Gotta love that Jimmy Kimmel.
I’m delighted to see that vilifying parents who choose to delay or forgo vaccines has become such an amusing national pastime.
Those parents who choose not to vaccinate their kids are all crazy, thoughtless, and completely woo woo anyway.
(They’re the most educated? Bah! They have the highest incomes? Selfish bastards).
Then there are the medical doctors and researchers who point out our current childhood vaccine schedule is the most aggressive in the world (like it’s a bulldog) and suggest some vaccines might be causing some harm, like this one, whose M.D. is from Yale School of Medicine, and this one, whose M.D. is from Dartmouth and who has over 15,000 children in a thriving pediatric practice, and this one, whose Ph.D. is from Stanford.
What totally stupid uneducated idiots!
So glad to see thoughtful medical ethicists insisting they all lose their licenses. Totally.
Don’t even get me started on the “journalists,” (like this one, and this one and this one) who report on vaccine safety issues, write balanced book reviews, and believe parents have the right to choose when and whether their kids are vaccinated. (Give me a break.)
Paul Offit, M.D., said it best: those woo woo loser journalists should all be in jail.
They deserve all the scorn heaped upon them and more.
Any journalist who does anything to encourage parents not to do every vaccine on the current CDC schedule, for children and adults, should be publicly ridiculed.
I’m especially glad to hear their inboxes are filling up with anonymous messages with subject lines like, “Hey dumb bitch,” and “I know where you live.”
Send them messages with subject headings like this one.
These ad hominem attacks are a really good way to get your point across.
Scare them into silence.
Tell them you hope their children will die.
Because they are all wrong and the CDC is right. Duh.
What about you?
You haven’t let any of the misinformation on the Internet give you any doubts about whether or not to vaccinate your kids, have you?
If you have any reservations at all about the current CDC vaccine schedule, don’t worry.
It has been scientifically proven that there’s absolutely no reason for concern.
Vaccines save countless lives, just like antibiotics.
And the more vaccines we give, the more lives we save. Just like antibiotics.
Adverse reactions from vaccines occur but they are really rare. Vaccine failure is non-existent.
It certainly doesn’t matter how many vaccinations we give our babies at one time!
Why should it?
You can die from drinking too much water
Listen, if you drink too much water you can die of water poisoning. Vaccines are like that: as safe and benign as water.
All those articles, podcasts, blogs, talks by impeccably credentialed medical doctors, scientific studies, and news reports, like this one and this one, that are making you have some doubts about some of the vaccines given to children in the United States? Forget about them.
Are you becoming concerned that we are giving 49 doses of 14 different vaccines before age six?
Are you worried that children in America have more chronic diseases (like asthma, allergies, juvenile diabetes, Crohn’s disease), autism, and learning disabilities than at any other time in America’s history?
You’re smarter than that.
Don’t even read those articles.
Your post has been removed
Since many of them are being censored from the Internet now, you won’t even be tempted.
Whatever you do, don’t do your own research.
Those weirdos propagating lies and misinformation all over the Internet?
They’re tofu eaters.
They drive Priuses.
They don’t let their kids watch TV.
They’re the last people on earth you should listen to.
You don’t need to think for yourself or do your own homework.
The CDC does that for us, duh.
Just keep insulting all those losers and sending them hate mail.
Or better yet, show them this list.
13 reasons why the CDC is right and you should vaccinate your kids:
1. You want your child vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease at birth that he has no chance of catching.
Unless you’ve tested positive for Hepatitis B, you’re an intravenous drug user, or your kid is at risk of receiving a tainted blood transfusion, your newborn has no way of contracting Hepatitis B. This disease is spread through body fluid contact (blood, semen, vaginal secretions, spit). Norway, Finland, Iceland, Britain, and Sweden—all countries where infants have better health outcomes than America—don’t give a Hepatitis B vaccine to infants in the absence of medical indication. But so what if CDC officials themselves are refusing the birth dose of this vaccine for their kids because they know it’s not necessary? (I read that in this book. Two words: journalism jail.) It’s never too soon to protect against STDs!
2. You don’t care that a 2010 study found that infant boys who received the recommended three doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine starting at birth were three times as likely to develop autism than boys who were never vaccinated or who were vaccinated after the first month of life.
Bring on the birth dose of the Hepatitis B! Jimmy Kimmel’s daughter got it. You want your newborn to get it too.
3. You’ve never interviewed an immunologist who studies animal immune systems, so you don’t realize that immunologists provoke a newborn animal’s immune system to disrupt and damage immunity and then study the disruptions.
Humans aren’t animals so you know it’s okay to vaccinate within a few hours of birth.
4. You don’t care that a senior scientist at the CDC, William Thompson, Ph.D., has admitted to manipulating and falsifying data about the link between the MMR vaccine and autism in African-American boys.
5. You also don’t care that Merck has two major lawsuits pending by scientists who claim that the company deliberately falsified and destroyed data about the efficacy of the mumps component of the MMR vaccine.
All vaccines work all the time. And all vaccines are necessary for all children. Your doctor said so.
6. Nor do you care that the main author on the CDC study that “proves” vaccines do not cause autism, Poul Thorsen, is wanted by the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for embezzling money.
Over a period of six years Thorsen stole over $1 million from the CDC, submitting forged invoices on CDC letterhead. But the “science” produced by this criminal is, of course, rock solid. And that “science” proves that vaccines do not cause autism. ‘Cause they don’t.
7. You’re not interested in the hundreds of thousands of stories from parents, like this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one, whose children were harmed by vaccines.
Every single one of them is a deluded kook and a liar. Ignore them and vaccinate your kids already, will you? They get **all** their health information from Jenny McCarthy.
What do parents actually know about their kids anyway? Sure, they all started off pro-vaccine, just like me and you, and all they did was what their doctors instructed them to do. But those same doctors deny it is possible that it was the vaccines that harmed these seemingly healthy, normally developing young children. You believe the pediatricians over the parents. Every single time.
8. You agree that researchers who uncover problems with vaccines should be silenced and that journalists who write about children who suffer neurological damage from vaccines should go to “journalism jail.”
Because science only has one side and freedom of the press should not apply to fair and impartial reporting about vaccine safety or whether you should vaccinate your kids.
9. You also think it’s totally irrelevant that there are now literally thousands of doctors, nurses, and health care professionals who are also speaking out against America’s overuse of vaccines, like this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one.
And even more health care professionals who are privately choosing to selectively vaccinate their children but know they cannot say so publicly for fear of professional retribution.
Though they have higher degrees (M.D.s and Ph.D.s) from the best universities, nothing to gain either personally or professionally, and years of experience and expertise, they are all quacks.
Harvard? Cornell? Yale? Stanford? MIT? Hotbeds of woo.
10. You know vaccines have myriad side effects and can trigger autism, allergies, eczema, fainting spells, and even death.
But you’re not worried that your child might have an unidentified “mitochondrial disorder,” MTHFR mutation, a vitamin D deficiency, or any other susceptibility that would make it dangerous for him to get some vaccines.
11. You don’t give the shake of a rat’s tail about the fact that there’s never been a large-scale vaccine safety study comparing health outcomes of completely unvaccinated children to fully vaccinated children.
We could never do that study! All the unvaccinated children would die of the measles before it was completed.
So what if you learned in Science 101 that having no statistically significant control groups in “scientific” studies makes it impossible to draw accurate scientific conclusions?
12. You know that public health officials and, especially, doctors have no reason to mislead the public and have never done so in the past.
No, the CDC and government agencies have not knowingly misled Americans about safe levels of lead in the water, doctors have not advertised the health benefits of cigarettes, obstetricians have not reassured pregnant women that X-rays during pregnancy were not only safe for the fetus but necessary to measure the size of the pelvis.
Ut oh. Nope.
What? I can’t hear you.
I’m busy right now burying my head in the sand.
13. You’re also not worried about your infant being exposed to possibly toxic levels of aluminum found in vaccines. Aluminum poisoning may worry the Japanese, there may be a slew of research showing aluminum is not safe, but it doesn’t worry you.
The “notion that aluminum in vaccines is safe appears to be widely accepted,” write Lucija Tomljenovic, who has a Ph.D. in biochemistry and Christopher Shaw, Ph.D., who teaches in the graduate program in neuroscience at the University of British Columbia in the journal Current Medical Chemistry.
