Editor’s Note: This is a long article by Dr. Paul Thomas, my co-author and colleague. In it Paul Thomas, M.D., unpacks the truth about COVID-19, explaining why the virus is much less deadly and worrisome than we have been led to believe. Analyzing the current numbers, Paul Thomas, M.D., argues that it is safe for Oregonians to go back to work and school. Arguments similar to this one have been made by Scott Atlas, M.D. (“The data is in–stop the panic and end the total isolation“); Yoram Lass, former director of Israel’s Health Ministry (“Nothing can justify this destruction of people’s lives“); and Stanford University’s Nobel Prize winning chemist, Michael Levitt, Ph.D. (“Lockdown was a waste of time and could kill more than it saved…”), among many other thoughtful and well educated people.
The Truth About COVID-19
By Paul Thomas, M.D.
Special to www.JenniferMargulis.net
PORTLAND, Ore. (July 27, 2020) — As the coronavirus crisis enters its sixth month, we are seeing more restrictions and mandates coming out of various state and federal offices. There is quarantining, contact tracing, social distancing requirements, mask requirements, and mandatory closures of businesses and schools.
What started as public health initiatives have morphed into something that seems to go well beyond public health. As I follow the data, both from mainstream and alternative media sources, as well as from the CDC and my state health agency, it has become increasingly clear to me that those who have been the most vocal in declaring coronavirus a global emergency have become addicted to that power above all else.
The truth about COVID-19
I have about 15,000 active patients in my practice and a team of doctors, nurses, and support staff that helps me care for them. Because our practice is essential, we never closed our doors in 2020. Interestingly, we have had zero confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the past six months.
As soon as widespread testing became available in May, we tested every patient who was sick with coronavirus symptoms. Every test came back negative. We also tested all of our employees. None of my 29 staff members, people who are around all the sickness children day in and day out, have tested positive for antibodies against COVID-19. There have been 286 confirmed deaths in Oregon and 16,492 confirmed cases as of this writing. But no children or young adults have died of the SARS-CoV2 virus in our state.
Let me be clear. The illness we call COVID-19 is real. It is killing some, especially older adults with underlying health conditions. It seems to attack people who are suffering from obesity, diabetes, compromised lung capacity, and heart conditions the most. Rarely, coronavirus has proven deadly to people without known underlying medical conditions. All of these deaths are tragic.
The truth about coronavirus, however, is that it is not the big monster killer the media had made it out to be.
I arrived at the Oregon Coast for a family vacation and read an article in the Newport, Oregon News Times, announcing “Two more die with COVID at Avamere.” The article explains:
Lincoln County Public Health announced the county’s eighth COVID-positive death on July 17—an 82-year-old man who died at Avamere Rehabilitation of Newport. The death, in fact, occurred July 4th,, before three that had been announced on July 9, 19, and 12—also all Avamere residents—but a test a few days prior came back negative, and he was found to be positive via posthumous testing. “Two Avamere residents died the previous week on July 1 and 2. Robert Swinea, the facility’s administrator, said all six of the deceased were asymptomatic for COVID-19 and died from pre-existing health conditions.” Swinea then shared that “all 18 staff members who tested positive since mid-June have recovered, as have all 18 positive residents.” [My emphasis.]
These people died of old age or their other medical conditions, folks! They died with COVID-19, not of COVID-19. There’s a big difference.
The real news here is that all the people who had symptoms of COVID-19 recovered, both staff and elderly residents!
Oregon’s COVID-19 numbers not a cause for concern
Oregon has had 286 deaths, total. In a state with a population of some 4.3 million people. All but 6 of the people who tragically died had underlying medical conditions.
In the Lincoln county cases described in the article, the older adults who passed away were dying anyway. They happened to have a virus that was causing NO SYMPTOMS.
They didn’t die from COVID-19 but they are being counted as COVID-19 deaths! In order to be counted as COVID-19 deaths, health officials in one case, had to test the dead body for COVID-19.
The Oregon Health Authority appears to also be counting positives obtained after death: “Oregon’s 257th COVID-19 death is an 81-year-old man in Lincoln County who died on July 4 in his residence and tested positive post-mortem on July 15. He had underlying conditions” [my emphasis.]
The insanity of this public health charade must be exposed
Everyone has to die. It’s the one aspect of the human condition that we all have in common. As tragic as it is for us when we lose our loved ones, people all over the world are dying all the time, every day.
