Vaccine safety is the subject of a letter to President Donald Trump, which will be delivered to the White House. The letter has over 250 signatures on it as of this morning.**
From medical doctors and research scientists, this letter calls on the president to convene an independent vaccine safety commission. The CDC, which takes money from the pharmaceutical industry, cannot both promote vaccines and oversee vaccine safety.
“I am a clinical researcher long experienced in trials. An unbiased inquiry is never dangerous nor superfluous … The gold standard in medical problems is a randomized clinical trial with and without the agent. Everyone will benefit from the answer, particularly children.” ~James Holland, M.D.
“I am a practicing medical doctor, neuroscientist, geneticist, and scholar who was trained at Johns Hopkins, where autism was first described by Leo Kanner … When doctors first started vaccinating children, the benefits clearly outweighed the risks. We are seeing more complications now, most of which could be prevented by taking into consideration factors such as gender, age, nutritional status, and exposure to neurotoxins. We need to redefine this debate in scientific, and not political terms. Then we can vaccinate safely.” ~Diane Hennacy Powell, M.D.
Vaccine safety matters
As a journalist and book author who has been researching and writing about vaccine safety for over 15 years, I believe we need an independent vaccine safety commission. Some small evidence-based changes to the current CDC vaccination schedule could significantly improve health outcomes among America’s children.
I call on the media to:
1) Investigate Tylenol. The media must report on the growing body of scientific evidence that shows that acetaminophen/paracetamol given before or after vaccines is directly contributing to the autism epidemic. The dangers of Tylenol, as outlined in this peer-reviewed article by researchers at Duke and Harvard Universities, should be making headline news.
2) Investigate the newborn hepatitis B vaccine. The media must report on the fact that the United States is one of the only industrialized countries that gives a vaccine against a sexually transmitted disease (hepatitis B) to infants at birth regardless of risk. This vaccine contains 250 mcg of aluminum, more than ten times the safety limit for newborns, according to the FDA. We know now that its efficacy wanes by the time children reach the age where they are sexually active or using drugs. In this peer-reviewed study, for example, only 24% of those vaccinated in infancy had protection (which indicates a 76% failure rate) without an extra (“challenge”) dose.
3) Investigate patient outcomes of doctors doing it differently. The media must report on the hundreds, if not thousands, of medical doctors who are making evidence-based changes to the vaccine schedule and seeing excellent results. These doctors argue that they are able to keep children safe from infectious diseases without compromising their brains or immune health. My co-author, Dartmouth-trained pediatrician Paul Thomas, M.D., has 15,000 children in his pediatric practice in Portland, Oregon. He is available to the media who would like to speak with him. His phone should be ringing off the hook.
Paul Thomas, M.D.; Brian Hooker, Ph.D.; Judy Mikovits, Ph.D.; Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D; and Toni Bark, M.D.
Medical doctors, PhD scientists, and a science journalist will speak to the press on behalf of over 300 doctors, scientists, and scientific organizations who have written to President Trump in support of an independent vaccine safety commission.
Zenger Room, National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC 20045
Friday, March 31, 2017 from 9:00am to 10:30am Eastern Standard Time.
Since 1986, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, established through legislation signed by President Reagan, has paid out more than $3.5 billion in claims for injuries caused by vaccines. It is estimated that only a small fraction of people injured by vaccines pursue remediation through the Program’s “Vaccine Court” and that two out of three claims are denied. Despite these figures, the nation’s prominent news agencies consistently fail to acknowledge the inherent and extensive risks of vaccines. Medical professionals and members of the scientific communities are coming forward to demand more accurate and unbiased reporting to better serve the public’s interest.
Credentialed members of the media who plan to attend must RSVP to It is not open to the general public. This event will be live streamed on the Your Baby, Your Way Facebook page.
Media interviews are available. Please contact Caroline Kennedy at (703) 801-9319 or to make arrangements.
More information is available at
**PLEASE NOTE: This post was edited on 3/29/2017 at 9 p.m. Pacific Time. It originally read “well over 300.” While this was accurate when it was first published on 3/28/2017 at 12 p.m., the signatures have since been reviewed and verified. It was found that some signatures were not valid. As of this writing, a more accurate count is over 250 medical doctors, researchers, and organizations.
Published: March 28, 2017
Last update: February 10, 2020
Helen says
Finally something is happening in USA!!!in Australia there will B many infants and children damaged by vaccine B 4 Governments acknowledge the reasons!!!please write as much as possible so that mothers and parents will B informed.
Debby kawiecki says
This is just wonderful…our kids deserve healthy & truthfulness!
Janice Lee says
Give the Kennedy’s the information and conclusive evidence to bring to Trump. If big Pharma is going to get less restrictions hold them accountable on this please!
James R. Pannozzi says
“This letter from medical doctors and research scientists calls on the president to convene an independent vaccine safety commission.”
YES ! This is an idea WHOSE TIME HAS COME.
I believe that our President Trump is quite amenable to this idea and look forward to updates and news on this topic.
James R. Pannozzi
Acupuncture Physician (retired)
deborah brabec says
I’m the mother of a severely autistic child. I’m so grateful for what you are doing. I do hope you will also include epideral drugs in your study. I was given a second dose of drugs in my epideral and waited hours to give birth. I believe my daughter had autism at birth. She stopped speaking the day after her preschool vaccines.
Suzanne Rose says
Thank you!!! Critical information! Our most precious resources of our children and our family are on the line with the toxicity and the times schedule/table of the CDC’s recommendation. To think that they are testing gardicil on infants is INSANITY! We must awaken the sleeping giant of families and wake up the ones who still do not question the corruptness, the greed and the destructive situation we have now with the vaccine industry. No industry should be beyond reproach and liability especially when there are known risks and peril. If vaccines work and are safe, then this should not be an issue. We know by proof even with the vaccine court, that a segment of the population who receives vaccinations are high risk of brain injury, nerve damage and even death. That in of itself should be red flags for every family to DEMAND safe vaccines and choice. Mandating vaccinations goes against the Nuremberg Code. Our bodies and the bodies of our children are soverein. Our voices must be heard and truth must come forward. Our very future of humanity is at stake.
Beatriz Montalvo says
Please help me find on the FDA Package Insert where it says the vaccine contains 250mcg of aluminum. I keep scouring it, but I don’t see the ingredients, let alone the quantity of aluminum anywhere… 🙁
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. says
If you search the document for the word aluminum you will easily find it. It is listed as .25 milligrams of aluminum which is 250 micrograms. I took a screen shot of it but I can’t upload a screenshot here. If you want to send me an email I would be glad to send you the screenshot! Here is the package insert: