Healthy people wearing masks. These days you see them everywhere. But according to Patricia Neuenschwander, M.S.N., R.N., C.P.N.P.-P.C., an emergency room nurse with over two decades of experience, the science doesn’t support healthy people wearing masks. When Neuenschwander found out that her grandchild’s Montessori preschool was requiring even toddlers to wear masks, she did a deep dive into the research to better educate herself and her grandchild’s school about mask-wearing.
The following is a version of the letter Patricia Neuenschwander sent to the preschool administrators.
Should Healthy People Be Wearing Masks During This COVID-19 Crisis?
By Patricia Neuenschwander, M.S.N., R.N., C.P.N.P.-P.C.
In the process of making decisions one must evaluate the options. This includes the risks and benefits of the recommendation. While there is considerable debate about healthy people wearing masks, because of the current coronavirus situation, government officials are now recommending healthy people wear masks.
To evaluate this recommendation, we have to ask some commonsense questions:
- What are the risks of serious complications or death from COVID-19?
- What are the benefits—using science and data—of healthy people wearing masks to prevent spreading a virus?
- How about the risks to healthy people wearing masks?
Risk of death from coronavirus
Looking at risk of death from this novel coronavirus, we need to look at real numbers. Models and predictions have not been accurate. The population in the United States is approximately 326,700,000. As of May 9, 2020, 76,934 have been reported to die from COVID, as a complication of it, or with it.
Using the real numbers of people potentially at risk (as we all are) and the number of these deaths, it works out to be 0.00023 or 0.023% of the population. That is essentially a 0% death rate in the general population at this time.
It looks like the death rate from this is higher because not everybody has been exposed, so the death rate is higher in those known to be exposed. The problem is we don’t know how many have been exposed.
Without an accurate denominator, we don’t really know the risk of dying if you become infected.
Most infected people recover
However, several studies show most people infected have mild to no symptoms and fully recover. A few recent studies looking at populations with real data of people who were infected, who did not have symptoms or receive treatment, have shown the death rate to be much lower than previously reported.
Because most of the people tested were sick or were at a very high risk of infection based on exposure, we have no idea how many fully recovered.
We do know that older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions (like heart or lung disease or diabetes) are at higher risk for developing serious complications from COVID-19 illness.
However, as none of these risk factors are applicable to healthy children, children with no underlying health issues remain at an extremely low risk of being seriously affected or dying from this infection.
I have no qualms with people at high risk staying home or wearing a mask in public to try to protect themselves from contracting this infection.
I do have qualms about healthy people wearing masks, asking them to partake in an intervention that has not shown to benefit anyone (using science and data) and can potentially cause harm.
Does wearing a mask help prevent coronavirus infection?
An important study using science to evaluate cloth mask use to prevent infection was conducted in March 2011. It is a large, prospective, randomized clinical trial; and the first randomized clinical trial ever conducted of cloth masks. The international team of researchers concluded:
This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection. Further research is needed to inform the widespread use of cloth masks globally. However, as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs, particularly in high-risk situations, and guidelines need to be updated.”
This study doesn’t provide evidence for effectiveness in high-risk populations; it certainly does not support healthy people wearing cloth masks.
More recently, researchers from University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health reviewed the scientific literature. While not an exhaustive review of masks and respirators as source control and personal protection equipment, this review locates and reviews the most relevant studies of laboratory and real-world performance to inform our recommendations.
The review, which has 52 citations, concludes:
We do not recommend requiring the general public who do not have symptoms of COVID-19-like illness to routinely wear cloth or surgical masks.
Why? Because:
- There is no scientific evidence they are effective in reducing the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission
- Their use may result in those wearing the masks to relax other distancing efforts because they have a sense of protection
- We need to preserve the supply of surgical masks for at-risk healthcare workers.
A 2020 study in Seoul, South Korea looked at the effectiveness of surgical and cotton masks in blocking COVID-19 in a controlled comparison of four patients. COVID-infected patients had to stay in negative pressure isolated rooms. The scientists compared disposable surgical masks (3 layers) with reusable cotton masks.
Researchers instructed patients to cough 5 times while wearing no mask, surgical mask, or cotton mask. Interestingly, all swabs from the outer masks—including surgical masks—were positive for COVID-19.
Inner masks were also found to be contaminated. That means the mask did not effectively filter out the COVID virus since it is too small.
The authors assert:
Neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered {COVID-19} during coughs by infected patients.” Conclusion: “both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface.”
The World Health Organization does not support healthy people wearing masks
The World Health Organization (WHO) has as its mission to direct international health within the United Nations’ system and to lead partners in global health responses. So what does the WHO recommend when it comes to healthy people wearing masks? “WHO stands by recommendation to not wear masks if you are not sick or not caring for someone who is sick.”
“There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit,” Dr. Mike Ryan, an epidemiologist who specializes in infectious diseases and public health and who is the executive director of the WHO health emergencies program, said at a media briefing. “In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly” (source).
The CDC’s mixed mask messages
According to the CDC, avoiding close contact with sick individuals; frequently washing your hands with soap and water; not touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands are effective prevention tips. The CDC also recommends covering your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others, and practicing good respiratory hygiene (source).
But here’s the rub. The CDC then goes on to say that the cloth face cover protects other people in case you are infected. But the CDC provides no scientific citations to support the claim that wearing a mask is effective at preventing you from spreading the virus to others.
Surgeon General insisted masks are dangerous
As a matter of fact, America’s surgeon general, Jerome Adams, M.D., M.P.H., said in an interview in March that masks can be dangerous because people tend to touch their masks many times per hour and can spread the disease that way.
A CNN story (since removed from the internet) bore the headline: “Masks may actually increase your coronavirus risk if worn improperly, surgeon general warns.”
(Click here to read it via the Wayback Machine):
You can increase your risk of getting it by wearing a mask if you are not a health care provider,” Adams said during an interview on Fox & Friends on Monday morning. “Folks who don’t know how to wear them properly tend to touch their faces a lot and actually can increase the spread of coronavirus,” Adams said. “We’re certainly seeing more spread in communities, but it’s important for folks to know that right now their risk as American citizens remains low. There are things people can do to stay safe. There are things they shouldn’t be doing and one of the things they shouldn’t be doing in the general public is going out and buying masks,” he said.
On a separate page, the CDC discusses masks:
CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.”
However, there are no scientific citations provided to support this on that page. They go on to say that the recommendation has changed because they have figured out it is transmissible person to person.
Confusing messages about healthy people wearing masks
These mixed messages are confusing. But what we know for sure is that the CDC knew from February 26 (the date of the first community spread case documented in the U.S.) that people transmit this virus person to person; and not only was there no recommendation to wear a mask then, they strongly opposed the general public wearing masks.
Additionally, The World Health Organization warned of human to human transmission on January 14, 2020:
WHO’s technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens” (source).
We don’t force masks to protect against the flu
The CDC has known for decades that person to person transmission spreads influenza virus. But the CDC has never told us to wear a mask to stop the spread of that virus. As a matter of fact, the CDC specifically says masks don’t work; and they do not recommend wearing a mask, to prevent transmission of the flu!
No recommendation can be made at this time for mask use in the community by asymptomatic persons, including those at high risk for complications, to prevent exposure to influenza viruses” (source).
But wait. On this separate page related to the recommendation to wear a face covering, the CDC does provide seven recent publications to support the use of masks for COVID –
Here’s a brief summary of each study. I recommend you read them in their entirety.
1. Rothe C, Schunk M, Sothmann P, et al. Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;382(10):970-971.
This study is about transmission from one person exposed to four people- “The fact that asymptomatic persons are potential sources of 2019-nCoV infection may warrant a reassessment of transmission dynamics of the current outbreak.”
There is nothing in this study about masks related to benefits or risks of wearing a mask.
2. Zou L, Ruan F, Huang M, et al. SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load in Upper Respiratory Specimens of Infected Patients. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2020;382(12):1177-1179.
This study is about viral load in 17 patients: “We analyzed the viral load in nasal and throat swabs obtained from the 17 symptomatic patients in relation to day of onset of any symptoms”. There is nothing in this publication to support or evaluate healthy people wearing masks.
3. Pan X, Chen D, Xia Y, et al. Asymptomatic cases in a family cluster with SARS-CoV-2 infection. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2020.
