Coronavirus in Cyprus. People living in this island nation in the eastern Mediterranean report that the situation in the Republic of Cyprus is critical. But not because of coronavirus itself. Because of the response.
Jeopardizing the health and freedom of the citizens of Cyprus
We received a plea from a reader who lives in Cyprus. This reader would like the world to know about how the government’s response to coronavirus in Cyprus is harming Cypriots. The information that follows comes from them. However, fearful of backlash, they have chosen to remain anonymous.
The Cypriot government has instituted draconian lockdowns. They’ve criminalized human activities like dancing. They now insist on vaccines as a prerequisite to participating in public life.
This response to coronavirus in Cyprus is jeopardizing the health and freedom of the citizens of Cyprus.
The population of the island is approximately 1,215,000 people.
Of these, nearly 50,000 have tested positive for Covid-19. But only 268 people have died from coronavirus in Cyprus.
Other island nations like Haiti, a country that never enforced decrees on masking or social distancing, are opening up. So is Anguilla. But Cyprus is doubling down.
At the same time, the economy is suffering. People’s liberty is under fire. What’s more, the government’s draconian decrees are harming people’s health and well-being.
An economy in ruins
Cypriots report that their economy is in trouble. Many businesses, only fully open for six out of the last 16 months, have shut permanently. Others, no longer financially viable, will close soon. While government and bank employees are doing fine, most Cypriots have seen their income decline.
Forced to mask at all times
Mask decrees have been in effect in Cyprus since September 2020. Anyone over 12 years old must wear a mask. This applies toall indoor and outdoor spaces. If caught without a mask, the government will fine you. These fines cost €300 ($360) per person, per violation. A steep price to pay for people who are out of work or have had their income vastly reduced.
Coronavirus in Cyprus curfew
“We’ve lost track of how many months we’ve been living under a 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew,” my reader said. For a few days last month the government extended the curfew to 11 p.m. But then there was a third lockdown! Cypriots were forced to be inside their homes by 9 p.m. Currently the curfew is back to 11 p.m. Anyone caught out past the curfew is subject to a €300 ($360) fine.
Forced testing
In order to go to work in person, nasopharyngeal swab testing is obligatory. Frequency of testing depends on the number of employees in each company. Most companies in Cyprus are small to medium in size. People have had to stand in line and get tested weekly.
Nasopharyngeal swab testing can cause injuries, which is what happened to this woman in her 40s, and this 67-year-old.
But this form of testing was the only kind the government deemed acceptable for three months. Now the government is allowing nasal swab tests that are not as intrusive as nasopharyngeal. Employees may not opt out. Those who do not want to be subjected to weekly testing report being verbally threatened by their employers. Mandatory testing has been in effect since February 1.
Even children 12 years of age and above must submit to weekly testing. If they don’t, they’re not allowed to attend school in person.
“We probably have the harshest measures enforced in any country in Europe,” my reader says. “Cyprus is the only country in the world to mandate nasopharyngeal tests on its students and employees.”
While selling tests to the government has made some people rich, the safety and accuracy of these tests have been called into question. In fact, even the World Health Organization does not consider these tests to be the gold standard anymore.
To compound the problem, in Cyprus they are still performing tests at high cycle thresholds, which yields false positives. It’s likely that these faulty tests have inflated number of cases of coronavirus in Cyprus.
Forced to stay inside
In November 2020, the government drastically limited Cypriots’ freedom of movement. The government allowed every citizen to leave their homes only twice per day. However, these outings had to be pre-approved via SMS.
Only employees from certain sectors of the economy who could provide documentation from their employers were allowed to leave their homes more often. Police were issuing fines to anyone caught out of their homes who didn’t have an “approval SMS.” This fine was also €300 ($360).
Dancing prohibited
Up until April 26, restaurants and bars in Cyprus were not allowed to play music that encouraged dancing. Dancing was prohibited, considered a fineable offense. And the government issued fines to people caught breaking this mandate. Then, during the lockdown that lasted until four days ago (May 9), bars and restaurants were shuttered. The new decrees have not specified whether dancing will still be illegal. It is unknown whether people who may enter establishments will be allowed to dance.
