and any others that come forward), the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, and the White House. Massive vaccine stakeholders. You could throw in the Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization. Massive stakeholders. And they wanted everybody vaccinated. Without exception. No one will escape the needle. We’ve actually never had this before.
Side effects: From a sore arm to blood clots, heart attacks, death
And the vaccine process is extraordinary. There’s a consent form. It says this is investigational. We don’t know if it’s going to work. There’s only two months of data. The side effects could be a sore arm all the way to death. And we don’t know. Sign here.
We need your identifying information … a bar code on the vial. We need you identified. And now you’re in a database. You’re vaccinated.
And so this mass vaccination is extraordinarily concerning. We never vaccinate into the middle of a pandemic. Never! We’ve never had an effective vaccine for a respiratory virus, including influenza, it’s only modestly effective. We knew from the published data that the attack rates in placebo and the vaccine arms were less than 1%. So we know that the vaccine can have a less than 1% effect in the population.
Forcing vaccines for travel, school, employment
Why would it be any different than the clinical trials. We knew from the clinical trials that they didn’t stop COVID-19. So people could get COVID-19 anyway. What would be this incredible drive to vaccinate everybody?
And now … the vaccine within a few months has been completely weaponized. Now travel is related to the vaccine. People can’t go to school without the vaccine. People are losing their jobs without the vaccine. Believe me, there is something about the vaccine, very, very potent in this vaccine. It should be disturbing to everybody. The word “vaccine” ought to be the most disturbing word that they have seen.
“I am very pro-vaccine. I’ve taken all the vaccines myself”
Now we have 12-year-old children who are told they can decide on their own whether or not they can take a vaccine.
So about 70% of my patients are vaccinated. I am very pro-vaccine. I have taken all the vaccines myself. About 70% and they are all vaccinated in December, January, and February. But as we sit here today in May we have had over 4,000 vaccine related deaths, and over 10,000 hospitalizations.
The limit to shut down a program is about 25 to 50 deaths. Swine flu, 1976, 25 deaths they shut down the program. It’s not safe. All the vaccines in the United States per year, annually reported in the database, is about 200. And we are talking about vaccinating probably 500 million injections.
Here in the United States, at about 100 million people vaccinated, this is far and away the most lethal toxic biological agent ever injected into a human body in American history. And it’s going strong. With no mention of safety by our officials, wild enthusiasm by our hospitals and hospital administrators; and doctors supporting it. Doctors are saying now they won’t see patients in their waiting room without the vaccine. This problem, COVID-19, was actually from the very beginning, that’s what Whitney Webb said. She said COVID-19 is actually about the vaccine. It’s not about the virus. It’s about the vaccine.
Question: Has any agency or individual tried to silence you through threats or other forms of intimidation?
My personal situation, professional situation is a position of strength. And those who have attempted in any way to pressure, coerce, or threaten me with reprisals have paid an extraordinary price. And I think that’s an important message to get out there.
There is a position of strength, based on principals of compassionate care and of the Hippocratic oath, and of the fiduciary relationship that a doctor has to a patient, and a prominent doctor has to a population that supersedes all of those other ill intents.
And what I say is, “Bring em on.”
Watch the May 27, 2021 video on Rumble here.
About Peter McCullough
Peter McCullough, M.D., is an internist and cardiologist. He’s both an academic and a physician who treats patients. Read and watch his testimony to the Texas Senate’s health committee here.
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Published: June 4, 2021
Last update: January 3, 2025
Jennifer, Thank you for this eye-opening interview full of wisdom. I have felt many of these sentiments all along. The pressure to get a vaccine is incredible. I am sorry I succumbed to it. But, I will not get the 2nd one, for sure. You are doing important work. Keep it up!
The well-documented Doctor should have been required to proofread the illiterate transcription of his oral delivery before it was posted. Aside from that, I note that he’s strongly arguing against inoculation to prevent COVID-19, citing a history of 4,000 deaths in this country among the 100 million he says have been vaccinated. What I don’t see is an effective comparison of that statistic with the demonstrated 80 to 96% efficacy of the vaccines in preventing death. If COVID-19 might have a 4% fatality rate among the untreated, and if even 20% of the population might contract a symptomatic degree of the disease, then of those 20 million people, 800,000 might have died without vaccination. If vaccination can save even just 80% of those deaths, that would be 640,000 lives saved versus the loss of 4,000 due to inoculation, based on the historical records he cites. (I’m neither a doctor nor statistician — please correct me if my logic, estimates or arithmetic might be faulty.)
Early treatment alone has a minimum of 90% efficacy in saving lives, and probably more. If combined with prophylaxis that goes even higher. So you got to ask yourself: why is early treatment and prophylaxis obstructed or even banned around the world, involving medications whose safety profile is known, but vaccines are so aggressively promoted when the risk is unknown? Here is another question. If my covid risk is 1% mortality and using prophylaxis and early treatment I bring the risk down to 0.01% why should I risk dying from vaccine to reduce that down to 0.001%? What about younger people whose risk is say 0.1%? They can bring that down to 0.001% with prophylaxis and early treatment. Why should they risk dying to bring that down to 0.0001%? These are decisions we should be free to make for ourselves without coercion from governments or employers.
Wait, the clinical trials were not set up to provide “efficacy” in preventing death. That has not been established or verified. The vaccines have been shown to have efficacy in preventing a positive pcr and at least one symptom. Hospitalization and death are too rare to use as endpoints in the trials.
Dear Sir Jim el Moore
I am a mathematician with extensive study of epidemics including Covid.
1) Mortality attributed to Covid is 0.15% and at this stage according to Ioannidis’ publication, more than 50% of US population may already have become immune
2) Every death is unfortunate, but covid targets a very weak population. 95%+ of Covid attributed deaths occur in people with less than 2 years life expectancy.
3) Vaccine deaths are happening often in young, healthy people and for every death there maybe other young people who have become permanently fragilized possibly unable to practice sports and condemned to live in fear.
4) There is little knowledge as to long term side effects in the young i.e possible auto immune diseases or cancer particularly that it has been shown that free spike protein interferes with p53 that is involved in about 50% of cancers
5) There is no benefit to vaccinate those immune and young healthy as they have a real risk from vaccine and minimal risk of severe covid
Why vaccinate those who are already immune as it has been demonstrated their immunity is solid and long lasting? Morally is it right to impose on the young a risk without any guarantee of benefit to them or others ?
Your Math effort is a good step – I suggest you read carefully
this document
then download the clinical studies, safety analysis and check the data…..
I also suggest you search the carcinogenicity study for mRNA vaccines (risk of cancer)
I will buy you a coffee if you find it. It was deemed not necessary….Now we know about Spike being a toxin, vaccine moving everywhere in the body, young people being damaged in a short period of time, blood clotting and heart issues, alterations of innate immunity, interference with p53….
Dr McCullough is right and brave to dare disagree with mainstream. If mainstream was always right, we would fail to know earth is round. 🙂
The efficacy of the vaccine is based on tiny numbers relative to all test groups. Looking at 40000 people at most, only 1% of all test subjects developed at most, sniffles. They weren’t diagnosed with COVID by medical assessment. Regardless within this 1% who got sniffles (and let’s be generous and say they actually DID have COVID), 5% in the vaccinated with 95% in the placebo/control. So from that you can calculate what we call a relative risk reduction of 95%! Now that sounds impressive. But when you reconsider that only 1% of a population of 40000 test subjects got at most sniffles, the population’s absolute reduction in risk for disease is less than 1%! Of course one has to age stratify this risk and in the younger groups the absolute reduction of risk for getting the sniffles would be in the range of 0.05%! So why would one ever ‘vaccinate’ the younger population; especially given the groundswell of cardiomyopathies seen in this younger group? Even if these kids recover from their acute cardiac disease they’re prime targets for the development of congestive heart failure at an earlier age then might be anticipated in all likelihood. And are also at greater risk for the development of cardiomyositis; the latter often only treatable if at all with heart transplant. All this for an absolute risk in contracting mild COVID symptoms taht is negligible at best! To remind you, you (by being manipulated by Big Pharma) are succumbing to the notion that there was a 95% reduction in serious disease which would then be seen as a huge reduction in deaths in the general vaccinated population. But at best, the companies demonstrated only that mild illnesses were prevented and so their findings cannot be extrapolated in any way to what the impact on deaths and hospitalizations would be due to being vaccinated but on the basis of the numbers from the vaccine companies themselves there would hardly be a noticeable effect..
Given also the presence of effective outpatient treatment with risk reductions that are highly comparable and in fact better than the vaccines. The treatments have virtually no side effects rendering the need for the vaccinations moot. The research was not designed to determine whether there were reductions in death/hospitalization so they can’t make any conclusions about that. Nor will they have any idea as to long term side effects for a vaccine that’s been out only 6 months (this is why research on vaccines takes 10 years or more in order to assess for longer term side effects. Of course insofar as side effects are concerned, the absolute risk is small, I’ll give you that. BUT, regardless you have to compare the safety (and effectiveness) of the COVID vaccines to vaccinations for similar types of illnesses. In using VAERS data one sees that if you concatenate 10 years worth of ALL influenza vaccines and deaths related thereto, you will see that the numbers of deaths from these vaccines is in the hundreds at most (after a decade, and an order of magnitude more vaccines administered over the 10 years. Yet for COVID, which was out only 6-7 months, and for which an approximate order of magnitude fewer vaccines were administered, we now have almost 5000 deaths in the USA alone. There are about 10,000 deaths in Europe. So this is one dangerous vaccine, and we still don’t know what are the longer term effects. To reiterate, we have a safety net, that being early outpatient treatment, even if we stop vaccinations totally. No serious side effects, and very inexpensive. There’s no need for these vaccines (and they’re not really vaccines)
The absolute risk reduction of COVID severe illness (not death) was 0.7% with the Pfizer vaccine. The often touted 95% risk reduction was the relative risk reduction. There are very good youtube videos explaining the difference. The FDA’s own guidance requires it to publish the ARR, not just the RRR in order not to mislead the public. So they did not follow their own advice. The FDA places black box warnings on medicines after 5 verified serious adverse events and pulls them off the market at 50 deaths or very serious events. James Lyons-Weiler, PhD just gave a fantastic interview dealing with this issue of the ‘greater good’ here, in which he places the lack of early treatment in context. We cannot evaluate the impact of these investigational products in the context of having withheld life-saving treatment of the populace. Early treatment would have reduced mortality by an estimated 85%. https://vrevealed.com/covid/webcast/james-lyons-weiler
If children are at vanishingly exceedingly low risk of acquiring infection in the first place, or of spreading it, or of getting severely ill or dying, then what is the value added of the vaccine? if it is potentially harmful, why subject them given the benefit is non existent and thus the harms will be too much. If as Fauci claims, we need kids to drive population level immunity, he is lying and deceiving the nation…why? because we already have 15% immune due to cross protection other coronaviruses, we also have 35 million lab confirmed in US so thats 10%…and the CDC said itself that there is a 6:1 ratio of the numbers we missed from lab confirmed so really its about 200 million Americans has COVID and recovered and so thats about 55%…so all three immunity compartments add to 15 + 10 + another 50 = 70-75%…the US had 75% immunity without vaccines…and so was hitting herd without…the hospitalizations, ICU, deaths etc. were down last week of Dec 2020 first 2 weeks 2021…before vaccines were rolled out or they had time to have an effect (if they are effective)…so we were closing out the pandemic on our own no vaccine needed…if herd is 75%, we go there…without…maybe we only needed to vaccinate 10-15 million very old people with medical conditions…ONLY….
its not your logic is wrong, but how about it be your family member who dies of the jab?
1) “Illiterate transcription” comment only serves to try to belittle Dr. McCullough and that is uncalled for.
2) 4000 deaths are more deaths in 4 months than since VAERS started recording in its entire history starting in the 1990s. In 1977 a swine flu vaccine was pulled off the market after only 25 vaccine-related deaths.
3)The 80-96% efficacy in preventing death is false. The efficacy reported for the vaccines is reducing the symptoms for mild covid for those that get infected. Mortality was not the primary endpoint.
Left untreated the absolute risk of the symptoms progressing is 1%. The vaccines were indeed
95% effective in preventing the symptoms from progressing for this 1% group. As reported by Dr. Peter Doshi in the BMJ the “95%” effective claim did not include 3410 patients with suspected COVID that only came out when Pfizer submitted it’s data to the FDA. The idea that none of these patients had COVID and therefore not included in the data is statistically impossible. In fact taking this omission into account, the efficacy is in fact 20%.
4) COVID19 for people under 70 that are healthy has a survival rate left untreated of 99.997% by the CDC’s own estimates.
5)Treated early with Dr. McCullough’s et al protocols results in an 85% reduction in hospitalization thus improving the probability of the cohort over 70 with comorbidities that have a 95% chance of surviving untreated up to 99.75% probability of surviving.
This fact was suppressed for the last 16 months to rationalize the need for a vaccine that
in fact would not have got a EUA from the FDA if by the FDA rules viable treatments existed that absolutely do.
