What Facts Are Hiding Behind the Masks? COVID-19 Immunity, Treatments, and the Numbers
By Liz Schmidt
Special to JenniferMargulis.net
I was disheartened to see that Oregon’s governor Kate Brown, showing a callous disregard for science, commonsense, and minority rights, has announced that all Oregon residents must wear face masks beginning tomorrow, July 1, 2020. We are nearly six months into coronavirus chaos. Mandating masks now is like asking your partner to wear a condom six months into your pregnancy. The “science” about masks is constantly changing. Masks are causing both physical and psychological harm. The lack of true need for masks, on the other hand, is easily quantified.
Building immunity
Apparently the Oregon Health Authority, Kate Brown, and other Oregon politicians have forgotten that the goal of all the draconian restrictions was to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the healthcare system. The goal has never been to eliminate all COVID-19 infections. As Stanford University’s Scott Atlas, M.D., explains in this excellent article, as long as we have the medical capacity to treat the disease, healthy people need to acquire the virus to build herd immunity if we ever hope to get this monkey off our back.
According to best-selling author, J.B. Handley, unlike initial estimates of 70%, we now know that the herd immunity threshold for coronavirus is between 10-20%, due to our frequent exposure to coronaviruses via common colds.
Vulnerable folks need to be protected and they need to take steps to protect themselves, as they must do every flu season. And all of us need to take responsibility for our own health to prevent the co-morbidities that are killing people.
Responsibility for our own health
Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and history of smoking are all associated with complications from COVID-19. While we can’t control everything about our health, these are all conditions that within our control.
As Casey Means, M.D., has argued:
From the perspectives of science and national security, the correct strategy is clear: All Americans need to eat healthier foods, lose weight, and get into good physical shape. All of this supports immunity. It is well established that obesity, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure are largely preventable with healthy diet and lifestyle.
But healthy living is very difficult for Americans facing relentless advertising for processed and unhealthy foods, addictive (salt and sugar) ultra-processed food, entrenched and culturally-reinforced taste preferences, limited access to healthy foods for many Americans, public policy that subsidizes disease-promoting foods, sedentary behavior, and a health care and medical education system that still largely emphasizes sick care over prevention.
At the same time, wearing masks and social distancing are counterproductive in the effort to build natural herd immunity, assuming those oppressive and mental-health-harming measures even work.
Effective COVID-19 treatments
Government agencies are denying that there are effective COVID-19 treatments. This is another serious problem, especially since Governor Kate Brown has tied Phase 3 reopening to the availability of a vaccine or effective COVID-19 treatments. She’s now threatening to return some counties back to Phase 1. At least two health clinics in southern Oregon have recently been cited by the state attorney general for promoting unproven COVID-19 treatments.
I’ve been to both clinics. The doctors at both are amazing and totally legitimate. They’re trying to help people with treatments that work. But because they are not using patented for-profit drugs that support the big pharma narrative they’re now under fire. Persecution of these medical doctors looking for effective cures is outrageous.
Several effective, evidence-based COVID-19 treatments for coronavirus prevention and treatment are already available. Here are a few COVID-19 treatments that look especially promising.
Evidence-based COVID-19 treatments
1. Nutraceuticals have potential for boosting the type 1 interferon response to RNA viruses including influenza and coronavirus, according to this peer-reviewed scientific study.
2. Disulfiram can inhibit MERS and SARS coronavirus papain-like proteases via different modes, according to this research.
3. Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro, according to this study.
4. Chloroquine phosphate has been shown to be effective for the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia.
5. As micronutrient selenium deficiency influences evolution of some viral infectious diseases (source), it’s reasonable to assume that treating coronavirus with selenium supplementation may help.
6. Glycyrrhizin, an active component of licorice roots, has been found to have few toxic effects and be clinically effective against SARS-associated coronavirus.
7. People with severe coronavirus symptoms lack glutathione, an extremely important anti-oxidant produced by the liver (and one that is depleted by using acetaminophen, the main ingredient in Tylenol). Supplementation with glutathione has also been shown to be an effective COVID-19 treatment.