You can kind of tell by the title of this study but their conclusion: “To prevent and control this highly infectious disease as early as possible, people with family members with SARS-CoV-2 infection should be closely monitored and examined to rule out infection, even if they do not have any symptoms. In the case of this family, since the time between presentation and identification of SARS-CoV-2 infection was short … [we need] more studies to observe the symptoms and test results of infected individuals in greater detail.”
Again, nothing in the study supports the use of wearing a mask!
4. Bai Y, Yao L, Wei T, et al. Presumed Asymptomatic Carrier Transmission of COVID-19. JAMA. 2020.
Yet another study that has nothing to do with healthy people wearing masks. “A familial cluster of 5 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia in Anyang, China, had contact before their symptom onset with an asymptomatic family member who had traveled from the epidemic center of Wuhan.”
5. Kimball A HK, Arons M, et al. Asymptomatic and Presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Residents of a Long-Term Care Skilled Nursing Facility — King County, Washington, March 2020. MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2020; ePub: 27 March 2020.
This analysis suggests that symptom screening could initially fail to identify approximately one half of SNF residents with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Unrecognized asymptomatic and presymptomatic infections might contribute to transmission in these settings. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, SNFs and all long-term care facilities should take proactive steps to prevent introduction of SARS-CoV-2, including restricting visitors except in compassionate care situations, restricting nonessential personnel from entering the building, asking staff members to monitor themselves for fever and other symptoms, screening all staff members at the beginning of their shift for fever and other symptoms, and supporting staff member sick leave, including for those with mild symptoms.”
This citation (read it here) again provides no evidence that healthy people wearing masks prevents the spread of infection or that wearing masks is a safe and effective measure.
6. Wei WE LZ, Chiew CJ, Yong SE, Toh MP, Lee VJ. Presymptomatic Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 — Singapore, January 23–March 16, 2020. MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2020;ePub: 1 April 2020.
I know you will be shocked to learn that yet again the CDC is citing research that offers no science to support healthy people wearing masks.
“Investigation of all 243 cases of COVID-19 reported in Singapore during January 23–March 16 identified seven clusters of cases in which presymptomatic transmission is the most likely explanation for the occurrence of secondary cases.”
7. Li R, Pei S, Chen B, et al. Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2). Science (New York, NY). 2020.
The transmission rate of undocumented infections per person was 55% the transmission rate of documented infections (95% CI: 46-62%), yet, because of their greater numbers, undocumented infections were the source of 79% of the documented cases. These findings explain the rapid geographic spread of SARS-CoV-2 and indicate that containment of this virus will be particularly challenging.”
Ready for the shocker? You already guessed what it is? Right. Nothing about the safety or effectiveness of wearing a mask in Study #7 either.
So what have we established?
That the CDC’s change in recommendations about mask wearing is based on nothing more than that the COVID-19 virus is transmissible, something every scientist who studies viruses already knew. I’m sure the CDC realizes that most people won’t take the time to actually read the science. But I do.
As you can see, none of these seven studies supports that wearing a mask is effective or safe in preventing transmission. They only support that transmission is person to person and this is the case for numerous viruses.
On March 2, after confirmation that COVID-19 was indeed transmitted person to person, the Surgeon General pleaded with the general public not to mask. As I mentioned above, Dr. Adams said they don’t work and they actually can increase your risk.
His exact words:
… one of the things they shouldn’t be doing, the general public, is going out and buying masks. It actually does not help. And it has not been proven to be effective at preventing the spread of Corona virus decreasing amongst the general public.”
Listen to one of his interviews here.
He also took to Twitter to get the point across. On February 29 the Surgeon General tweeted: “Seriously people -STOP BUYING MASKS! They are not effective in preventing the general public from catching the corona virus.”
Wearing masks does not stop the spread of influenza viruses
For decades, we’ve known that masks are not effective in preventing influenza transmission. How is it that masks don’t work for this virus, but they work for COVID-19? The CDC, as of today, has not changed its advice about influenza.
According to the CDC, “No recommendation can be made at this time for mask use in the community by asymptomatic persons, including those at high risk for complications, to prevent exposure to influenza viruses.”
You might want to save that as a PDF, before it gets censored.
Masks make children fearful
I have not been able to locate any published research on the psychological or emotional effects of having healthy children wear masks daily for hours at a time.
I can only make an educated assumption based on over two decades of working as a healthcare professional that forcing children to wear masks will cause fear, anxiety, and negative feedback from caregivers. Mask wearing will affect children differently based on their developmental level. You cannot explain to a two-year-old why they are being forced to cover their nose and mouth.
Covering the mouth and nose for hours is uncomfortable for children (and adults). Moreover, it also limits the airflow and the flow of oxygen coming in. It causes children to breath their own carbon dioxide, which we know is harmful. In addition, it provides a dark, warm, moist environment that potentially increases the risk of infection.
Fear is driving this recommendation for healthy people to wear masks, not science.
Children should not be wearing masks
I have been a nurse for over 25 years. Holding a Master’s Degree in Science, I cannot in good conscience allow my grandchild to be subjected to an intervention that may cause physical, emotional, and psychological harm without significant evidence that the benefits of such intervention outweigh the risks.
Should we be encouraging healthy people to wear masks? The answer is unequivocally no.
Patricia Neuenschwander, M.S.N., R.N., C.P.N.P.-P.C.
About Patricia Neuenschwander: Patricia Neuenschwander, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC, is a board-certified pediatric nurse practitioner. A registered nurse for over 25 years, she is the co-founder, co-owner, and CEO of Creating Brighter Futures. Creating Brighter Futures is an ABA center located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She currently serves as office manager for Bio Energy Medical Center, a multidisciplinary medical practice, which she joined in 2007.
Tricia worked as an emergency department nurse for over 17 years. She left emergency nursing to return to school to pursue a Master’s of Science in Nursing. Patricia graduated Summa Cum Laude from Wayne State University in 2014. She attended the pediatric nurse practitioner program in primary care. Tricia is a member of the State and National Association of Pediatric Nurses Practitioners.
She is a member of Michigan For Vaccine Choice and the Children’s Health Defense organization. Her passion lies in advocating for and promoting the health of all children. On a personal note, Tricia is married with 3 children and 3 step-children, as well as 4 grandchildren, one dog, and one cat. She enjoys boating, yoga, and researching vaccine safety.
Related articles:
Wearing a Mask Can Harm Your Health
Coronavirus in Sweden: A Doctor Weighs In
What the Science Actually Says about the CDC’s Mask-Wearing Policy
Natural Treatments for COVID-19
COVID-19 Solutions Without Masks or Lockdowns
CDC’s New Vaccinated Mask Guidelines Make No Sense
Published: May 13, 2020
Last update: August 13, 2022
Thank you so much for putting this i formation together. It is an answer to prayer. I actually got sick at work and it was not cv19. It started with a mild headache over a few days then the worst headache of my life with some deep pain in my upper back. I do believe the mask was the culprit. Now at work I just wear it very loosely and I am able to breathe through my nose. Anyway. I want to give this information to the CEO. I work at a YMCA. It is supposed to support health. We are currently not open to the public yet but a number of us opted to work. We are required to wear a mask. Anyway. Thanks again.
Kristin Johnson
Just a quick heads up , my covid symptoms were exactly the same. Severe back pain and the worst migraine I’ve ever had that lasted 4 days. My hits and and a friend had similar symptoms and we all tested negative to antigens. Their antibody tests were both negative and mine was positive. I do wish our testing options had more accuracy and I know we have great teams of researchers working hard to find the answers. I am concerned to continue mask wearing as I am Double Cope ACE ( cone ting a greater susceptibility to COVID), I have 2 blood clotting autoimmune factors, and I am concerned that masking will re-initiate the covid viral infection??????? Thoughts greatly appreciated.
I’ve read that masks can lower blood oxygen levels due to the mask restricting breath volume. Your migraines may be due to that.
I rarely have a headache. I’ve noticed in the past several weeks I’ve developed a headache about every 2-3 days at work. I bet your right. No headaches on the weekends. Hmmm. Thank you. I will do more research.
They are very, very unlikely to lower SpO2 unless you have severe pulmonary disease.
However — CO2 retention is another matter; there will be a modest increase in “dead space”, and that can potentiate CO2 retention. One of the first signs of CO2 retention is…. surprise ….. a nasty headache.