So-called SafePass
The third harsh lockdown lasted from April 26 to May 9. After the Cypriot government has instituted a new state of affairs. The SMS exit-permission system has now changed. What was first called “CoronaPass,” has now been renamed “SafePass” (due to its name conflict with Microsoft’s App.)
What is SafePass?
You may receive a SafePass if you:
- Have a certificate or government SMS of proof of vaccination (at least one dose and a minimum of three weeks since its administration)
- Present proof, via government SMS, that you have had the coronavirus in Cyprus in the past six months. People who failed to report that they were sick with coronavirus to the authorities cannot qualify for a SafePass.
- Have printed lab result or a lab SMS of proof of negative result of a PCR or ‘Rapid’ Covid test taken in the past 72 hours.
By July, the government is expected to introduce the digital APP version of the SafePass. They will not accept antibody or T-cell tests for issuance of a SafePass.
In order to leave your home in Cyprus…
The government requires the SafePass for anyone over 12 years old. You must have it to enter a bar, café, mall, department store, or place of worship. Without it you cannot go into a hotel, martial arts schools, gym, outdoor or indoor cinema, or theater. The government also requires it to attend weddings, funerals, and christenings.
However, the government does not require the SafePass in supermarkets, bakeries, confectioneries, butchers, fruit markets, convenience stores, pharmacies, hairdressers, nail parlors, beauticians, banks, beaches, picnic sites, nature trails, or betting shops.
Initially the Health Minister said the SafePass would be temporary. But now government officials are suggesting it will be “long term.” The Deputy Government spokesman said that the “road to freedom” is by the “public proving they are not infected.” So every citizen of Cyprus is sick until proven healthy.
You can barely leave home because of coronavirus in Cyprus … but you can vote in person
You can vote, without presenting a negative Covid test.
Many Cypriots believe this situation is absurd.
“In our upcoming Parliamentary Elections on May 30,” the reader who contacted me explains, “everyone is allowed to physically vote. No one need present a negative Covid test. And in-person voting is the only way to vote in Cyprus.”
A police state
Both uniformed and plain-clothed police will enforce this new system. As will inspectors from almost all government ministries, departments, and municipalities. The government has also contracted with private security companies to help enforce the decrees.
In March the government of Cyprus devised a novel way to solve the unemployment crisis they brought about with the economy-crushing measures they’ve adopted for a year now. They hired hundreds of people, enticing them with a €1000 ($1,202) salary to act as ‘Covid Cops.’ These people roam the country snitching on fellow citizens. Their job is to enforce the decrees.
Fighting back
Some local lawyers, including the president of the Cyprus Bar Association, have criticized the government overreach and decrees. They argue that the response to coronavirus in Cyprus is illegal and unconstitutional. It is a blatant violation of human rights. Government critics say these decrees are legally void. None of them has been submitted to parliament for ratification, which national law requires.
With the new decree announced on May 9 about the creation of SafePass, lawyers are now preparing to proceed with lawsuits.
Indeed, parents filed a lawsuit on Friday April 23, 2021. Sixty-seven parents in the suit represent 88 children. These parents are suing the government, the health minister, and the minister of education. The suit protests making children’s physical access to schools contingent on weekly Covid testing. A hearing is set for Monday, May 17.
Some Cypriots skeptical about the safety, efficacy of vaccines
Despite the fines for masking non-compliance, extreme limitations of daily movement, a nightly curfew, and mandated weekly Covid testing for access to employment and education, vaccine compliance was still low.
However, following the announcement of the third lockdown, which happened three weeks ago, that changed.
After the government insisted they would only lift the lockdown after the introduction of a SafePass, 35% of Cypriots received their first Covid-19 vaccine. Now 11.4% are fully vaccinated.
At the same time, the government has announced that they will no longer include vaccine status when announcing Covid deaths.
My reader in Cyprus believes the government’s SafePass is a methodical move to force people to comply with the Covid-19 vaccine program. Concerns about vaccine safety are being completely ignored.
Asking the non-vaccinated to stand in lines for two to three hours in the baking sun in order to submit to tests every 72 hours is a case in point. Even worse, the Minister of Health has hinted that the government will likely not provide these tests for free to the public for much longer. The monthly cost of paying for testing for a family of four is roughly €320 ($384), an unaffordable amount when most households are struggling financially.

