Should we have COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults? Harvard and Johns Hopkins scientists say the actual risks outweigh the benefits. Photo courtesy of Courtney Cook via Unsplash.
Vaccine boosters for young adults. Do they need them? Is it better not to get them?
I was in the hospital last week to visit a friend. The receptionist, wearing a mask, had a large black and white button on her lapel that proudly proclaimed she’d had her COVID-19 vaccines! We chatted. She told me she’d had four. I asked her what she thought about the fifth? She wasn’t even aware that the CDC and FDA fast-tracked an “updated” vaccine purportedly to protect against the Omicron variant.
CDC recommends vaccine boosters for young adults
On September 1, the CDC issued a press release:
Today, CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky, M.D., M.P.H., endorsed the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) recommendations for use of updated COVID-19 boosters from Pfizer-BioNTech for people ages 12 years and older and from Moderna for people ages 18 years and older.
Updated COVID-19 boosters add Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 spike protein components to the current vaccine composition, helping to restore protection that has waned since previous vaccination by targeting variants that are more transmissible and immune-evading.
In the coming weeks, CDC also expects to recommend updated COVID-19 boosters for other pediatric groups…
Harvard and Johns Hopkins scientists weigh in
At the same time, however, a team of top scientists and researchers, from literally the best universities in the country (yes, including Harvard), have published 50-page study where they unequivocally show that vaccine boosters for young adults:
- Cause more harm than good
- Should not be mandated
- Are unethical
According to the authors, we must vaccinate at least 22,000 previously unaffected young people to prevent just one hospitalization. However, per every one COVID-19 hospitalization theoretically prevented in young adults (who had not previously been infected with COVID-19), the boosters themselves will cause 18 to 98 actual serious adverse events.
I have been writing articles with a molecular geneticist who is also the head of New Tang Dynasty TV, Joe Wang, Ph.D. We wrote an article about the study for the Epoch Times: “‘Unethical’ and up to 98 Times Worse Than the Disease: Top Scientists Publish Paradigm-Shifting Study About COVID-19 Vaccines.” It’s behind a paywall, as is everything at The Epoch Times. (They take no funding from the pharmaceutical industry so the paper is supported by readers.)
However, if you’d like to read the article, please email me and I can send you a free link via the site.
Readers, do you think we should be giving vaccine boosters for young adults? Or do you agree with this team of experts that the “prevention” has become worse than the disease?
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Please send me a link to the article you wrote for the Epoch Times regarding Covid vaccine boosters. Thank you.
Dianna, see if this link allows you to read it without subscribing. If not, please email me your email and I can send it a different way. https://www.theepochtimes.com/unethical-and-up-to-98-times-worse-than-the-disease-top-scientists-publish-paradigm-shifting-study-about-covid-19-vaccines_4723122.html?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=copy&rs=SHRQNXXX
I attempted to use the link above but couldn’t read it. Would you please send the article to my email?
Here you go, Becky. I’ll also email you via the site itself. Hopefully you will be able to read it one of these two ways.
It is obvious by now to any person with critical thinking abilities that the Covid jabs are not necessary and very dangerous, designed to kill. One just has to read the pre-jab rollout research by Seneff & Nigh to realize that all of the possibilities that they saw looking at the research that went into producing the mRNA jabs are now probabilities. My biggest take-away from the research was the more jobs you get, the higher the likelihood that you would have an adverse reaction most probably leading to death.
Hi Jennifer, yesterday I read your article “A fish can’t see the water…” on Dr Colleen Huber Substack, I loved your article! You conveyed exactly how I feel about the whole vaccine mandates situation, so I shared your wonderful article with everyone I know, hoping some of my friends and relatives will start to question the current narrative.
Right now I’m trying to figure out how to protect my son from having to get these busters and any other vaccines his school/hospital is mandating, (UT Southwestern Dallas) he started medical school this August, and although it looked like they weren’t going to ask for busters at the beginning, as of now they’ve already asked them to get their flu shots which I don’t want him to get either and I’m afraid they will ask them to get the new bivalent vaccines, the school has a station/clinic dedicated just for Covid shots! Our son had two doses of Pfizer back on 2021 while he was attending UT Austin for his undergrad coerced by all the pressure around him. Shortly after his second dose his blood pressure started getting high, his readings got to be 150-90, He was blaming it on being stressed with medical school applications and work but I’m not convinced about that, he’s always being exposed to high stress at school with deadlines and lots of work and never ever had any issues with his blood pressure, I know this was caused by the Pfizer vaccines. Our son is a very fit and active young man, he played soccer, practiced martial arts, was a cross country runner and a life guard throughout his junior high and high school years as well as in college, and he’s still very active, runs and practices jiu jitsu, boxing, and is a very conscious and healthy eater, the only health issues for him are allergies. His blood pressure, previous to these vaccines, had always been very low, in the 100-60, his heart rate also was always very low, which is common for athletes. The thing is that since our son was a little kid he talked about studying medicine (I come from a family with several physicians, uncles, aunts and my sister are physicians) so I think that may have influenced him, and the fact that he always loved sciences. I’m not sure what should we do to keep him safe from these experimental shots, other than our son quitting his career and finding something else to do; I don’t know if he can successfully ask for an exemption from these vaccines. I’m desperate and depressed about it all, I’m afraid of what damage these shots may have caused in our son’s body that we still don’t know about, plus potentially any other shots or experimental therapies that will be pushed on him, he’s not sure about what to do either. I know he doesn’t want to get any more covid shots but I don’t think he is fully aware of the damage that any of the other vaccines can cause, of course he’s being surrounded by the ‘Science and experts’ he’s constantly hearing the safe and effective mantra from all his professors with impressive titles.
I’ve been thinking about writing a letter to the dean of the school, but I’m not sure how to go about this, what to say in my letter, etc.
What would you do Jennifer? what should I do? Do I need to hire an attorney to help us with getting an exemption? I’m sorry about my rant but I really don’t know what I should do so that our son can continue his career without having to be coerced into getting any of these shots.
I’m sorry. This is all so hard to navigate, especially for young adults and their parents (ask me how I know). My very best advice is to call and/or write to the dean and share THIS article with the school. This article is really important, it really lays out the issues. And the people who wrote it are SO establishment, you can’t knock their credentials. https://jennifermargulis.substack.com/p/a-study-to-share-with-your-doctor. Other options: A medical exemption, a religious exemption, or a school in Florida. Please note that Florida has announced that males between 18 and 39 should NOT be getting these vaccines: Florida Department of Health: “The State Surgeon General now recommends against the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for males ages 18-39 years old.”
Thank you for your reply Jennifer, I really appreciate it.