If you’ve poked around here even just a little, chances are you already know you shouldn’t take Tylenol during pregnancy and you should never give Tylenol to your kids.
But what if your kids are sick?
What if your baby spikes a fever?
And what about teething?
Parents whose doctors have recommended Tylenol but who are smart enough to toss it in the trash are confused as heck: What are the Tylenol alternatives? Are there better and safer remedies—natural Tylenol alternatives—that actually work?
The bad news:
Doctors in countries throughout the world continue to ignore the compelling scientific research against acetaminophen and the link between Tylenol and SIDS deaths.
Conventional doctors continue to recommend it to moms and pregnant women, despite the fact that the science demonstrates that frequent use just isn’t safe.
As former Duke University research scientist, William Parker, Ph.D., told me recently, “If acetaminophen had gone through today’s standards of testing, it never would have been approved for use with babies because it causes permanent neurodevelopmental problems when administered at therapeutic levels to newborn laboratory animals.”
Translation: Tylenol causes irreversible brain damage in baby rats. And may be doing the same in baby humans. Doctors who are paying attention, like this Yale-trained M.D. and this Dartmouth-trained one (aka my co-author), recommend you never use it again. Why? Because acetaminophen is likely a causative agent in the rise of autism.
Acetaminophen use has also been linked to asthma and other health problems.
It’s bad stuff and I predict that the medical doctors passing it out like candy are going to be eating a lot of crow soon.
I just wish they’d get the memo before their ignorance injures any more babies.
The good news:
There are dozens of better and safer Tylenol alternatives. Some work fabulously. Others may be effective because of the placebo effect. I honestly don’t care if a safe, non-toxic natural Tylenol alternative works because of an underlying mechanism that we can scientifically explain or because you believe it works. The brain is a powerful and amazing organ. If it works it works. Bring on the sugar pills.
So what do you give your kids instead of Tylenol?
Glad you asked.
Tylenol alternatives for headaches:
- Try turmeric, a spice used in Indian cooking. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory. You can buy an organic supplement for the grown-ups but I recommend you get organic ground turmeric in the bulk section of your local health food store and then put it in capsules yourself or give it to your kids in yogurt, tea, or water. My co-author, Paul Thomas, M.D., dismisses this idea. “No one is going to do that, Jennifer. Too much work.” Start with 1/4 of a teaspoon in a few ounces of liquid, taking more if needed. It works for our family every time.
- Wet a washcloth with cool water and a drop or two of lavender essential oil. A warm washcloth works better for some, but most people prefer cold. Lie in a dark room with the washcloth loosely covering your eyes and forehead. And breathe. Take ten slow breaths. Inhale calm. Exhale any pain in your body. Your whole body will relax and your headache will go away. A child old enough to tell you her head hurts will have fun with this technique. Expect giggles. Yes, it’s a little hooey-wooey. However, I invite you to try it next time your head hurts.
- Call the chiropractor. Chiropractors can work miracles with headaches in both children and adults. Especially if you suffer from migraines, chiropractic care can help.
If you must take a pill yourself or give one to your kid, old-fashioned aspirin is kind of wonderful. Before you snort coffee out your nose in indignation that I am suggesting you consider baby aspirin for your headache, I will remind you that it was the go-to pain reliever in the 1970s and 1980s before we saw an epidemic rise in autism and autoimmune disorders. Chances are you grew up taking the occasional aspirin. Many doctors believe its verboten status may not be warranted. So there.
Tylenol alternatives for teething:
- Arm with amber. Amber necklaces are the hippie go-to for teething. My sources tell me they work great. They look adorable and they certainly can’t hurt. They’re for wearing, not for chewing.
- Bring on the breastmilk. We froze water or breastmilk in popsicles and gave them to our teething babies to gnaw on. They loved it and the frozen “treats” took away their teething pain. Yum.
- Put on pressure. A baby who is drooling and uncomfortable because their tooth buds are just under the surface will happily gnaw on your finger or a wooden teething toy. This is often all you need to help with teething pain.
Tylenol alternatives for fevers:
- Don’t torture yourself over the temp. Moment of truth, mamas. Along with tossing the Tylenol, you need to put the thermometer away. Taking your baby’s temperature and fretting over it is a counterproductive activity. Believe me. Read the baby, not the thermometer. A lot of babies don’t even notice when they have a fever. It’s a sign that their little immune system is working just the way it’s supposed to. But the parents freak out. If you stash away your thermometer or simply don’t buy one in the first place, you’ll save yourself a lot of unnecessary panic.
- Let it burn. Now that you don’t have a thermometer, you don’t know your baby’s temperature so you aren’t going to freak out about it. But the truth is that a fever is doing its job, fighting infections. Just let the fever run its course. Moreover, as long as your baby isn’t completely floppy and lethargic, you have nothing to fear from a fever. Immunologists increasingly agree that typical fevers are part of the body’s natural defense system. Blocking fever is literally immuno-suppressing your child, impairing your baby’s ability to fight infections. Here’s an excellent article by an M.D. that makes a persuasive case for letting fever run its course.
- Get nudie petudie with your baby. Take his clothes off. Even his diaper. Take your shirt off. Including your bra. Hold your feverish baby on your chest, skin to skin. Your body temperature will help regulate his. Plus you’ll both feel better being skin-to-skin.
- Keep it cool. Even though you now know you don’t need to bring your child’s fever down, if she’s burning up and uncomfortable, you can give her a sponge bath (just be careful she doesn’t get too cold and start to shiver), put her in a warm or tepid tub with some epsom salts (the magnesium she’ll absorb through her skin will be beneficial to healing), open a window to get a breeze into the room, feed her a cool food or drink, or turn on a fan.
Tylenol alternatives for ear infections:
If you’re a naturally minded family and you’re skipping the sugar and eating whole, real, fresh foods, as well as making judicious choices about immunizations (which means no hepatitis B birth dose or infant series, only one aluminum-containing shot at a time, and no unnecessary vaccinations), your babies are not going to get sick very often. They may never get an ear infection. And chances are they will not ever need antibiotics. None of our four needed an antibiotic growing up and three of our four have had no ear infections, not one.
But the baby had a sore ear once. Not sore enough for us to go to the doctor. However, it was sore enough that we decided to treat it with home remedies. We did not give her Tylenol. Because Tylenol is toxic.
- Get garlic mullein oil. Garlic is a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and mullein flowers are used to great success to treat respiratory infections. Put 3-4 drops in the ear three times a day or until the pain clears up. You can make your own. We bought this brand at the local grocery store but I suspect others work just as well.
- Make a muff (from an onion). My daughter thought it was hilarious to put an onion ear muff on her ear. She still talks about it. I think she secretly wishes she could get another ear infection so she could do this again. We both laughed so hard. Maybe the onion had nothing to do with it but this worked like a charm. Cut an unpeeled onion in half, take out the inside so only 3 rings are left. Place the cut onion face down on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes at 300 degrees. The onion should be warm and a little steamy but not too hot. Use a towel to pick it up and place the warm onion over your child’s painful ear while your child is lying down. It’s a super soothing cure, according to my daughter, whose ear “infection” (if that’s what it was) disappeared in half an hour.
Want more ideas? This 2018 Facebook thread has 145 comments and many excellent suggestions for effective Tylenol alternatives.
What have I forgotten? What are your favorite Tylenol alternatives? Share them with us in the comment section below.
Related articles:
How Much Baby Tylenol is Safe?
Tylenol and Pregnancy, What You Need to Know
COVID-19 and Tylenol
Published: June 28, 2018
Last update: March 29, 2022
Great suggestions! Our bodies are programmed to heal themselves when they’re given time and immune suppprt.
Warm saline up the nose can help heal an ear infection too. Have child lie down on back, and dribble warm salt water into the nostril on the affected side. When the water reaches back of throat, turn child’s body onto side, with affected ear downward. The saline should dribble into the Eustachian tube, helping unblock it from the bottom up & killing germs that are stuck in there. I learned this from Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, back in the 1990s. 🙂 Worked like a charm on my boys!
Thank you for all of your excellent and brave writings.
Thanks Nancy. My family has also had great success with saline flushes. My husband gets allergies and doing nasal irrigation (using a Neti pot) helps him enormously.
I’m so grateful for your information…I’m so sad that I’ve given my son Tylenol quite a bit lately for teething and will no longer now that I’ve learned how toxic it is. Do you have any suggestions for detoxing my sons body of Tylenol?
Jennifer has good article here.
Here is a page that may also help:
Also, good book is Prescription For Nutritional Healing.
I gave/did many of the things Jennifer tells. And did/gave those things listed in the link and book I told you.
Best to talk with your holistic doctor before giving detox.
I don’t know his age; but, I am a believer in DE, detoxing baths and enemas.
I really really wish that the suggestions for headaches worked for me. I’ve tried it all. My headaches are caused by instability in neck because I have a connective tissue disorder. The headaches are absolutely debilitating. I have five children to care for. Sometimes it feels beyond frustrating to constantly hear that the only thing that can help me somewhat functional is poison.
I’m so sorry, Ashley. Is aspirin not a drug that helps you? If Tylenol works for your debilitating headaches, you need to take it. Guilt-free! Just make sure you are taking antioxidants along with it and doing a protocol to support your liver. It’s much much safer for adults than it is for children. I know how awful it can be to be in pain (and need to care for children at the same time.) Hang in there.
An amazing fever reducer is vitamin C. 1 gram taken every 2 hours knocks it off really well. We used it during the measles outbreak in Samoa. Kids would calm down within minutes and the fever would be gone by the 3rd dose. It was amazing to see how effective it was.
Thank you for this comment, Edwin. If anyone reading this has used vitamin C to reduce fever, I’d love to hear more about their experience doing so.
I wish I had known this when my boys were young and suffered from glue ear.
This is brilliant and helpful.
Glad that the information resonates with you, Anna.
Loved the onion story. Years ago I heard and do practice this to draw impurities out of room. Cut raw an onion in half place on dish in room. No colds or flu in your home all season.
Only eat raw onions when you immediately cut them up. Same reason, they absorb germs. Freeze rest and use for cooking. I’ll email you the article if you’d like. Gale
throw away the thermometer? lol whaaaat? I was reading you until then.
Excerpt from https://www.healthpromoting.com/learning-center/article-learning-centers/natural-hygiene-science-health:
If the organism needs to increase its metabolism to fight off the effects of unfriendly microorganisms, one of the many responses of the body is to increase its basal metabolism. This increases the rate that chemical reactions take place in the body. This increased metabolism helps the body regain balance. It has also been noted that many microorganisms have difficulty synthesizing certain essential nutrients at increased temperatures and that the fever of acute illness is important in giving the body the upper hand.
The increase in temperature also creates some side effects, such as increased perspiration, headache, etc. A doctor practicing modern medicine may see fever as an enemy, since it makes the patient uncomfortable, and the doctor may proceed to “attack” the fever by poisoning the body with a variety of toxic substances.
If the doctor is “successful,” the patient may feel more comfortable for a while. Unfortunately, the cause that created the need for the fever has not been addressed, and the symptoms often return at a later date, occasionally in a different form. Instead of working against the body’s natural healing mechanisms, we must learn to support the body and allow it to restore its natural balance.
Fortunately, medical doctors are becoming aware of the tremendous damage they have inflicted on too trusting patients, and they are now beginning to avoid the indiscriminate interference with fever.
I have a question about the fever because my son had febrile seizures.. is it still ok to avoid giving medicsments and try to bring down the temperature naturally, and to kind of risk a febrile seizure ? I just wonder now what is worse for the body, tylenol or febrile seizure or just giving a different medicine than tylenol
These are salient, excellent tips! I think it’s important to note a few things.
1. Amber teething necklaces are not for chewing. They stay on a child’s skin and have a calming, protective energetic effect.
2. Homeopathics like Camilla by Boiron are teething drops that work great and contain non-toxic plant remedies. Don’t use Hyland or other brands that contain Belladonna or other ingredients which, when not in dilute form, are toxic.
3. Essential oils should never be consumed internally. Many babies and toddlers will “drink” wet wash clothes. I advise against lavender essential oil near eyes as well since many people have skin sensitivities to lavender. Always test your child’s skin in a small area on and arm or leg with a very dilute essential oil before applying topically in any way.
4. Naturopathic physicians in states like Oregon are also primary care doctors. If you live in a state where you can access naturopathic medicine, please do! This is the type of medical advice they give as well as being sure none of these “harmless natural remedies” are harmless for you. If you or your child are on medications or have certain conditions, even natural remedies can be dangerous. Turmeric, for example, can exacerbate bleeding disorders as it has anticoagulation effects.
Hylands has reformulated their Oral Care products and there is zero Belladonna now. (Which you can still buy as a single remedy, if your symptom picture calls for it.)
if you understand homeopathy you have never had a need to worry about the belladonna. It’s what was called ” smear campaigned”. Homeopathic remedies don’t contain any of the actual compounds that are in a remedy it’s named after. Belladonna is the best remedy for teething or high fevers.
For fevers, our acupuncturist recommended taking 2 fingers, and slide down 100 times, from head to sacrum along the spine.
I love this article! Great info! Although you forgot one great alternative to all the problems, essential oils. I am writing a book on essential oils for children, I am a Nurse Aromatherapist. I would love to speak to this if you are interested!
Absolutely, Kim. Please email me.
Remember with essential oils that your liver needs to process them. Use with caution.
Thanks for this list.
My son had a 102.7 fever at 2 weeks old. He was inconsolable, mottled skin, super high heart rate, didn’t want to be touched, etc. He was admitted to the Nicu and for 6 days had Tylenol and antibiotics pumped into him. Every test they ran, for bacterial infections, viruses and diseases, was negative, yet they kept pumping those things in him even though they were not dropping his fever or heart rate.
What long term harm can having all that Tylenol and antibiotics so young have? What should I be looking for? We eat super healthy wfpd.
Also, after much research and our wonderful new pediatrician, he thinks it was a HEP B reaction, even though the NICU said they didn’t know what it was, but it for sure was not that.