Experimental research, however, clearly shows that aluminum adjuvants have a potential to induce serious immunological disorders in humans. In particular, aluminum in adjuvant form carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and associated neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health consequences. In our opinion, the possibility that vaccine benefits may have been overrated and the risk of potential adverse effects underestimated, has not been rigorously evaluated in the medical and scientific community.
Dufuses. So what if doctors and researchers around the world have found evidence of neurological harm?
Did you know that vaccine-friendly doctors welcome conversations with parents about the risks and benefits of vaccines and whether and when to vaccinate your kids at all?
Dr. Sears and Naturally Nicole’s lists of vaccine-friendly doctors: deleted from the Internet. Thankfully so!
Vaccine-friendly doctors
Good thing you’ve never heard of a vaccine-friendly doctor who will talk to you about how and when to vaccinate your kids.
But in case you were wondering, vaccine-friendly doctors allow parents to make informed choices about when and how to vaccinate, about delaying, and even foregoing, some vaccines.
Vaccine-friendly doctors are a threat to the health of all our children.
We will not allow you to TALK about this.
Shut the f**k up and just vaccinate your kids.
Those doctors?
Total quacks!
Say it with me: Vaccinate your kids.
Bottom line: You’re a baby killer if you don’t vaccinate your kids according to CDC’s current childhood vaccination guidelines. If you don’t vaccinate your kids for every single vaccine on the schedule you are committing child abuse.
One size fits all. Your doctor knows best. The CDC knows even better. They’ve got your baby’s back. So what if they put a bullet in it?
This post does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services to you, your child, or to any other individual. No one is telling you whether or not to vaccinate your kids. General information provided here for educational purposes only.
Related posts:
Wondering About Vaccines, Not Sure Where to Start
Tylenol Alternatives: Better, Safer Remedies
Vaccine Opposition in Estonia
Published: March 31, 2015
Last update: August 17, 2021
Teresa L says
Take a look – shockingly, gov’t admits vaccines are UNSAFE.
Lisa says
They have taken down that page you posted…hmmmmm!!! o.O
VaxFactChecker says
Actually, they moved the page into a PDF. Click here, then look for “vaccine injury table” in the left column.
Debra says
Jennifer what a wonderfully written piece you tell it exactly as it is, is no one understanding that there is a whistle-blower these precious babies are given ingredients in a vaccine that are causing told and untold damage can all of these parents be wrong they saw and they felt the most precious in their lives fall to the needle thank you Jennifer for the tenacity of your piece
Page not found
The requested page “/vaccinecompensation/vaccinetable.html” could not be found.
Landee Martin says
You are brilliant!!!!!!!
Ed says
hahaha, LOL, awesome 😉
Theresa Thinnes says
Thank you! People are so blinded to the dangers of vaccines. Our culture is indoctrinated into believing vaccines save lives when the opposite is true.
sky bird says
katy says
So great to see humor mixed in with truth! Loved this!
Twyla says
Love this satire – so needed in this crazy situation today!
We know that pharma companies would never ever engage in any kind of shenanigans or malfeasance.
Keep up the great work, and thank you for being both brave and so smart!
Pam says
Twyla, I like many of the comments here but wish I could super duper like yours. 🙂
Dara says
YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Muriel Hykes says
I’m totally #10 and vaccine injured. Your post made me smile though. Thank you!
Noelle Foster says
YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Best blog posting I’ve read all year!!!!!!!!! NAILED IT!!!!
Tami White says
So excellent I cannot even say. Thank you a million times over! Shared and will likely share again. I LOVE IT. So glad I had people come into my life before I had children that challenged me to re-think the status quo and prompted me to research. As a result I have two extremely robust and healthy, UNTOUCHED by medicine – EVER, boys. Such great writing – such a great message. Thank you.
jaqinthehat says
I dont know I but I already love u! You are awesome!!
Jeff B. says
Amiee says
You make some valid points!
Stephanie says
This. is. so. awesome. I wish I could reach through my computer screen and hug you!
Liz says
Thank you. If it wasn’t so horrifically true, I’d be smiling smiling. Thanks for posting.