March 29, 2021 post from the Cyprus Minister of Health, Mr. Constantinos Ioannou. He explains that Cyprus is the only country in the world enforcing weekly testing. Pictured here speaking to the Brussels-based European Commissioner of Health. Ms. Stella Kyriakides negotiated the deals on behalf of the European Union with four vaccine companies (AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, J&J). Ms Kyriakides is Cypriot.
A plea for help
My reader tells me that people in Cyprus are facing restriction after restriction. The result is extreme economic hardship. In addition, people’s mental health is suffering because of this response to coronavirus in Cyprus.
While there have been some public demonstrations, government police have responded with violence, breaking up the demonstrations using brute force. The government is dragging freedom-minded protestors speaking out against government corruption and coercion to court. Protesters face numerous charges that carry fines of up to €50,000 ($60,000) and up to 1 year in jail.
“Our government is so emboldened and has brashly acted this way because no one from abroad has called them out for what they’re doing to us,” my reader says.
“No other country in Europe has enforced the kind of fineable decrees and SMS-linked limits on daily outings. Or forced weekly nasopharyngeal and nasal swab tests. But we’ve endured them for months.
“Moreover, no other country has imposed via finable decrees like this. In order to access areas of society, we must be vaccinated or test negative for Covid. Or have tested positive Covid in the last six months.”
“This is a plea for help,” my reader says. “We want the whole world to know of what’s happening to us here with the response to coronavirus in Cyprus.”
What can the world do to help?
Contact public officials in Cyprus, via email and social media. Tell them you disagree with their response to coronavirus in Cyprus. Let them know that destroying the economy and coercing vaccinations by limiting freedom of movement are not the way forward out of Covid and into good health.
Minister of Health
Minister of Education
President of Cyprus
Public TV Station
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My father is Cypriot or was until he had the flu vacinne last year, had terrible side effects all described accurately by Judy Makovits and it killed him. There are reports on my social media that not only covid vaccines are injuring and killing people but so is the flu jab. I will write to Cypriot Officials this is terrible, it is a shame that this article isn’t shareable.
I have spent the last year investigating this whole Covid measures. Where I am in Thailand, they are destroying all small businesses and the culture. However measures are not nearly as bad as Cyprus.
Thank you Jennifer for this article. Every detail referred in this is correct. I would like to add to this that High Schools remained closed for 4 months and the mandatory weekly rapid test to our children in order to go back to school is a violation to their body and soul… And it does not have to do with pain, it is the act itself. My son and other children I know felt sooo bad the first time, they were very sad and angry and they didn’t want to talk for hours… But they accepted it because they wanted their life back…
Love and light 💖
I am a born Cypriot, and I am an outspoken activist, and I will not succumb to the idiotic measures of my Government which I find them utterly ridiculous. In fact it’s criminal to say the least. I am 73, I am not afraid of them, never tested, cause I feel just fine. Vaccine? I am not crazy or a puppet. Every night at 8, I run a Live stream from my Facebook profile pleading with my countrymen to WAKE UP. I am also a candidate in the forthcoming Parliamentary elections with the AFIPNISI party, which means AWAKENING.
Last I must point out, that our Minister of Health has no knowledge of Medical Science, he is in fact a Business man, same as myself. Thank you for your support
Well done Louis.
I was advocating against all of this, which is part of the evil plans of the Illuminati to impose their tyrannical antichristian regime on humanity.
If Hitler was named the biggest evil man in mankind for exterminating 6 million Jews, what shall we name then Bill Gates and his satanic clan for publicly stating their aim is to exterminate 7,3 billion people?
For this statement of mine I was kicked off LinkedIn, which belongs to Microsoft since 2016.
We run our channel in Telegram, THE TRUTH BEHIND SCAMDEMIC, and all likeminded people are invited to join and contribute with posting non-fake news.
The link is–1TvWoefZNkNWVk.
Everything in the article are correct, but the writting language is biased.
For example: “In order to leave your home in Cyprus…
The SafePass is required for anyone over 12 years old” in bold letters, only to come later and explain that is only for big department stores, mall and food industry.