I’m so sorry that you had that experience. It sounds very scary. And it sounds like the hospital doctors did not deal with the situation correctly. They should not have been giving him Tylenol if it wasn’t working. To say nothing of not giving it to him at all. ? Your new pediatrician may very well be correct that it was a reaction to hepatitis B. That vaccine contains 250 micrograms of aluminum, which may be enough to cause brain damage, according to the FDA. More details on all of this are in The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, which I co-wrote with Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D., and which is a book you may find helpful. Since your baby is so so little the best thing right now is just to care for him, keep him close, keep your diet as clean as possible (eat all organic no matter what, no exceptions) and mitigate any further toxic exposures he may have in your house. It’s a good idea to look at all the care products and furnishings and make sure they are as green as possible. Maybe you’ve already done this. Exclusive breastfeeding for as long as possible and no more vaccines until you are absolutely sure that his brain and immune system have recovered from that ordeal. There are also ways to boost glutathione (milk thistle, for instance) but I do not know if any of these have been studied for safety in infants that young. Please know this is mom-to-mom not medical advice. Feel free to email me if you have more questions.
What a surprise! Dr. Offit wrote something positive about non-interfering with natural immune system and the damage artificial interferences do. May he appreciate more the dynamics of nature.
PLEASE insist that your hospital doctor submits a VAERS report on this reaction. Do not let them talk you out of it. And if they refuse, report them and submit the report yourself. It is essential that this reaction be recorded to protect your child in the future, as well as be tallied with other serious adverse reactions.
I would further suggest that you begin a detoxing protocol. I’d start with Advanced TRS and Epsom Salt baths. And start to heal the gut to reverse the damage from the antibiotics. Research other routines. Get those toxins and heavy metals out of your child’s body so it can begin to heal.
My best wishes to you!
Michelle, good comment left by you.
You took the words from me!
Yes, as you told: “get those toxins and heavy metals out of your child’s body so it can begin to heal.”
Very well said. I tell other moms this all of the time.
Advanced TRS and Epsom Salt baths are good. Along with good proper diet.
Absolutely NO Tylenol or OTC junk. Give and do all natural healing home remedies.
I am in my early 70s now. I feel the child today is in need of being given a detox cleansing more today than ever. Exposed to more toxins than ever.
As a home visiting nurse, who introduced many moms to detoxing their children, I was surprised how many children were constipated and the mom didn’t know it.
Besides the protocols of detoxing you mentioned, I always introduced the mom to giving the enema in the home. It is a very good natural home detox.
Keep telling all what you told….”get those toxins out…”
I try to tell everyone the same thing.
When the child is sick, having die off symptoms, or moody, sluggish, grouchy, fighting, constipated…showing signs of coming down with cold or flu like symptoms ….
Give detox protocol.
You telling to start with TRS, Epsom baths is good.
In addition to what you told to do, we (group of moms who talk and share natural healing ideas and ways) take to chiropractor for adjustment, give Dr Christopher’s hot-cold treatment, enemas are given. If old enough taken to be given colonics.
Always check and consult with doctor – holistic- before giving any home treatment/remedies.
My grandson, 6 yo, was staying with me for few days. He showed signs of in need of detox.
After talking with his mom, (divorced from my son), she, and doctor, agreed giving him an enema would help.
I had him on good diet. No Tylenol. She lets him eat junk food.
Another mom helped me. He was given a daily enema for three days in a row.
Made a huge improvement. He looked and felt better.
Seeing the results after an enema is given to the patient is always amazing!
Again, consult with your doctor first.
And, remember to pray with the patient. Praying 🙏 is also healing.
Bless all.
2 weeks old seems too litttle for vaccines. I am not an expert but I saw in some of my research that you shouldn’t give vaccines to babies until they are two months old. I think it’s good to always be informed and ask questions because sometimes doctors get overwhelmed and are well intentioned but it’s your child after all.
In Australia, babies first exposure to vaccines is in utero. Then at birth, the hep B vaccine.
There should be no vaccines where there is no informed choice.
In the US babies are given hep b within 24 hours of birth. 🙁
I am hearing that newborns are given hep b in the hospital before they go home really sick practice if you have a hospital birth there may not be a choice
I uused Transfer Factors this last winter to combat headaches, ear infections, strep, bacterial conjunctivitis, and Influenza.
They are the molecule responsible for directing your immune system (both down regulating it and boosting it).
We were already using it to overcome my 2yo son’s and my food allergies. Which are now so much better.
Thank you for that info. I would like more information on transfer factors. Is there a brand that you have used that you have had good results with and/or an article you could point me toward?
Thanks for sharing
Great solutions! Now, what about for pain? My 1 year old will have surgery to drop an undescended testicle in a few months. What can I give him for pain, since I’m pretty sure Tylenol will be pushed and I want to avoid it at all costs.
Jasmine, there are other pain relievers they can give you in the hospital if you do not want Tylenol. Also, baby aspirin was used throughout the 1980s for pain and we did not have the kind of devastating brain and immune dysfunction we have now. The fear with aspirin was Reye syndrome and now many researchers believe that association may have been overstated. It’s not a popular opinion but I suspect if we went back to using aspirin our children would be much healthier! See, for example, this article, which concludes: “The suggestion of a defined cause-effect relationship between aspirin intake and Reye syndrome in children is not supported by sufficient facts.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17523700
Could you please point me to the research that shows a defined cause-effect relationship between Tylenol and “devastating brain and immune dysfunction?”
I also would like a link to the research about the cause-effect relationship between Tylenol and brain and immune dysfunction!
Brittany and Michelle: There is a growing body of scientific literature on this subject. A new peer-reviewed journal article was published just this week. Here is the abstract in its entirety:
Neurotox Res. 2019 Jul 30. doi: 10.1007/s12640-019-00090-2. [Epub ahead of print]
Alterations in Synaptic Plasticity and Oxidative Stress Following Long-Term Paracetamol Treatment in Rat Brain.
Lalert L1, Ji-Au W1, Srikam S1, Chotipinit T1, Sanguanrungsirikul S2, Srikiatkhachorn A3, Maneesri-le Grand S4.
Author information
Several studies have recently revealed that cognitive function can be affected by paracetamol (APAP) treatment. However, the exact impact of this drug treatment on learning and memory has not been clarified. This study aimed to investigate the effect of APAP treatment on the alteration of synapses and oxidative stress in the rat frontal cortex and hippocampus. APAP at a dose of 200 mg/kg bw was fed to adult male Wistar rats through either acute (n = 10), 15-day (n = 10), or 30-day (n = 10) treatment regimens. The synaptic ultrastructure and proteins, synaptophysin (SYP) and postsynaptic density-95 (PSD-95), were monitored. The amount of protein carbonyl oxidation (PCO) and glutathione (GSH) levels were examined. Our results demonstrated that acute treatment with APAP had no effect on synapses and oxidative stress. However, the synapses obtained from rats with 15-day APAP treatment showed a marked shortening of active zones and widening of the synaptic cleft. Decrement of SYP and PSD-95 proteins were demonstrated in these rats as well. With 30-day APAP treatment, the alteration of the synaptic ultrastructure and proteins was more evident. Moreover, the depletion of GSH and the elevation of PCO levels were demonstrated in the rats treated with APAP for 30 days. These results suggest that long-term APAP treatment can induce synaptic degeneration in the hippocampus and frontal cortex. The increase in oxidative stress in these brain areas may be due to the deleterious effect of this drug.
Another place to begin researching is to read this review article, now two years old, by researchers at Harvard and Duke Universities. The article itself and the accompanying citations help make sense of the Tylenol-brain damage connection: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28415925
I have been doing research on Silver (nano silver ) and it is a wonderful thing to our bodies and safe for our kids. In a study done in Africa; nano silver helped kids with malarya to heal. Its antimocrobial , helos with flu prevention or fast healing from it. MRSA, some viruses. Its basically an immune system support. Also when my kids get a stomach bug or feel nauseous (and adult too) I give them bentonite Powder diluted in water, it works miracles. I have not tried but have heard of NanoZeolites which help flush toxins out of the bodies. People with children with autism have used this spray and say it helps to improve their children with autism.
So search.
Silver (nano silver)
NanoZeolite or zeolytes.
Very helpful article!
What about Ibuprofen? What are your thoughts on using it if your child’s fever gets up to 103.5? That’s when I start to get nervous.
A cool or tepid bath with epsom salts should help.
There are some good suggestions in this article and great comments too. Love all of them.
I have given many cool or tepid baths. Works great.
Epsom salts baths is another thing. I stopped giving and taking Epsom salts baths.
Not giving medical advice. Just my experience and what I have did years ago.
My opinion from experience, being told by other moms and read, don’t put Epsom salts in your baby’s bath water or your bath water. Epsom salt is magnesium, and that effects muscles like the heart. It can relax muscles, and decreases blood pressure and can cause other issues with the circulatory system depending on dose and person’s body.
By experience I used to use it. Loved how relaxed I felt. I gave baths to my kids for helping with detoxing.
But, once while bathing it made me so weak that I almost lost consciousness and almost could not climb out of the tub. Thank goodness I immediately rinsed off.
It is especially contraindication in individuals with heart issues as well. Magnesium is absorbed into the body through the bath.
Please be careful if you use it for your baths or the kid’s baths.
After that experience I started giving plain cool water, not too cool, and tepid, baths. Without the Epsom salts.
I learned the enema is a very good home remedy to give. The enema always brought a fever down. Hydrated and removed harmful toxins. Helped speed up recovery from a illness.
For the toddler I administered the enema with the bulb syringe.
For the older one I administered the enema with the bag.
Before giving any home type of a remedy please talk with your provider, holistic doctor, first.
I prefer to stay away from ibuprofen as well. It’s not approved for children under six months (which is why so many uninformed doctors recommend Tylenol). I would try natural fever reducing techniques first and then give baby aspirin (which is what everyone in my generation used) only as a last resort if nothing else works and if the fever is concerning. That is mom-to-mom advice, not meant to be mistaken for medical advice…
Are you aware of the correlation between aspirin and Reye’s syndrome? I am so shocked you are recommending this the people who may be trusting you especially when you are not qualified to be giving this advice. At least put a stipulation to protect yourself from a potential lawsuit. People are sharing this article on national sites, which is how I accessed it. I pray a baby doesn’t get sick or die from you “mom to mom” advice. 😫
Thanks for weighing in, Alex. And yes, of course, I am aware of this concern. As you know, baby aspirin was used throughout the 1980s for pain and we did not have the kind of devastating brain and immune dysfunction we are seeing in today’s children. The fear with aspirin was Reye syndrome and now many researchers believe that association may have been overstated. There was extremely aggressive marketing, done directly to doctors, to get them to use Tylenol (please see pp 6-8 of the Vaccine-Friendly Plan for a first-person account of this from a doctor). It’s not a popular opinion but I suspect if we went back to using aspirin our children would be much healthier. The association between Reye’s syndrome has been challenged, some argue even debunked. Please have a look at this article. This scientist concludes: “The suggestion of a defined cause-effect relationship between aspirin intake and Reye syndrome in children is NOT SUPPORTED BY SUFFICIENT FACTS.” (my emphasis.) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17523700
We have friends whose son developed Reye syndrome as a toddler, in the 80s. I recall he was given aspirin when he had a fever. He was in a coma for days, and has never been the same since, with physical and intellectual damage. The doctors said it was a rare reaction.
What vaccines would you recommend avoiding? I got my first 2 all of their vaccines but now I’m questioning everything with the COVID vax push and I’m scared of hurting my kids.
@Carrie, ask to see the safety study that shows that combination is safe. (Hint there is none). Ask do they know what VAERS stands for. Ask who owns the patent for said shot? Which agency created the schedule? Do they own any of the patents on the shots on the schedule?
I love love love homeopathic belladonna for a high, scary fever of 104. It works in minutes.
Belladona in homeopathic potencies (30C) best to have on hand, works wonders and is safe. As you mentioned great for high fever; especially if it comes on suddenly, child can have red face and glassy eyes. Another one to have on hand and think of if it comes on suddenly and with a fever is Aconite. BTW, these are all in homeopathic doses which are highly diluted and safe, not the actual herbal form!
Thank you so much, Jennifer for this blog! Our bodies are designed to heal… utilizing modalities that support the inborn healing processes allows for overall greater health in children. As a pediatric Chiropractor, I can tell you that Chiropractic for children is extremely gentle and effective. Here is a link to a ton of research to show how wonderful it can be: http://icpa4kids.org/Chiropractic-Research/
Thanks for reading the blog and weighing in!
Teething: Make chamomile tea popsicle. Calms baby and feels good! The tea is naturally weak so no worries.
Sore Ear: I’ve diluted 2 drops Tea Tree Oil in Extra Virgin Olive Oil on a warm spoon. Couple/few drops in ear. Always wake up, swimmer ear gone. My children have never had ear aches either..
Fever: I do a cool wet rag just to make them comfortable when they are pretty warm. Occasionally re-wet and wring out. Let the fever work!
Cool wet towel was used by my mom already in the mid 50’s and lukewarm baths I used with my kid and others with fever higher than 102 and got it to drop down within minutes?
What would you suggest for a mom who just gave birth and had a 2nd degree tear or worse? Advil and Tylenol are recommended in conjunction with one another and I don’t know what to take. I don’t want it to pass through my breast milk.
Hi Tara. Congratulations on the birth of your baby, first of all! Be kind to yourself. Remember you need lots of rest to help your body heal. So let people help you and try to stay in bed if you can. My midwife advised me to apply witch hazel topically and also put a little on a sanitary napkin and put in in the freezer. That was amazingly effective, soothing, and healing. If you still need pain medication, you can try alternating between turmeric (which I’ve found to be a very effective painkiller) and aspirin (which has also always worked well for me. I know it’s not popular to recommend but I think aspirin is a safer alternative, as long as you don’t take too much and you don’t have an ulcer). Tears hurt. Sending lots of healing mojo your way.
Thank you for this! I am a huge fan of Copaiba essential oil. It’s a powerful anti inflammatory and I use this along with turmeric for any pain my feeling. Also great for teething babies!