Fatality rate for coronavirus
The CDC now estimates that the infection fatality rate for coronavirus is around 0.26%. Influenza’s fatality rate is 0.1 to 0.3% — just about the same! Do we take extreme measures, force citizens to wear masks, isolate loved ones from each other, and make people afraid to even pass each other on the street every flu season? Of course not. And most Americans would agree that it would be ridiculous to even suggest such a thing!
Coronavirus death rates may actually be much lower. Covid deaths in the United States are significantly overstated because of CDC guidance to call all deaths WITH Covid-19 as if they were caused BY Covid, as health coach Jill Grunewald points out in this excellent article. Unfortunately, hospitals have financial incentives to artificially inflate their coronavirus cases.
To eliminate the distortion from these bogus death certificates, I’ve been compiling deaths from all causes. See total deaths at the bottom of this CDC page.
The numbers as of 6/24/20:
U.S. deaths from all causes Jan-May 2020 = 1,296,083
Same timeframe in 2018 = 1,216,192
Difference = 79,890 or 6.57%
How many of these deaths have been from the virus and how many have been from the shut-down itself? Deaths from despair are sharply increasing in America.
As reported by Reuters:
The longer the suppression lasts, history shows, the worse such outcomes will be. A surge of unemployment in 1982 cut the life spans of Americans by a collective two to three million years, researchers found. During the last recession, from 2007-2009, the bleak job market helped spike suicide rates in the United States and Europe, claiming the lives of 10,000 more people than prior to the downturn.
This time, such effects could be even deeper in the weeks, months and years ahead if, as many business and political leaders are warning, the economy crashes and unemployment skyrockets to historic levels.
Thought leaders call to end the shut-downs
Our world’s smartest thought leaders, including Nobel-prize winning Michael Levitt, Ph.D., a professor of structural biology at Stanford University, triple-board-certified physician, Zach Bush, M.D., and former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center, and Scott Atlas, M.D. argue that it’s time to end the shut-downs, open the schools, and stop promoting fear, despair, and economic devastation.
There is no question in my mind that Sweden found a better way to fight this virus. It’s time to stop they hysteria that’s causing chaos in our country and communities. Let’s stop causing widespread emotional and physical suffering, and stop ruining the economy of our state and our country.
About the Author
Liz Schmidt has been a small business owner for over 20 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and has been independently researching issues related to health and wellness for nearly 30 years. In 2015 Liz founded Southern Oregon for Medical Freedom to fight against government interference in our personal medical decisions.
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Published: June 30,2020
Updated: May 25, 2021
Sarah McDowell says
The Math+ protocol is another great treatment option.
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. says
Thank you, Sarah, for posting this link.
Karina says
Perfect thanks you for this..
Best of all from Denmark
These site also have great advice
Doctoryourself.com by andrew saul
By doris loh
Edwin Tamasese says
nebulized hydrogen peroxide used by Dr David Brownstein and his team in Michigan is very effective. They used it with various other vitamins as well. Unfortunately they got told to take their posts down. Very sad as they have a 100% success rate.
Karissa says
Thank you for writing this. I didn’t know your organization existed til now. Do you have plans to bring people together and push back against the current narrative. I work for a local Chiropractic and know that she doesn’t agree with what’s going on but now is complicit. I’m very disappointed and will not be working for her anymore. As a business owner myself I still refuse to wear a mask and will not go along with the insanity. Things will get worse if we allow them to get away with what they are doing.
Mark N. says
Good afternoon, Dr. Margulis, I saw this recent article by Liz Schmidt. Great article! I appreciated how Ms. Schmidt discusses the current measures and how they may be creating “deaths from despair.” Thank you for sharing the article. Very warmly, Mark N.
scott says
Great work this is, but i heard sir joe biden saying he’ll ex.order everyone to be masked. so now i dont want to vote for him. nor sir donald… now what?
Laurie Lentz-Marino says
Dr Vladimir Zelenko is treating patients in his New York State practice and explains the (inexpensive ) protocol to Del Bigtree in an interview on the “Highwire”
It’s an important interiew…
Zelenko “HCQ Deniers are guilty of mass murder”
The information will curl your hair.
Laurie says
Great article!