The real risk, however, does not lie there. It is in cross-contamination. If, as I have believed since February, this bug is largely fecal/oral transmitted then not only are masks worthless but when used by untrained or inattentive people (that’s the entire general public, incidentally) they are likely to make transmission *worse* because you will touch your face more-often and if the virus is on your hands…..
After about 30 minutes wearing a mask I get a horrible headache between my eyes that lasts for hours. I can’t breathe in a mask and breathing carbon dioxide is obviously bad for your brain! It doesn’t protect anyone from any virus. It’s not my job to protect you. Wear a mask, protect yourself. If herd immunity isn’t reached, this virus will not go away. You’re just prolonging the inevitable. Science doesn’t always have the answers and scientists sometime use it for personal gain.
I’ve not worn the mask and I feel great. It’s amazing what acting like a normal person does for you. I’ve never ever believed politicians know better than me. Humans have survived for thousands of years without ever wearing mask or getting vaccines. Our parental live into their 90’s. It’s younger people dying of disease.
Thank you
Patricia! God Bless you!
Thank you~
Hi. What is the date of this article?
May 13, 2020. It’s printed at the bottom of the article, above the journalist’s bio.
This article is more than two months old in July!!!
Remember July? There are 135,000 dead in the US right now!!! This article is dangerous, out of date, and should be taken down.
Because it contradicts your beliefs? This is the kind of information that needs to come forward in order to have an EDUCATED CONSIDERATE conversation. Are you part of the cancel culture? Anything you don’t like or disagree with your cancel?
Suddenly the science has change to fit a narrative.. in 2 months they have some how conducted enough studies and offered enough evidence to not just put into question multiple studies and years of research, but completely falsify it.. hmm that’s plausible said no one who could think for their self.
I agree I am also a RN with 30 yrs experience. I believe in what I see and read. I’ll be wearing a mask and wish everyone would when social distancing is not possible.
There is ample current information that supports the conclusions of this article. 7-19-2020
Unlike the evidence CDC is using for the current recommendations, which they admit is very weak on their website, this information is based on decades of solid research, done in rigorous scientific fashion. CDC is using meta-analyses of retrospective comparative studies without randomization or control groups. Those study designs are the weakest except for anecdotal stories of what happened. Their entire results sections are based on what they call assumptions and estimates in their own articles. 20 years ago when got my anesthesia degree, I would have been invited to leave the OR and go to the library to find scientific evidence. Failing that, I would have been out for the day and that much closer to not becoming an anesthesia provider. There is an old saying: garbage in, garbage out. Please, use google scholar for the purpose intended and pull those studies up. Without formal statistical training, they can be confusing, but I have found that the average patient can tell the difference between scientific evidence and an assumption. At least I hope so, because most want me to do what evidence shows is best, rather than what someone they don’t even know, assumes is good.
You’re dangerous to freedom and free thought Karen. Mask do nothing. It’s like thinking having a peeing area in the pool will protect you.
Great analogy, I have to remember that one. I agree with you. the studies the CDC earmarked for proof of wearing a mask are NOT SCIENTIFIC but a story about the virus spreading. period.
Thank you for this information. We are all searching for facts.
Then you’ve come to the wrong place.
What is meant by a cloth mask? Is that a self-made mask out of cotton. Is a surgical mask the N95 mask? Some clarity on the how the different masks are defined would be helpful in understanding the different arguments stated in this article.
According to a filter manufacturer, the effectiveness of different materials on particles of 1 micron (µ) size for a certified N95 mask is 99.9%, for a surgical mask 99% and a simple cloth mask 53%.
The implication of these figures is that 10x the viruses will penetrate a surgical mask as an N95 mask, and half of the viruses will penetrate the cloth covering mask.
Important here is that the velocity of a cough or sneeze is several feet per second without trying to block it. The velocity after filtering through a mask is quite low. Basically, unprotected coughs spew viruses much further than coughing through a mask.
So I’ve now heard several reports of people pulling down their mask in order to sneeze – the latest one being a first-hand report from my daughter. Said person commenting “it is so gross to sneeze in one of these things.” Makes sense. And kinda goes along with the fact that people wearing masks are fiddling much more with them & their face and thus are extremely counter productive.
Sneezing, coughing and talking when not wearing a face mask around other people is exactly how the virus spreads. Some people have the virus and no symptoms which is why even if they do not think they are sick they could spread the virus, and possible death, to someone else. donald trump is a terrible example for the people of our country. Not wearing a mask when out around other people is the height of selfishness and irresponsibility.
What you said is not based on science.
Did you read the article or don’t you care that the scientific consensus is that cloth masks do not stop the transmission of the virus. That is, sneezing, coughing and talking even when wearing a mask doesn’t stop the spread.
Here’s an easy solution for you. When you see someone not wearing a mask maintain the recommended social distance (whatever that may be this week because science by nature is dynamic not static) from that person and keep your self righteous opinion to yourself.
Donald Trump is using his God given right to be healthy and not wear a useless, actually detrimental to being healthy, oppressive mask.
There is zero science to support your position. I have here a study in which they tried to collect virus under lab conditions in non-coughing, non-sneezing *lab-confirmed* coronavirus, influenza and rhinovirus patients *who had fevers.* In other words, symptomatic persons — who should be staying home.
The majority did not shed ANY virus in ordinary breath over *30 minute time periods* — and they collected it ALL in a laboratory.
Now if you cough or sneeze, yes.
But there is a further problem — the median particle size in expired breath (sneezing or not) is sub-micron. Which goes straight through (“catch” of under 10%) anything less than an N95. N95s get about 40% of those.
Masks have failed 14 RCTs for viral transmission (there are zero that show they’re effective within statistical significance) and this is why. It’s physics, and unfortunately when it comes to physics we are talking about natural laws.
Did you read the article?
A nd you are full of crap anser me this why are there no bio Hazzard waste receptacles to dispose of used mask
Wearing masks was not helpful in preventing spread of the flu according to the CDC, but why has the CDC changed it’s ruling after the first 2 months of COVID19 . BC it became politically necessary to put the population into fear mode with the upcoming election . Fearful people would not want to go to the polls to vote. BUT IT BACKFIRED. BC people got used to the mask and still went out to the store, etc. Life went on, then when the virus ended they had to make up another story to keep people away from the polls. Now we have a bunch of BLM and ANTiFA fanatics going around and attacking businesses and isn’t it amazing that it is ONLY DEMOCRATIC CITIES THAT ARE RIOTING AND BEING BURNT DOWN AND LOOTED BY THESE THUGS. WHY AREN’T THEY DOING THE SAME IN THE REPUBLICAN RUN CITIES? BC THE DAs in the Republican cities are not being paid off by George Zoros.
You’re dangerous to freedom and free thought Karen. Mask do nothing. It’s like thinking having a peeing area in the pool will protect you.
Cloth masks are the homemade or cotton ones people are buying. These usually have no filters. Surgical masks are the ones usually worn by medical personnel in surgery. They have 3 layers of filtering material. N-95 mask have a hepa filter which should filter 95% of small particles. The accuracy of these masks working properly is also dependent on a tight seal so particles can not enter for you to breathe in – thus is why fit testing is done to determine a proper fit and seal.
Scroll down one screen.
Thank you! It sure looks like the suggestion to wear a cloth mask has credence. To not do so is the height of arrogance and a total lack of concern for thy neighbors. I’ll continue to wear masks when in close proximity to others be it a store, hospital, Dr office where they all require their use of not. Again, thank you for debunking another “opinion” by a nurse practitioner with high and years of Nursing experience. I emphasize an opinion based on articles citing years old studies and even studies having only five patients. It’s impossible to calculate any type of fiduciaries with that number of subjects who were all known to have Covid-19.
Amazing. I think she proved that the CDC did NOT prove that wearing a mask worked . So therefore wearing a mask is a fable and you bought the fable hook line and sinker. Some people only hear what they want to hear and you are one of them.
Well, I’ll be! So now the current thinking is the wearing of any type of mask is not recommenced for anyone! Maybe next week the advice will be reversed because we just don’t know enough about this new virus. May God bless us all.
amen theentire populatio has nbeen warjnetowearmasks people with heartproblems become dizzy and lightheaded by wearing mask -somany sources saywear mask and I agree God Bless usall
Thank you for this well-researched and, more importantly, well put together paper! Is there a printable version that I could share with local school districts, etc.? I would be happy to pay something for it! ???
I just highlighted the article and pasted it into Word and it printed perfect.