These are the facts about COVID and Vaccines in the words of Dr. Zelenko This is about much more than immediate Vaccine related deaths
1. Covid-19 is an extremely easy infection to overcome if you are young and healthy or you start treatment immediately upon the onset of symptoms.
2. Covid-19 is a bioweapon designed and paid for by sociopaths in order to create global panic and manipulate humanity into sheepishly getting injected with a poisonous death shot.
3. The poisonous death shot causes
acute, subacute, and long term death consequences
Acute death
-spike protein induced blood clots that cause heart attacks, strokes, lung infarcts
-increase in miscarriages and spontaneous abortions by 8 to 24 times before 20 weeks gestation
-extremely dangerous heart inflammation called myocarditis that is killing many more young people than covid-19 itself.
Subacute death
-antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) or pathogenic priming that will kill off a large percentage of humanity within 3 years. This estimate is based on animal models and the willful lack of long term human studies
Long term death
-infertility from reduced sperm counts and ovarian disfunction
-increased rate of autoimmune diseases
-increased rate of cancer
The efficacy of the vaccine is based on tiny numbers relative to all test groups. Looking at 40000 people at most, only 1% of all test subjects developed at most, sniffles. They weren’t diagnosed with COVID by medical assessment. Regardless within this 1% who got sniffles (and let’s be generous and say they actually DID have COVID), 5% in the vaccinated with 95% in the placebo/control. So from that you can calculate what we call a relative risk reduction of 95%! Now that sounds impressive. But when you reconsider that only 1% of a population of 40000 test subjects got at most sniffles, the population’s absolute reduction in risk for disease is less than 1%! Of course one has to age stratify this risk and in the younger groups the absolute reduction of risk for getting the sniffles would be in the range of 0.05%! So why would one ever ‘vaccinate’ the younger population; especially given the groundswell of cardiomyopathies seen in this younger group? Even if these kids recover from their acute cardiac disease they’re prime targets for the development of congestive heart failure at an earlier age then might be anticipated in all likelihood. And are also at greater risk for the development of cardiomyositis; the latter often only treatable if at all with heart transplant. All this for an absolute risk in contracting mild COVID symptoms taht is negligible at best! To remind you, you (by being manipulated by Big Pharma) are succumbing to the notion that there was a 95% reduction in serious disease which would then be seen as a huge reduction in deaths in the general vaccinated population. But at best, the companies demonstrated only that mild illnesses were prevented and so their findings cannot be extrapolated in any way to what the impact on deaths and hospitalizations would be due to being vaccinated but on the basis of the numbers from the vaccine companies themselves there would hardly be a noticeable effect..
Given also the presence of effective outpatient treatment with risk reductions that are highly comparable and in fact better than the vaccines. The treatments have virtually no side effects rendering the need for the vaccinations moot. The research was not designed to determine whether there were reductions in death/hospitalization so they can’t make any conclusions about that. Nor will they have any idea as to long term side effects for a vaccine that’s been out only 6 months (this is why research on vaccines takes 10 years or more in order to assess for longer term side effects. Of course insofar as side effects are concerned, the absolute risk is small, I’ll give you that. BUT, regardless you have to compare the safety (and effectiveness) of the COVID vaccines to vaccinations for similar types of illnesses. In using VAERS data one sees that if you concatenate 10 years worth of ALL influenza vaccines and deaths related thereto, you will see that the numbers of deaths from these vaccines is in the hundreds at most (after a decade, and an order of magnitude more vaccines administered over the 10 years. Yet for COVID, which was out only 6-7 months, and for which an approximate order of magnitude fewer vaccines were administered, we now have almost 5000 deaths in the USA alone. There are about 10,000 deaths in Europe. So this is one dangerous vaccine, and we still don’t know what are the longer term effects. To reiterate, we have a safety net, that being early outpatient treatment, even if we stop vaccinations totally. No serious side effects, and very inexpensive. There’s no need for these vaccines (and they’re not really vaccines)
Above is a well thought out discussion (Q & A) based on factual data by Dr. McCullough.
Some are using an argument such 4% mortality with COVID as the premise vs. the reality of 0.7% creates a misguided and misleading intemperate argument.
As it did us no good to conflate IFR with CFR earlier by well known individuals.
It would be wise to know the ARR and couch discussions from there so we can all debate issues with verifiable and valid data.
We must explore Reality through a scientific lens and not some arbitrary narrative or ideology.