Another point, that is not clear is the so called “police state” and fines. Every week, even in the total lockdown period, demostration was taking place in every city with the police only observing. There was only one time out of 50+ demostrations that police responded with force (not agreeing) , but this is the true. Finally, the fines are part of the coronavirus fight measures but are rarely used. The 9pm and 11pm curfew was and are not strictly monitored, and if you have a good reason to be out the police is elastic (personal experience) but if they stopped you and you start discussing and refering to the constitution and your rights because you read something on facebook you are about to get fined.
Thank you Jennifer! The article describes the situation in Cyprus perfectly at the moment (14/05/2021). Small country, so we are being used as an experiment with these oppressive measures.
Thank you Jennifer for the great article and for spreading the word. We’ve been subjected to a trumendous economical, sociial & psychological pressure this past year! Everything you’ ve described is 100% true. I’m one of the 67 parents that is suing the government for the pupils’ mandatory weekly testing & masks mandate at schools.
The tests are magnetically tagging you. These smartdust type fibers travel thru your body,reading your health and barcoding you. They take 12 months to come out thru skin and genitalia, very itchy and stingy if you are sinsitive, and are about 1/5 thickness of human hair, and I am catching some on sticky tape. Lookup smartdust to read about them, on YouTube. Also methods to help remove them. FORMER FEMA OPERATIVE CELESTE SOLUM talks to David IKE on YouTube, and explains that these are what cause blood to clot from 5 G EMR. Then TRUMP changed it to 432 HTz The miracle tone of nature, all around the world, and then no more glass lungs needed, not blood clots anymore, but pneumonia from wearing dirty filthy masks. USA Military said only influenza A and influenza B. CV19 CDCnot able to isolate it from any of 15000 test sticks.It was only computer generated and non existent. Nuremberg Style Trials happening.
Thank you! We are being victimized so that family members and friends of the corrupted governmental officials get richer.
Great article. 100% true.
Hi Jennifer, I feel very grateful for undertaking such a task to inform globally the situation regarding Cyprus. Your voice and specifically this article you wrote unfortunately reflects the reality we are experiencing. It is more than evident that human rights violations are under attack by the state in an unprecedented aggressive and forceful manner, only against its indigenous citizens. The spread of discrimination and discord that is promoted by the news media is an emerging factor, with unforeseen consequences. There is an advertisement by the Ministry of Health, which I enclose herewith in Greek, that states “If you want to take your life back, the only option is vaccination”.
It’s unbelievable that these draconian measures are being aloud to continue! It is time to rise up as one in a peaceful but United front! No more! This cannot continue! Remember we as a United front outnumber the police and the government! Surely the police must wake up to what’s happening! For the sake of their kids, their parents their brothers and sisters! Enough is enough! 🙏❤️
Well done Louis.
I was advocating against all of this, which is part of the evil plans of the Illuminati to impose their tyrannical antichristian regime on humanity.
If Hitler was named the biggest evil man in mankind for exterminating 6 million Jews, what shall we name then Bill Gates and his satanic clan for publicly stating their aim is to exterminate 7,3 billion people?
For this statement of mine I was kicked off LinkedIn, which belongs to Microsoft since 2016.
We run our channel in Telegram, THE TRUTH BEHIND SCAMDEMIC, and all likeminded people are invited to join and contribute with posting non-fake news.
The link is–1TvWoefZNkNWVk.
Things are as follows: The satanic clan of Illuminati, followers & disciples of Lucifer, attempt to impose their tyrannical plans, to exterminate 7,300,000,000 people and enslave the remaining 500 million under their diabolic ruling.
The Illuminati control many Organisations, including of the UN, the WHO and the EU.
The EU president and other High rank officials are nor elected but appointed by the Illuminati, provided they are their puppets.
Ursula Von Der Leyen, or let as most people refer to her, she was endorsed as the next president of the EU, at the 2017 Bildenberg Club summit, where she first appeared.
She is also one of the 300 Illuminati controlling this evil plan.
Cyprus unfortunately gave up its sovereignty in 2008 when joint the EU, and now is enslaved indirectly by the evil clan.
