Is severe reaction to Covid-19 vaccine possible? Is severe reaction to Covid-19 vaccine likely? What should you do if you have a bad vaccine reaction?
These are some of the questions that Richard Terrell, a 74-year-old from Virginia, is grappling with right now. Terrell suffered a severe reaction to Covid-19 vaccine. His reaction was so severe that he spent five days in the hospital and his doctors told reporters that he could have died without treatment.
What was his severe reaction to Covid-19 vaccine?
Four days after getting the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, which is a “one and done” shot, Terrell felt discomfort under his arm. As he explained to WRIC News, an ABC affiliate, a few days after that his skin started to itch. Unfortunately, though the discomfort started slowly, it quickly went from bad to worse.
A painful, angry, red rash affected his entire body. Terrell’s skin started to peel off, and his whole body became hot to the touch and inflamed.
In fact, the rash was so bad and Terrell felt so sick that his dermatologist took one look at him and told him to go the emergency room. There the doctors agreed he should be admitted to the hospital. He spent 5 days in the hospital, at VCU Medical Center in Richmond, Virginia.
Even though he’s out of the hospital, Terrell is still feeling weak. His skin started flaking off and it’s still peeling.
“It’s still coming off on my hands now,” he told a Virginia reporter. You can watch his on-camera interview here.
Doctors ruled out other causes, say the severe rash caused by the vaccine
“We ruled out all the viral infections, we ruled out COVID-19 itself, we made sure that his kidneys and liver was okay, and finally we came to the conclusion that it was the vaccine that he had received that was the cause,” said FNU Nutan, M.D., a hospitalist at VCU, told WRIC News.
Anaphylaxis, another severe reaction to Covid-19 vaccine
Other severe reactions to Covid-19 vaccines include anaphylaxis, an allergic reaction that can be life-threatening. There have been several dozen reports of anaphylaxis following the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, including this one and this one in Alaska. Symptoms include feeling flushed, tongue swelling, shortness of breath. After reviewing 21 reports, the CDC started recommending that people be pre-screened for anaphylactic shock. Those with a history of it should not receive the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.
In countries around the world people have reported getting blood clots and blood disorders after the AstraZeneca vaccine. At least nine people in Germany have died, according to Reuters News. Reactions have been so serious that some countries, including Thailand and Denmark, suspended the use of AstraZeneca vaccines.
Thrombocytopenia, a platelet disorder, has also been reported as a severe reaction to Covid-19 vaccine, both the Pfizer and Moderna brands.
Extremely high fevers, extreme fatigue, body aches so painful that you think you should call an ambulance, lethargy, chills, and paralysis may also occur post-vaccination. These side effects appear to be more common in women than in men. Younger people, like this 39-year-old mom from Utah who died 4 days post vaccination, as well as pregnant women, also seem to be having more severe reactions.
What should you do if you have a bad reaction?
It’s important to contact your doctor or other healthcare provider. Make an appointment. Tell them exactly what happened and make sure they write it in your chart.
If you are in the hospital following a Covid-19 vaccine, be sure to ask your healthcare team to note in your chart the date, brand, and lot number of the vaccine you had.
All severe adverse events should also be reported to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
If a loved-one dies post Covid-19 vaccination, you are eligible for compensation. Contact an experienced vaccine safety lawyer as soon as you can.
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I would look at this the same way the flu shot was given. I had a terrible reaction to the flu shots about 4 years ago and again 3 yrs ago and quit taking them. Have not had even a sniffle and feel
great by not taking the flu shots. Since everyones system is different it is impossible to know what kind of reaction anyone will have until its too late and you have the vaccine in your system. That is why they want you to sign that ‘no responsibility clause’ form before they ‘jab’ you..I’m sticking to what makes me feel my best, others should think long and hard before deciding. Just saying….
I didn’t have to sign any waiver to get the vaccine. Not sure where you are located, but that’s not true in all locations.
I’m a 70+ year old guy who never received vaccines but in 2003 I was offered one for free against influenza and subsequently I was really sick ( kind of really wicked cold ) for 9 weeks straight. All my life I had never had the flu except for occasional colds but this incident prompted me never to get another vaccine EVER!. Now today I don’t even remember the last time I had a common cold. It seems I may not be a good candidate for the jab.
I have severe lower leg and ankle pain (aches) in both legs for the past two days following my first covid vaccination with the Pfizer vaccine. I have been taking Ibuprofen 800mg every 6 hours.
I pray you recover okay, Sherrie
OMG I’m I’d rather risk dying from COVID19 than getting a 1 in a million adverse reaction. Good God how stupid and fearful. Get a brain.
People with no valid arguments resort to insults and name calling.
Sounds like you are the fearful knew Mike. Taking a non FDA approved, non researched treatment for something with a a 99.9% survival rate in people under 70. Does it make you feel like a cool kid bashing others for using their right to choose just as you did?
Duh, this shot is NOT FDA “approved” BECAUSE it has not been through the rigorous testing required for approval. It has only been “authorized” for emergency use which basically means YOU are the lab rat.
Thank-you Jennifer for being a REAL journalist and telling it like it is.
I have 6 pages of Notes taken last week, from 5 Dr’s on a Conference video. Dr. Larry Palensky, from “ “Critically Thinking” Dr. Lee Merrit, Dr. Carrie Madel, & 2 others.
IT does not prevent the virus. It is poison, & it’s All a lie. It has never been approved by the FDA.
6 pages of horrifying issues from this garbage. Look up these Brilliant Dr,’s & Share. Last but not least Ppl who have gotten the Injection/shot can transmit illness to others, because of what’s actually in it. Depopulation? Ask Bill Gates the Fiend.
If I could have taken short hand there would have been so much more.
This is a Major $$$$$$$$ Money maker. for all these Pharma’s.
Experimental. Short cuts being taken at the Risk of ppls Fear. For Billions of $$$$ in Their pockets. WAKE-UP..oh & take off the Filthy masks. their all about Control. & Dangerous. “Kat”
Right on! Adverse Event cases keep coming in too frequently. Up here in Canada we have the CAEFISS on Health Canada Site { Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System }. Believe or not the data stops in 2018 and recent data is encrypted in an extract zip file. Not easy for the public to access. Big Brother is the bouncer at the door and you ain’t gettin’ in.