Do mRNA and Other Vaccines Against COVID Prevent Transmission of the Virus?
Editor’s note: On August 19, 2021, Dr. Christina Parks, Ph.D., testified at a hearing in Michigan about House Bill, 4471. This bill seeks to prevent employers from mandating masks or asking employees about their COVID vaccine status. Dr. Parks spoke against vaccine mandates. She was in favor of the bill. In her public testimony, transcribed below, she pointed out that the COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent viral transmission or infection. She also mentioned that the most highly educated people, along with those who do not have high school diplomas, are the ones saying no to these vaccines. And that America’s long history of medically discriminating against and lying to African Americans is a main reason why 70% of African Americans have not gotten the COVID shot.
Testimony by Christina Parks, Ph.D.
Hello my name is Dr. Christina Parks. I received my Ph.D. in cellular and molecular biology right here in the state of Michigan from the University of Michigan Medical School. So, I’m very well versed in the science of both these mRNA (gene therapy) vaccines, this kind of technology, as well as what a vaccine is designed to do in the body, what it can do, what it can’t do, and the fact that this is extremely complex science that has been oversimplified in the media to basically take away our freedom of choice.
Vaccines prevent transmission is a “faulty assumption.” ~Dr. Christina Parks, molecular biologist
What I want to address today in this limited time is the fact that vaccine requirements and mandates are based on the faulty assumption that the vaccines in question prevent transmission of the pathogen. Right. Does the vaccine for DTaP prevent transmission? No. Does the vaccine for flu prevent transmission? No. Does the vaccines for COVID prevent transmission? No. In fact, [these vaccines] were never designed to do that.
Alright, so you’re asking what about this 95% effectiveness? If you look at those clinical trials, they do not say that they prevent transmission. They expressly say that they’re measuring whether they attenuate symptoms.
So they’re 95% effective, based on their clinical trials, at attenuating symptoms for the first variant, which is essentially gone in our population. Right now the predominant variant is the delta. And CDC director, [Dr. Rochelle] Walensky, basically said that these vaccines have no ability to prevent infection by and transmission of the delta variant.
So, our policy needs not to be built on the hope of what we think something—what we want it to do—but what the data actually tell us…
Do the vaccines prevent the virus from infecting and replicating in the nose and nasopharynx? No. They’ve only been shown to prevent that replication in the lungs—they’re different. The mucosa [in the nose] is very different than the lungs; it’s very different than the blood. You inject it to the blood; you make antibodies in your blood. But the viruses isn’t infecting your blood. It’s infecting your mucosa and you don’t produce any IGA to neutralize it.
In fact, recent studies have shown that the vaccinated—especially with the delta variant—and the unvaccinated, have similar amounts of virus in their nose and throat.
In Barnstable, Massachusetts, the CDC tracked an outbreak of 469 cases of COVID, 74% occurred in fully vaccinated. And four out of five of those hospitalized were vaccinated.
[Read the study here.]
Alright, so maybe they are mandating this because they just didn’t know with the COVID. My main health agencies and the CDC who basically know better and are misleading the public.
Acellular pertussis vaccine does not prevent transmission
So let’s look DTaP, which the scientists and the CDC have known, since 2014, that the acellular pertussis vaccine does not prevent people from getting infected with the pertussis bacteria and passing it to others.
In fact, [this vaccine] was never designed to do that. The vaccine was designed to neutralize the pertussis toxin. Pertussis, we know it as whooping cough, can be fatal for children under six months. So neutralizing this toxin save lives. I’m not going to debate that. But what the vaccine doesn’t do is neutralize the bacteria.
So what happens is fully vaccinated children go to daycare, they pick up that bacteria, and they come home, and they give it to their newborn brother or sister. They get deathly ill and they go to the hospital. Hopefully our medical professionals are able to save them.
But, who do they blame?
Misplaced blame
Now the CDC is blaming ‘anti-vaxxers’ for the limitations of this vaccine design.
I suggest that they be transparent and tell parents that although [the pertussis vaccine] is preventing severe disease in their children, it is not preventing transmission.
Instead, we have created a whole class of asymptomatic pertussis carriers who are increasing the disease.