The EU imposed on all 27 member states very harsh conditions, which in turn these are imposed on the citizens of these 27 states.
In order, to receive financial assistance by the EU, the member states are obliged to impose these draconian & unlawfully measures.
Therefore, the blame on our government and any government is that they don’t revolt and resign, forcing a revolution within the EU.
The problem in Cyprus is that these measures are imposed without giving much publicity, so people do not really realise of what is going on.
The EU has “sponsored” the local media in Hellas with €80million and in Cyprus with €8million, so despite my many documented authentic articles sent to the 5 leading media, all keep quiet.
The system is totally corrupt and against the people, they supposed to serve.
The same applies to the various medical doctors and other “experts” that have discrased their medical profession, by telling lies to the people that they have to get the mRNA jab, which none of them are vaccines bug gene therapy stuff, they are not licenced as vaccines and are not approved to be used as such.
They are used as an “emergency”, whatever that means!
They are lethally dangers & this is confirmed by Bill Gates himself on YouTube, saying its real serous side effects will be revealed after 2 years.
Bill Gates is a narcissistic egoist beast, who thinks he belongs to a superior human race & all the rest of us we are inferiors.
His obsession goes back since he was little, according to an interview by his father.
According to the Hellenic Orthodox Church Church Elderly fathers prophecies, this is the pre-antichrist era, that will proceed the antichrist by approx 40 years.
Both now and in 40 years will fail to succeed, as Christ will dissolute them.
Archangel Michael will exterminate their boss Lucifer giving an end to all evil on this world.
Resist the satanic plans as they is nothing they can do to force you to accept their ruling.
I’m at your disposal if you need any assistance.
I’m serving Christ and His real Truth on this world. I’m not afraid of these daemons and you should nor be as well. Their strength comes when we start being afraid if them.
You can find me in Telegram @philokypros, and on our channel THE TRUTH BEHIND SCAMDEMIC, on the same channel.
Remember Christ will prevail and the daemons will be dissoluted.
Although I’m not a gambler I tried to bet on this and no betting company is accepting my bet!
This should ring the bell that even the gambling companies know the truth!!!
Be blessed!
Stay vigilant!
Have faith only on Jesus Christ & His Holy Mother.
2 typing mistakes.
1. Cyprus joined the EU in 2004 and not in 2008. In 2008 it joined the European, another fatal mistake for its Economy
2. Instead of Lier it shows Let, as the nickname of Ursula Von Der Leyen
I’m so disappointed with the leaders there. Shame on them. We’re in the States and we have more freedom then them. The Evil is working on them very well. May GOD be with the people there including my Family. 🙏✝️ People should stand up and fight over this evil.
Lies and more lies. The mesures taken were more than adequate. The cirus peak has been contained with minimum possible loses and the island has opened up for nearly every one.
Businesses and employees were in a large percentage been compensated by the government with the aid of the largest per country EU funding.
The problems lays with many people’s mentality especially the so called neoleberals who do not understand the seriousness of the suituation due to the extreme level of the healthcare system’s capacity to hospitalize the serious cases. Plus the fact that many of them (with a push from fandamentalist priests – against the official church policy) are non coronavirus believers and are followers of the Bill Gates conspiracy theory and the devils acts.
Really it is frustrating to read articles such as this.
Oh by the way, it is election period in Cyprus so….
“The mesures taken were more than adequate. The cirus peak has been contained with minimum possible loses and the island has opened up for nearly every one.”
I think you’re living in a bubble created by the mainstream media. We’ve had very draconian measures than many other countries and these measures haven’t worked. 3 full lockdowns plus a 4th local lockdown for Paphos and Limassol. There’s not many people left who believe the numbers of cases which the government are reporting are accurate since they increase or decrease the numbers to suit their agenda. It’s elections now as you said, so everything has opened up, bar the curfew at 00:00 (don’t know why that is still necessary).
The third lockdown was done based on a percentage of 1.65% positive cases in relation to people tested. The first lockdown last year was done when the percentage was 5.5%. But there were more cases reported this time around. Why? Because there were more tests!, since the government now forces all workers and all secondary and high school kids to get tested on a weekly basis. Non compulsory testing also in primary school for those who want to get testes.