My little girl had a flu. She was violently ill for one day. I held her a lot. She slept a lot. I left her fast when she wanted to, in fact, I didn’t even offer her any food all day other than ask her if she was hungry yet – she wasn’t. I never took her temperature, I could tell she had a fever by touching her forehead, that’s all I needed. I made sure she had plenty of liquid. It took one day and then she was done. The only thing I gave her was a castor oil enema – this is so important to get the toxins out. Personally, I think holding them is more comforting and healing than drugs.The next morning she woke up hangry and healthy. I think sickness makes kids stronger. If you ask your mom, she’ll probably tell you that in her time the doctor always recommended enemas. They don’t anymore because people haven’t administered them properly. Sometimes I give my sick kids activated charcoal to speed up the process, but I have to be extra careful of them getting constipated when I do. I get so frustrated with all the hype about shots and medicine and stuff. Our bodies heal themselves if we let them. My three oldest had whooping cough about 5 years ago. A few years after that I was at the doctor for school checkups. I told the doctor that my kids already had the whooping cough, he looked at me and told me that I had to have misdiagnosed it because I didn’t need to bring them to the doctor or hospital for treatment. That was so bizarre to me.
Thank you for sharing your experience, Anna. I hope lots of people read this comment!
Jennifer, thank you for acknowledging Anna’s comments.
She is so right! When the child is sick, or even coming down with a Cold, flu and such, removing the toxins is so very important. Such speeds up recovery.
I do disagree with Anna telling the enema was given less in the home because it was not given correctly. All the years, I am early 70s now, I have known the enema it was always given correctly by the mom.
Anna is right about the doctor telling the mom to give an enema.
In my years and my mom’s years the enema was suggested by the doctor or nurse often when the child was sick, had a fever or constipated. The child always felt better after he was given an enema in the home.
Growing up in the 50s and 60s I remember many times at the doctor the enema was suggested by her (the doctor) or her nurse.
Few times the enema was given at the doctors. She had a practice in her home. This was in a small town and years ago.
If the mother knew how to administer one, she gave it when got home.
If she didn’t know, or want to give it, the nurse gave at the doctors place or came to the home later to give one to the child.
When we got home the enema was given.
Yes, things have changed. But, I see more and more mothers going back to the days of natural healing. No longer giving Tylenol and other such poison to the child.
Keep the faith and hope.
The more we share the more we learn.
I also hope lots of people read Anna’s comments.
Good you made sure to give plenty of liquids.
As you did, and Jennifer told, holding skin-on-skin also helps.
Yes , important to get the toxins out. The only thing I gave her was a castor oil enema – this is so important to get the toxins out. That speeds up recovery.
Not a medical person here. So, best each consult a professional doctor before giving any home remedies.
I remember many times the enema was recommended by the doctor.
If not given by the nurse at the visit, was given once got home.
Don’t ever remember the enema given incorrectly.
Again, talk with your doctor first.
Wonderful board! Good information given.
Anna, glad she got better after getting a enema.
I have given many home enemas. They always work.
I also think the enema is a very good home remedy for moms to give.
And glad you gave her a enema. And it helped her!
I also, like you, do not like giving drugs. ughhh
I agree with you Anna that toxins need to come out of the sick child. Toxins are harmful…and prolong the healing process. And one of the best ways to rid the toxins out of a sick child is to give him a enema!
When one of mine is sick at home from school in bed, a enema is always given. to him. As soon as the others are off to school…out comes the enema bulb syringe.
I give him the enema on the bed, across my lap or on a table. Never a mess and never painful.
Being a divorced mom with two kids I cannot afford to run to the doctor all the time.
I have never given a castor oil enema. From what I read and was told best to be careful when giving castor oil. Either as a enema or oral.
Here is what I found on most of the pages I read about castor oil:
“Children younger than 6 years of age should not take castor oil. Always talk to a pediatrician before giving castor oil to children between the ages of 6 and 10 years to make sure it is safe….”
Like any home remedy, best to always check with your pediatrician before giving any home remedies. Including giving enemas.
For fevers I have given either a garlic enema or a camomile tea enema. Both of those have always brought the fever down. And also helped with constipation and cleansed. Also hydrated the child.
For constipation I give a plain warm water enema . A few times have given a warm soapy enema. Made with Made For Enema Soap bar from OHN.
A great book for every mom is Prescription For Nutritional Healing. It has lots of home remedies in it. Including enemas.
Also, Optimal Health Network (OHN) is good too. Kristina and Dee Dee there are wonderful. Found at: optimalhealthnetwork.com. I got the Made For Enemas Soap bar from OHN.
I am not surprised she got better after you gave her a enema. I see it every time I give a enema. It is amazing how the enema helps! Tummy aches, head aches, constipation, bad behavior, fever and more are gone after the enema.
I don’t think the problem was with the enema not being given correctly as you pointed out.
In almost every home the mom had a enema bulb syringe for the younger child and the enema bag for the older ones. Enemas were given often in the home.
My mom and aunt gave the enema.
I think the enema went away for awhile because of the pill pushing doctors. Pills, laxatives, etc were seen as better.
I do not like giving any OTC stuff to my kids. I prefer natural home remedies.
I work part time in a health food store and drug store. More and more moms come in asking for a enema for their children. That is good. The enema does not hurt. It always works! No chemicals and natural. The enema bulb syringe and bag are sold in the store.
Recently a mom came into the store with her two kids. Her boy, a 8 yo, was not feeling well. She told me he didn’t have a BM for about two days…or longer. And she did not want to give pills, drugs or laxatives. I had her talk with the naturopathic doctor. It was suggested he be given a enema. She purchased the 8 oz enema bulb syringe.
A few days later she stopped in the store. He looked great.
She told me she gave him a enema when she got home. It was easy to administer. She gave him another enema the next day.
Gerat for her!
Always check with your doctor, pediatrician, provider, etc before giving or taking any home remedies.
Glad you mentioned activated charcoal. I want to read about that and talk with holistic provider about using it. Thanks for telling it can constipate.
Enemas didn’t stop because people haven’t administered them properly. The enema declined in popularity because of doctors pushing meds, pills, Miralax and such. Just my opinion.
You are correct about asking mom about the enema being suggested by doctors before. I remember a few times when one was suggested for one of us.
Stay well. Keep believing.
Anna, thanks for your comment. Pray you haven’t had any other sick ones.
Hope you have learned many other home remedies to give.
Glad she got better after you gave her an enema. That is no surprise to me. Seen the enema help many times for me, my siblings, neighbor friends, my kids and others.
Anna, Omg glad you told toxins must come out! And of the enema!
So true, toxins need to come out. The enema is a good way to cleanse the child. He will feel better after getting an enema.
Toxins must come out. This speeds up recovery from a ill.
I am sure Jennifer hoped many others would read your comment because of the importance of removing toxins and benefits of giving the enema. And, that doctors told the mom to give an enema!
Jennifer, love your blog. Sure it has helped many. Hope many on here have learned not to give Tylenol. Natural works better.
You are correct Anna! Growing up in the late 50s and 60s I remember the doctor or nurse telling to give a enema or enemas! Either on the phone, at their office or in the home when visiting homes. We grew up in a small town.
Actually the enema was suggested more often than not as the home remedy to give.
It is a easy, natural, chemical green, home remedy to give the child.
The enema was, and still is, given correctly in the home by moms.
Moms taught each other about it. Or the nurse did.
Just so others know, doctors stopped telling moms to give the child an enema because big pharmaceutical didn’t make any money off mothers giving home enemas! Pills and chemicals were prescribed instead. Where a simple enema would have worked instead of pills, OTC junk or laxatives. For a few dollars spent once when buying the bulb or bag.
I believe the enema was given correctly in the home. I remember my siblings, cousins and I getting the enema when it was felt one was needed. I remember few times in the late 50s and into the 60s the doctor, or nurse, telling my mom or aunt to give one of us an enema.
Back in those days the nurse would come to our home.
I don’t remember a single visit by her that she didn’t administer an enema herself in our home or tell one should be given! It was a very common home remedy to give.
Of course we didn’t like hearing that an enema was going to be given.
But it helped every time given. No pills or laxatives given.
I remember my cousin and aunt staying with us for a few days. He was not feeling well. The old town doctor and his nurse told my aunt to give him an enema.
Pills were hardly ever ordered! OTC stuff was unheard of.
Needless to say a trip was made to the drug store. So she could buy a bulb syringe to give him an enema.
Being much older than him I knew what he was going to be given when we got home.
It was no big deal. Since this was first time my aunt had given one, my mom and aunt talked about the enema to be given when driving home. Once at home and all was prepared he was given an enema. One he was better almost immediately after getting it!!
Not giving medical advice. Each must consult with their doctor before giving any home remedies. Including enema.
Is the enema still given in the home? Of course. It is a well known remedy.
I recently talked with a mom who gave one a few days ago.
Trash the Tylenol!
Sorry for typos..
“Chemical FREE”. Not chemical GREEN !
Change “one he” to be “OMG he”
Bless all and our country.
I never heard or read that the enema was not suggested any more because it was not being given correctly by mothers in the hone.
Wonder where Anna heard that from?
Anna, bless you.
Hopefully, she has been well since you commented.
Omg! So glad you told the toxins must come out! Especially when sick.
Keeping him hydrated and removing toxins help him recover faster from a illness. Removing toxins is very important to do. So I have learned recently.
Since reading your comment, Anne’s comment about her also giving an enema, and comments from others I did lots of reading, asking holistic provider and other moms. Giving the enema is very good for the child.
After reading and talking to older moms, you are right the enema was always suggested by the doctor or nurse, for the sick child..when he had a cold, fever, flu, was constipated or it was felt was time he needed an enema. Now days they push pills! And bills! 😂
I purchased the book Prescription For Nutritional Healing. It tells of the same. I also read much on optimalhealthnetwork.com and talked with a woman there about removing toxins and giving the enema at home.
After reading, talking and learning I purchased a enema bag and a bulb syringe to use in my home.
Glad I did. Few nights ago my 8 yo b was burning up. I gave him an enema! It worked. Just as you, Anne and others told it did.
I did what was suggested… give an enema before he gets sick! It helps!
So, once I got the enema I showed it. And did a small “practice “ enema to both of my kids.
That way I didn’t have to give a first time ever enema when one was sick. He already knew what the enema was and it didn’t hurt.
He almost immediately felt better after getting the enema!
Talk with your doctor before giving any home remedies. Including the enema
Anna, thank you for your comment! So many do not know of the importance of removing, or helping to remove, toxins when the child id sick. Glad you told the toxins need to come out!
Also glad you told of giving the enema! Anne (commented below) also told of giving the enema. Both of you told of the helpfulness of giving the enema.
The enema didn’t go out of favor with moms because wasn’t given correctly. Doctors used to always suggest an enema be given. But, in the last years they push pills, laxatives and such.
Saying it is easier to give such.
I am a believer in the home enema given.
Always talk with your doctor before giving any home remedy.
Anna, loved your comment. Glad she got better. You brought up many valid points.
But, one you told “they don’t anymore because people haven’t given them properly” is not correct.
The administration of enemas by the doctor, actually the doctors nurse or assist gave the child the enema, did not stop cause incorrectly given. Or stop given in the home cause not given correctly.
The enema at the doctors visit, or later at home by the mom, slowed down because of economics. Nurses were paid more and it was not cost effective to give an enema. When a pill could be given in minutes. At a fraction of the cost.
Big pharma did not make money off a mom giving home enemas. When she could buy a bulb or bag and reuse it over and over for no cost other than the initial purchase price of a few dollars.. Think of all of the pills, laxatives and such that was not sold.
Remembering how many times the enema was gotten out at our home, or my aunts home, I know lots was saved by them giving the home enema.
It was fast. Always worked and the child always felt better after getting an enema. Did not hurt. Of course sometimes the child would, especially the first ever enema session, complain when found out he was going to get an enema.
Doctor Knox’s article (link below) talks about the economics of hydrotherapy (colonics and enemas).
It was no longer cost effective to have the nurse take the child to another room and administer an enema to him. Nor, was Pharma making money off the enemas.
The bulb syringe my mom and aunt had lasted years and years. I got my share of it 🙂
or 🙁 depending….
I used the same enema bulb and bag for years and years on my three. Huge savings of money for me and huge loss of money to big Pharma.
The enema was always given correctly in the home. If a mon didnt know how to give one the nurse or another mom would teach her. I never heard it wasn’t given correctly in the home.
Blessing to all. Keep happy …
Not only did doctors and nurses recommend enemas be given to the child in my mom’s days, the enema was recommended many times for my four kids. Even if not recommended, I would give them enemas when needed.
I am in my mid 60s.
Surprisingly, not long ago a neighbor told me her doctor suggested she give enemas to her two. This is not the first time I have heard of this recently.
The enema is always suggested and talked about in my local health food store.
I help at my local health food store. The enema is asked for and talk about almost daily there.
A few days ago I saw a mom with her boy. He was about 5. She was looking at the enema bulb syringes sold in the store.
I asked if it was for him. She told me that was what she was looking for him. And he was going to get an enema.
When talking with her she told me she is sick of giving him OTC expensive junk and Tylenol.
Not only was the stuff bad for his health now..but will also cause health issues for him when older.
We talked of the benefits of NOT giving him Tylenol.
And the benefits of giving him enemas. Especially to help remove toxins when he is sick or had a fever. To reduce his fever.
When have time later I will write some of the importance of removing toxins from the sick child.
Even more important if he is sick and with holding (constipated).
That is with holding of harmful toxins. Helping to cleanse and remove the toxins when sick, as Anna and Anne told on here how the enema helped, help recover from an illness faster. Feel better too.
I saw the mom, who had her 5 yo boy in the store and she purchased the enema bulb syringe to give her 5 yo boy enemas, a few days later in the store .
She told me she gave him an enema when she got him home. He was 100% better.
He looked so much better.
I tell all moms who will listen of the benefits of giving enemas instead of giving those horrible OTC things. Especially Tylenol.
Anna, I agree with Jennifer. Good comment. Thanks for sharing and hope many others read your comment. the
You are so right! The toxins must come out. Helping remove the toxins helps recovery from an illness. When the child has a cold, flu, fever…removing the toxins, or at least some, does speed up recovery.
I never heard of giving a castor oil enema. I want to research that and learn more.
Every home should have an enema bag or bulb syringe. Very good natural home remedy to give.
Refreshing to read on here the word is getting spread to not give Tylenol and other such remedies to the child. Pray many moms read on here and learn.