An older version of the vaccine did prevent transmission
Now, the old DTP vaccine that many of you who are my age or older got, did prevent transmission. However, when we switched to the safer acellular version, they knew that it was never designed to prevent transmission. It was safer. It had less adverse events. But pertussis cases have gone through the roof. There’s a resurgence in pertussis because of the design of the vaccine and the vaccinologists know this. They’re trying to address it. And so we cannot mandate something that does not prevent transmission.
Serial flu vaccine increases likelihood of severe influenza in subsequent years
Alright, what about the flu vaccine? Well, they have shown that, basically, there’s no difference there’s no statistical difference if you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated whether you get the flu or not. But it’s even worse because, although that first year it is somewhat effective—it’s about 65% effective at preventing symptoms in you—after that it actually has negative efficacy.
And I want to address this because it’s very important. Vaccines are made to a specific variant, and when that variant mutates, the vaccine no longer recognizes it. And so it’s like you’re seeing a completely new virus, and because that’s so, you actually get more severe symptoms when you’re vaccinated against one variant and then it mutates and then your body sees the other variants.
So there’s a potential, and the science shows, that in fact with the flu, if you get vaccinated in multiple years, you are more likely to get severe disease you are more likely to have more viral replication and you are more likely to be hospitalized both in adults and in children.
COVID vaccination leading to more severe disease?
We are seeing the same thing in COVID with the delta variant. And so we are mandating that people get a vaccine that could actually make them more sick when they’re exposed to the virus? In fact, this week a paper came out. What it showed is that with this delta variant—when you’re vaccinated, your body makes antibodies and they’re supposed to neutralize the virus—but they were supposed to neutralize the old variant.
So when [the antibodies] see this new variant what they’re doing is the antibodies are actually taking the virus and helping it infect the cells. That science was just published this week. We need to be looking at the science. And we need our policy to reflect the science, and we also need it to reflect our rights.
Most educated = most vaccine hesitant
As a Ph.D. who knows the science I’m in the category of the most vaccine-hesitant group. Yes, Ph.D.s are the most vaccine hesitant, followed by people who have less than a high school degree, because they know what they don’t know, and they don’t trust their government. And many people—the other group that is very vaccine hesitant—are African Americans. Seventy percent of African Americans have not taken this vaccine.
A history of missteps from America’s public health authorities
Why? Because they don’t trust their government. Do they have reason not to trust their government? Well, between the years of 1930 and 1970 the CDC conducted the Tuskegee experiment, where they took an untreated males with syphilis, and they refused to treat them. Even after antibiotics became available, they still did not treat them. And they did not tell them that they had syphilis. They told those people that they were there to secure their health. And they did not secure their health. They abused them.
You say, ‘Well, that was in the past,’ although I don’t think 1970 was that long ago. Well, in 2012 whistleblower William Thompson came forward and said, “We published a study that said MMR does not cause autism, but we lied. In fact, we shredded data that showed that when black boys are vaccinated on time they have increased rates of autism diagnosis, and we shredded it and we left it out of the paper.”
As an African American and a Ph.D., I want to ask each of you: Are we going to exclude 70% of African American people from the workforce, and from education? My ancestors did not work this hard—I come up from a family that worked very hard and I’m very aware that my privileges are dependent on the work of my grandmother and my great grandmother, and I have great respect for these people that put me where I am. And yet you’re telling me that my son will not be able to be educated if, based on the history of African Americans in this country, he doesn’t want to be vaccinated?
So I will leave you with that question. Who are we going to exclude from the workforce? Are we going to continue with discrimination and segregation in the United States of America?
Thank you.
Watch the testimony on YouTube before it is censored:
Related posts:
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Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay: Halt COVID Vaccination
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Published: August 31, 2021
Updated: November 1, 2022
TJ says
Thank you for this reporting, Jennifer!
In the paragraph titled “Covid vaccination leading to more severe disease,” Dr Parks mentions a recently published paper explaining how the antibodies produced through vaccination usher the delta variant into cells and cause illness. Do you have a link to that paper? Or, do you know the paper to which Dr Parks is referring?
I’m trying to sort through and compile as much information/current data/studies on Covid Vaccines as I can. The pressure from my spouse to get a covid shot is building and getting quite uncomfortable. Trying to find sources that will be considered acceptable to my spouse will be a challenge. I only mention my predicament because I’m sure there are others out there whose approach to health differs from their spouses’ approach. During these times of covid when mass vaccination seems to be the only goal public health officials are striving for and they place blame on those does getting with that program, it’s easy to feel alone; especially when you don’t agree with that specific public health approach and your spouse does agree with mass vaccination and wonders why you are so resistant to a covid shot.