So to give an example 55 cases out of 1000 tests = 5.5% = lets do a lockdown.
This year, 1000 cases out of 60000 tests = 1.6% = lets do another lockdown.
(read the book, how to lie with statistics, thank me later).
Here’s another thing you may have missed. For a year and a half now, the government and mainstream media have been hellbent on reporting every death as a covid death. Now we’re having deaths with a history of vaccination. A few cases were reported as dying from covid, after being vaccinated, but because people started having concerns about the vaccines, the reporting of “history of vaccination” was ceased, claiming that it was an infringement of personal medical data of DEAD PEOPLE, yeah. Soon after, the Commissioner for Personal Data said that it would not be an infringement of personal data and that reporting of vaccination history could continue. But of course, the government is still not reporting deaths with a history of vaccination, I wonder why.
“Businesses and employees were in a large percentage been compensated by the government with the aid of the largest per country EU funding.”
Money which will make this country poorer since the tax payer now owes this money to the EU. Thanks again. Many businesses would have preferred to remain open and they should have been allowed to. The problem has always been people dying in nursing homes, but the government thought it prudent to shut down the entire economy. Mortality of covid 19 for people between the ages of 0 – 70 is just 0.04 % (see WHO). Nice work.
“The problems lays with many people’s mentality especially the so called neoleberals who do not understand the seriousness of the suituation due to the extreme level of the healthcare system’s capacity to hospitalize the serious cases. Plus the fact that many of them (with a push from fandamentalist priests – against the official church policy) are non coronavirus believers and are followers of the Bill Gates conspiracy theory and the devils acts.”
The problem is with people like yourself my friend who listens to whatever a box tells you without doing your own independent research, and without thinking.
“Really it is frustrating to read articles such as this.”
It’s also frustrating to listen to lies day in and day out from the government and the mainstream media, but you don’t seem to mind. Let me give you an example.
Health Ministry: Vaccination is more effective than physical exposure. IS A LIE.
MSM: 23 covid deaths in November 2020. Ok. sad. But did you also tell people that every year in november about 55 people die from respiratory causes? Did you also tell people that every November 450 people die of all causes? No, you didn’t. You manipulated the public. You are criminals.
“Oh by the way, it is election period in Cyprus so….”
ALEXIS STYLIANOU – Political Candidate running with the party Pnoi Laou
Let’s put a stop to all this nonsense.
Oh dear, Demetris… your response is so disappointingly uninformed, and shows that you believe whatever you’re told blindly and with no critical thinking.. just blind acceptance, like many people, sadly who believe in such measures, even go have their jabs and suddenly live (or no longer live..) to regret it. And for what?
What this article says, and what has been said in the comments – especially by @AlexisStylianou is SPOT ON !
Alexis, that’s exactly right.. it’s so sad that so many people are so oblivious to the actual facts.
I believe you and Pnoi Laou are the ONLY ones to vote for this election, given that only your party is against lockdowns, masks, testing and unnecessary and dangerous vaccines, let alone the absolute medical apartheid and tyranny of the current government allowing society to be split in two with a ridiculous (anything BUT safe!) SafePass. I agreed with everything you’ve been saying in your videos and your speech at the Paphos protest the other day, too, that you are absolutely determined to stop these Draconian measures, expose the lies and save the rights of Cypriot people so we can get our lives back, living how we wish, freely and without coercion! You’re our man.. totally voting for you and Pnoi Laou!! We need to put an end to these measures AND bring to justice, I hope, those who’ve deceived the public on such a mass scale, in local government and the pawns they’ve used to promote and enforce these crazy measures.
Best of luck in the election!
Some people will just never wake up to what’s going on and will continue to be hypnotised by the tv and “annoyed” by actual facts and truth, sadly.. but we fight for their rights too and hope they don’t make a fatal mistake in the meantime believing in the tiresome “for your health, for your own good” rhetoric.
Very well written article, Jennifer. Thanks!
After the Cypriot government has instituted a new state of affairs. You may receive a SafePass if you: Have a certificate or government SMS of proof of vaccination at least one dose and a minimum of three weeks since its administration Present proof, via government SMS, that you have had the coronavirus in Cyprus in the past six months.