Anna Kauffman, very good comment. Like Jenifer, I also believe it is important that many read your comments and learn.
What you told is spot on! The toxins must come out of the sick child! That will promote faster healing and recovery from an illness.
One way, besides detoxing baths and other methods, is the child is given a daily enema when sick!
Yes, I remember the enema was suggested to be given to the child by the doctor or nurse.
I never remember the enema not being given anymore because “not giving them correctly.” It was always given correctly by moms in the home.
We were not taken to the doctor often. Hardly at all. The few times that was taken to the doctor, you are right, an enema was always recommended to be given to the child!
We lived in a small town. The nurse would offer to come to the home later that day and give an enema. Home care is not heard of these days.
The enema is one of the best ways to help remove harmful toxins. It also brings fever down. Comforts the child.
I remember having a late night fever. An enema was given. The fever always went down after getting an enema.
Anna, wonderful comments you gave to everyone.
Growing up I never remember getting Tylenol. Years ago I dumped it all out once I learned of the dangers of giving it. Never looked back. I did many of the remedies Jennifer tells of on here.
Good she got better. Flu is so horrible. And you told she was violently ill for one day.
Holding and nursing helps. Sleep is good for healing.
Making sure have plenty of liquids and keeping hydrated is good too.
Growing up when one of us was sick an enema was always given. I also gave the enema in my home to my three.
Very glad you told “so important to get the toxins out.”
You are right! I remember the doctor or her nurse recommending an enema be given.
Only thing I disagree with you is saying the enema wasn’t administered properly.
I know my aunt (nurse), mom and myself gave the enema properly.
Thanks for telling about activated charcoal. Speeds up the process. And, to be careful getting constipated.
What is a Tylenol alternative for pain for injury in a young baby? My 19 day old was in a serious car accident. No broken bones, but severe bruising and sprains (and possibly a dislocation/subluxation which reseated on its own). I tried arnica oil and homeopathy, Epsom salt baths, and a couple other natural options, but nothing helped for more than a few minutes worth of distraction from the pain :(.
That sounds so hard, Joy. Having a baby that young in a serious car accident is terrifying. I’m sorry I didn’t see this comment before. What did you end up doing?
Jennifer Margolis – I’m wondering why the author didn’t provide the homeopathic alternatives for each of these situations? As a board certified classical homeopath in practice over 25 years, I can whole-heartily recommend homeopathy for all those situations you mentioned in the article. Homeopathy is probably the safest most effective holistic medicine for families to use! Thank you, Kathleen Slonager, RN, DiHOM, ADS, AE-C, CCH
I love homeopathic remedies and essential oils for aches that accompany illness and fevers
Nice article
But I am concerned about what if child tends to have seizure every time temperature runs over 101.3… no one mentioned that. And this is a common thing to have febrile seizures
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
We use Lemon Balm extract for pain, teething, tummy upsets and fevers. It works wonders, without the toxic stuff. Lavender essential oil on your temples and behind the ears will work wonders for a head ache.
Could you please point me to the research that shows a defined cause-effect relationship between Tylenol and “devastating brain and immune dysfunction?”
Hey Jennifer! What would you recommend giving a baby in the aftermath of circumcision instead of tylenol?
Thank you!
Thanks for asking, Madison. The following is mom to mom advice and should not be considered medical advice in any way. A baby can have a lot of pain during and after a circumcision, and continue to be in pain for several days. Expect the head of the penis to swell and also turn purple or darken from bruising. This can be very unexpected and scary for new parents but it is considered normal. The open wound can make it very painful when your baby urinates. It’s important to keep his diaper off as much as possible, as the air will help the wound heal and the irritation of a diaper touching a raw wound can be excruciating. Make sure he gets plenty of hydration (preferably from breastfeeding as often as he needs to), and hold him close while the circumcision wound is healing. We are Jewish but decided, after hundreds of hours of research and talking to many moms and dads, as well as to our doctor and other health care providers, that circumcision wasn’t the healthiest choice for us. If you do decide to do it, I would consider using baby aspirin. Keep in mind that baby aspirin was used throughout the 1980s for pain and we did not have the kind of devastating brain and immune dysfunction we have now among our children. The fear with aspirin was Reye syndrome and now many researchers believe that association may have been overstated and the incidents were always tallied as much much rarer than the rates of autism we are seeing today. It’s not a popular opinion but I suspect if we went back to using aspirin our children would be much healthier. See, for example, this article, which concludes: “The suggestion of a defined cause-effect relationship between aspirin intake and Reye syndrome in children is not supported by sufficient facts.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17523700. But the non-pill techniques will be the most comforting: skin-to-skin, hydration, cleaning the wound gently with warm water and a cotton cloth, diaper-free time as much as possible. I hope this helps.
Can I say I’m kind of freaking oit after reading this? I’m not much one for giving Tylenol or any meds to a baby but I did give it to my son 4 times after a recent tongue tie surgery. Is there anyway to reverse damage. He’s 4 months old.
Sorry to cause you concern. It seems that infrequent use is the least associated with risks of brain dysfunction. Please don’t stress. If you can be as brain-healthy as possible, nurse him (or find him human breastmilk) as long as you both want to, and avoid toxins as much as you can going forward, that would be a good course of action. Please check our book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, out of the library and read the chapter entitled, “Toxins, Toxins, Toxins.” The advice in that book will help. How is your son doing now?
Could you please speak to the comment about what to do for a child who has febrile seizures? Our son’s hit when he was 21 months old. He was admitted to the hospital for observation because he had too many too close together. We were told the seizures weren’t from how high his temperature got, but from the sudden, drastic fluctuations in his temperature. We were instructed to alternate Tylenol and Advil every three hours, which we have done for the last 7 years every time he has a fever. We’ve always let our other kids just ride out their fevers (and let the fevers do their work).
My husband also had febrile seizures as a kid, so maybe it’s genetic.
Also, there was a comment about using milk thistle to raise glutathione. How much for how long?
This is a good start and some great alternatives. I LOVE that you included the onion ear muffs which I tell patients about all the time. Another great alternative is Pediatric Acupuncture (PA) and Traditional East Asian Medicine (TEAM).
TEAM has a host of natural healing medicinals and techniques that have stood the test of time and have been safely used on children for thousands of years, for example: Acupuncture, shoni shin, or pediatric tuina can drop a fever and effectively treat headaches; Minor Bupleurum Formula (together with dairy elimination and the onion muffs) can cure and prevent ear infections; and Jujube Decoction can help with teething.
Anna 9 November 2018, the enema did not go away because moms gave it wrong.
Doctors stopped telling mothers to administer a hone enema because they started pushing pills, OTC junk, laxatives, etc.
The enema was administered correctly by moms in the home.
The enema is returning to the home. Mothers again see the benefits of giving a enema at home. Natural. No chemicals. Always works. No mess and easy to prepare and give.
Given for many ills. From constipation, fevers, tummy aches, cleansing, and more.
Ann’s is right, toxins must come out. Once a enema is given the child feels better and recovers from a ill faster.
No not medical advice. Just my experience and opinion.
Talk to your doctor before giving a enema.
Let it burn of course, but it can get miserable. At those times I’ve had success Vitamin C. I’ve seen great results, both in myself and in others, with dissolved Vitamin C powder and Vitamin C tablets for bringing down fever as an alternative to ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Seeing it work in real time is fairly neat since we have no real cultural sense it as a fever reducer. I was pretty shocked.
I searched this article for a vitamin C reference and here it is. It needs to be considered a first option response if the person taking it is not G6PD deficient. C (ascorbic acid/sodium ascorbate) does not bring a fever down; let’s be clear on that. It provides the immune system with a powerful “weapon” against the pathogen and as the fight swings in the body’s favor due to the C, the fever will be downgraded naturally by the body because it is winning the fight. Go to drsuzanne.net for her approach with sodium ascorbate. My children got their C at the first sign on symptoms and once, my youngest at 2 yrs had a 103+ fever. He took a half tsp of orange liposomal ascorbic acid gel once every 30 mins from mercola dot com and the fever dropped (used a thermometer) 2 degrees by the end of the first hour and held steady for a few more, then dropped further with more C doses.
What can I take for fever during pregnancy? I’ve heard that it can be dangerous to the baby to have a fever while pregnant. Thank you!!
I am so glad that I found this article, but am sad and fearful that I was too late to protect my daughter from this toxic substance ?. She had a tongue and lip tie reversal at weeks 4 and 6 respectively, which enabled us to overcome a host of breastfeeding issues. During her first procedure, I gave her Tylenol every 5 hours for two days and only once on day 3, which was less than what the doctor prescribed. For her second procedure, I gave her arnica. I don’t see these oral procedures listed here and am wondering if there would have been a better alternative that I could use with future babies if this were ever another issue we have to deal with?
Thank you for your work—it helps me live a more natural and health-conscious lifestyle for myself and my baby!
Written by someone who has never witnessed their child seize with a low grade temperature. These suggestions do not address febrile seizures.
For teething pain, Camilia is a lifesaver!
Great article & suggestions! “Read the baby, not the thermometer.” 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I found using high quality peppermint oil diluted with a carrier oil on feet/behind knees for discomfort during a fever beneficial for my kids when they were pre-teens/teens. Also we increased their intake of fresh, organic juices/smoothies & eliminated processed junk/sugar. Sadly, I wasn’t “woke”/aware of natural solutions when my kids were babies/little. But I’m thankful to have them in my toolbox now & hope my kids will look to nature first with their kiddos.
When babies have enough vitamin D, they don’t have teething symptoms, other than fever. Calcium lactate from Standard process will lower a fever beautifully. I used white willow bark for pain, except for one of my 4 children. It gave him constipation, so I used baby aspirin. Reye syndrome was extremely rare, unlike acute liver failure from Tylenol.
The garlic mullein oil works great for ear infections, but if my children don’t have dairy, they don’t get ear infections.
Does anyone have any suggestions for pain relief following a laser frenectomy for my 3 month old? My doctor said Tylenol but I wasn’t about to get into a discussion with her on that.
Hi, I would like to know your stance, if any, on CBD? My son was 5 months old when he had a series of seizures for 24 hours, but thankfully never again since then. The Dr’s say that is common for infants whose immune systems are still developing. I’ve watched documentaries where people who we’re having seizures were being given CBD to stop the seizing. I’m not sure if this can be applied to our case or not?
Also, someone once told me colloidal silver can help with ear infections? & can also help boost your immune system. To your knowledge, do you know this to be true? Thank you!
Jasmine, you may like reading this page:
Debra, on that page, tells colloidal silver can help with ear infections.
Also, you may want have a copy of Prescription For Nutritional Healing book in the home. It has many natural home remedies in it.
Joan d.
I stay away from giving Tylenol (acetaminophen—spelling ?? Sorry),
Wonderful this blog is here so more can learn!
I know many moms who give that junk to their kids. Same reason comes back to me from all of them that “it helps.” And “he is comfortable after getting it.” “It’s easy to give.”
Why do they continue giving this junk?
Worse is when I see someone taking this junk and drinking alcohol!! OMG nothing like burning up the liver!!
How does big pharma get away selling this stuff? And doctors pushing it?
Guess it’s about $$$ and give a simple pill(s) so he will be comfortable???
When I try to “convert “ other moms some give ma a hard time! Saying I am old fashioned to believe in those “natural remedies.”
When she sees the good results I get with natural remedies such as garlic, lemon, onions, Epsom salts baths, EOs, giving an enema (one of the best home remedies to speed recovery and help remove toxins) and more ,,,then some are convinced natural is better.
I hate the argument back that (these pills) “it has been given to kids for years….so why change what makes him feel better fast?”
Trying to explain the long term harm by giving this stuff – junk – is another issue some don’t understand.
Keep faith.
Teach others for better health
Now I know why it worked! When my first baby had a very high fever, and was red hot , jerking which cd go into a high fever convulsion , I had a strong urging to give an enema to him.. It brought his high fever down instantly! I didn’t really know what I was doing, but God did ..
My family had history of high fever convulsions .. so I was alarmed ..
Anne , thanks for your comment. Hopefully many will read and learn from you.
Your “urging” to give him an enema then was good and helped him feel better!
God is always there to help and guide us.
Prayers are healing as well.
I recently did the same as you did. My 8 yo b was very hot one night.
Had a high fever late at night. Seems it only happens at night in my home.
He also got an enema! In a way I feel like you did. I already had the enema in the home. Was debating if he would get an enema or not.
Then, like you, I had a urging and calling to give him an enema. His fever went down. I believe it was God helping.
He slept well. The next morning, mid day actually, I gave him a second enema.
Second enema also helped him. Removed toxins and hydrated.
I had practiced the enema about a month before. So he knew what one was and it didn’t hurt. Would help him feel better.
Made it so much easier for him and I.
Talk with your provider and have the enema already in the home. Before one gets sick.
I purchased a bag and a bulb syringe. Glad I did.
Anne, your urging to give him an enema was right!
Since your family has history of high fevers, that may not have been the last time you gave an enema.
God is there to help and look over us.
Prayers are also healing.
I had to same as you. My first one also had a high fever one night. He was very hot. This was when he was about 7 or so.
I also gave him an enema! It brought his fever down and he slept good after getting it.
Since then I have given enemas to my other three.
Anne Ward, your urging was good. The Lord was there to help you.
Hopefully you learned much.
Sorry your family has jax of high fevers.
Pass on to other mothers what you learned.
The enema will bring a fever down immediately. Does every time I give one.
Anne, you are right! God is there to help and lead. Your urging was right. The smart thing to do. The enema has brought down fevers in my home more than once.
Following your urging to give him an enema the day was good. I am happy to know it helped him.
You didn’t know that you were doing…but learned from it.
How old was he when had the fever and got an enema from you?
Since your family has a history of high fever convulsions, I hope you have given the enema on your home again. It is a natural healing home remedy. Easy to administer and works!
Bless you Anne
Anne, I also want to thank you for your comment!
And, thank Jennifer for telling Anna Kaufman (commented above) did to bring fever down was good. Anna also gave the enema. Anna told removing the toxins is very important to do.
The more that know of this blog , the better and healthier the child will be.
Bless you Anne!
You did well.
Good it helped him.
It is wonderful that you had faith and learned.