Nicole Johnson says
I am wondering if it is this study.
“ As the NTD is also targeted by neutralizing antibodies, our data suggest that the balance between neutralizing and facilitating antibodies in vaccinated individuals is in favor of neutralization for the original Wuhan/D614G strain. However, in the case of the Delta variant, neutralizing antibodies have a decreased affinity for the spike protein, whereas facilitating antibodies display a strikingly increased affinity. Thus, ADE may be a concern for people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors).”
tj says
Thank you!
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. says
Sorry for the delay. I have posted all of the references to her testimony in the comment section below.
Beth says
What a timely article! Like TJ, who has asked for sources, I would also like to see some of them. I am a nurse and midwife in Australia. We have been fortunate to have had relatively few COVID positive people, and a low mortality rate. However, Delta is now active and spreading fast, so the race to vaccinate 80% or more of the population is heating up. It has now been made mandatory for ALL health care workers to be vaccinated. I don’t want it, other HCWs don’t want it, but I also want to keep working. I will resist for as long as I can, but I feel the pressure. Add to that the loss of travel opportunities, which means that I will have difficulty seeing my children and grandchildren who live in other states or other countries.
George A. Strunk says
I also would like to know the link the first questioner asks for.
In the paragraph titled “Covid vaccination leading to more severe disease,” Dr Parks mentions a recently published paper explaining how the antibodies produced through vaccination usher the delta variant into cells and cause illness. Do you have a link to that paper? Or, do you know the paper to which Dr Parks is referring?
I’m trying to sort through and compile as much information/current data/studies on Covid Vaccines as I can. The pressure from my spouse to get a covid shot is building and getting quite uncomfortable. Trying to find sources that will be considered acceptable to my spouse will be a challenge. I only mention my predicament because I’m sure there are others out there whose approach to health differs from their spouses’ approach. During these times of covid when mass vaccination seems to be the only goal public health officials are striving for and they place blame on those does getting with that program, it’s easy to feel alone; especially when you don’t agree with that specific public health approach and your spouse does agree with mass vaccination and wonders why you are so resistant to a covid shot.
Nicole Johnson says
I am thinking it may be this study. I’m
going to try to confirm and update.
“However, in the case of the Delta variant, neutralizing antibodies have a decreased affinity for the spike protein, whereas facilitating antibodies display a strikingly increased affinity. Thus, ADE may be a concern for people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors).”
Dan says
Here is the paper she was referring to. She also posts frequently in her Telegram group.
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. says
For anyone asking for references. Here you go:
References Supporting Testimony of Dr. Christina Parks
for Michigan Bill HB4471
Do the Covid vaccines prevent transmission??..the words of leading public health officials (CDC, WHO) including Tony Fauci.
Current Covid vaccines were not designed to prevent transmission.
Covid vaccines currently in use stimulate the production of neutralizing antibodies in the serum (serum IgG and serum IgA), which prevent/reduce lung infection. However, current vaccines do not induce the production of neutralizing (dimeric) mucosal IgA antibodies in the nose and throat that would prevent transmission1. Mucosal IgA antibodies have 15 times the neutralizing ability of serum IgG or IgA2. Intranasal vaccines that would prevent transmission are under development1.
1. Hassan, Ahmed O et al. “A Single-Dose Intranasal ChAd Vaccine Protects Upper and Lower Respiratory Tracts against SARS-CoV-2.” Cell vol. 183,1 (2020): 169-184.e13. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2020.08.026
2. Wang, Zijun et al. “Enhanced SARS-CoV-2 neutralization by dimeric IgA.” Science translational medicine vol. 13,577 (2021): eabf1555. doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.abf1555
Vaccination predisposes those exposed to Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), which results in more severe disease; shown specifically for the Delta variant.
3. Tseng, Chien-Te et al. “Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to pulmonary immunopathology on challenge with the SARS virus.” PloS one vol. 7,4 (2012): e35421.
4. Yahi, N., Chahinian, H., & Fantini, J. (2021). Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination?. The Journal of infection, S0163-4453(21)00392-3. Advance online publication.
