What are the health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children?
Which group fares better?
For years parents, children’s health advocates, and vaccine safety activists have been asking the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to answer this question. They’ve literally been begging the CDC, in person, in tweets (#DoTheStudy), on television, and in the newspapers, to study health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
But for just as many years the CDC has turned a blind eye. When pressed, CDC scientists insist that studying the health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children would be “unethical.”
Their argument has long been that vaccines are so categorically good for children—and for public health in general—that a study that divided some children into a non-vaccinating group would jeopardize America’s health.
Health advocates have countered this argument with a simple fact: the current vaccination schedule has now caused so much damage for so many families, like this one, this one, and this one, that there are now hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of parents who are choosing to forgo some or all vaccines with younger children.
These families have the full support of their doctors, like this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and all of these, as well as these. So there’s actually nothing “unethical” about analyzing the health outcomes of unvaccinated children.
Many scientists inside the CDC itself, like these two, and this one, suspect or even know definitively that our current over-bloated childhood vaccine schedule is causing health problems, including brain damage and immune damage, including Guillain-Barré syndrome, type 1 juvenile diabetes, and lupus, for some children. Despite the fact that we know that over-vaccination can cause damage but we don’t yet know how to identify the children most susceptible to suffering from adverse events in the days or months following vaccination, the CDC continues to refuse to fund a study of a statistically significant number of participants to compare health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
Every person in America should want this study done. Especially those in the vaccines-are-all-good-for-all-children camp.
In fact, those advocating for the current CDC childhood vaccine schedule should be the most vocal about getting research done comparing health outcomes of a large cohort of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children as soon as possible.
After all, if they are correct that our current schedule is more beneficial than harmful, a study of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children would prove definitively, once and for all, that over-vaccination is not causing health problems. Right?
I need to pause for a moment and point out the obvious: This is not about being pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine. Those labels are short-sighted and misleading. Whether you vaccinate your children according to the current CDC schedule, choose to follow a more relaxed and gentler vaccine schedule, or do no vaccines, we are all on the same side: pro-kid, pro-health, and pro-vaccine safety.
Which brings me, finally, to this new study conducted by Brian Hooker, Ph.D., of Simpson University and Neil Z. Miller, an independent researcher and author of Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers.
This new study, published in the peer-reviewed science journal, SAGE Open Medicine, did not get any funding from the CDC. It compares the health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders
In it, the researchers point out that the number of vaccines given to infants and small children in America has increased significantly since the early 1990s, when a birth dose and infant series of hepatitis B and an infant series of Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccines were added to the recommended schedule. Most older adults don’t realize that children born in the United States today receive over four times the number of vaccines that children born in the 1970s received. This includes a recommendation for pregnant women to get one to two flu shots, as well as a vaccine against pertussis, diphtheria, and tetanus. American children today receive vaccines for the following diseases, all during the first two years of life:
Hepatitis A and B
Haemophilus influenzae type B
Pneumococcal pneumonia
Using data from three medical practices, the researchers analyzed the health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children born between November 2005 and June 2015.
Specifically, they were looking at incidence of:
- Developmental delays
- Asthma
- Ear infections
- Gastrointestinal disorders
This was a small study, based on the medical records of 2,047 children, of which 31 percent had received no vaccines by age one, and 69 percent had received at least one vaccine.
In their analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children, the researchers found that vaccination before age 1 was associated with an increased risk of developmental delays, asthma, and ear infections but not with gastrointestinal disorders.
This research dovetails with other data suggesting that the more a child is vaccinated the worse his health outcomes are likely to be. Children’s Health Defense, a nonprofit dedicated to children’s health, has found nearly 60 studies that corroborate this research.
Paul Thomas, M.D., my colleague, co-author, and friend, has clinical data from his practice that also highlights the poorer health outcomes of over-vaccinated children. Dr. Thomas shared this data in a letter he wrote responding to a biased, unfavorable, and inaccurate article published about him in Portland’s Willamette Weekly:
What if that information would stand in stark contrast to the accepted paradigm, and be so unbelievable it would almost certainly be rejected at face value?
This is the dilemma I faced, which led me to accept an interview with Willamette Week.
Unfortunately, here is the data I presented they chose not to publish:
Of the 3,345 patients born into Integrative Pediatrics since June 2008, the autism rates are as follows:
Out of 715 unvaccinated children, just one was diagnosed with autism.
Out of 2,629 Vaccine-Friendly Plan (alternative schedule), just six were diagnosed.
Compare these rates to the current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccine schedule rate of 1 in 45 children being diagnosed with autism.
The above data was obtained by an independent pediatrician, neonatologist, and informatics expert, commissioned to pull the data, at the request of those wanting to know the outcomes for my practice.
Now you know why I want everyone to know about this. What should our response be to information like this? I suggest we all demand studies that compare the nonvaccinated and the partially vaccinated to those fully vaccinated according to the CDC schedule.”
America’s current public health policies are failing
At least 54 percent of America’s children are suffering from chronic health problems.
The average American child receives 17 rounds of antibiotics by age 20.
At least 1 in 54 children has autism, according to the CDC.
Over-vaccination, over-use of antibiotics, and over-exposure to neurotoxins like glyphosate, aluminum, and even acetaminophen (the main ingredient in children’s Tylenol) are all undoubtedly playing a role in the current health crisis among America’s children.
Lyn Redwood, R.N., a vaccine safety advocate, has testified in front of Congress and met with government officials at the CDC and the FDA about this issue. “This is critical research but it’s not enough. We need larger-scale studies, and we need to dig deeper. We need to have access to larger databases,” Redwood, who is president of Children’s Health Defense, insists.
The problem, she continues, is that researchers who want to do this type of work lose their funding and get attacked.
“Clinicians everywhere are seeing bad outcomes with their own patients. The kids who are vaccinated are not as healthy. It’s really sad. But people are starting to wake up. They’re seeing with their own eyes that the children who do not follow the CDC vaccine schedule are healthier. They’re not on antibiotics. They don’t have epi-pens. They can eat foods without going into anaphylactic shock. They have far fewer ear infections.”
Rick Kirschner, N.D., President of the Naturopathic Medicine Institute, says we need more well designed placebo-controlled vaccine safety studies. “This study is a drop of necessary interest in what should be a surging ocean of interest in vaccine safety,” Kirschner tells me. “The failure to prioritize the safety of the vaccine schedule is a dark mark against a greedy industry with far too much control. It’s time for government bodies to show a much greater interest in vaccine safety.”
Yes, we need larger-scale studies. But in the meantime, we also need to make judicious and evidence-based changes to the current vaccine recommendations.
Until we have a vaccine schedule that puts necessity, safety, and efficacy first, it is a reasonable choice for new parents to forgo some or all infant vaccines.
Michele Castle says
Thank you for this clear and compelling summary of the broad strokes of this important debate. You’re right that we are all on the side of vaccine safety.
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. says
Thanks for taking the time to read it, Michele. Please share with any medical doctors, nurses, and journalists you know who are looking for more information about these questions.
Kathy says
There have been studies done & the healthiest children today are the Amish, no vaccines, they drink raw unpasteurized milk, do chores get their hands dirty and are not sitting on radiating video devices!
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. says
Yes. We know that children do better when they are exposed to more bacteria and other microorganisms via the soil and fermented foods. And that many raw foods are prebiotic and help our beneficial bacteria survive and thrive in our bodies. David Kirby in his book Evidence of Harm, reports at length on the health of Amish children compared to the general population. It’s also critical to avoid exposure to glyphosate and other antibiotics/pesticides, as well as to never give a child Tylenol.
Lee says
Someone stated the Amish vaccinate. I live in an area with a lot of amish. They leave it to choice but I worked with many of them and most of them in my area oppose vaccinations.
WhiteandNerdy says
Hello Kathy,
One small point. The Amish do vaccinate…strange that this myth about them not vaccinating just won’t go away….
Dan says
Is this true Jennifer?