But instead of putting the coronavirus situation into a larger, more rational, and more science-based context, public health officials, drunk from their newfound power, have abandoned science. They are mishandling death certificates to do everything in their power to call as many deaths as possible COVID deaths.
By equating DEATH and CORONAVIRUS and having “new cases” the metric on all the news shows, people at all levels, including conventional doctors and scientists, are living in fear, terrified of this disease. Anytime anyone dies for any reason and a postmortem test comes back positive, it is considered a death from COVID-19.
Lied to about the actual cause of death
In order to better understand the truth about COVID-19 and the real death rate, we have to look at excess deaths. So as of now we have missing information. We will have a big massive clue when we get the data for total deaths in 2020 compared to those for 2019 and years before.
With this COVID-19 deadly viral infection hitting us at a weird time (March to June for most of the country) these should all be extra deaths. When we see that deaths have actually been lower or the same for 2020, that will be the proof that this was diagnostic substitution. As they did in Lincoln County, Oregon, people dying anyway had those deaths counted even when there were no COVID symptoms and even when the last test had been negative.
Posthumous testing takes this madness to a whole new level. For the results to be meaningful, we would need to test the dead bodies for other infectious viral and bacterial pathogens—there are at least 20 common ones that we know can kill. It would be a rare person indeed who did not test positive for one or two viruses and bacteria at the time of their demise.
Now let me explain what is really happening with this virus. This information comes from the data, the science, and a dose of commonsense from a board-certified pediatrician with over 30 years of experience healing sick children.
Coronaviruses are winter cold viruses
Coronaviruses are winter cold viruses. A look at death curves from around the world shows that for most states and countries in the northern hemisphere the peaks are not only behind us, but the outbreaks are essentially over. Let’s take a look at New York. The situation there provides an excellent example since, unlike Oregon, they have had such a large, visible, and severe outbreak.
Look at the death rates on the above graph. This is very reassuring. You can see that, regardless of the number of positive tests going forward, the outbreak has essentially run its course in New York.
The COVID-19 tests for infection are PCR tests that show evidence that a sequence (part) of a virus that looks like SARS-CoV2 is present in this person’s nose or wherever the sample was taken.
This test does NOT tell you there is a live and infectious virus present.
There is a very high false positive rate, meaning that for every 100 tests there may be as many as 20 positive tests in people who don’t have COVID-19 or the virus at all.
This is why the more you test the more cases you find.
Test 100 = 20 positives (that really aren’t positive)
Test 1,000 = 200 positive (that really aren’t positive)
Test 10,000 = 2,000 positive (that really aren’t positive)
Test 100,000 = 20,000 positives (that aren’t really positive)
You get the idea.
Now add to the false positives the fact that we are targeting our testing in elder care homes where people are dying anyway as well as in hospitals where people are always dying, and you can see very clearly WHY we will continue to have “COVID-19 deaths” as long as we apply this approach to our testing and reporting.
It appears that children, and adults who work around children, like the doctors and staff in my clinic, have robust innate immune systems. Arguably we were all exposed to COVID-19. But we all tested negative. Most likely because we were all healthy enough to begin with that we didn’t need to mount a large antibody response to get rid of this pesky COVID-19 virus.
The power of healthy immunity
The immune system is much more powerful against Covid-19 than we initially believed when this all started. Sure, it made sense to be careful before we understood this virus. But we now know this virus is no worse than the flu in nearly all age categories.
Our immune systems have seen coronaviruses before and it appears many of us, in particular children, young adults, and adults who spend time around children, have the advantage of cross protection. So, while we thought at first “this is a novel virus,” believing it was new to the human race, it turns out our immune systems know how to handle it.
In pediatrics when we order a respiratory panel to look for possible causes of serious lung infections (cough, fever), we typically test for flu, RSV, pertussis, coronavirus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and more. We have done this kind of testing for years. Flu viruses mutate every year, which is why there is a new flu shot developed every year, one that tries to predict the strains of influenza that will be in circulation. SARSCoV-2 is just a mutation of the common cold coronavirus.
The fact that so many don’t get sick from SARSCoV-2 means much of the population has some immunity already. It is also becoming clear that much of our immunity is not the type vaccines induce with antibodies, but rather our innate immune system—that which we are born with and that which adapts very quickly to new challenges.
