It’s time for your baby’s vaccines but do you know the vaccine ingredients? Does your doctor know some vaccines contain aluminum? Has your pediatrician taken the time to read up on what ingredients are in vaccines and the benefits and harms of exposing your child to each ingredient?
I read ingredient lists on food, vitamins, and even beauty and hygiene products. I want to know what I’m feeding my kids and putting in their bodies. So it makes sense, also, to know about each vaccine and all the vaccine ingredients.
Houston, we have a problem
Not every childhood vaccination contains aluminum. But many of the childhood vaccines do. The hepatitis B vaccine contains this vaccine ingredient. And the hepatitis B vaccine is given to the four million babies born each year in the United States. Nurses inject babies with the hep B vaccine within a few hours of life.
Aluminum is an adjuvant. It’s a vaccine ingredient to help the body recognize that the injected material in the vaccine is foreign and that the body needs to mount an attack against it.
The hepatitis B vaccine contains 250 micrograms of aluminum.
This amount of intravenous aluminum has been shown to be neurotoxic.
According to the FDA’s own research:
Research indicates that patients with impaired kidney function, including premature neonates, who receive parenteral levels of aluminum at greater than 4 to 5 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day accumulate aluminum at levels associated with central nervous system and bone toxicity. Tissue loading may occur at even lower rates of administration.”
That’s just the hepatitis B vaccine. The CDC has not taken the time to tally the cumulative amounts of aluminum on the childhood vaccination schedule.
Depending on vaccine brands, a baby may receive as much as 3,500 micrograms in the form of adjuvants in vaccines. Compounding the problem is other environmental exposures to aluminum even when it is not a vaccine ingredient. For example, at least two brands of injectable vitamin K, also given to newborns, also contain aluminum.
One of several highly problematic vaccine ingredients
Aluminum, especially for babies who cannot effectively excrete it, is highly problematic. An international team of scientists explain as much in a 2020 article in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology.
Al hydroxide adjuvant particles are nearly insoluble at pH 7.35.”
Many scientists believe that Al is one of the primary drivers of brain damage and nerve cell degeneration. Indeed, recent peer-reviewed scientific research has found that high levels of aluminum are associated with neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disease.
Moreover, the harm done to some children (and adults) by aluminum has been well documented in the scientific literature. You can read the details and check the citations in this 2017 ICAN white paper. This research summarizes the science that explains how aluminum as a vaccine ingredient can cause encephalitis and encephalopathy.
That white paper appeared three years ago. Since then there have been over a dozen more peer-reviewed studies confirming the aluminum toxicity. However, mainstream media and many politicians have been calling to silence and censor the debate about each vaccine ingredient. CNN even urged Amazon to remove books from its shelves that go against the accepted narrative. At the same time, honest, educated journalists and responsible scientists are publicly signaling the need for objective and rigorous vaccine safety research.
Scientists voice their concern about vaccine safety
Scientific debate should always be encouraged,” these five European scientists explain, “especially in a topic where long-term safety studies are notoriously lacking in both adults and children. We believe that an issue as crucial to public health as the safety of vaccines, on which optimal vaccine coverage depends, deserves more than a subjective publication of badly documented personal opinion and should be addressed in the light of all available scientific studies, in an honest, rigorous and objective manner.
“While reaffirming our position in favor of vaccination, we claim that the safety of aluminum-based vaccine adjuvants, like that of any environmental factor presenting a risk of neurotoxicity and to which the young child is exposed, must be seriously evaluated without further delay, particularly at a time when the CDC is announcing a still increasing prevalence of autism spectrum disorders, of 1 child in 54 in the USA.”
A response from the NIH
The Informed Consent Action Network sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the National Institute of Health. ICAN wanted information about the safety record of injected aluminum.
The basic function of the Freedom of Information Act is to ensure American citizens have access to public information. It’s our right to know.
Why? Because free and open access to public information is “vital to the functioning of a democratic society.” This according to the U.S. Department of Justice.
ICAN’s FOIA request asked for:
…copies of any human or animal studies involving the subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of aluminum adjuvant relied upon by the NIH to establish the safety of injecting infants and children with aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate or amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate.”