Wendy Hermes says
This is brilliantly magnificent. Thank you for writing this. It spells out, beautifully, the absurdity of the U.S. vaccine program. I will be passing this through Twitter.
Brad says
Jackie says
Well put! Nice to see so many pieces to the puzzle stuck into article! I argue the lead, cigarette, asbestos argument all the time! It blows my mind how many people take things at face value. I often remind people that these same agencies said all of the above and more was safe at one point in time or another!
Milgram Experiment comes to mind! Do your research be your own advocate!
daniduo says
So many other things can be added. Thalidomide, teflon, and RoundUp come to mind immediately. I also think about all the unnecessary surgeries because they are the fad of the time (and quite the money makers, too, because of the scare tactics used–guess we can put many prescriptions in the category, too.)
Jill says
Thank you for the articulate, intelligent rebuttal to the aggressively illogical and often violent response to choosing discretion over blind faith.
Danielle Shea Tan says
Couldn’t have said it better myself! It’s amazing to me how many of my very smart friends who respect me and think I’m smart too, say that I must be stupid to question the safety of vaccines. (P.s. Thankfully I did gene testing and my son likely has the MTHFR mutation!!!)
Julie Dee says
nora says
You nailed it. Thanks
Rebecca B. says
What’s ironic is that sarcasm is an art appreciated by logically minded people, people who are good at puzzles and wit. While we’d love to show this to the pro-vax crowd and have it persuade them it would confound and confuse them! So it is funny that all of us like-minded people can come to read this article and appreciate the truth, depth, and complexity; it would literally be lost on the very people who’d benefit the most.
Thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this!
Ted Mullins says
Well put!
Rita says
Brilliant!! Thank you so much!
Elisabeth says
This was brilliant and spot on! I am getting so tired of the ridiculous memes and hate campaigns going around in the name of “humor”. Nice to see some real humor addressing the issues with some actual facts, not just people saying, “Vaccinate because, you know, SCIENCE!”
Jenn says
Thank you! Entertaining and enlightening. I appreciate you taking the time to write this!
Anya Corson says
beautifully said and brilliantly written! Bravo mama for speaking the truth in this world of nay-sayers!
Elly says
Thank you for your bravery and your due diligence. I often think of the history around estrogen. For 50 years it was the paradigm to treat menopause with estrogen and there was NO discussion. It was ingrained and a fact!! Oh – studies? Yes short term studies to show it was completely safe. In 2001 the Women’s Health Initiative released a randomised control study showing long term effects that showed an increased the risk for women of heart attacks and breast cancer significantly. This new, very good study, rocked the medical world and changed the paradigm. There is more money involved with vaccines – and a firm belief that they are safe. All parents want is a safe passage for their kids, those who vaccinate and those who don’t and we all deserve to know the facts.
Kelly Goodlad says
God love you, woman.
Liz says
So well put, brilliant! Wake up people and stop poisoning yourselves and your children.
Mary says
Thank you for this!!!!!!!!!!!
Tracy Kolenchuk says
Excellent! You might enjoy the vaccine science quiz:
Nic says
What a relief! For about half the time that I was reading your post (above), I was almost hating and pitying you. I generally pride myself on my intuition and my ability to comprehend and dissect many forms of literature, not to mention the simple skill of detecting the general gist of a conversation, but for some reason, I just couldn’t see the sarcasm in your seemingly brain-washed governmental-torch-carrying views. I am so glad I kept this page open to read later, rather than dismiss it as nonsense, as I was initially going to. I think I have been awake too long, reading too much bullshit and getting too emotional (my son is severely autistic).
I have a Facebook group page and an open community one, both titled:
Autism – The Lies
If you don’t mind, I’d like to recommend you? If that’s OK with you, what may I upload for members, so that they may seek your writings if they choose?
Now that I understand your words for what they truly are: well done! If it wasn’t for educated, eloquent and reasonable people like you, I’d feel even more hopeless, helpless and alone than I often feel. Sometimes it’s almost unbearable to know that due to my misplaced trust and profound ignorance – my almost condescending opinion of those who thought our government was corrupt – my son will suffer for the rest of his life. I took him there time and time again for those injections. I had the flu shot while I was pregnant with him. I had absolute, pure trust in our medical professionals, the medical and pharmaceutical industry and our government that it didn’t even occur to me that such evil would exist and have such easy access to my son’s life.