Covid-19: Fully vaccinated people can carry as much delta virus as unvaccinated people, data indicate
Fully vaccinated persons made up 74% of people testing positive for Covid in the Barnstable Massachusetts outbreak and 4 out of 5 of those hospitalized.
DTaP (containing acellular pertussis vaccine) does not prevent colonization by and infection with the Pertussis bacteria and allows/selects for the formation of vaccine resistant strains.
5. Gill, Christopher et al. “The relationship between mucosal immunity, nasopharyngeal carriage, asymptomatic transmission and the resurgence of Bordetella pertussis.” F1000Research vol. 6 1568. 25 Aug. 2017, doi:10.12688/f1000research.11654.1
6. Warfel JM, Zimmerman LI et al. Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2014 Jan 14; 111(2): 787-92.
7. Mooi FR, Van Der Maas NA, De Mellker HE. Pertussis resurgence: waning immunity and pathogen adaptation—two sides of the same coin. Epidemiol Infect 2014 Apr; 142(4): 685-94.
8. Hegerle N, Paris AS, et al. Evolution of French Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis isolates: increase of Bordetellae not expressing pertactin. Clin Microbiol Infect 2012 Sep; 18(9): E340-6.
Yearly Flu vaccines do not produce immunity to lethal variants, while natural immunity does.
9. Bodewes R, Kreijtz JH, et al. Vaccination against human influenza A/H3N2 virus prevents the induction of heterosubtypic immunity against lethal infection with Avian influenza A/H5N1 virus. PloS One 2009; 4(5): e5538
10. Skowronski DM, De Serres G, Crowcroft NS, Janjua NZ, Boulianne N, et al. (2010) Association between the 2008–09 Seasonal Influenza Vaccine and Pandemic H1N1 Illness during Spring–Summer 2009: Four Observational Studies from Canada. PLOS Medicine 7(4): e1000258.
11. Hayward, Andrew C et al. “Natural T Cell-mediated Protection against Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza. Results of the Flu Watch Cohort Study.” American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine vol. 191,12 (2015): 1422-31. doi:10.1164/rccm.201411-1988OC
Yearly Flu vaccines, while demonstrating some efficacy the first year, result in increased susceptibility to both influenza and non-influenza respiratory illness (including coronaviruses), as well as increased influenza-related hospitalization in both adults and children in subsequent years.
12. Ohmit, Suzanne E et al. “Influenza vaccine effectiveness in the community and the household.” Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America vol. 56,10 (2013): 1363-9. doi:10.1093/cid/cit060
13. Cowling, Benjamin J et al. “Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine.” Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America vol. 54,12 (2012): 1778-83. doi:10.1093/cid/cis307
14. Wolff, Greg G. “Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season.” Vaccine vol. 38,2 (2020): 350-354.
15. Bodewes, Rogier et al. “Annual vaccination against influenza virus hampers development of virus-specific CD8⁺ T cell immunity in children.” Journal of virology vol. 85,22 (2011): 11995-2000.
16. Dierig, Alexa et al. “Epidemiology of respiratory viral infections in children enrolled in a study of influenza vaccine effectiveness.” Influenza and other respiratory viruses vol. 8,3 (2014): 293-301.
17. Joshi, Avni Y et al. “Effectiveness of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children: a case-control study.” Allergy and asthma proceedings vol. 33,2 (2012): e23-7.
Ph.Ds, those with less than a high school education and Africans Americans are the most “vaccine-hesitant” Americans.
Tuskegee Experiment
CDC Senior Scientist comes forward as a whistleblower, explaining that key data showing increased risk of autism in African American boys who were vaccinated on time was omitted from their MMR autism study.
Promotion of Cancer by hypercapnia (increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide) and resulting blood acidosis.
Effect of Hypercapnia, an Element of Obstructive Respiratory Disorder, on Pancreatic Cancer Chemoresistance and Progression
Ibrahim-Hashim, Arig, and Veronica Estrella. “Acidosis and cancer: from mechanism to neutralization.” Cancer metastasis reviews vol. 38,1-2 (2019): 149-155.
Mask-wearing and the respiratory acidosis it induces as well as cardiorespiratory stress are a metabolic disaster.
Lee, Sharen et al. “COVID-19: Electrophysiological mechanisms underlying sudden cardiac death during exercise with facemasks.” Medical hypotheses vol. 144 (2020): 110177.