According to ICAN, the NIH conducted an extensive search. They requested information from the Office of Intramural Research, the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
And the NIH came up completely empty handed.
Hundreds of studies show the dangers of these vaccine ingredients, not a single study shows that injectable aluminum in any form is “safe”
So a detailed search of the files of all of these institutions yielded exactly zero documents establishing the safety of injected aluminum.
In a letter dated July 19, 2019, the NIH explains: “no records responsive to your request were located” (my emphasis).
You can read NIH’s entire response here.
So, what does this all mean? By the admission of the government of the United States, there is not a single study that shows that injecting infants with aluminum is safe.
At the same time, there are now over 150 studies confirming that aluminum is dangerous. It can cause neurological and immunological harm. This review article cites 181 peer-reviewed scientific studies. If you read each study in its entirety, they paint a chilling picture of how dangerous one of these vaccine ingredients, aluminum, really is.
So where do we go from here?
We need to develop vaccines that are safe and effective and free from toxic aluminum. These new vaccines must use new technology. We cannot make the mistake of replacing the aluminum adjuvant with an equally or more toxic vaccine ingredient.
We need better, safer, and more effective vaccines. Doctors must also find other science-forward ways to support the immune system, and a better understanding of which children have compromised detoxification pathways.
At the same time, we must educate doctors and the public about the dangers of acetaminophen, which should never be given before or after a vaccine.
We also need a vaccine safety commission that is independent of the CDC, a government entity that gets its funding from the pharmaceutical industry and other multi-million dollar businesses. The CDC also has an explicit agenda of pushing universal vaccination.
The fox cannot safely guard the henhouse. It’s that simple.
In the interest of public safety and lifelong good health, it’s imperative that parents and pediatricians only allow babies to get one aluminum-containing vaccine at a time.
Young families, like these good folks in Estonia, may decide to delay all aluminum-containing vaccines until safer vaccines are developed. Delaying vaccinations that contain aluminum may help protect our babies’ brains. A delayed schedule is a medically and scientifically reasonable choice and one that forward-thinking science-informed doctors already support.
Related articles:
Aluminum Toxicity in Infants and Small Children, a Cause For Concern?
My Son’s Sensory Processing Disorder Was Caused By the Hib Vaccine
Coronavirus in Sweden: A Doctor Weighs in
Allison Lucas says
Thank you for making this information available.
Nicole Johnson says
Thank you for compiling this. I look forward to hearing more from Chris Exley on the relationship between aluminum and autism. I wish more people would encourage their pediatricians to read about aluminum.
Davis Lim says
I found an error and this is the correction – it makes the immune system accept and not fight against the foreign substance instead of rejecting it.
Error Is here: It’s a vaccine ingredient to help the body recognize that the injected material in the vaccine is foreign and that the body needs to mount an attack against it.
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. says
Thank you for this comment, Davis Lim. I asked Christopher Exley to weigh in on these questions and here’s what he wrote:
“I would say that neither statement, yours or his correction, is correct. I think this paper explains why in its simplest sense:
Aluminium is acutely toxic at the injection site. The antigen plays little or no part in this toxicity. The body responds to the acute toxicity, an inflammatory response, by sending all manner of phagocytic cells to the injection site to clean up the mess.
“These cells treat aluminium adjuvant and antigen as equivalent whether bound to each other or not. Some antigen will be delivered to the lymph, with or without associated aluminium, where an immune response is initiated and antibodies raised against the ‘foreign’ antigen. Aluminium is also ‘foreign’ so antibodies may be raised against aluminium too. When vaccine manufacturers are testing the efficacy of their product they only look for and measure antibodies raised against their antigen. They don’t look for antibodies raised against aluminium.
“This is what Mr Aluminium believes! I hope it is helpful.
“Dr C Exley FRSB”
Hanne Koplev says
(quote): “Scientists at Europe’s food safety watchdog have assessed the safety of aluminium from all sources in food and established a Tolerable Weekly Intake ( TWI ) of 1 milligram of aluminium per kilogram of body weight.” (end of quote).
(quote from this link.