From your comment, I would guess that was not his last enema from you. Since you told the one who you gave the enema to was your first one, hope your other ones also got enemas.
Good you didn’t resort to giving Tylenol
Keep the faith.
You telling of your experience helps other moms learn.
Blessings and Hugs for you
Anne, bless you hon and him.
Lots have commented on here it is wonderful that you listened to God and administered an enema to him.
We are a group of moms who get together and read on here. We use same web but different names. All in our group (about 7 moms) feel you did good and were blessed.
And many should read your comment and Anna’s comment about giving the enema.
We share ideas for healing. Even practice giving remedies we have learned to one of ours.
Your comment had a few in our group talking. Wanting to know more about the enema remedy you gave him. Which Brought his fever down instantly.
We are convinced what you gave him was better than giving him over the counter stuff or Tylenol. Your remedy was chemical free. Natural. And worked. And worked instantly!
Anne bless you hon.
Your urging, with God’s help, to give him an enema was right thing to do.
I have given the enema for fevers a few times in my home and in other homes.
It always brought the fever down.
Anne ….
Thanks for leaving your comment. Hope many learn from you and your experience.
Yes, many have left you comments and told you you did good.
Isn’t this a wonderful blog by Jennifer?
Nice to find a blog where others are respected and comments are openly made. Without rude comments made.
Sorry Anne don’t know what you mean by “Now I know why it worked!”
But will come to me.
When he had a very high fever, was red hot , jerking which could’ve going into a high fever convulsion , your strong urging to give an enema to him was right hon.
I know how you felt. I had the same urging. When I gave an enema, it always brought the high fever down.
If not instantly, then a few minutes later.
Of course God helped you.
Now you learned. So no need to be alarmed should happen again.
Anne, bless you hon.
Wonderful that you had a strong urging to give him an enema! Good giving him an enema brought his fever down instantly!
I know you must have been thankful when his fever went down after getting the enema.
Now that you have given the enema, you now know how to give one and you know it works.
What did you mean ” Now I know why it worked” ??
I had same results when giving enemas. Given enemas for fever reduction, constipated chid, for faster recovery from an illness such as a cold or flu, and other.
I hate giving OTC stuff and prefer natural home remedies.
Refreshing that you believe in God and he helped you.
Thanks for this wonderful board.
How can they keep selling, prescribing,Tylenol (acetaminophen)?
This board has opened up the eyes of many. And given many other natural options instead of giving Tylenol.
I tell as many as I can of other options to use and give. And tell them to read on this board.
Pray for those in India, Israel and elsewhere.
One remedy I always use is to turn off any wifi, baby monitors, screens, ‘smart meters’ , masts, radar, anything electrical/wiring near kids, 10 major court cases are now in action against the roll out of 5g
So many things are causing toxins these days. Which in turn cause all sorts of illness. Especially in the child today.
Look at the diet of the child today. The harmful toxins given to him. From what I read the incidents of autism, and other ills, are rising in the child today. No wonder.
I didn’t know 5g was causing problems for health.
Thanks for telling that.
I will read about that.
As this blog tells, there are better and safer alternatives to Tylenol!
And hopefully all will pass on better and after alternatives to other things as well.
I tell everyone about this blog and other natural healing blogs.
The more that learn, better for health!
In addition to not giving Tylenol, I have recently learned Miralax is horrible stuff to give to the child! Go read about how bad it is!
Also learned recently that the Fleet Enema is harmful as well. Not giving an enema is harmful…but the solution used in the Fleet is not good. I am a believer that enemas are a very good home remedy. Given when needed. Just will never give a Fleet one.
There are so many things that are toxic and harmful today. The more that expose these harmful things the better.
I get upset when read of how mankind has about destroyed nature. What we eat and breathe. Horrible.
Plastic micro particles are now found in fish from the oceans!
If you gave or will be giving a Fleet enema, talk with your doctor before taking or giving a Fleet enema!
I can hardly imagine that many who read and comment on this blog would even think of giving such a chemical filled enema in the first place!
Don’t get me wrong. The enema is a great natural home remedy. I have given, and still give, enemas to mine and others. Just NEVER a Fleet one.
I am a believer in the enema to cleanse, remove toxins and help recover from a ill faster. Also, bring a fever down fast!
I have read, and been told, many times not to give a Fleet enema.
Especially to the child.
From my understanding about such things I tell other moms not to buy or administer a Fleet enema. Buy a bulb or bag instead.
You can find many articles telling this.
I.e. https://www.goodrx.com/blog/flee-from-fleet-danger-with-some-enemas-and-solutions-used-for-constipation/
If reading this correctly the sodium phosphate in the Fleet can be harmful and even dangerous to the kidneys.
One mom I know empties the Fleet solution from the squeezable Fleet enema bottle. Then refills the empty Fleet bottle with plain warm distilled water.
Then gives her child an enema with the refilled bottle. Refills the bottle a few times for the enema.
I told her it was cheaper to buy a rubber enema bulb syringe. That can be used over and over again for many enemas.
She does not like rubber or latex.
I brought this up because a few (Anna, Anne and others) have commented that giving the enema helped. Reduced fever and the child felt better after getting the enema.
I believe in natural healing. Herbal remedies and giving enemas in the home.
but, You must talk with your holistic provider or pediatrician before deciding what type of enema to administer.
I also have heard this problem with the Fleet enema has been corrected.
But, can we believe big pharmaceutical? Even regular doctors?
It is your decision. Make informed decision.
This board is one very helpful tool to avoiding Tylenol and other junk.
Prefer natural healing.
Enough harmful junk out there. Starting with Tylenol. Now beware of the Fleet enema.
I see them displayed in the stores. Many bottles on the shelf. Along with Mira lax..ughh.
But hardly ever see the old fashioned enema bulb syringe or the old fashioned enema bag one. Or bucket set. (Looks like a large cup with hose attached to the lower side.)
Guess there is no money made from reusable natural enema syringes.
And people are taught these days to take pill and chemicals instead. Believing the old fashioned way is too hard to give. So buy quick and easy!
Not giving medical advice. Ask you doctor.
Few moms have asked what bulb syringe I have used.
Enema has been mentioned a few times on here as a very helpful home remedy that worked!
Here is the syringe I have used.
It comes in three sizes.
Always ask your pediatrician/holistic provider before giving an enema .
340 ml (about 11 oz.
115 ml (about 3.89 oz.
And 260 ml (8.7 oz)
Prices are good. Starting about $10 going up around $14.
Page for ordering: https://www.fruugo.us/pic-solution-soft-wash-rubber-enema-spray-with-soft-cannula-260ml/p-54780166-111517815
Scroll and find various sizes.
Very soft cannula. Soft but firm nozzle.
Easy to fill, administer the enema and clean after giving the enema.
The 115 ml is good size for baby and toddler.
The 260 ml is great for the older one.
Consult with your doctor before administering an enema and what size is best to use.
I have administered enemas using these syringes on changing table, across my lap. On the bed and on kitchen table.
Not giving medical advice. Just mom-to-mom experience.
In my opinion giving a home enema is one of the best natural way to reduce a fever. Also, helps remove toxins. Helps speed up recovery from an illness.
This is a better link for these items:
Reasonable price for a good home health tool.
Many moms ordered a small one and the larger one.
Giving Tylenol and other such horrible things is nothing good.
Again, consult with your doctor, pediatrician, holistic provider before giving an enema.
Keep healthy and keep healing naturally.
We talked about whether to comment about the enema bulb syringe link that is given in comments. Decided commenting may help someone else. So,…..
When my friend and I saw the comment for the enema bulb syringes (December 2021) on here, we immediately ordered two of the 260 ml (8.79 oz) enema bulb syringes.
One for her family and one for my family.
Both of us have given enemas with them.
We both hate giving Tylenol and other such junk.
Don’t give that toxic poison to your children!!
Giving enemas is one of the best ways to reduce a fever, cleanse and help to remove toxins.
Especially when one is sick! Read what Anna, Anne and others have told on here of the benefits of giving the enema!
No we don’t sell for the company. Nor receive anything for telling about the product.
We just feel it is a very good product and giving the enema in the home is a natural remedy and very beneficial for the one getting it.
Especially for the child to be given enemas when sick or has a fever.
The bulb syringe is very soft. The nozzle is firm and very flexible. Which makes giving an enema easier and comfortable for the one receiving the enema.
We both had enema bulbs in the past. The rubber for the bulb was horrible. Hard to squeeze. The nozzle was hard and ridged.
We both threw them out.
Seeing the enema bulbs on here was what we had been searching for. For awhile.
Consult with your holistic or regular doctor first.
I recently was given an enema with the syringe and used few times already for giving enemas to my three.
Giving enemas is a natural home remedy. Easy to administer. Cheaper than buying horrible OTC junk. Can be used over and over again for years.
When talking today, she she told me she recently gave her 10 yo b an enema with it.
Comparing notes when talking, we both agreed very easy to fill, squeeze the bulb when giving it and cleaning it after giving the enema.
Clean with warm soapy water. Rinse well. The put few drops of hydrogen peroxide or alcohol in the bulb. Swishing around and squirting out in sink.
Leave sitting out to air dry for few days.
Every so often invert the bulb with nozzle facing down. Squeeze the bulb to blow out any remaining water drops. Then put up.
DO NOT store damp!
Bless all.
Hope no one gets offended…but, don’t forget prayers when one is ill.
Prepaying also is a healer.
Thanks for telling a good source for the enema bulb syringes.
I ordered the 260 ml syringe. Received it in no time.
It is made of good quality. Easy to fill and give an enema with it. And easy to clean afterwards. Very soft. The nozzle is flexible and bends. Easy to hold and squeeze when giving the enema and when cleaning it in the kitchen sink after the enema was given.
Always let the syringe air out for a few days after giving an enema with it.
Putting it up when damp will cause mold to form in side eventually.
I don’t work for the company. Just giving my feeling about the syringe.
The only complaint I have is shipping is little steep. But not a bad price for the bulb for the quality of the bulb.
Another mom saw it airing out in my bathroom the other day. She ordered one.
Always consult with your doctor before giving home remedies. Including enemas.
thanks for telling of good source for good quality enema bulb syringes.
I ordered the 260 ml (little over 8 oz) enema bulb syringe.
Price of the bulb is not bad. The quality is great. Very self rubber and flexible nozzle.
The shipping cost if little steep. But considering the product quality and timeliness of shipping, was worth it.
Could not find a one piece enema bulb syringe to replace the bulb I lost in a recent move.
As told on here by others, giving an enema is far better than giving a bunch of over the counter (OTC) junk. And of course far better than giving Tylenol.
Will never give that to my two again.
I purchased the 340ml syringe. It hold about 11.5 oz.
When need to give a lesser amount for the enema (like to my 9 yo b) I either fill it with about 8 oz. Measure out solution in a cup/bowl. The fill syringe. Do not have any air in the bulb when giving the enema.
Or, I fill it completely full and only squeeze the bulb until I feel enough has been given.
The pic solution (fruugo) is very good quality.
Joan a, the fruugo pic solution enema bulbs (link above) are great.
I ordered the 260 ml syringe. Holds little over 8 oz.
Unfortunately, the link above no longer works.
For now, the Cara bulb syringe may help:https://www.myotcstore.com/store/p/514-Enema-Rectal-Syringe-By-Cara-6-Oz
The Cara cost less than the pic solution syringe.
Hope this helps some.
Consult with doctor before giving an enema.
Joan a and others,
Unfortunately the link for fruugo enema bulbs no longer works.
Cara (don’t work for them or get anything) sells very good quality enema bulbs.
The Cara syringes cost less. Are of good quality.
A friend of mine has the 8 oz and 6 oz Cara enema bulb syringes.
She is pleased with the cost and quality. See link above.
I ordered the Fruugo 115 ml (about 4 oz bulb) last year. Very good quality. But shipping cost high.
I have given a few enemas with it to my 4 yo b.
When he gets older I will order the 8 is Cara bulb.
I like the size, quality, feel and ease of use of the 115 ml fruugo bulb.
Shame can’t order it anymore.
Blessings and hugs for all
Unfortunately, the link to the one piece red rubber enema bulb syringes does not work. Those are the best enema bulbs!
So, recently we found, and purchased, another enema bulb from fruugo.
It holds 6.7 oz. Good size for administering enema to the toddler or older one.
Link: https://www.fruugo.us/pic-solution-easywash-enema-bulb-rigid-cannula-7cm-no6-200ml/p-51544081-103800110
The nozzle comes off for cleaning or when taking the bulb traveling.
The other day I gave my 7 yo b an enema with it. Was easy to use. Easy to clean after the enema.
Clean in kitchen sink full of warm soapy water. Rinse few times with plain warm water. Leave out with nozzle off air drying for few days.
200 ml size is 6.7 oz.
If have time will write little more later.
Before giving any home remedy consult with doctor or naturopathic doctor.
Anna, Anne and others have told of the benefits of giving the enema.
Anna and Anne told their child was better almost immediately after giving him the enema.
Seen the same many times!
It’s is a natural home remedy. No pills. Especially NO Tylenol given.
Just reread the title of this blog again. “Better and Safer Remedies”
Try the remedies listed on here or look at other resources to find alternatives to Tylenol.
Here is a copy of what was sent to me:
Unusual and dangerous example of complications due to excessive amounts of ibuprofen.
“”My step-sister was hospitalized in October and diagnosed with something we had never heard of…Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS).
SJS is a rare, serious disorder of the skin and mucous membranes. It’s usually a reaction to a medication or an infection. Often, it begins with flu-like symptoms, followed by a painful red or purplish rash that spreads and blisters.
Drugs that can cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome include:
Anti-gout medications, such as allopurinol
Medications to treat seizures and mental illness (anticonvulsants and antipsychotics), with added risk if you also undergo radiation therapy;
Pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve)
Medications to fight infection, such as penicillin
In my step-sisters case, she had hurt her back during the summer and was taking a lot of ibuprofen on a regular basis. After a few months of this Vitamin-I regimen, she was feeling exhausted and she thought she had the flu. Then she developed a horrible skin rash and was hospitalized for five days. Thankfully, she is fine now but it was very scary for her and the family.
I know this is an extreme case but it is a reminder to be thoughtful about the medications you take and to pay attention to your body.””