Not wearing a mask if you are healthy is all fine and well, how do you know your healthy? Meanwhile, you hope people who are not healthy and asymptomatic are wearing masks.
I think the point, if you read the article thoroughly, is that unless you have a special mask with a respirator, that no general pop person has, your mask isn’t filtering out covid-19 inhaling or exhaling…so what exactly is the point?
I mean…its been widely stated that wearing a mask, “isn’t for your protection, its to protect others.” Excuse me? If the mask doesn’t filter out covid-19 coming into me…why am i supposed to believe that its going to filter it out leaving me??
It slows the spread. The whole point is that we shouldn’t be near other people at all, but IF we are, we should wear masks to lower the chances of spreading it. Wearing a mask and carrying on with normal activities won’t stop the spread.
It DOES prevent Covid from leaving an infected nose and mouth, especially the heavy aerosolized droplets released during coughs and sneezes. Numerous studies support this.
This article is extremely misleading and dangerous. Do you feel comfortable with the idea that you may kill or cause severe complications in others because you’re asymptomatic Covid positive and are infecting people at risk? Are you comfortable knowing that numerous others will read this article, go out without masks and potentially infect/injure/kill hundreds more?
If the virus can enter a cloth mask by just walking into an area where the virus exists, how in the world will the same cloth mask contain the virus when expelled at speeds up to 50 mph for a cough and 100 mph for a sneeze? There is no way possible that the virus is magically trapped in a mask when ejected at high speeds but somehow penetrates and enters the same mask material just floating in the air. It’s impossible and defies all logic.
Yes, viruses and bacteria spread all the time from people to people, normally through touch. So I do feel comfortable not wearing a mask. I wish all the Karens of the world would stop trying to shame people who disagree. Don’t like it? Ask to speak with a manager.
Are you comfortable driving a car on the freeway, where you may mangle and or kill one or multiple people? It happens everyday.
Are you serious? The virus is leaving the nose and mouth during coughs and sneezes, and there is NOTHING you can do to stop that. Not even sure why you would state something so blatantly wrong. I can’t take anything you say after that seriously. All one has to do is watch the MythBusters episode at to show the inevitability of droplets leaving the nose and mouth. And by contrast, where Patricia Neuenschwander provides one of the most factual and well-cited rebuttals that face masks should be worn by everyone, you state several opinions and expect us to take your word for it.
So then it becomes a question of how well you can contain those droplets. Again, just watch the MythBusters episode to see how a cloth face covering (like a handkerchief) is ineffective at containing a sneeze. Further, the medical community at large has stated unequivocally (this is common knowledge so I feel no need to find a resource to cite) that regular face masks not rated N95 are insufficient to prevent you from getting infected. So if the virus can get it, it can certainly get out or through regular face masks. The South Korean study demonstrates this empirically. The COVID19 virus particles are small enough to get through those masks. Shoot, even an N95 mask only stops 95% of particles of size 0.3 microns and larger, and the particle size for this virus is “estimated to be within that range at 0.08 to 0.14 μm”. So those particles will certainly get through a normal cotton face mask. Then, the general public is not trained as HCWs are (especially surgeons) to avoid touching their face and mask, and will touch them multiple times. This again is common knowledge. So they will touch that mask and then touch objects around them, thus contaminating other surfaces. So your contrast is between 2 flawed and inaccurate points.
1) A mask DOES prevent the virus from leaving an infected nose and mouth. FALSE
2) That an asymptomatic person is at risk of contaminating other (TRUE) while someone with a face mask is not (FALSE). You imply this by the false statement in your first paragraph, and by extension from omitting people with face masks from your second.
Yeah but the virus is carried in respiratory droplets which are larger.
There are a lot of studies and experts indicating that masks do not work and actually cause issues when worn for an extended period of time. Dr. Fauci himself said they do not work, until he changed his mind.
Do you know how the mask works for asymptomatic carriers for this virus but not the flu virus? According to the CDC “No recommendation can be made at this time for mask use in the community by asymptomatic persons, including those at high risk for complications, to prevent exposure to influenza viruses.” Did you read the article in full? Did you see the WHO does not recommend wearing one? Did you see the surgeon general telling people not to wear a mask in March because they don’t work? Please provide the science behind your belief that healthy people or asymptomatic carriers should wear a homemade mask to protect others? Just looking for science to back up evidence based practice.
If “Numerous studies support this” is true, would you please inform the CDC about these studies that prove your point? A major point of the article, is that the 7 studies cited by the CDC about masks, do not say anything at all about masks.
There ARE studies that show that a wet face from a mask INCREASES the risk of infection, and causes a lack of oxygen, thereby reducing immunity.
Yes. I have so wanted to say something like this but I lacked the right words. Thank you
My favorite illustration is, if underwear and pants can’t stop someone across the room from smelling a fart (which means particles of that gas are entering your nose), then a mask is not going to stop the spread of a virus.
@cb, md: What are your sources?
She is 100% correct.
Asymptomatic spread of COVID19 has been debunked.. it’s very rare.. if you are a real md, you really should know this?
How about this.. if you are coughing, sneezing, have fever or displaying any other symptoms, stay the hell home!
You sheeple can wear an effin mask if you want, but don’t be a mask nazi..
You are only causing people to be more fearful by your ideas.. and everyone should mind their own business and do the research for themselves.. I won’t wear a mask because I am healthy and I don’t have cv-19 .. I distance and wash my hands and when I wear a mask at work I get lightheaded and nauseous so don’t be saying things that you can’t prove.. I will do what I need to do to protect myself that will help stop the spread.. quit being so fearful and wake up because you are lowering your own immunity because of your fear! And quit blaming others .. and quit blaming our President unless you can do his job better and may God Bless you ! And help to stop the spread By letting people make their own decisions! Have a great day!
There is no scientific studies to back up your comments. Healthcare workers and use of mask have no correlation to public’s use in public. As a healthcare professional, mask could do more harm, especially for those with chronic illnesses and weak immunity, than it would protect. If you choose to wear a mask, go ahead, if not that is fine. According to FDA a mask for purpose for COVID is considered a medical device. No government body can order medical intervention upon any consenting adult or minor without their consent. Every state has laws regarding right to refuse medical care and medical devices fall into medical care. Very slippery slope to order/mandate medical devices on on the public. What next will be
mandated with out consent. It appears critical thinkers are something of the past.
Agree 100 percent. How do you know your healthy if there’s no way to be accurately tested!
Honestly, how do you ever know if you’re healthy? We can always walk around in fear and panic, but I don’t know about you, I don’t want to live life that way, and I don’t think it’s a healthy way to bring up children. Do the best you can and then follow the advice on the dollar bill–trust in God.
Perhaps you should read the article. It sounds like you missed the point.
I prefer to live my life freely to decide for myself, and if your afraid by all means slap a mask on, but stop making your fears control my health and well being. I noticed I was getting headaches at work as we are forced to wear one if we want to work at our jobs. I am so saddened by the division being caused over something that is and always should be the persons own choice. Why isn’t MY CHOICE FOR MY BODY relevant if I want to build natural immunity which is always better than vaccines…why is it one sided and if you aren’t wearing an oppressive mask, your the enemy….freedom of choice? Doesn’t really feel like it. May God have mercy on us all, and me we figure out how to hate on each other. Definitely going to vote for a candidate that loves America despite its imperfections, and that respects the flag, police officers, and doesn’t pass laws the greatly infringe on constitutional rights. Proud to be an American, and hopefully still free after Nov 3rd
That’s the lie, you can be sick but asymptomatic. Give me a break. First it’s wear it for two weeks to flatten the curve now it’s been five months. Slavery looks like idiots wearing face diapers. And let’s all stand on the same two foot square to social distance because the deadly virus doesn’t live in the magic two foot box everyone else just exhaled in. Seriously we’re doomed if everyone is this gullible. It was a test and we failed. Now they know they can make us accept anything. Boxcars next. Climb aboard to Covid free camp. Free showers.
Thanks so much Patricia for taking the time to research and then write this excellent summary.
As a double board-certified RN in Critical Care Nursing and Healthcare Quality and 32 years of experience, I totally concur with your findings. I also appreciate the journalist who interviewed you. Masks are for the sick and those caring for the sick. They actually may be harmful for children and anyone with underlying respiratory illness for the various reasons cited in the article. Unfortunately, I am sad to say, the fear that has been nurtured around the world has already negated the true facts regarding these studies. I wonder how many will actually read this well-researched article?