The overall bioavailability of ingested aluminum is low, with approximately …… 0.1% from food.” (end of quote).
(quote): “The FDA analysis indicates that the body burden of aluminium following injections of aluminium-containing vaccines never exceeds safe US regulatory thresholds based on orally ingested aluminium even for low birth-weight infants.
A calculation error with a factor 1000, when calculate the body load with aluminium from vaccines?
David Smith says
There could be a double whammy effect of ingested aluminum. The aluminum ion is a powerful coagulant. Like adding vinegar to milk to make cheese. It is used as such in industrial processes. According to Dr Exley it destabilises organic materials. This can occur when ingested aluminum comes into contact with the specialised layer of mucus that protects the inside of the gut wall. It is called “mucin”. If this mucin layer is destabilised it leaves holes through which toxic materials can leach into the gut. One cause of “leaky gut”. One of those toxins could be aluminum compounds! This is why the potential absorption of ingested aluminum ranges from about 0.1% to 30% in a “leaky” situation.
David Smith says
I thoroughly recommend “What Really Makes You Ill”. When you have finished you will be ready for “Dissolving Illusions” where you will find out vaccines are an unnecessary fraud. Just one juicy example: the pertussis vaccine was introduced in 1952 AFTER the prevalence of whooping cough had already declined by 97% from 75 deaths per 100,000 to almost none. The book is full of such examples. Virus Mania would be another recommendations. The most up to date on the COVID fraud is “The Final Pandemic” which I am half way through.
If you say “we need a new type of vaccine” then you are just encouraging the use of even more poisonous mRNA type injections and who knows what other horrific concoctions.
David Smith says
Chris Exley’s book “Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom” is highly recommended.
The aluminum level in brains of autistic children is much higher than in Alzheimers brains.
100% of an adjuvant is absorbed (by definition – straight into the vein). Only a small percent of ingested aluminum is absorbed via the gut.
David Smith says
I read the article. It’s obvious there are huge gaps in the germ hypothesis and in vaccinology.
Please allow me to point out the obvious.
1. NO evidence that people who are ill can spread the illness to healthy people. Dozens of attempts to prove contagion described in the literature (often gruesome) all failed. The British Common Cold Unit was one hilarious example. One thing they did come up with was an electron microscope image they christened “Corona” virus (which was likely the kidney cells in the culture breaking down because you see them on controls too – especially if trypsin is added).
2. NO evidence that people who are not ill can spread illness to healthy people. “Asymptomatic spreaders ” were suddenly announced during the Covid theatrics. One could argue that the nocebo effect and bone pointing would be interesting exceptions.
3. NO evidence that any sub-microscopic particle resembling the mythical virus can be detected within the body or detected on it’s way out of a diseased person by any means.
4. NO evidence that even a mega dose of “antigen” (virus or bacteria without adjuvant) magically imparts immunity.
5. NO evidence that unvaccinated children are healthier than unvaccinated children. See the study by Dr. Paul Thomas on health outcomes at his pediatric practice where his patients were a mix of 3939 vaccinated and 561 unvaccinated. This paper was redacted by the publisher despite being accepted and despite thorough revisions after extensive peer review. The unjabbed kids were MUCH healthier than the jabbed in all disease categories
6. NO evidence that jabs prevent any disease. Plenty of famous measles outbreaks included vaccinated kids.
Dr. Paul Thomas and Jennifer Margulis co-wrote “The Vaccine Friendly Plan” but after seeing the statistical analysis of his own pediatric data Dr. Thomas no longer endorses his own book. Here is one of many reasons – out of 561 unjabbed kids there were ZERO cases of ADHD but the jabbed had the average expected rate of ADHD. Remember the jabbed were following the so called “Vaccine Friendly Plan”. Vaccines are definitely revenue friendly. Thomas said that the billing from the jabs helps to “keep the lights on” at any pediatric practice. He is a true hero like Exley, Wakefield and a few others.
Virology is the propaganda arm of the vaccine industry. Virologists never run scientific controls. When a proper control was included in two famous studies they found that “viruses” are also detected from healthy people or even control cultures to which no human sample was added. (Enders, Lanka).