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. says
The Amish are a diverse group of people, just like other people in other religions. For example, a great many Ultra Orthodox Jews do not vaccinate. But others do. So to make a blanket statement one way or the other would not be factually accurate. My understanding (and I may be wrong) is that the majority of the Amish do very few, if any, vaccines. This came up in the New York medical freedom debates as Amish were told their children were no longer allowed to go to Amish schools if they did not vaccinate their children. In David Kirby’s book, “Evidence of Harm,” he provides many details about Amish who do not vaccinate. I don’t think the observation that many Amish don’t vaccinate at all and many others selectively vaccinate is a “myth” that won’t go away. What is it, White&Nerdy, is an inconvenient truth. And another inconvenient truth is that many scientists INSIDE the CDC and many pediatricians–even those who are aggressively advocating for the current vaccine schedule–do not do all the recommended vaccines. Of course they don’t. Why? Because the current schedule is not based on science. Thinking doctors and scientists know this. Or they very sadly find out the hard way after doing all of the vaccines, giving a child Tylenol and antibiotics, and watching that child’s brain and immune system become damaged.
Eryka Simonson says
Good Morning Jennifer Margulis,
Thank you is not even enough for all the hard work you and many others put into fighting for the betterment of our children’s health and a parent’s right to choose what is right for our children and our family.
We would love to participate in any further studies such as this. Do you have any recommendations as to who to contact? We have 2 sons who are currently ages 10 and 17. Neither were vaccinated until after age 10 and each received only one vaccine each.
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. says
Thanks for leaving a comment, Eryka. I know that there is currently a large-scale longitudinal study being done and they are looking to recruit participants via doctors’ offices. It’s called PHOI: Pediatric Health Outcome Initiatives. More on that can be found here: https://www.phoinitiative.org. I think enrollment has to be done via your pediatrician or family physician. There is another study you can participate in that involves taking a very lengthy questionnaire. That is being done by the non-profit Epidemic Answers in conjunction with Documenting Hope. You can volunteer by participating in Epidemic Answers’ CHIRP Study [CHIRP: Child Health Inventory for Resilience and Prevention]. A synopsis of the study can be found here: https://documentinghope.com/what-is-the-chirp-study/ and you can get started here: https://documentinghope.com/chirp-study/.
Jeanette says
I read your book, Your baby, Your way, and my child, now 10, did not receive any vaccinations until after the age of 2. He hasn’t received any vaccinations, except for 2, that I didn’t have (because we travel internationally). He is very healthy, with no chronic health problems, and he has needed antibiotics maybe 4 or 5 times in his entire life. I got, and get, a lot of flak from the dr about not vaccinating…or suggestions to do the hep B shots, etc. Thank you for your work.
pien bosch says
Thank you for the article , we need to see more of these .
It seems to be difficult for some people to read the whole story, as soon as they see anti laxer.
Unfortunately a lot of people are ignorant and narrow minded.
Applauding your work and hope more journalist and pediatrician will join this effort.
Maureen McDonnell says
Thank you Jennifer. Once again you have provided a clear synopsis of an important new study as well as it’s implications. As a Pediatric RN for 42 years I can attest to the fact that our children are sicker than they have ever been and it is time for the nation and the world to wake up and save our kids! The harm, as you point out is caused by a combination of factors including: the outlandish, ever escalating, profit driven vaccine schedule, 3 Billion pounds of pesticides sprayed on our crops each year, the over use of antibiotics, the over consumption of processed, sugar laden, nutrient deficient food, food grown in nutrient depleted soil, EMFs etc. etc. – People from all over the globe are rising up and demanding a better, more sane existence. I’m with you 100%
Joanie Calem says
Jennifer thank you for this. Where can I find the studies done about the Amish population?
WhiteandNerdy says
Hello Joanie,
Pubmed and Google Scholar are both online and free to use. Key word searches make it pretty easy to find what you are looking for.
Here are a few you might want to read:
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2006 Dec;25(12):1182-3. doi: 10.1097/01.inf.0000246851.19000.3e.
Curr Opin Immunol. 2017 Oct;48:51-60. doi: 10.1016/j.coi.2017.08.003.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2019 Nov;144(5):1391-1401.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2019.07.034.
N Engl J Med. 2016 Oct 6;375(14):1343-1354. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1602295.
WhiteandNerdy says
Hello Dr. Margulis,
You have an interesting site.
One point of clarification:
“But for just as many years the CDC has turned a blind eye. When pressed, CDC scientists insist that studying the health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children would be “unethical.”
You have misunderstood the point. There are two ways to do such a study.
(1) Prospectively—which is ethically impossible to do
(2) Retrospectively—like the Hooker paper—which is methodologically so staggeringly invalid it can only yield false, biased and uninterpretable “data”.
If you are bored, you can line up a 1000 PhDs in statistics each of which can explain to you that the Hooker paper is propaganda not science.
Patricia says
Do you have any idea why we still do not have a vaccinated verses unvaccinated study done by the CDC? This study called for ranking of outcomes based on feasibility, public health significance, and public concern 1. Asthma 2. Anaphylaxis 3. Encephalopathy 4. All-cause mortality 5. Meningitis 6. Learning, communication and developmental disorders 7. Epilepsy 8. Type 1 diabetes 9. First demyelinating event 10. Allergy development 11. Attention deficit disorder 12. All-cause morbidity 13. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis 14. Syncope and vasovagal reaction 15. Seizures 16. Kawasaki disease 17. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 18. Tics 19. Chronic urticaria 20. Bell’s palsy
It has been five years since this expert committee met and spelled out how a vaccinated compared to unvaccinated retrospective study could be conducted, using the private Vaccine Safety Datalink, by the CDC. If they will not do the study, should they not release the data to universities or private researchers so they can do it?
WhiteandNerdy says
Hi Patricia,
Thank you for your comment.
First, the VSD data is available!
All you have to do is to send an e-mail to get access to databases. Have fun!
Secondly, you have misunderstood your CDC link.
Chapter 4 spells out a very long list of reasons why the vax vs unvaxxed study will yield false results and it proposes many ***possible strategies*** to mitigate the inherent biases in such studies. To date no one has figured out a valid way to proceed—and yes, lots of qualified scientists are working hard on figuring this out.
Why do you think it is that the “vaccine safety” advocates year….after year….after year refuse to listen to the statisticians that keep explaining why the proposed vax vs unvaxxed studies will yield invalid results?
Dan says
I like a 2 sided debate.
I.have no desire to be spoon fed just one side of any argument, but rather use my own judgment.
Whilst I.claim to know very little on the science behind this on going debate.
I find it hard to believe that a study between vaccinated and un vaccinated is impossible.
Let’s do a basic study and go from there.
Improve it, 1 variable at a time.
The more children in the study, the more patterns will be spotted yes?
Like other variables that change outcomes.
I understand that some results may be miss interpreted.
But a correlation between vaccines and asthma can easily be achieved and I know this using only my basic knowledge of science.
The same goes for other illnesses.
So whilst I appreciate your opinion, I can only interpret your effort as an attempt at muddying the waters here.
The general topic of this article is to further research the negative effects of vaccines on children.
As mentioned in the article itself, we are all on the same side, that of the children.
Or in would like.to believe so anyway
May I ask where you receive your information for your responses?
As you appear educated and at least interested in this topic.
Even if we are potentially opposing each others beliefs.
Thank you
peter vithus says
Amazing article. Thanks a lot
Linda C. says
what about fluoride (fluorine) injections the children must take into their body via drinnking anything that is water or made with water and by bathing and brushing teeth and swallowing it with an RX for 24/7. known to turn pineal gland eventually to concrete, reduce I Q, crumble bones , binding with and to aluminum in body and which when overdoses of 24/7 endlessly it gets stored in the only place the body can such deadly toxins for keeping as long as possible–into the bones . Along with the deadly brew in the vaccines and other toxins the kids are born with–do not forget the fluoride. 8 to ten times or more a day /24 hours a day.