In a recent paper, “Presence of SARS-CoV-2 reactive T cells in COVID-19 patients and healthy donors,” a team of 30 scientists from Germany, explain: “We demonstrate the presence of S-reactive CD4+ T cells in 83% of COVID-19 patients, as well as in 34% of SARS-CoV-2 seronegative healthy donors.”
In this German population, 34% of people never exposed to COVID -19 already have immunity.
My guess is that children and those who work around children would have very high rates of this type of immunity. It also seems that this type of immunity may actually be the best for COVID-19 and similar coronavirus infections.
The truth about COVID-19 according to Paul Thomas, M.D.: Asymptomatic carriers don’t put others at risk
One of the most misguided assertions—one that fuels people’s fears the most is that asymptomatic carriers spread the disease to others. The idea that we should be fearful of healthy people is being repeated by virtually everyone, from doctors to news reporters. You’ve heard these dire warnings: that someone could have Covid-19 without any symptoms at all and can even spread the disease to others.
One of the most contagious diseases that scares most people still to this day is measles. Measles is far more contagious than COVID-19. Yet even measles, other than the household contacts of the most recent outbreak in the Portland-Vancouver area where we had several cases, each time a case of an infected person being in public (the Blazers arena where 20,000 were exposed), and many episodes of community exposures over the past decade where we saw several warnings, how many community members were infected by these measles infected people?
Yes, that’s right. Every case of measles has been from household contacts!
A peer-reviewed study by epidemiologists in China looked at 455 contacts who were exposed to COVID-19 via an asymptomatic carrier. Of these hundreds and hundreds of people, not a single one tested positive for the coronavirus.
The bottom line: You are far more likely to be struck by lightning than you are to get COVID-19 from casual contact from someone who has no symptoms. Of course, if you choose to kiss and exchange body fluids, all bets are off. But if you’re not in intimate contact, asymptomatic carriers do not pose a risk to you.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that so many conventionally trained medical doctors, immunologists, and infectious disease experts have abandoned both science and commonsense when it comes to COVID-19.
In the past when an infectious virus or bacteria entered the community, those who had immunity were protected. Those who got ill did not have immunity.
Before the advent of vaccines, that immunity was a natural process that involved greater and greater percentages of the population getting the illness and then being protected.
We found that at a given level of community immunity, a given virus or bacteria would have a hard time taking hold and spreading through the community. We called this phenomenon “herd immunity.” If enough of us have community immunity, then everyone is protected. Experts argue endlessly over what percentage of the population needs to be immune to achieve community immunity. Generally it is somewhere between 60 – 90% for it to be unlikely that the next time a given virus or bacteria enters the community that it will take hold and do damage.
It’s interesting that public health authorities, the COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers, and billionaires like Bill Gates who is a self-appointed, non-trained, “expert” and spokesperson for COVID vaccines, are already accepting that a vaccine that is only 50% effective is the goal. At that level of effectiveness, even if 100% of the world got the vaccine (and it worked 100% of the time), we would not have herd immunity.
Effectiveness aside, there’s another whole issue with developing COVID-19 vaccines. Antibodies produced don’t seem to be lasting. This virus is mutating, much like the flu virus does, such that the vaccine researchers are working so hard to develop quickly right now may not be effective against the coronavirus strain come the next cold and flu season.
So, what is the significance of children not getting sick from this SARSCoV-2 virus? Why have none of my 15,000 pediatric patients gotten COVID-19?
Here’s a look at the deaths in the USA by age:
Notice basically ZERO deaths in the 0-24 age group.
So, what does it mean when this massive segment of the population is not getting COVID-19 and if they do get it, it’s more of a typical cold-like illness?
What does it mean that all 29 doctors, nurses and staff in my pediatric office have tested negative for COVID-19 antibodies and none of us has been affected by COVID-19?
What does it mean when you read in the newspaper article mentioned above that all 18 of the elderly, and all 18 staff members at the Avamere Rehabilitation center, recovered?
This means that many of us already have immunity to this virus. For those of us who have this immunity, we are protected from getting infected in the first place or having a severe infection if we do get the virus. We are immune. And we must strive to help everyone become immune.
The best way to achieve robust herd immunity is crystal clear: follow the Swedish model, open up the schools, do not require masks or social distancing for those who are young and those who are healthy.
As a precaution, until those who are higher risk can get a vaccine (if that is what they want), those children, teachers, and staff who live with or care for high-risk individuals should continue to quarantine and teach or learn from home. They must wear N-95 masks and face shields when in public so they don’t bring the virus home to their high-risk loved ones. In the meantime, the rest of society can now get back to work and school.
It’s a myth that there is no immunity in our population against COVID-19.
The disease models promoted by epidemiologists and “experts” have missed the fact that there is already a significant degree of immunity which along with this being a winter cold and flu virus accounts for the fact that this outbreak is largely over in the northern hemisphere.
Ongoing numbers represent the misguided approach of over-counting, false-positives, and looking for positives in the places people are dying anyway, including elder care facilities and hospitals. Given this approach, and the media’s love affair with reporting these meaningless numbers and propagating fear, the population will remain terrified, ready to accept even an ineffective and hastily produced vaccine as the way out of this mess.
Remember Franklin D. Roosevelt’s inaugural address when he first became president of the United States? He told the American people, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
The truth about COVID-19 is that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. When you pay attention to the science, you see clearly why it’s time for all of us to stop accepting the fear narrative and go back to living our lives.
About the author: Paul Thomas, M.D. has been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Affectionately known as “Dr. Paul,” Paul Thomas received his M.D. from Dartmouth Medical School and is board-certified in Pediatrics and Addiction Medicine. Since 1988, Dr. Paul Thomas has taught residents and medical students. He opened his own practice, Integrative Pediatrics, in 2008 where he currently serves over 15,000 patients. Dr. Paul Thomas also runs a medical detox clinic, Fair Start, where he has helped over a thousand patients beat addiction and wean off opioids. His first book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, co-authored with Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., was published in 2016 by Ballantine Books. His second book, The Addiction Spectrum: A Compassionate, Holistic Approach to Recovery, also co-authored by Jennifer Margulis, was published by HarperOne in 2018. Paul Thomas has a third book, COVID-19: Life-Saving Strategies The News Media Will Never Tell You, available on SmashWords. America’s most loved pediatrician, Dr. Paul Thomas has over 1.2 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. Sign up for newsletters from Paul Thomas, get important links, and stay connected at: www.DrPaulApproved.com.
Susan Moran, RN, CLNC,FACCE says
Thank you so much for your information, Dr. Paul. I have been an RN for over 40 years! And continue keeping my license active!
I TOTALLY agree with all the evidence you have shared! Thank you so much for your expertise. May our Lord continue blessing you in all you do. Thank you again. I definitely will share your awesome article!
Katie Kellogg says
Common sense, data and critical thinking. Thank you for being the voice of reason in what feels like a time of fear driven decisions.
Vanessa says
Bravo Paul. I’ve always admired your work and spirit. That’s for telling it like it is.
Debbie says
Thank you for your honesty, scientific integrity and maturity.
Irene says
I wish more people would take time to READ your article, rather then just listen to the everyday news… Thank you at least for trying, I am trying to spread the word, it is not easy people are not thinking only listening to the news and blindly following. Lets hope word gets around and people start reflecting. Thank you!
Mary says
Your earlier video on this subject was superb, as is this article, Dr. Paul. Please continue speaking what you know is truth, to the people of America. If you can be heard as far north as Canada, we surely hope your kind of sensible, intelligent and experienced ideas can penetrate the darkness, as it were, in our Canadian medical / political arenas. May the Lord of Life continue to bless your work.
Jim says
In the section of your article titled “Lied to about the actual cause of death” you state:
“We will have a big massive clue when we get the data for total deaths in 2020 compared to those for 2019 and years before…. When we see that deaths have actually been lower or the same for 2020, that will be the proof that this was diagnostic substitution.”
That information is not missing, it is readily available, and has been written about. You can find a research letter published on July 1, 2020 here: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2768086
And you can view real time excess deaths here:
Just scroll down to the first chart on the CDC website link above, where it shows all U.S. deaths FROM ALL CAUSES, and it is strikingly obvious that we have experienced a large number of excess deaths. I count 146,000 excess deaths in 2020 in the U.S. just through May 30. The numbers on that chart could change slightly, but that change is unlikely to be significant.
Your article says that the proof we are being “Lied to” will be “when we see that deaths have actually been lower or the same.” Since clearly there will be over 150,000 excess deaths in the U.S. in 2020, I think it is this article that has been proven wrong, and this proves we are not being lied to about the fact that COVID-19 is deadly for a great many of us.
I agree that there are probably some people who would have died of old age at or near the same time even had they not had COVID-19, and it’s questionable how helpful it is to include those people with the COVID-19 deaths. But if officials didn’t count those as COVID-19 deaths, that would skew the numbers the other way, and elicit cries of a cover-up and under-counting COVID-19 deaths. There is no perfect solution, and officials are doing their best.