Quarantine the sick, protect the most vulnerable, and allow the healthy to work, go to church, and go to school. May God bless and protect this nation and her people. My faith is in Him.
I love your response Bree m saum! God bless you!
You hit the nail on the head about the fear. It saddens me to see so many people terrified. What will they do when flu season comes? I pray daily for our country and the world. I’m relieved to find some similarly-minded people. Maybe I will keep copies of this article to pass out to those who scold/judge/glare at me for not wearing a mask. Of course, I keep a face covering with me for facilities requiring one. Also, to see my 83 y.o. dad who has several of the underlying conditions. ; )
Yes! Exactly!
Thank & God bless You
Amen Bree
Thank you Bree!
Thank you for pointing out that the CDC referenced studies in which no masks were worn. I read the studies and have been telling friends who are nurses this for weeks. They just tell me how contagious it is and masks are good. This week my public health dept sent me an evidence review that has some evidence that masks may have some benefit. It had not been peer reviewed. I think the CDC counts on people just taking their word at face value.
Was a nurse in younger years. I have been trying to tell folks about how dangerous it is to use masks. No one wants to listen. I read this is all about covering your face to loose your identity, like ladies in the Middle East. They can no longer speak out their thoughts. It’s a hoax to destroy free America.
2 problems:
1. Your abuse of statistics.
“The models and predictions have not been shown to be accurate. The population in the United States is approximately 326,700,000. As of May 9, 76,934 have been reported to die from COVID, as a complication of it, or with it. Using the real numbers of people potentially at risk (as we all are) and the number of these deaths, it works out to be 0.00023 or 0.023% of the population. That is essentially a 0% death rate in the general population.” Since NY did a survey which estimated their percentage of population with antibodies (about 15% of the state ) you could use that with their death stats. Or you could have used the estimate that half the cases are asymptomatic or dismissed as a minor cold. To use whole population is appalling.
The actual death risk varies by age and health factors, but otherwise healthy children and young adults have died from it, even in countries with good diagnostics and health care. I suggest you look at Australia, New Zealand, Iceland figures for good estimates of best- case death rates by age. The overall risk is probably under 1%, mostly in the 40+ bracket, with age ncrease – so it climbs from maybe 0.01% at 30 to maybe 20% over the ages.
2. The wearing of low protection masks is being done as per surgeon masks- to reduce shedding of didease by those who don’t know they have the illness. As soon as asymptomatic spread was proven, and given that the shed begins before symptoms start – and continues for a week or more even if symptoms don’t develop – covering was advised to reduce unwitting spread.
Even a bandana will reduce your wafting of droplets as you speak. That has been shown well enough for me to trust it, and to want others to care for their neighbours by wearing a mask if they are in an area with just-diagnosed cases
some people just read but take nothing in don’t they? Overall, masks are ineffective, not necessary and an unjustified overreaction based in fear, propaganda, and with science based on empherically verifiable evidence confirming only those who are incapable of taking in information should wear them, and those who are sick, and those who are working with the sick if they have the appropriate mask i.e. one that allows you to breathe i.e. adequate oxygen to be inhaled, prevents taking in of your own carbon dioxide, does not accumulate moisture, is well sealed, and blocks out most or all of infected droplets.
You hit the nail on the head. The pervasive irrational fear and paranoia that has been fomented by media and governments is mind blowing. 90% of the masses have bought into this hyperbole hook, line and sinker. Mask wearing is an outward sign of dutiful compliance and crowd think. It is designed to escalate fear. It sickens me. When the powers that be cry “the threat is over”, don’t sheeple understand they could shortly announce “covid 20 or 21!” or some other such threat a few days later?
It used to be the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Not anymore.
Thank you! A note of reason. It is the asymptomatic that we are concerned with.
Thanks for this in depth article- Thought you would want to look at this……..the 1st study you site -on the transmission by asymptomatic carriers in Germany seems to have been found to be flawed- the woman was actually NOT asymptomatic, but they didn’t confirm with her before completing the study- they based the idea that she was asymptomatic on the impression she gave, they did NOT interview her first!
The have not amended the study- which kicked off the whole idea of asymptomatic carriers for COVID!
Andrea, that’s true, the NEJM paper was later said to be based on a “flawed” study, but the CDC is still listing it as part of their justification for masks. Unbelievable! Here is the news story calling out the paper as flawed.
As a 40+ yr cardiac RN, thank you for this excellent article underlining what nurses already know-masks are for the sick and those caring for them, and are contraindicated in healthy subjects.
I work as a manual therapist/bodyworker and I do all I can to enable my immune system to be all it can be. I also screen my clients to make sure they have not had any symptoms for 10 or more days. I use air purifiers with UV-C support and clean with anti-viral cleaners. But I don’t wear a mask and I don’t make my clients wear a mask if they don’t want to. So far this method of operation has been effective.
I can appreciate this information because I understand the virus is very very small and cloth masks are not going to stop it. You have to do the best you can to support your own immune system with these virus. We know that the body will do a good job of fighting them if you’re healthy. Those with conditions need to isolate more until the threat goes down.
Thank you for your research and God Bless & Be Well
May I suggest a typo correction? In the paragraph that reads, “Ready for the shocker? You already guessed what it is? Right. Nothing about the safety of effectiveness of wearing a mask in Study #7 either,” it should say, “Nothing about the safety OR effectiveness…”
This is a subject so many are aware of but no one is sure of. As for myself, I am pretty much in the high range of becoming I’ll. SO, I will continue to do what I feel is the safest for me and my family. Distancing, mask, gloves if needed. Whatever it takes for me to feel protected. I will not take unnecessary chances based on what is said by anyone. If I am over cautious what is it to anyone? You go your way. I will go mine.
You are certainly free to do what makes you feel safe. This article states that we should not be required by law to wear cloth masks because they do not inhibit virus coming in or going out. It also indicates several negatives (including infection and spread of germs after touching the mask) that can be caused by Masks.
That’s right. If you feel a mask and gloves protect you, then you should wear it, but it should not be forced in the whole population, especially not children.
I think it is perfectly fine for you to wear a mask if it gives you a feeling of safety. The problem comes when those of us who choose to NOT wear one are told we must. This nurse has just done an excellent job of providing the facts which show that these masks are worse than useless for a healthy person.
Do you think these studies really support the asymptotic spread theory, especially up to 14 days? I read them and they seemed limited with words such as presume, potential to, estimated. I do not have a medical background, but I did have concerns about relying on these studies to make sweeping policies. None of my nurse friends would read them. Can you point me to more information? Thanks again for this article.
Do you think these studies support the theory of asymptotic spread? I read them and they seem to make lots of assumptions. I don’t have a medical background, but the language concerned me. None of my nurse friends would read the studies. Can you point me to some criticism of these. I did see that the German study was debunked because the Chinese woman did have symptoms. I was concerned about government making draconian policies based on this info.Thanks!
I am a person with immune challenges. I have had one upper respiratory infection after another- largely triggered by my severe cat dander allergy….since October 1st, 2019. The bronchial tubes became so worn out by repeated episodes that in December i found out one of my lungs had a touch of Pneumonia. In the end of Feb. early March i had severe chest pain, cough, shortness of breath, also some very unusual GI issues. I had fainted once in bathroom- and had vomited and the worst case of dry heaves….I remained on the floor for hours – I Could not get up off the floor and the vomiting and dry heaves were horrific. Once I could get up and felt no more vomiting would take place I crawled to bed where i remained till the next morning. The next day I had the worst headache and overall fatigue. It compared to episodes of food poisoning. I had no explanations what really did happen. In the Following days things sort of just lingered_ the GI issues were better but the headache, cough, chest pain became worse. So_ I was told by Doctor and his nurse to be seen at a Medical Clinic here in town as they wanted to rule out Heart attack. The EKG was fine but the chest Xray which was then ordered post apt showed considerable evidence of virus and some serious inflammation. (I forget the medical terms used). This was on March 6th. I was told to self quarantine in my home and keep distance for at least 2 weeks from rest of my family and all things were cleaned and disinfected. It took me a good 3-4 weeks before I felt human again but I still am experiencing shortness of breath and this strange cough. I also have had several occasions where I feel I am going to faint again_ my blood pressure is very low at times and Honestly, i have no clue what is wrong. I do have a virtual apt today with a Doctor to discuss my ongoing issues. I have not seen my mom since Feb 19th and worry for her living alone and not in my city. I have been told to wear a mask and also given instructions on how to clean both the cloth mask and the paper three layered medical masks. To bake the Medical masks in Oven bags on 250 for 30 min. this way one can reuse them safely and the cloth mask worn boil 30 minutes then reg. wash. Also, to wear gloves in public and wipe things down, ie- door knobs, car wheel and door, etc…clothes come off and into wash upon arriving home from a public apt- including shoes which are wiped with disinfectant. So, my concern is- all the conflicting information regarding the masks. Tho i do appreciate your article about whether or not to wear a mask VS not wearing a mask- I become more weary and anxious. I am informing my mom to wear a mas when she is in public… With all the conspiracies out here at this current time it makes for more havoc. People do not know what to believe anymore. I am very upset seeing Michigan protesting with Guns and hostile behavior, shootings regarding the mask issues and social physical distancing. It all is more then I can fathom. In the end, The virus has become political_ for many which is not helping. So, Honestly, after reading this article I now am back on the path of confusion regarding the mask or no mask issue.