Yes, be very thoughtful of the medications you are taking and giving.
Before I will ever take these again I will try every remedy.
If the baby had NO vax he/she would probably never have sore ears. No baby should ever be given a vax with aluminum, and certainly not the toxic dose that is in vaccines.
Arnica in all forms! And a loving massage.
Thanks for your comment.
After reading your comment I searched for Arnica.
Very interested in finding out more.
Jennifer, hugs and thanks for having this for all to read and learn.
I hope you don’t think we are nutty; but we love, love your blog!
It always amazes me why I see, or hear of, moms giving (doctors and nurses too) Tylenol and acetaminophen (spelling? Sorry), instead of asking for an alternative remedy for their baby – child. Learning to give alternative fever/pain reduces to the baby/child is more important today than ever!
We (my two neighbor moms and i) talk about natural remedies, read on here and comment on here often. We love your article and the comments left by others.
Thank goodness there are no comments of “ewe..no way “ or “that is old wives tales remedies “
Or “that is dumb”
Your readers are in tune of the need to find and use alternative remedies.
The more we all learn of the harmful effects of these drugs, and stop giving them, the better for health.
We are open to learn other remedies. Have tried, or using, some you and others mentioned on here. Everything from herbal, baths, and more from you. Learned of giving turmeric on here! Thanks.
Also garlic oil and onion remedies!
One of us did the onion remedy! It worked! He took it well. We thought there would be some grumbling about it. Nope.
Enemas! O M G! One of our favorite home remedies to give! I about I recently put the enema bulb link on here (in above comment).
As soon as one of my neighbor moms told me of the fruugo.us page for the enema bulb syringes (link in above comment), I had to start telling others!
I posted the link for the syringes in above comment. Hopefully other moms will also purchase a bulb syringe.
For my family I ordered a large one and smaller 115 ml (about 5 oz). The smaller one is great for nasal sucking, ear cleansing and giving the baby, or toddler, an enema. Done all of those already with it.
So much, much better than giving Tylenol and other junk. Already given a few enemas in my home with the larger syringe.
In our local drug store and pharmacy we can find pills but finding an enema bulb is impossible. Wonder why?? Could it be pill push by big companies instead of giving a natural remedy?
I have been searching for a one, soft, piece syringe for a long time!
Seeing other moms on here have commented about the enema helping their child feel better, instead of giving OTC junk, good to learn we are not the only moms to give this remedy!
Blessings for all!
Of course, above comments about the link for enema bulb syringes is not medical advice.
Everyone must consult their doctor before getting or giving an enema.
Ask your doctor if the bulb syringe is ok to use in your home. Ask what is appropriate size to buy and use.
Not telling anyone what to buy or not. It.
That is between you and your doctor.
This is a wonderful blog.
But, never take this or any blog as medical advice.
Most moms I have talked with and share ideas with for home care have trashed the Tylenol and other junk OTC.
Thank goodness this page is here to get the word out..
The Tylenol alternatives listed on here are good.
There are other alternatives to do and give.
I love the book Prescription For Nutritional Healing. Many alternatives listed in that book.
I am asked, or discussing with other moms, why can’t find an enema syringe or even the bag in most stores today?? Just my opinion; but, I believe they don’t want us to do home remedies and natural healing in the home. There is no money to be made off enema syringes or bags. They can be used over and over again. When instead plenty of OTC junk, pills and meds are on the shelves. Thus money is made from pills
Anna Kaufman (posted above – scroll up to read) told “toxins must come out.” So, very, very true.
Her saying that getting toxins out and the only thing she gave was an enema is one of the best most helpful comments told of on here.
Start with simple easy to do and remember things and work up to more.
Your child needs time to adjust to no more junk food, no sodas, no sugars and more.
Slowly give detoxing baths. Give a small cleansing enema off and on and of course immediately give one for fevers and constipation.
Even removing Tylenol and other junk may take time for him to adjust.
Take notes when talking with your holistic doctor about all of this.
My daughter never had a fever over 101 ever and when I nursed her I could feel her forehead cool down to the touch I nursed her for 5 years the La Leche recommended stop time It worked wonderfully
Holly, thanks for commenting. Wonderful you did til 5 or so.
Yes, nursing, skin-on-skin, wet cloths, rub down, enemas and more all help to reduce without giving Tylenol.
Jennifer tells of these.
Of course if other symptoms present take to doctor.
Karen D
❤️❤️❤️ this blog!
Jennifer has other articles.
All informative and helpful.
The comments left on here are great!
Fortunately, all are respectful of others. And respect is given.
We also ordered the one piece red rubber bulb. Agree, the quality is great.
Will write more soon.
Bless all…
What vaccines would you recommend avoiding? I got my first 2 all of their vaccines but now I’m questioning everything with the COVID vax push and I’m scared of hurting my kids.
I recommend avoiding every single one of the liability free procedures with zero evidence proving safety and zero evidence proving efficacy studies.
My kids (5 and 3) are both pure and both robustly healthy.
Neither has ever been ill.
We are by no means unusual among our like-minded community.
Avoid ALL of them! Every single one. I know it will take take time to do all the research on why you should. But just wait until you’ve done all your research. You cannot undo damage from vaccines, but you can always vaccinate later. My kids are 4th generation unvaxxed, and we are all a living and thriving.
Use the search engine duck duck go, search Journey Boost Risk vs Benefits. You should find a blog post by journey boost with a list of all the information you need to research.
Earthley has all natural herbal products!! Small business from Ohio (I think) that care about the ingredients used!
In the US babies are given hep b within 24 hours of birth. 🙁
I make my kids drink two glasses of water and fresh juice
Jennifer and all who commented and read on here, thanks!
You all make this board the best.
Help others learn as well.
Many, far too many, have no idea of the damage OTC stuff and especially things like Tylenol do.
I just read on a herbal blog that comfrey is now banned in Canada!
Anyone know why? If this is true.
Guess big pharma doesn’t want us to learn and use natural healing remedies.
They don’t get any money from us who use and believe on natural remedies!!
Thank you so much for this website. We try to learn from each other, and there’s a wealth of knowledge there. I worry about aspirin for infants, even baby aspirin, and the connection to Reyes Syndrome. I think it’s a mistake to take solace from statements that the concerns may have been overdone (in order to push Tylenol) and that studies don’t show the definitive cause-and-effect connections between aspirin and Reyes Syndrome. I’m not a medical researcher or doctor, but I DO know that that’s what they say about everything, like Monsanto’s Roundup. “There’s no proof” that it causes non-Hodgkins Lyphoma, right?, so therefore it’s okay …. Just saying we should be careful here, and remain skeptical …..
Lauren Geertsen has a good page with great things to read.
From her page”
“Lauren Geertsen
1. Turn off the news
2. Go play outside
3. Don’t take health advice from the government
4. Social distance from Big Pharma
5. Follow the money
6. Find your soul tribe
7. Homeschool or creatively school your kids
8. Defund Hollywood
9. Don’t drink fluoride
10. Create the New Earth”
How true these days!
Exactly as was told in this article about giving Tylenol…”hope they get the memo before other babies are injured.” Couldn’t agree more!!
I preach this over and over again to mothers. Don’t give this junk to your kids!
Just don’t! Stop now!
Most of the time when I tell other mothers of the dangers of Tylenol and not to give Tylenol I get weird stares, arguing back, many questions and more because they don’t know how bad Tylenol is for the child.
I am never surprised that many want to learn of alternatives to give instead.
My friends and I talk all the time about how to introduce other moms to alternatives. And yes we practice in my home to learn how to give the remedies.
I have a extra room, with connecting door to the bathroom, where remedies are practiced and learned.
We discuss what is the best way to inform mothers of the dangers of giving Tylenol and to use alternatives without offending them?
We want to “convert “ them. Not run them off!
In my home when a mom is visiting with her kids I start the discussion by telling of Tylenol alternatives. Being careful not to offend or tell her she is not wise, dumb, to give Tylenol. I don’t force my beliefs on her. She has to want to learn.
I was dumb years ago. As a former nurse in the early 70s I also was a believer in pushing pills such as Tylenol. Later on after learning of the harm to the body of giving such I stopped giving it.
I also stopped giving Tylenol to mine. Then I worried for years how to cleanse mine of this toxic junk.
I then worked for a holistic doctor. Where I learned of alternatives to giving this stuff. She was wonderful in teaching me. She also introduced me to the enema. I took my two to her home clinic. Where they were given their first ever enema. Learning from her I gave many detoxing and enema sessions later in my home to my two. I was worried of the Tylenol I had given in the past.
When a mom visits for a few days in my home I find it is a great opportunity to tell her about giving natural home remedies instead of Tylenol.
When staying for a few days we talk about this. Talk about such things as various soaking baths such as Epsom salts or other solutions in the bath water, taking him in for an adjustment, making and giving natural suppositories, herbal treatments, wet cool cloths, wrapping the child, mustard wraps and baths, stripping and holding nude, using onions (onion muffs are great), garlic and other options for the child to feel better without giving Tylenol to him. Many times in my home while the mom was visiting, to practice her child was given these remedies so she could practice them and learn. Especially learn the importance to remove toxins from the sick child.
We practiced many remedies. Including the enema.
Being divorced and my two gone, I have a extra bedroom up stairs close the the bathroom. remedies are done and in this room. The room has a table and a cabinet in it. The cabinet has towels, face cloths, herbs, E Os (oils) and more in it. The old fashioned hot water bag for mild heat or cold treatments And of course enema bulbs and enema bags.
I introduce the visiting mom staying in my home to the enema bulb syringe for the child. When I have a mom visiting, I get the syringe out and teach her.
It was never a surprise that they want to learn.
Recently I had a soon to be divorced mom with her 5 yo b and 3 yo b stayed with me for over a month. She was getting away from an abusive husband. Smart of her to get away from him. He would not let her learn or practice giving natural remedies. She told me she always wanted to learn how to prepare and give the enema, and other remedies, to her two. But he wouldn’t let her. What a shame. I would have left sooner!!
During her stay I taught her many remedies. Both of her boys were given enemas while she stayed. The youngest took the enema well. The older one wasn’t happy to learn he was going to get an enema. But he took it well. She was surprised how they looked, felt and acted better after enemas were given.
Blessing for all.
Keep the faith and give love to all.
Gail J
Gail, thanks for your comments.
I tell everyone to read this blog.
Tylenol is bad.
It is better to give natural alternatives.
Gail, you sound like my aunt. Back in the 50s – 60s she worked for a naturopathic doctor. She treated many in their homes and in her home.
I remember her on the phone with the doctor. She was told what the patient needed. When she visited their home or the patient came to her house.
At the direction of the doctor, I remember her making herbal teas, preparing Epsom baths, and other soaks. Giving clay baths. Mustard treatments and more.
Thankfully, I never remember her giving meds and pills. Especially Tylenol.
Teach all you can. The more who learn, better for health.
Gail J, thanks for your comments!
Most importantly try to teach as many as possible not to give Tylenol or other such trash.
Refreshing reading your comments. And you helped so many.
My aunt was like you. She also did home care. The holistic doctor she worked with would refer her to patients. She also had a treatment room in her home. Staying with her during the summer months I remember her giving the same remedies.
I remember moms bringing their children to her.
The more who read Jennifer’s article the better for health and healing for all.
Tell others if these wonderful pages. Especially tell other moms not to give toxic drugs.
Practice and learn alternative natural healing ways.
Bless all,
Love this article and blog. Comments are great. Learning more everyday.
Growing up I remember in the small town we lived in an older nurse had a treatment room in her home.
This was years ago. In the late 50s early 60s. Those days of home treatments are gone.
Especially natural healing and herbal remedies given by a nurse in her home.
Was taken to her home clinic a few times. Never remember her giving pills or OTC junk. Especially Tylenol. Even if there was Tylenol in those days(??).
She gave a detox bath. Guess used Epsom salts (??).
Remember always getting a good dose of that horrible oil. Castor oil??
Yes, not shameful to tell, she also gave the enema!
Of the three times taken to her clinic I remember getting an enema on every visit. Either given by her or the other nurse who worked with her. This is the way it was back then.
Moms were concerned about the child’s diet, BM, and more.
Enemas were a very common remedy to give.
Especially for fevers.
Bless all
Hope I didn’t talk too much in my comment above. I love to talk.
We learn about remedies and practice giving them. Guess some think we are nutty..but, far better than giving Tylenol!
I don’t have as much knowledge as Jennifer on here; but, with my limited knowledge i offer to inform and teach mothers.
Giving this toxic junk to kids is horrible!
If you do a search of dangers you will get loads of pages to read.
I preach to everyone to NOT give Tylenol or other such meds to their kids.
Don’t believe it is dangerous? Read endless article, research and papers about Tylenol….
On and on……
Gail j, nope you didn’t talk too much. Enjoyed reading your comments. Thank you for taking the time to help others.
In my late 60s now. Unfortunately, the days of home natural care taught to others in the home are disappearing these days.
Great you taught moms other remedies to give. Instead of giving over the counter medication. Especially Tylenol.
Good you helped the mom with her two kids.
I heard from mothers who also were going through a bad divorce. And their ex to be would not permit her to practice and learn natural healing alternative remedies. Yes sounds dumb ..but it’s unfortunately true.
I knew one mom whose ex to be drank alcohol and smoked. But when she wanted to use natural home remedies he would tell her no. How dumb! Go figure. Couldn’t learn and administer home remedies but he saw no problem drinking and smoking. Thank goodness she also got away from him.
The mom you helped with her two…it is wonderful she knew to get away. Wonderful she wanted to learn more. And you taught her.
Good she wanted to learn the benefits of giving enemas. Admire you for taking the time to teach her.
Great both of them were given enemas when staying with you. You taught her a great health tool to use in the home. A tool she hopefully gave many times since staying with you!
Good you taught her to give it with the small rubber enema bulb syringe.
I gave the enema for fever reduction, constipation, to give a cleansing. Always when one was sick in bed with a cold or the flu…he was always given an enema.
The enema was given most of the time on a table. Put towel on the table. Have everything prepared and ready. Then bring him to the room. Offer privacy. Talking in reassuring calm but firm voice helps.
