Jean Tangren Alexander was a dear friend, landlady, and honorary grandma. When my two oldest were … [Read more...]
No One Should Have to Die Alone
No one should have to die alone. But that's what's happening across the United States. Because of … [Read more...]
My Mom Died Almost a Year and a Half Ago and I’m Still Sad: The Death of a Parent is Hard
My mom died a year and a half ago. But yesterday my daughter came tentatively into my office, sat … [Read more...]
Do You Want To Be Buried or Cremated?
If you're my age or younger, you probably haven't thought about whether you want to be buried or … [Read more...]
Dying With Grace: Are You Prepared for the End of Life?
Dying with grace is something I've been thinking about ever since my mom died. So on a sunny day … [Read more...]
My Husband’s Best Friend Committed Suicide
Kate Spade committed suicide. Anthony Bourdain committed suicide too. Their deaths made headline … [Read more...]