Also, the false tests are maddening too. I was not given a test as there were none. Even if I had we now have evidence that the tests are not always accurate- those who did no test positive but later in fact did have, etc…. Every day there are new symptoms with this new virus which is still in early stages of being understood. We hear the vaccine will not really be ready until 2 years from now or slightly less…so in the meanwhile how do we live and protect ourselves and families. Trust is rather low and it worries me when people go back to work and do not practice safety. The spread of this virus I feel is far from being contained. I am sorry this is rather a long post but I am more confused then ever about whether to wear a mask or not. I appreciate your newsletter and information and I hope soon we will have more answers to all of our questions and concerns. Thank you.
Please tell me you don’t still have the cat. I would have all those symptoms if I had a cat anywhere near me.
What is contagious is a smile. It’s nice to see them uncovered. Share the cheer, not the fear.
Love this!
Simplified for social messages: Smiles are contagious. Share the cheer, not the fear.
Masks spread fear: “We are all vulnerable. We are all a danger to each other.”
Masks spread division: “You are selfish for not wearing a mask to protect other. You are foolhardy. You are inconsiderate.”
As Tony says below, we need to be maximizing our health and our virus-fighting ability.
I used your comments on my social media, with proper attribution. Thank you.
This article is wrong and dangerous. Listen to the CDC, WHO, public health departments etc. this article has data and explains it well
The Who literally doesn’t support genera mask use and none of the cdc cited sources discuss masks. Did you read the article?
“Healthy people should not wear face masks.” Problem: People can be asymptomatic for up to 2 weeks once they have contracted COVID-19. I wear a face mask in public b/c I don’t know if I have contracted or will come down with the virus, until I get sick. A face mask contains spit and nasal secretions which may contain virus. I am not afraid; I am responsible and I am educated. The article fails because it ignores the unique nature of this virus’s incubation period. Take a look at scientific studies now circulating online demonstrating how far this virus can travel with and without face masks. Why do you think the President demanded that David Muir sit 11 feet away during an interview 2 weeks ago – with neither man wearing a mask?
Do you wear a mask in your house around your family? You have a much greater chance of spreading to people that you are around all of the time. If masks were that important, why isn’t there a standard? I could be wearing a mesh mask and that is considered a mask. Do you go out in public? You would have zero chance of spreading the virus if you stayed home. It’s just a matter of where you draw the line. If people truly cared about others like they say they do, they would stay home and if they had to go out, they would wear full PPE.
Unless one follows strict aseptic techniques, your are only fooling yourself by wearing a mask.
Agree. They are putting very little emphasis on hand washing, which is probably the most important way to prevent the spread.
someone coughs in your face from 3 feet away. would you rather have a mask on or not? if you don’t inhale at least the mask will keep the droplets from landing on your lips and nose. nothing is 100%. and if you can’t learn the proper way to wear and remove a mask, maybe wearing a mask or not is the least of your problems.
If they cough in my face they better worry more bout catching these hands
I’m looking for Chad Mullins’ posts…
1.) As almost everyone who’s paying any attention at all knows by this point, the purpose of the masks is not to protect the wearer but those that he or she comes into contact with.
2.) People are assymptomatic for *days.* On average, each one of them infects 5 others without proper precautions.
3.) The claim of “psychological damage is obvious nonsense. She gives no evidence to back the claim, and there IS evidence that children have a remarkable ability to recover. Wake me when they’re hiding in an attic in a war zone.
4.) *Sigh!
People really need to examine the asymptomatic fear propaganda. According to recent studies, the less symptom one shows the less one spreads. According to the cdcs own statistics from each state, we only have 26,000 officially confirmed deaths- a 1/4 of what we would have over the same period for flu deaths.
Unless you are the type of person trucking around in a mask for flu season, or lining in fear from usual illness, this asymptotic fear porn is really just that. Wear it if you like, but I won’t be living like this as the “new normal”.
The new normal should be assimilating ourselves to this virus. Not developing a lifestyle of fear over possible people, that may or may not be sick at anytime.
I don’t wear a mask during flu season because I get my flu shot every year.
Every flu season, I take care of many people with the flu that had their flu shot.
Next time your going into surgery, tell the doctor that he does not need to wear a mask, because they don’t stop the transmission of germs. The doctor does not wear the mask for his benefit. It is for yours, to mitigate the chance of infection.
That is not actually true. If you look through the literature you can see most masks- like lines plastic masks are designed as a splash guard. Have you ever seen the anesthesiologist lower his mask to talk to the patient in surgery?
The other use is PPE- personal protective equipment.
For the purposes of surgery, the mask must be changed every 1/2 hour, or hour at the most, it is put on in a sterile environment, and not touched. Otherwise, it’s worthless.
Wrong the doctor wears a mask because when operating on people the spew all kinds of blood and fluids in the air. I wear mask when using chemicals and solvents to protect me and it’s not some flimsy paper garbage mask. Try spraying chemicals or paints with that stupid paper or cloth mask and see how effective it is. And viruses are infinitely smaller than paint droplets. Sheep. Wake up.
Fantastic article. Keep them coming.
My grandchildren are not afraid to wear a mask!! They see a lot of people doing it, never made a comment about wearing one when we are out. We have the homemade cloth ones, I also put a panty liner in ours so they have some sort of filter to help protect anything going through the mask. So far it’s working, they haven’t been sick in months…don’t know if it’s because they aren’t in school to pass on colds or not, but I do know that I have a 7 year old that won’t keep her hands off her mouth or nose, so it helps her to keep her hands off her face wearing a mask when we are out.
Children are largely unaffected by the virus, have been show not to spread the virus. We are designed to take in and respond to antigens all day long. Without that stimulation, our immune systems become less active, making it more likely that when confronted with an antigen, it will not respond as vigorously.
Lots of sources to explore here:
Excerpt relevant to your concerns, with links provided in the original article. The section after this one on children and schools discusses masks. It might be a good idea to read more on the subject because your good intentions may actually be harming your grandchildren.:
Children and schools
Numerous studies have now shown that children hardly get Covid19 and do not or hardly transmit the virus, which was already known from the 2003 SARS outbreak. There was therefore no medical reason for the closure of schools at any time.
Accordingly, all those countries that reopened their schools in May saw no increase in cases of infection. Countries like Sweden, which never closed their primary schools anyway, had no problems with this either.
A preprint study by the German virologist Christian Drosten argued that the risk of infection from children is comparable to adults and schools should therefore remain closed. However, several researchers demonstrated methodological errors in the study. Drosten subsequently withdrew the recommendation regarding school closures.
In some schools, for example in France and Israel, alleged “corona outbreaks” are said to have occurred. However, it is likely that these are transmissions from teachers to schoolchildren that, to their dismay, are regularly tested, although they hardly show any symptoms and are themselves hardly or not at all contagious.
The British Kawasaki Disease Foundation again criticized the dubious and lurid media coverage of Kawasaki disease. In fact, there has been no significant increase in Kawasaki cases and no proven association with Covid-19. General inflammatory reactions in individual children are also known from other viral infections, but the number of cases reported so far is extremely low.
German medical associations have also given the all-clear: Covid-19 is imperceptible or very mild in almost all children. Schools and daycare centers should therefore be opened immediately and without restrictions, ie there is no need for small groups, distance rules or masks.
