I’ve been spending quite a bit of time over on my Facebook parenting community page. I’ve been trying to post regularly and I’ve also been making Facebook memes.
It’s all Kris Bordessa‘s fault.
She has an eco-oriented, eco-friendly community Facebook page called Attainable Sustainable.
She used to have about 2 LIKES.
Now it has over 130,000 LIKES.
No, she didn’t buy them. (Yes, you can actually buy LIKES on Facebook, which proves the point that anything–from positive pregnancy tests to wigs for babies–is for sale.)
I’ve known Kris for years. We go way back to the days when she didn’t have so many LIKES.
But unlike other celebrities (you know who you are), Kris is still talking to little old me, of only 2,600-FB-LIKES fame. Perhaps because I have 5,000 friends and nearly as many followers on my Facebook profile page?
Regardless of the reason, when I called Kris Bordessa to ask her to share her secrets about how to build a fan base on Facebook, even though her husband was convalescing from a broken something or other, Kris was still glad to talk to me.
Her real secret to growing her Facebook page? Providing excellent content to enhance people’s lives.
Kris also suggested, in order to get that excellent content out there, that I learn how to make Facebook memes.
For the uninitiated, Facebook memes (rhymes with reams) are graphics that go viral, pretty pictures with words that are so appealing that they spread from one person to another.
Whether it goes viral or not, Facebook memes and other visuals are a great way to spread your ideas on Facebook. People like to look at photographs, info-graphs, and pictures with catchy phrases on them. (That’s actually what I thought a meme was but when I Googled it right now, I found out the definition was a bit more philosophical and a bit less pictorial.)
So, I’ve been making some Facebook memes.
In PowerPoint.
Because Photoshop:
A) doesn’t work on my computer since my old one crashed,
B) takes a long time for what my 12-year-old daughter calls my “small brain capacity” to process.
But said daughter is a genius on PowerPoint. She taught me some tricks. I taught myself some more.
A meme I made last week got 11,000 views. That’s nada compared to Attainable Sustainable but a lotta for social-media-challenged me.
Another photo I posted, of a mama breastfeeding triplets, got over 90,000 views.
Some of the memes I’ve made that I think will resonate have completely failed, either getting no shares and very few views or garnering nasty comments.
Others have surprised me by spreading like wildfire.
Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve. I have a present for all y’all: Memes!
Steal ’em, share ’em, copy ’em, post ’em.
Or don’t.
If you’re interested, I am happy to post more details about how to make memes in PowerPoint or other programs and I can also share more of my failures with you. Leave a comment, tweet this post, post it on FB, or otherwise get noisy, and I promise to do some follow-ups. ☺ If I don’t hear from you, I’ll assume you’re not interested… ☹
‘Tis the season to be induced. A lot of people I know, readers, and expectant women who are on-line have been talking about being pressured into inductions. That led me to make these two memes:
‘Tis also the season to be crafty and play games. If you missed my tutorial on how to make pop-up puppets, you’ve got to read it (even though the photos are of, shall we say, not the highest quality).
And here’s a Facebook meme for the game our family will play tomorrow night:
And, finally, ’tis also the season to celebrate home and family and gentleness and kindness and inclusion and love:
Merry Christmas (if you celebrate it. I don’t. But my family does. So I guess that means I do too.)
Happy holidays.
Here’s a spiked eggnog to us all surviving and thriving over winter break!
Published: December 24, 2013
Last update: January 21, 2020
You are such a goof.
Yep, if your family celebrates a holiday, you do, too. It’s in the rules somewhere…
I’d totally love to hear more about what memes worked and what didn’t.
Good Golly Ms. Margulis!
Eleven thousand and 90,000!?!? Perhaps my page just hasn’t been up long enough, but I’m thrilled when I get 500 views for a meme! What the heck?
Congratulations to you and to your friend Kris! Apparently I need to do some research and steal some ideas! 😉
Happy Holidays!
I’ve love to hear more about your meme experiences!