Sean says
From the JAMA research letter:
Between March 1, 2020, and April 25, 2020, a total of 505 059 deaths were reported in the US; 87 001 (95% CI, 86 578-87 423) were excess deaths, of which 56 246 (65%) were attributed to COVID-19. In 14 states, more than 50% of excess deaths were attributed to underlying causes other than COVID-19; these included California (55% of excess deaths) and Texas (64% of excess deaths) (Table). The 5 states with the most COVID-19 deaths experienced large proportional increases in deaths from nonrespiratory underlying causes, including diabetes (96%), heart diseases (89%), Alzheimer disease (64%), and cerebrovascular diseases (35%) (Figure). New York City experienced the largest increases in nonrespiratory deaths, notably from heart disease (398%) and diabetes (356%).
What this tells me is that, while SARs-CoV-2 is dangerous for specific populations (as pointed out in Dr. Paul’s letter, the total shutdown and panic has also taken a HUGE toll on people with pre-existing conditions as we see excess deaths NOT related to C19 skyrocket. Heart Disease, Diabetes, Strokes… they all skyrocketed and people were either A) too scared to go to the hospital or B) missed routine medical visits that may have prevented unnecessary deaths.
From a personal perspective, I was still paying for our health insurance, but in all reality, was denied care, unable to make in person visits for almost 8 weeks. Sure, some ‘telehealth’ is an alternative to people with the means necessary to utilize technology as a substitute for in person examination. But some medical needs cannot be addressed through a smart phone.
Exhibit 1: My Routine skin cancer screening…. was already canceled in late January due to dermatologist family emergency, April appointment was also cancelled. Eventually I was able to get examined, but was confronted by HazMat wearing nurse taking my temperature in the lobby and forced to wear a mask (even though i was asked to take it off for part of my exam).
Exhibit 2: my wife was not able to see her eye doctor to get her vision examined and get her prescription updated. Side Note: Wearing prescription eye glasses and also wearing a mask is not EASY. Glasses quickly fog, further complicating visibility.
Exhibit 3: Uncle was rescheduled for multiple appointments. Routine ultrasound for liver cancer screening — cancelled. 6 month checkup with Eye doctor for followup with new medication prescribed in October — cancelled. 1 year neurologist follow-up and check in — cancelled.
These are just three examples that I point out from personal experience. It should go without saying that there are literally hundreds of thousands if not millions of similar situations around the country contributing to poor health outcomes. One can only guess how many prenatal care visits were skipped out of fear of the virus or the simple fact going to any hospital or clinic forced to wear a mask and get your temperature taken in the lobby is a form of intimidation and infringes on our medical rights, medical privacy and medical freedom.
Telehealth will never be a total substitution for quality, routine, in person healthcare.
Paul Thomas says
Thanks for this input. It is indeed complicated. We are already seeing increases in suicides and drug overdoses, there will be increases in the deaths from conditions missed as you point out and there will be fewer deaths like SIDS due to the reduction in vaccine visits for infants. Fewer people on the roads also means fewer MVA deaths.
Ginger says
I took a look at the links you shared, thank you. While I think the author of the above article is correct that the numbers in Oregon are encouraging and of course COVID is rarely a problem for children, it’s obvious when you look at the excess deaths thus far in 2020 that we’ve had many excess deaths. I’m curious to hear what Drs. Thomas and Margulis think about the links you shared.
Matthew says
Brilliant. Thank you for helping light the way!
Holly says
Really enjoyed your article, thank you for your courage, freeing, peace giving, man of valor! I found this video interesting, a nurse that worked in New York found a lot of problems that may have played into the numbers seen in that locale. Health, peace, and wholeness to you all!!! LIFE WILL GET BETTER FRIENDS!!! ??
Linda Schmitke says
Outstanding article, clear, realistic and believable. I whole-heartedly support your mission to impart truth to us. Clearly seen now, the scare and manipulation strategies are more transparent. Stay strong! I have your back!!!
Sean says
Thank you Dr. Paul! This is a GREAT READ and I’ve been anxiously waiting for this kind of solid, thoughtful and pragmatic information from you and your team.
Heather Lambert says
Great article for common sense to reign over misinformation. Our children are much better off living their normal lives and not succumbing to the trends put forth by the media. Thank you for validating my efforts to allow my children to choose life over lockdown.