It is common for the first ever enema session to have the one getting his first ever enema to be anxious about it. The most important thing is to have the one getting the enema to relax.
In my many years as a nurse and a mom I found follow-up enemas were always easier to administer than the first ever one. Easier preparing and giving.
Every patient I gave enemas to always felt and looked better after the treatment. Everyone!
It cleanses toxins out of the system. Helps speed up recovery from illness.
Best to always check with doctor before giving any home remedies. Including enemas.
Not giving medical advice.
Hope I can say this on here…
Things for Israel these days are bad.
Please, regardless of your faith, offer prayers for the people of Israel.
The terrorist in that region are horrible animals. Killers.
Israel is a strong country. But they need our support and help!
Divorced mom, we agree with you and Gail.
Beyond us why anyone would give Tylenol! Others need to read Jennifer’s pages. I especially this page and the comments left.
A few mom in our group. Glad this page is here.
Wouldn’t doubt one day it will be shut down.
We encourage all moms NOT to give Tylenol or other harmful over the counter junk.
Divorced mom, thanks for your comment. Agree with you.
Like you, I taught many moms home remedies in my home, and in their homes.
Helping other moms learn by practicing is hardly heard of these days.
I also taught detoxing baths, herbal remedies, basic health care and treatments.
Most important I taught moms NOT to give Tylenol!
And administer natural remedies to the child instead of. But to consult with holistic doctor first.
Surprisingly, most younger moms knew nothing of detoxing and cleansing. Especially the benefits of giving a detox when the child was sick.
Blessings for all
My 10mo old years ago was having what looked like seizures. ER Dr even diagnosed with seizures. When we got to the experienced pediatrician he knew exactly the problem. Pain from severe reflux. I had to stop nursing and use Enfamil formula with rice. “Seizures” stopped. So sad to stop nursing but very glad her “seizures” stopped.
Interesting. Good to know. Thanks for posting.
Blessings and warm hugs
What would you recommend for someone like me who has a history of multiple CARPA related pseudo-allergies including anaphylaxis-like reactions to both aspirin and ibuprofen, meaning it is simply too risky for me to take any otherNSAIDs? Once in a while, when I’ve tried all the natural methods of headache relief I know to try, I still find myself reaching for a Tylenol because there is nothing else I can take.
Good blog you have.
Pray many read and learn of the possible side effects of giving Tylenol. Add miralax to that list.
Will come back on later and give some comments, ideas and suggestions.
Good Lord bless you and all.
For the common cold and mild ailments I agree that natural remedies are powerful.
Unfortunately for more severe medical problems, I know of nothing available for children that can stop the pain other than the over counter pain relievers and prescriptions. My daughter had a traumatic brain surgery (twice!), necessary for her life, and they had her on powerful pain meds in the hospital. She couldn’t even open her eyes for days after swelling from surgery. She was on a pain dosage schedule alternating Tylenol and Motrin every hour for many months until she was weaned off.
For kids and babies with severe medical problems, there are not as many options for parents and natural can only get you so far with a higher severity of pain. I hope something better is developed that meets the needs of these children bc they need better options.
Besides Kristina’s optimalhealtnetwork.com
And, book Prescription For Nutritional Healing
Here are a few other good natural healing sources I have used.
Thank goodness there are other natural ways to deal with fevers instead of OTC junk and Tylenol.
Valerie has a good article about colon health and importance to remove toxins. She tells the importance of daily BMs. And the enema:
Lena K Sadler has great book The Mother and Her Child, 1916. Can be read or copied at Gutenberg.org. No copy right. Great book. I swear my mom and aunt had her book! I wish I had saved their copy of this book!
Find at:
She talks about remedies for the sick child. Constipated child and child with fevers.
She told one of the first things to do for fevers in the child is to give the child a cleansing enema.
((Anna and Anne on this blog by Jennifer did that — gave enemas. It worked!))
Then she tells of sponge bath. I would NOT put some alcohol in the water as she tells.
Here is some of her remedies. I notice no Tylenol or other drugs are given.
“”FEVER: Children get fever very easily—the digestive disturbance of overeating, constipation, a slight bilious attack—all produce fever which disappears quite as suddenly as it came. The first thing to do under such circumstances is to withhold food, give plenty of water to drink, produce a brisk movement of the bowel by giving a dose of castor oil, give a cleansing enema, and treat the fever as follows:
After removing all of the clothes from the child, place him in a warm blanket and then prepare a sponge bath which may be equal parts of alcohol and water; expose one portion of the body at a time and apply the water and alcohol first to one arm and then to the other arm, the chest, one leg, the….”
Annie’s Place (see links below) has very good health articles. She mainly has herbal and natural home remedies.
Good article about hot and cold therapy:
I have given the hot or cold remedy. Natural and works!
Annie’s Enema, Douche, Suppository article ( found also in her self reliance in health course book pdf below).
I made suppositories in my home.
Easy and natural home remedy. Works!
Good health course book (free – pdf) for the home. Print off or save in books:
Not giving medical advice. Always talk with your doctor before giving home remedies.
Thank you so much for this. I have been hearing things like this here and there for years. This particular article with some of its links has begun some research about nutrition that has helped not as much because I learned anything new (though I did learn some things) as much as where to start. That’s the hard part! For now, no tylenol, none of the top 5’s from Food Renegade’s list, and continue to minimize grains.
I had to take a ton of tylenol (well, now I know I didn’t have to but didn’t know that then!) when my now-3-year-old son was in the womb. I had a killer ear infection and my husband was out of the country and I didn’t even know it was an ear infection for the first 10 days (yes, 10 days); plus I had a 3 year old in tow and anxiety about doctors appointments with him by myself (lived far from family). Yada yada, excuses, excuses.
Here’s the question: did I destroy his health somehow by taking tylenol while he was in the womb? 🙁 He’s smart and kind and “normal” but does have nightmares and elevated fears.
and thank you again!!
Anniemariegrace, I was hoping someone, or Jennifer, would have commented.
I would say, if you haven’t already, consult with a good holistic doctor.
From what I have read and been told, giving a detox cleanse may help. Some say having not continued his exposure the toxins would be flushed out over time.
More concerning is issues with nightmares.
Pray you have spoken with an appropriate doctor for help with this.
I am no medical authority; so, pray he is helped.
Anne, bless you hon.
To be honest, don’t believe anyone one here can tell you if you ruined his health.
One would pray not.
If he hasn’t been subjected to other toxic things (seems hard to avoid these days), then should be ok.
Yes, toxins and chemicals can be passed on to the born and unborn child.
I know advised not to take or do certain things when nursing for example.
Did you have him checked? Possibly talk to naturopathic doctor.
Anna Kauffman and Anne told on here in comments the importance of removing toxins.
Did you talk to naturopathic doctor about giving him a detox?
Giving him a detox bath (Epsom) may help draw the toxins out.
Also follow a good detox protocol.
Read in books Back To Eden and Prescription For Nutritional Healing. For learning ways to detox and try to have toxic ( as much as possible) diet.
When one of mine shows signs of die off or is coming down with an illness or already sick, I give a detox bath.
And enema.
This is a very good page for Tylenol alternatives.
This page may also help others for bringing fevers down:
We have given the wiping. Used vinegar solution.
And, given the chamomile enema.
We prefer using herbs for healing.
Season Greetings to all.
Pray for peace on earth.
Don’t give bottle of Tylenol as a Christmas present! 😂
Instead, Give link to this page.
Or, book Prescription For Nutritional Healing. Or, any other good natural healing books.
A few times I gave a bottle of castor oil ughhh or enema bulb syringe. As a gift to a mom. Not for Christmas but during other times of the year.
Omg! That book is one of the best Nancy. (Prescription For Nutritional Healing). Love that book!
Surprised big pharma hasn’t tried to get it, and other such books, removed from stores.
I also recommend “Back To Eden” to have in the home as well.
Also, “The Mother And Her Child.” See link left by Beth above. Lena’s method of bringing down a fever is still used today in the home. Given by moms I know who prefer to give natural home remedies. And stay away from OTC junk and Tylenol.
I know a mom who recently reduced a fever using Lena’s instructions. She brought a fever down in her 6 yo boy. He was feeling better as soon as the treatment was over!!
A few times I gave home fever treatments as Lena instructed in the book. In my home and other homes. Lena tells for fever treatment: 1.Withheld food, 2.gave ample water, or juice (being careful not to give those overly sugar filled ones), 3 gave castor oil,,, enema or enemas. Removing toxins is very important.
I hate castor oil. Ughh. So, gave a plain cool to warm enema or a herbal enema such as catnip or garlic enema. If he was constipated gave a good cleansing enema. Made with bar of ivory soap . Swishing around to make mild soapy water. Now best to use Made For Enema Soap Bar instead of ivory bar. Can get this natural soothing soap bar from optimalhealthnetwork.Com. Called OHN. Kristina at OHN sells the enema bag and bulb syringe. Best to have both in the home and the soap bar.
Talk with Kristina at OHN. She is wonderful!
Then 4 gave sponge bath.
Did not use alcohol as Lena tells. When gave enemas and the sponge bath put rubber sheet on the bed. Or gave the enema on table. Put towel on top of rubber sheet or on table.
Not medical advice. As always, consult your holistic doctor, doctor, before giving any natural home remedies.
Know when warning signs are present that would warrant a trip to the ER.
Bless all!
Anyone out there who still gives Tylenol after reading on this blog?
Since reading and learning on this blog, what alternatives now given?
Tylenol is toxic poison. IMHO and from other sources.
How come it is still given?
Why isn’t it banned?
I would love to help get Osteopathy on your list of things to try other than #Tylenol
Former Registered Massage Therapist with the Canadian Massage and Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association for 9 years, Registered Emergency Medical Responder for 1 year with Alberta College of Paramedics, and now currently Registered Manual Osteopathic Therapist for over 2 years, there are better ways with minimal discomfort, without high velocity or low-velocity (“often resulting in cracking”) manipulations, prescriptions, x-rays, or diagnosis. Using special tests, dermatomes, myotomes, visceratomes, schlerotomes, cranial nerve assessments, passive/active/resisted range of motion, special tests, cranial sacral assessment and correction with decompress/compression, Mitchells testing, global assessment and simply working with and listening with the hands, intuition and anatomy, and physiology, a lot of goals for various conditions can be accomplished in as little as 1-3 appointments, typically for one concern, but often resolving many symptoms with one initial appointment.
Muscle energy techniques, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Osteoarticulations, visceral manipulations with assessing motility, motricity, and mobility and treating accordingly and considering the anatomy of the organ, sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve routes, arterial support, and Chapman’s reflexes. I would say Osteopathy falls in the middle of massage and chiropractic therapy. Most often, the pressure is the weight of a dime or less than 10% effort, but massage therapy is certainly beneficial for a variety of concerns as well!
My grip against Tylenol? I used to easily take 4-8 daily as a child for migraines and chronic headaches and neck pain in my teenage years, then soon after developed stomach pain and frequent UTIs, not necessarily correlated, but I would take a lot of Tylenol frequently and antibiotics (7 years, almost monthly and sometimes not seeming to go away), until I started self-care with massage and Natural Way Chiropractic in Calgary. I was in school for massage therapy, and Dr. Alaine really reached me in talking about the body’s healing capabilities. After my first session complete with scans and xrays, she and a TEAM of doctors concluded the impingement of the nerve from malalignment in T8-T12 was preventing me from healing myself in the bladder and kidney on the left because after all, our bodies are full on bacteria and bugs, we should have alignment and a healthy body to fight naturally unless some medications, or poor body terrain, affect the body’s ability to do so! Don’t get me wrong, time and place for a prescription, but certainly not 7+ years for the same concerns!!! Unfortunately, in the allopathic world, I kept getting told it was a kidney infection or bladder infection, here’s my prescription, and it was something I’m doing wrong, not wiping front to back, peeing after intercourse, my under the fabric, my tight clothing or wearing skirts. Had a cystoscopy, and yes, I had a bladder infection. keep drinking cranberry juice almost monthly for 7 years.
After 3 months of Natural Way Chiropractic, and 10 years to date! Never had another kidney infection again.
Anywho, I know lots about the body, I love to help people heal themselves with knowledge and gentle hands-on therapies, and I’d love to demonstrate for you Jennifer Margulis if you’re ever on Vancouver Island <3 myislandmo dot calm
Megan, thanks for commenting.
Megan, thanks for your great informative comment!
Here is a book we like:
Title is Herbal Drugstore Alternatives Over Counter.
Hope I have title correct.
Good blog! And love the comments.
Learn a lot. Thanks.
Here is a good page that lists 7 natural ways to bring a fever down.
I will write more about them later.
I found this remedy for reducing the child’s fever in a old home nursing book:
The book “Mother and Her Child” is an old home nursing book for the mom. Written by Lena.
Lena has many home remedies listed in it.
I liked when she told the mom should employ a nanny-nurse to help her with the child. She also tells of calling the doctor to the home. Both of these are long gone in our time.
The book is free.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Mother and Her Child, by
William S. Sadler and Lena K. Sadler
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with
almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or
re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included
with this eBook or online at http://www.gutenberg.org
Children get fever very easily—the digestive disturbance of overeating, constipation, a slight bilious attack—all produce fever which disappears quite as suddenly as it came. The first thing to do under such circumstances is to withhold food, give plenty of water to drink, produce a brisk movement of the bowel by giving a dose of castor oil, give a cleansing enema, and treat the fever as follows:
After removing all of the clothes from the child, place him in a warm blanket and then prepare a sponge bath which may be equal parts of alcohol and water; expose one portion of the body at a time and apply the water and alcohol first to one arm and then to the other arm, the chest, one leg, the other leg, the back and then the buttocks. Do not dry the part but allow evaporation to take place, and this, accompanied by the cooling of the blood which is brought to the skin by the friction, readily reduces the fever. Another procedure which may be employed if the fever registers high is the wet-sheet pack which is administered as follows:
Three thicknesses of wool blankets are placed on the bed and a sheet as long as the baby and just enough to wrap around him once, is wrung out of cool water and spread over these blankets. With a hot-water bottle to the feet, the child is then laid down in the wet sheet which is now brought in contact with every portion of his body, then the blankets are quickly brought around, and he is allowed to warm up the sheet—which lowers his temperature.