An authoritative sounding and wrong. Children spread the disease.
USA today yep totally scientifically non biases.
I don’t wear one and travel for a living
Excellent article and big thanks to Patricia Neuenschwander – totally agree on the points she made based on the research I have also done. Some of those I have gone to include Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. (neurosurgeon), Judy Mikovits (microbiologist and virologist), Dr. Rashid Buttar, M.D., and many others, all of whom have studied the use of facemasks and advise against them. Here are some of the things they said: Two South Korean studies showed they do not stop outgoing viral particles from leaving and also showed they contaminate the inside and outside of the mask. A study in the U.S. with surgeons showed they lower your blood oxygen levels (exactly what you don’t want as that is what the virus also does). Plus you are concentrating your own viral load by inhaling the viruses you exhaled back into your nasal passages and lungs. Wearing one blocks your airflow, causes stress which increases cortisol levels (which weakens the immune system), and finally, aerosol particles go right through it along with the virus you were trying to block. Why wear it – about the only thing it might do is block some of the bigger droplets from escaping if you cough or sneeze while sick, and then you shouldn’t have been out and about anyway. But this is really the wrong conversation or at least not the whole conversation – we should be talking about how to keep your immune system optimized to lessen your odds of getting any virus and also lessening your odds of a severe reaction to any of them. Bottom line: Many more reasons not to wear one than to wear one. Look at what they wear in hospitals – their face masks are much better than what you might be wearing, and they are still getting sick. Plus why wear them outside in the sunlight when the UV radiation would perhaps kill the virus before it reached you or someone else (still checking on this)? Not to mention the CDC has flip-flopped on this, the last I heard the WHO said not to wear them, and the research shows the dangers of wearing them. But if you feel you should wear one, that is your choice. My first choice is still a healthy immune system – it has worked well for me over the past 25 years.
Stop making excuses for not wearing a mask I don’t want you sneezing on me
Then Judy, stay away from people you are afraid of.
Amen to that. The regular sheeple won’t listen to this reasoning though.
“Why wear it – about the only thing it might do is block some of the bigger droplets from escaping if you cough or sneeze while sick.” Right? But that thing was already invented and it’s called a napkin. In the beginning of the pandemic they reminded us about throwing it away immediately after using. And now we’re supposed to put the napkin on our face for 8 hours… the entire work shift for many people.
You win the internet for the day!
Well said.
Some numbers to help visualize the sizes:
150.000 microns = diameter of a human hair
005.000 microns = diameter of a respiratory droplet
000.125 microns = diameter of a viral particle
Width comparison:
1 human hair = 30 droplets = 1200 viral particles
1 mm = 6.67 human hairs
1 mm = 200 droplets
1 mm = 8000 viral particles
Everyone should step back and consider the very basic assumption. Is there proof a virus is causing this disease. Dr Kaufman has investigated this thoroughly. To date, there does NOT exist any scientific, peer-reviewed published paper that has isolated a virus and proven it causes COVID19. This does not mean there is not an illness. It means there is no proof of what could be causing it. Therefore, the debate about whether or not to wear masks is a moot point. First prove causation.
Exactly, I’m just trying to learn the truth as well since this is not all adding up in my mind. I’ve listened to Dr Kaufman’s video here
(about what the test is and is not finding) and am also wondering why nobody is asking this question – Why have they Not isolated the virus and followed the proper protocol (Koch’s Postulates) to prove that a virus is the cause? The test only shows similar RNA that our cells produce normally anyway, which may explain why there are so many positives (likely “false” positives which they also have Not determined how many exist) in people with no symptoms; they could just be healthy normal people with RNA that their cells are producing already.
Also, Why are hospitals labeling many with cause of death to be Covid-19 even when clearly they died of other things and not viral symptoms? They were coached to do this to get government funds if they do. Seems there is a fear agenda and they want us to think it’s a virus and thus the need to control us and therefore need a vaccine to be safe – see documentary about Bill’s agenda here –
Let’s require our elected officials (I’m going to write a letter to all of mine) to get a proper study done that Follows the protocol in Koch’s Postulates and prove a virus, only then can they possibly develop an accurate test for a possible virus, instead of labeling thousands of us healthy people as “dangerous virus carriers.” To my knowledge, Never before in America have healthy people with no symptoms been treated like we were sick! It’s Nothing less than taking our freedom and controlling us, by making us think we are doing it to help somebody else? Noble cause, but I don’t buy it. Thanks for the article and the Forum.
Let’s remind our elected officials that they are there to preserve our liberties, that so many died to attain, and we will not accept this form of control and fear!
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 New King James Version
God Bless and Let’s pray for revival everywhere and that the Lord will use this time to draw people to find our hope in Him.
This is utterly fallacious. Pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic spread is a very important factor. Simple surgical or cloth masks provide a physical barrier to the spread of respiratory droplets. People in those two categories would not know they are sick, nor would many children exhibit any symptoms (unless they’re suddenly in heart failure). How DARE you perpetuate these falsehoods. I’m sure you mask in your professional capacity. I am also sure that you TOOK AN OATH not to cause harm.
Is you cloth mask safe for you?
“Simple surgical or cloth masks provide a physical barrier to the spread of respiratory droplets.”
It IS NOT a simple black and white scenario. Did you know that the CDC sites studies from 1946 – July 27, 2018, that confirm masks don’t reduce the spread of Influenza. Do you think it would be any different for this virus? There are a huge number of factors involved when wearing a face mask to prevent viruses spreading…This is exactly why they do these studies.
Or maybe even check this study about cloth masks in health care settings:
This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection. Further research is needed to inform the widespread use of cloth masks globally. However, as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs, particularly in high-risk situations, and guidelines need to be updated.”
But what you are completely failing to even see is how this particular virus mainly spreads…it’s through coughing and sneezing…a rarity amongst those who are healthy. So please quit with your FEAR MONGERING and go and look at the real research done on mask wearing.
Tip: To save articles which could be deleted or censored (like a lot of the CDC flipflop articles) you can use a site called You go to, enter the URL of the site you want to save and saves it on their servers and produces a new link to the archived copy which you would use to share your site. The service is completely free. I use it to post links in my blog so that I never get broken links when a site is taken down or censored.
Thank you so much for this article! Loved reading it.
With all due respect for a long impressive career, this article is not written by a pandemic specialist with years of experience in preventing the spread of infectious disease.
Questions of comfort and possible confusion for children in relation to wearing masks are important, but do not address the scientific aspects of wearing masks in a pandemic.
First do no harm comes to mind after reading this article.
Expressing an opinion is one thing, but possibly misleading the public without airtight proof is negligent.
So, maybe the surge of infections is due to every one at the grocery store wearing makes that don’t work??? I work at a hospital and I am not provided aN95 mask. We just wear the yellow or blue medical masks.
After reading all these comments I noticed that all those who negatively attacked the article were showing the same threatening and fear-mongering spirit as the government officials (supported by the MSM) who are obviously the puppets of unelected faceless entities behind the scenes. It takes very little research to discover that this whole Plandemic is designed to bring about the NWO that was promised by Bush, Kissinger Blair/Brown (before 911) software nerd Bill Gates (with zero medical history, who cannot even keep virus’s out of his software) wants to vaccinate and chip the whole world with a cocktail of poison and usher in a cashless totally controlled society where no one can buy, sell or travel anywhere without being tracked. Already on all social media platforms people are having accounts deleted for having alternative views. Yes, I’m afraid the conspiracy theorists have probably been right all along. But, (as Hitler used to say) “it is all for our own safety and good”. And the gestapo won’t be needed to smash doors down in the middle of the night because the naming and shaming and snitching has already begun by ordinary citizen Smith’s and comrade Boris’s.
Exactly Mel! On every count! Having lived and worked in socialist/communist countries – and experiencing exactly what is happening here now…except that it was already in place in those regimes…and no freedom to say, do or go anywhere without “supervision”. Surveillance was everywhere. NO FREEDOM! The sleeping herd will sadly be herded into slave camps, and become the slaves of those elites who created the PLANDEMIC on the first place! It’s all written up in The Bilderberg Group. The plans are easy to source all over the internet. They don’t need to keep it quiet – because we’ve already passed their compliance test…and complied with every oppressive strategy they’ve put into place – and they’ve achieved it in less than 4 months! People are allowing their fears to block their logic and common sense. The damn fear virus will kill off humanity faster than this virus! Get FACTS over FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real).