Paul says
There are massive data sets within organizations like the Kaiser system and other health systems that could choose to look at the health outcomes for those children whose parents have chosen not to vaccinate. Very often parents have a vaccine injured child then decide not to vaccinate subsequent children.
It would be rather simple to look at health outcomes for children in the same family when there are vaccinated and unvaccinated siblings since their genetics and their environments would be very similar – the only difference being the vaccines given.
Researchers could also age match controls to look at unvaccinated children and all health outcomes. The problem has been that the total vaccine schedule has never been looked at for all health outcomes. If health is our goal, we simply must demand that these studies be done.
Patricia says
Yes they can do the study, but they refuse. Makes one wonder if they have done the study but did not like what they found?
WhiteandNerdy says
So for profit US health Ins companies…who purchase vaccines, store vaccines, administer vaccines, and pay for all the unrecognized side-effects of vaccines…and who have countless qualified statisticians working for them….refuse to perform the study you want.
Makes wonder why you don’t conclude that there is something wrong with your desired study….
WhiteandNerdy says
You know that US health Insurance companies publish a lot on the safety of vaccines—I think their motivation is pretty obvious. Have you read any of it?
Also, late last year (Sep?) there was a huge health symposium in the EU.
As I recall all the EU countries (you know…with national healthcare systems so all the healthcare costs of all their residents is captured) reported the same result: vaccinated kids were so much healthier than unvaccinated that vaccination saved money….despite the costs to purchase, store, and administer the vaccines.
Jeff Smith says
Great article, and exactly what’s needed right now, in my opinion. For people who may not have noticed yet (I also didn’t see them at first), this article is actually full of LINKS that sheds further light on the points being made.
For people also interested in the scientific reasons for vaccine INJURIES, I’d like to point out another excellent website : Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute (https://www.cmsri.org/). I recommend a systematic walk through the tabs, and think you might find it eye opening !
In the meantime, thank you Dr Jennifer Margulies for your clear and informative article !
Jeff Smith RN (Retired)
Kay says
Thanks for considering my autism so bad that you’d rather see me dead. Go fuck yourself, you heartless monster. Autistic people don’t want your “help” and none of us are asking for studies on something that’s already been studied for decades. You’re wrong. Accept it and move on. Vaccines are safe and you should be jailed for child abuse.
JEJ says
Thanks for taking into consideration the DTaP that almost killed my daughter. I held her catatonic body in my arms for 48 hours begging her to come back to me. Thank you for wanting HER dead. You’re the heartless monster, read real studies.
Anamaria says
Dear Kay, never speak in anyone’s name, just talk for yourself.If that is what you feel is fine, but believe me that most of the autistic people and thrir familirs are praying for this amazing dr.Jennifer Margulis on a daily basis.She is saving many childrens life.It’s a pity that you can not even feel what is a normal life, because beeing autistic it is not normal nor special at all, it’s simply a badly heavy metal poisoned body, and the human body reacts badly to these toxins.It’s reversable , just keep looking for the truth, it’s a long way of healing but works.Yes it works for those who really want to heal.I just pray one day, you will be able to see the truth!
Kate says
Ever met a none verbal adult in nappies whose hobbies include head butting walls? With parents terrified of what will happen to their child when they die or are no longer able to provide 24hr care for their adult dependant?
I’m so glad life is working out swell for you, but remember Autism is a spectrum that covers an extreme range of function.
Nickygarsoor says
Cleary you have bigger issues than autism. There is decades of research to the contrary of your self serving point of veiw. Jennifer is knowledgeable and gracious enough to provide these studies in an easily accessible way for the majority of parents that wish to raise healthy ,happy, brilliant kind individuals that do not spew hatred upon others due to their personal position in life. Perhaps you could learn a bit from an unvaccinated 5 yr old on how to treat other human beings. Jennifer’s PhD holds much more weight in the scientific community than your uneducated vulgarity.
Lee says
Why don’t you get educated on vaccinations before you put on a display of your ignorance and lack of vocabulary. Vaccine spread disease they do not prevent it.