Another valuable procedure is the cooling enema. Water the same temperature as that of the body, is allowed to enter the bowel and is then quickly cooled down to 90 or 85 F.; in this manner much heat is taken out of the body and the fever quickly reduced. (For further treatment of fevers see Appendix.)”””
I would not use alcohol for the rub down.
Wonderful blog. As with all of Jennifer’s articles, well written. Informative and good interesting comments left.
One has to notice that Lena (see our comments above) in those days never suggested OTC trash be given. Possibly there wasn’t such a toxic (Tylenol) given. But, sure there may have been similar given.
The book was published years ago. The date seen on free GB press is surely a republishing.
I will find the original published date. Think it was 1907. But, may be wrong.
Surprisingly, she suggested the child be given the same as Anna Kaufman, later Anne and others have told of on here they gave to the child with a fever!
Anne told of giving a castor oil enema and Anne told of giving an enema (plain tepid water one). Others on here also tell the first thing for fever was giving enemas.
Doctor Christopher tells of giving the same treatment to the child. Called cold sheet treatment.
Where the child is cleansed with two herbal enemas, given a herbal hot bath, then cold water rinse and then wrapped in blankets.
Given a foot massage before going to sleep.
There were/are many other fever remedies to give. Without resorting to giving Tylenol.
Hope Jennifer didn’t mind us tellin of Lena and doctor Christopher.
Nancy s, glad you also told of doctor Christopher’s Cold Sheet Treatment.
It work!
Good to give for detox, cleanse. Reduces fevers. Helps speed up recovery from ills such as colds, flu and more.
Can find here:
We have practiced giving it a few times. It takes two to administer it. Three would be better.
We did give it to one of our sick ones last winter. He had a fever. Was constipated and needed to be given a cleansing.
Read on Annie’s pages her Self Reliance Health Course book.
It’s free! A very helpful book to have on hand.
Of course always check with your doctor before giving any treatments.
The preparation for the Cold Sheet Treatment is a lot.
There are many steps to do when administering it.
We found (learned from other moms) if have other kids in the home best to have them in bed when giving the treatment.
On Annie’s page she has a list of all the items needed. Kept in a large plastic container.
It requires giving two different enemas. Given at the start of the treatment process.
One is a cat nip tea enema and the second one is a garlic enema. Given with a bulb syringe.
If have time will write more about her pages and the treatment!
Bless all
Here are the instructions for giving the Cold Sheet Treatment:
I went to the link I gave on earlier comment and didn’t see the instructions.
This is better link for the instructions.
This link will take you directly to the instructions and what is needed to give the treatment.
Recommend printing off the instructions and items needed sheet. Put inside the container where everything is stored. That way you will have the instructions right there.
I gave this remedy last winter!
A friend also gave it last winter. Her 7 yo boy was sick. He had fever, cold, flu like symptoms.
She is divorced and has three kids. Another mom assisted her.
She does not give OTC junk and especially no Tylenol!
The next morning she gave him the prescribed sponge bath. Gave on bed. Still had the rubber sheet on the bed. Was covered with sheet.
He was feeling great that morning. She kept him in bed rest of the day. To rest.
His fever was gone. He wanted to get out of bed.
I saw him before treatment and after treatment. Amazing! It worked!
But she made him stay in bed the next day. The others went to school.
The treatment was given the night before. By her and the other mom.
She told me it is important to have the others in bed – asleep before starting.
She did as told in the instructions. Gave drink and food as instructed the next morning.
The only additional thing (besides what is told in the instructions) she did was gave him a bulb syringe enema the day after the treatment.
She gave the enema on the bed. Gave it later in the morning. When the others were off to school she gave it. Good time to give it. No interruptions.
The next time we need to give this treatment in my home going to also give an enema the next morning. The instructions do not say to give an extra enema.
Her and I agreed. If giving a sponge bath the next morning to remove expelled toxins then giving an enema the next morning will also help.
We agreed, best to practice giving this treatment. Double check have everything needed.
Including catnip and garlic.
I put a 6 oz and a 8 oz enema bulb syringe in my kit. Along with the enema bag.
It is also helpful to give a practice plain warm water enema. Then the patient knows what the enema is and you have practice giving it.
Always consult with your doctor before giving any home remedies or treatments.
Here is the instructions for preparing and giving the treatment:
Suggest print it off and put copy in container where all is stored.
Annie’s pages are wonderful!
Thanks for this article!
There are enough toxins out there poisoning us.
Always wonder why some will dump more into the body by giving Tylenol and other poisons.
Bless all
Thanks for this blog-article.
Until I read on here, I wasn’t aware of the dangers of giving Tylenol.
I pass this on to everyone.
Well at least to those who will listen.
Good page.
Shame some see nothing wrong in giving Tylenol.
This should be suggested reading for all.
We like the page. Also, the comments left by readers.
All are respectful and informative.
Thanks for this board!
Bless All
Few of us read and sometimes comment on here.
This is a wonderful informative blog/article.
But, as with any web page should not be used for medical advice.
Best to always consult with medical doctors before giving any alternative remedies.
Then decide what is best.
Bless all
Few of us read and sometimes comment on here.
This is a wonderful informative blog/article.
But, as with any web page should not be used for medical advice.
Best to always consult with medical doctors before giving any alternative remedies.
Then decide what is best.
Bless all
Be healthy
Do not care for giving Tylenol. Convinced it is bad to give.
We read this wonderful blog off and on. Love this blog.
Pray that many read on here and learn not to give OTC junk… Tylenol. There are alternatives.
But, as few have told there may be times when giving some sort of OTC remedy is needed.
Enjoy the comments left by others. Learn from them as well.
Let’s hope the world is still here! Seems heading the wrong direction.
Bless those in Israel ! Hope can say that on here.
We (group of moms) talk about and learn natural home remedies to give and do. We share what we learn with each other.
Later I will put a few pages on that are very good.
Be prepared… never know when stores will be closed again. or shelves empty again.
Blessings for all.
Vicky A
Jennifer, read your article re censorship. So right!
Going on 70 yo. Never seen things so bad.
Pray for this country.
Kate L
Hi there! A natural way to help extract feet is white vinegar. Soak your child’s feet in it, and if they tolerate it use a washcloth on the forehead damp with vinegar. This works for sun burns and any kitchen burn too. Don’t use cold water, vinegar extracts and neutralizes.
Another remedy I added to my notebook.
Thanks for telling of that remedy.
Learn something new everyday.
Glad this blog is here. Others can learn from what Jennifer tells and can learn from the comments as well.
I like your suggestions best but if a medicine is needed, what do you think of this brand?
Karen, thanks for introducing it.
I read briefly on the link you have.
Will go read more and suggest it to other moms.
Did you give it??
How do you feel about it?
Karen, thanks for introducing it.
I read briefly on the link you have.
Will go read more and suggest it to other moms.
Did you give it??
How do you feel about it?
We (group of learning moms) love these pages and more from Jennifer 💕
We try to give natural home remedies when possible.
Staying away from pills (especially Tylenol and such), ERs …
Of course go to doctor if needed.
Annie’s Place to learn is great place to learn herbal and other home remedies.
She has Doctor Christopher’s Cold Sheet treatment instructions on her page.
See at: http://www.anniesplacetolearn.com/blog/home-remedies-hot-and-cold-therapy
Her book (free) Self Reliance Health Course book is a must for all homes.
Will write more later.
Bless all
Here is the instructions for preparing and giving the treatment:
Suggest print it off and put copy in container where all is stored.
Sue mom divorced, thanks for giving link for the treatment. I will print it off and give to other moms.
It is the best home remedy to give. Takes time to administer. But worth it.
I have given it twice in my home and helped a mom give it once in her home to her sick 7 yo boy.
Every time given it, it works!
We believe it is one of the best home remedies to give! It works! Amazing how well it works and the patient feels totally good the next morning!
Tired yes and need to rest. But amazingly felt better.
Reduces fevers naturally.
NO Tylenol or other junk.
When I gave it in my home another mom assisted. Having another mom assist in giving it is needed.
Doctor Christopher tells it is best given at bed time. We started when the others were in bed. Then brought our patient to where it would be given.
After we had my other two in bed and her boy in bed,we finished preparing. Once all was prepared, it was given , on both occasions, to my 9 yo boy.
Each time he was better the next morning. It cleansed him. Served as a detox. Also reduced his fever.
The second treatment was given about a month later. Both given during the winter. Cold and flu season.
Then a month or so later she asked me to assist in giving it to her boy.
Since she had experience twice giving it in my home she was well versed in what to give and how to give it.
Make sure you have everything needed. Before starting the treatment!
For the enemas we used a 8 oz enema bulb syringe.
For the two herbs we used catnip (first enema) and garlic (for the second enema).
Talk with your doctor first.
Real ALL the instructions from Doctor Christopher.
Tell the patient he will be given this remedy. But don’t go over board telling all the details.
We gave the two herbal enemas on the kitchen table. Had towel on the table.
Was great having her assisting.
While preparing the second enema she watched him go potty from the first enema and put back on the table.
Again, not medical advice.
Talk with your natural path doctor first.
Discuss the procedure with who will be assisting. So they know everything that is involved.
Thanks Jennifer (Margulis), Karen and all the others who have taken tim to read and contribute comments.
Pray many who read on here learn and are better off.
Go visit Jennifer’s other pages.
What’s nice on here is people are respectful. Consideration given to all.
We have never seen a rude person on here.
Love reading Jennifer’s page about free speech is gone.
Also love reading about vaccines she has written about.
Biggest thing we learned from Jennifer is TOSS the Tylenol!
Detoxing is very important!
As told by many on here: remove toxins.
Long time ago read Anna’s and Annie’s telling how the enema brought fever down, removed toxins, and they gave enemas.
Their comments got us wanting to read and learn more.
Thanks to Carol, Beth, Joan and many others for taking precious time to tell of the same.
Had we not learned of the enema and giving the Cold Sheet Treatment on here we probably would still be giving garbage otc junk and Tylenol!
Bless all,
Hugs for all,
Sue mom divorced
Agree, this is a wonderful page.
Thank goodness it’s here for all to learn.
I love Annie’s herbal pages. She has done so much work. See the link for Annie’s Place To Learn page.
Her book Self Reliance Health Course book is one we recommend all moms.
Print off and pass on to other moms.
We are a group of natural healing minded moms.
We have taught many moms to toss the Tylenol bottle and bottles of other otc junk.
We share knowledge. Teach other moms home remedies.
Best to be prepared! Things could be back to COVID lockdown days overnight.
Worse….all those things you were going to get for taking care of yourself, kids and others will be out of stock. That’s if the stores are even open.
Read on Annie’s pages how to prepare.
Books such as:
Prescription For Nutritional Healing and
Back To Eden and
The ABC Herbal Book are musts to have in the home.
Along with certain herbs. The herbs last a long time.
We were meeting monthly. Now twice a month. Seeing how things are going on in the world, and here in the US, we are going to meet once a week.
With ok from natural path doctor we have shared learning and practiced. Given detoxing baths. Wraps. Prepared and gave herbal teas.
We are trying to cover most of the subjects mentioned on Annie’s pages and suggested treatments told in the above books.
Other moms taught me the Cold Sheet treatment (by Dr Christopher).
It is the best treatment to give.
for teething we use Boiron Camilia drops and Earthley’s Teeth Tamer!
Taryn, thanks for your comment.
Will of course pass it on to others.
Love Jennifer! Recommend all to read on here and her other blogs.
How right she is in her blog about censorship!
Things in the world today don’t look good. That is another reason to learn these home remedies. Be prepared!
Remember Covid? Store shelves empty. Almost impossible to see anyone for care.
Now is the time to work together and teach each other. Set up a group of like minded moms. Who during the time of need can help each other.
We have learned so much from Jennifer and from the comments left by readers.
When first read here long time ago we were giving the dreaded Tylenol and other useless over the counter junk.
Have tried and given all of the remedies told by Jennifer. Trashed the Tylenol and other junk.
At first my three, and the kids of the other moms in our group, were reluctant to have these home remedies given.
But we practiced giving them.
As we learned and practiced together giving these remedies, and other home remedies, we found this is the best way to heal.
We practice giving home remedies before the child is ill or has a fever.
Not the best time when he is sick to learn how to prepare a remedy, prepare him and give it.
Since learning about the Cold Sheet Treatment, by Doctor Christopher, on here we are going to practice giving it.
After reading other sources, talking with naturopathic doctor, and other mothers who have given it we believe it is a very good treatment to give.
Since winter is here, along with cold, flu, and pneumonia season, we hope to practice giving it in the next few days.
Will leave some comments on here how our practice session went.
Bless all.
Regardless of your beliefs, pray for the people of Israel 🇮🇱.
Hope saying that doesn’t offend.
Praying 2025 will bring peace in the world.
When will mankind learn to coexist and help others?
The top of this page says:
“ #TossTylenol
But what if your kids are sick?
What if your baby spikes a fever?”
Toss and trash the Tylenol and other otc junk!
Help get the toxins out of the system!
If they are sick,,learn from others. Use natural remedies.
Fevers help the body. If goes too high then learn natural ways to reduce.
Bless all!
Always enjoy reading and learning on Jennifer’s pages.
Referred this page to many.
Don’t give otc junk!
Here are two pages that may be helpful for good health:
Annie has an excellent self reliance in health course book. Annie has very good information for herbal remedies.
Her health course book is free. Every home should have it.
Find at:
Valerie, RN, has an excellent article about the importance of colon care for the child by parents.
Find at:
What about for toddlers recovering from a surgery like adenoid and tonsil removal? The recommendation is to rotate Tylenol and Advil. The pain can be excruciating for them.
For decades parents used aspirin when their children were in pain. It’s an unpopular opinion but aspirin is an excellent alternative. Arnica is also a very effective pain reliever. I recommend going to an experience holistic M.D. who is also trained in homeopathy to get an individualized protocol for a tonsil extraction. Janet Levatin, M.D., is incredible. As is Cammy Benton, M.D. The former is based in Ohio, the latter in North Carolina.
I wondered the same Kristen.
At a point it seems no other choice.
What did you do? Give?
Thanks Jennifer!
Good informative reply to Kristen!