Christina says
I find this article to be very misleading. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation! This article is already outdated and no, we do not have nearly enough accurate data to make these assumptions.
I find the example you made about NYC appalling. The drop in cases has nothing to do with the weather or immunity, people simply changed their behavior to limit the spread. Which is why the other areas of the country, where many people did not take any precautions and reopened prematurely, are now spiking in cases and deaths during the hottest time of year in the hottest parts of the country: Arizona, Texas, and Florida!
We do not know how this affects children because, yes there have been far less deaths among them, which also means far less testing and research has focused on children, so at this point we really know nothing! The children who did get sick, some may have permanent damage to their lungs and the virus could re-emerge once in their system. We don’t know how children spread the virus: First they said children, including teenagers couldn’t spread it as easily, then they found teenagers were the same as adults in spreading virus and just children under age 10 didn’t spread it as easily. Now there is evidence that all ages spread the virus equally. Also there HAVE been deaths in children (you said practically 0) but I recall there have been 64 in the US and 20 deaths under the age of 5 years old.
Yes I agree that the reports are not always accurate but that inaccuracy swings in both directions, there have been many deaths at home that have gone untested and unreported despite their characteristic symptoms. The overall testing in the US is still behind and the tests are not accurate.
I agree that the lockdown is hard on people, their well-being and the economy. I agree that children in many households are suffering from not attending school and other activities, it is very difficult. But let people weigh the risks on their own, don’t lead them to believe there aren’t risks involved. It is also difficult to have a parent or member of the family die prematurely. Or to live with the unknown long term effects of this virus.
You are a doctor, please don’t give people a false sense of security and misleading information.
Parker Dutro says
“ The drop in cases has nothing to do with the weather or immunity, people simply changed their behavior to limit the spread. Which is why the other areas of the country, where many people did not take any precautions and reopened prematurely, are now spiking in cases and deaths during the hottest time of year in the hottest parts of the country”
How confident are you in your comprehension of all the myriad factors contributing to the behavior we’ve observed from SARS-Cov2? You assert that the drop in cases in NY is the direct result of suppression measures put in place. Are you positive about that? How do you know?
Are you familiar with a Gompertz curve? Or the term non-homogenous susceptibility?
Have you reconsidered your position now that it’s been another 7 weeks since posting your reply here? Are you aware of the difference between case-fatality rate and infection-fatality rate? And do you k OQ what those numbers are for Covid19 and how they compare to annual influenza numbers?
Perhaps Dr. Paul is in fact not giving a false sense of hope, but rather sharing a clearer perspective based on data understood in a greater, fuller context and absent the fear and hysteria that is guiding the opinions of so many right now?
Doug says
Where did you come up with PCR tests having a 20% false positive rate?
Parker Dutro says
Evidently the RT-PCR test false-positive rate can be up to 80-90%. Because 40 amplification cycles are being done, far too sensitive to provide reliable results.
Ginger says
I’m continuing to wonder what the author of this piece thinks about the number of excess deaths that have been documented in the US from January 2020 to present. There do seem to be a large number of excess deaths over this time period. Do you think some are attributable to COVID? To other medical issues that went untreated? Or did they never really happen? Thank you for reading.
Parker Dutro says
I’m wondering where you got that data? A recent comparative analysis of the data shows a negligible increase in excess deaths compared to prior years.
Additionally, there is now the question of fake deaths in the total as indicated by incompatible totals in the cause-of-death data.
Ginger says
You can view how many excess deaths we’ve had so far this year on the cdc website. There is a link posted in one of the comments above on this thread. There have also been articles in the Journal of the American Medical Association that document how many deaths have occurred this year vs precious years. Dr. Thomas indicates in his article above that seeing excess deaths would be a valid way to determine if people are really dying from COVID rather than “with COVID”— ie the patient would have died anyway.
Paul Thomas MD says
I feel we need the full years data and need to see where these deaths are. Thanks to all who have already responded. We are surely seeing increased deaths from other medical conditions that are not getting proper medical care, increased suicide and opiod overdoses. Lots of complex societal issues as well. In Oregon, we have our health authorities (OHA) sending out the information that the false positive rate is about 5%. They then report that our positive rate is 5.1% which is above the cut off of 5% where they would open the schools!
If up to 5% are false positive, and we have a positive rate of 5.1% – what do you suppose the real positive rate is?