Working, the past two decades, as a geopolitical analyst/advisor. I totally agree with your post. There is much more I could add but unfortunately at this moment I am pressed for time. However, I will add that you should search out (1) Patent WO2020060606 [The first two are letters]. (2) ID2020. (3) US Bill, HR6666. (4) China: Social Credit System.
Interestingly, all of the above are related to the “666” predicted in the bible 2000 years ago.
Revelation 13:16 – And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads
Revelation 13:18 – Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.
Revelation 14:11 – And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Thank you, to the authors & for the posting of this article. You are true heroes during these dark times of our present history. As, I see it. The PLANdemic card will be played for the remainder of the decade.
While it is fine that your page is mostly for recommendations for children, it is irresponsible that you haven’t updated it. There are comments from people in July thanking you for what now constitutes *outdated and incorrect* information. I’m sure that you still think that you’re doing a public service by displaying your personal opinions under the guise of fact. And people will sure find whatever opinion matches their own on the web. But if you mean to truly be honest, you should have disclaimers on top of your page for people to follow the recommendations of the latest findings regarding COVID-19 transmission. Instead you have old facts and bogus math. What gives people the false sense of security isn’t just badly worn masks, but bogus claims of a 0% mortality rate.
Most importantly, the WHO *DOES* recommend the use of masks, and you’ll find on their website loads of information for the general public, for health workers, and for governments. If you want to keep your page disseminating your own opinion, if you’re so proud to believe that what you think is MORE valid than the panels of experts from around the world trying to curb this pandemic, then I guess there’s nothing anyone can do about it. But using the name of the WHO the way you do, and without an update, is just flat out lying.
The WHO is a corrupt organization and of course they are going to “update” information on their website. Please do a little research who the WHO really is. This is not a trusted organization. Unfortunately. And, masks have been researched for decades. A month or so of “new science” is not valid to void the decades of research on the effectiveness of masks.
I need to have a rant about mask wearing for healthy people (or the “asymptomatic carriers” as we’re so conveniently known as.) Here is what I’ve learnt so far:
No. 1. At the very beginning of this “Pandemic” The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and Imperial College UK who’s “doomsday models” enacted the social distancing and widespread lockdown policies throughout the world. With hundreds of millions of lives supposedly at risk on a global level, notably did not include mask wearing in their recommendations, nor were masks even discussed as a potential tactic and policy measure to slow the spread.
That’s a bit odd isn’t it, surely if masks actually made a difference at all that would have been part of their “doomsday model” (which by the way turned out to be drastically wrong about the numbers anyway –
Could it possibly have anything to do with number 2?
No. 2. The CDC sites 50 studies conducted from 1946 – July 27, 2018, that confirm masks don’t reduce the spread of Influenza.
Let’s be clear between influenza and SARS-CoV-2. They both have common symptoms and they both spread EXACTLY THE SAME WAY and they are both viruses..Conclusion?…exactly. Hands up those of you who consistently touch your mask to adjust it. Hence the reason why the effectiveness of mask wearing is not a black and white scenario, and the reason why they conduct studies about it. Hand hygiene has always been the number one effective measure for preventing the spread of a virus. In addition to the avoidance of touching your eyes, mouth and face.
No. 3. Taking all of that into consideration it makes sense why there are so many inconsistencies about the use of masks that have been received from the WHO and world governments.
– WHO and CDC’s narrative was originally “Wear a mask only when taking care of someone with Covid-19. Healthy people DO NOT need to wear one” Then that changed 2 days after the UK made a policy that everyone had to wear masks on public transport. (note, the science never changed)
– WHO publicly announce that it is very rare for asymptomatic carriers to spread the virus…then suddenly change their stance and say the opposite (pressure from somewhere? although very recently this new study confirms asymptomatic carriers RARELY if at all transmit the virus –
– They say wearing a mask protects you from the virus, but only if the other person carrying the virus is also wearing a mask. (makes sense right) but then again they say wearing a mask is not to protect you, but to protect others, so you better wear it. (huh?)
– Medical staff are advised not to wear cloth masks because they don’t protect them. Yet the public is told the opposite. the conclusion from the published study:
“This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection. Further research is needed to inform the widespread use of cloth masks globally. However, as a precautionary measure, cloth masks should not be recommended for HCWs, particularly in high-risk situations, and guidelines need to be updated.”
Then there’s the whole psychological effect of wearing masks, especially in children. (Yes it’s a 298 page empirical and theoretical investigation into the psychological effects of wearing a mask)
“In conclusion, this research shows that a mask can have a significant psychological effect on its wearer, and that there are many different pathways by which this effect can come about. This thesis shows that, under conditions in which an individual’s identifiability is dependent on immediate facial recognition, the wearing of a mask can significantly reduce feelings of identifiability. It also shows that under these conditions, a mask-wearer feels significantly less concerned about mask-able aspects of her public self. Findings from this study also show that a mask can both disinhibit and inhibit its wearer, depending on whether the mask-wearer wants to behave in a way that she would normally inhibit out a concern for mask-able facets of her public self, or in a way for which she requires mask-able facets of her public self, respectively.”
Another one:
“According to University of Toronto psychologist, Dr. Kang Lee, it is not until kids are about 14 years old that they reach adult skill levels in recognizing faces. Before then, kids tend to see individual facial features, rather than recognizing the person as a whole. By putting on masks, we take away information that makes it especially difficult for children to recognize others and read emotional signals, which is unsettling and disconcerting. These issues may be especially true for children with autism spectrum disorder, including Asperger’s syndrome, who tend to have particular difficulties reading non-verbal cues.”
Before this entire drama started, the scientific literature on masks for the healthy was generally agreed: They do not work; don’t wear them.
After the drama started, there was serious palpable pressure to change this position, but no new evidence was put forward. All new “studies” are based on circumstantial extrapolations and peppered with “maybe”, “could”, “possible” etc.
The facts remain the same and are fairly clear:
But the political pressure has become enormous and it was recently established by a BBC reporter that the WHO changed its position on masks under political pressure:
And remember, in the midst of the hysteria, this is all about a disease that has a mortality rate of around 0.02% – that means that 99.98% of people who catch the virus will either feel nothing or have some symptoms that will then go away.
Is it really worth all these massive draconian measures and all this hysteria? I am not belittling the 0.02% extra deaths, but there are many conditions out there with similar or higher death rates and no panic is generated about them.
Margulis is arguing beside the point. Most of her argument is to say that masks do not keep people from becoming infected. Does she say this because she’s still on the page, with the rest of the benighted, that masks are supposed to protect the wearers?
She cites reports that an infected person wearing a mask coughing will expel viruses through and past the mask. Granted. No one with any understanding has ever contended that a mask can stop a 100-nanometer particle.
But, that misses the point. The point of the mask is to reduce the transmission, particularly the aerosols which tend to stick to layers of the mask along with the viruses they carry. And, since most of what’s expulsed in a cough or sneeze is part of aerosol droplets, that does help.
It’s like saying that the wearing of seat belts preserving the wearer from injury or death is bogus. Well, it is in the sense that it’s not absolute protection. However, it helps a lot.
She’s only looking to stack her logical deck with arguments against mask wearing, not examining a balance of the possible contributions that mask wearing makes. If everyone wearing a mask contributes to a 50% reduction in transmission, then it’s worth it. Now, if masks do not contribute whatsoever to reducing transmission, then is she also willing to assert that a surgeon operating over an open body cavity is also wasting his time and spit wearing a mask?
I saw this study from 2016 (which focuses on dental practices but mentions other arenas in which masks are often worn by professionals) and found it quite interesting:
In the history of our world, we have had the most deadly viruses make their way through our society and never, has it ever been mandated that we lockdown and wear masks. We have the medical technology to combat almost any illness that comes our way, with a few exceptions. When H1N1 filtered through our society, why wasn’t it mandated that we lockdown and we all wear masks then? This flu killed more kids than COVID-19 ever will, and it continues to kill members of our society, even today, and we have a flu vaccine. Forcing children to wear masks, I believe, is criminal and detrimental to their development. There are many research articles that talk about how a child’s early development years shape their future.
As for the rest of us, is this really the world we want to live in? Every time a virus comes along, we forcefully lock everyone down and force mask wearing? We have therapeutics to combat this virus already. Waiting for a vaccine is ludicrous when we can have both. If you think this is going to end when a vaccine becomes available, think again.