I’m not a stupid person, yet my ignorance and blind faith led me to hand over my perfectly happy and healthy boy to these monsters who intended and succeeded in forever crippling any chance he may have had to thrive as a regular little boy. Why didn’t I know this before? Why? Why? Why?! My grandparents were in the concentration camps of WWII – I’d regularly compare the Nazi Regime to the government of my ‘lucky country’. I think that played a large part in my naivety; however, I’m usually smarter than that.
All of the bastards involved in this conspiracy are more evil than the worst SS soldier – at least those maniacal monsters were open about their intentions. On the surface our leaders appear to have good intentions for us, with Medicare, Welfare, etc. yet, they epitomise true evil. Under their guise of goodness, they have and will continue to succeed in having innocent people pretty much volunteer themselves for what will ultimately become their death-row.
Keep doing what you are doing! People like you are the only chance we have. My platform from which to declare the truth is too weak, but I will contnue to do whatever I can until the day I die. That’s the LEAST I owe my son.
Thank you,
Anonimiss Jackson – on Facebook
jerit adamson fourman says
please do not give up hope of reversing autism as dr apsley at may be able to help with a detoxifying and regenerating regime, sincerely, and your story is compelling, very honest, very sincere, very courageously frank
i hope your son recovers
Susan Cosgrove DC says
I found this article on FB this morning, and when I tried to click on it on my phone. I got the message NETWORK CONNECTION LOST. I was also not able to connect with your site on my phone search engine. I am now on an outside computer. Has the censorship started? Excellent article, by the way.
Affected says
I became very ill after having been expoaed to chemicals. When I found out what the chemicals were, I matched them.very easily to the symptoms I was having. I called poison control, and they told me I was definitely having symptoms of acute poisoning. I called rhe CDC and they told me “anytjing” could be causing my symptoms &I wouldn’t take my report. That’s when I knew rhe truth. We are systematically being controlled. Our lives ruined by preventable illness. It’s no joke.
saia says
I enjoy your satire on this subject! Great read… Now if we can only get those pro vaxxers to take a look… But they know everything so why would they need to educate themselves! HA
Margaret M Saindon says
Why is the unethical use of aborted human diploid cells not mentioned? There has not been any study showing the safety of these cells? Ethical vaccines are available in Japan but the CDC prevents the importation of those ethical vaccines. Because the Japanese vaccines are refrigerated they do not contain harmful preservatives or metals.
Jessica says
What a great way to put things in perspective.
jozef scales says
that is one SICK rant! too funny as everyone witness to the poor folks who’ve lost their cognitive ability more than likely because of your poison vaccines. it would be HILARIOUS if it wasn’t so sad. the cat is out of the bag. we already know the poison vaccines are medical fraud and your article here is testimony to your guilt and deception tactics. it is entertaining however to see such a lost professional trying to justify their biggest crimes of the century. anyone who has done their homework would find your article amusing! i feel sorry for you! did you even know the MERCK MMRii has been recalled because of the testimonies of cdc scientists admitting a cover up for TEN YEARS? WOW! GET CURRENT with your information for your sake and your family’s sake!
jozef scales says
here ya i did your homework for you how does it feel to be on the LOSING TEAM?
you’re welcome!
jozef scales says
i imagine its difficult to keep editing out all of the real info other folks are posting here! it must be a full time job! hahaha! too funny! yes we are laughing at you!
jerit adamson fourman says
jozef you are blatantly demonstrating your inability to detect sarcasm. i suggest you finish reading the article. ctfo
Tami Baker says
Oh, but wait. Anti-vaxxers are not Prius driving, tofu eating nuts that don’t let their kids watch TV. Haven’t you heard? They are all right-wing, inbred, truck driving, gun toting lunatics who believe in Constitutional rights or something like that. Because you know, right-wingers don’t believe in science ‘n stuff and they are selfish and want your kid to die from being exposed to their walking little petri dishes of communicable disease. And yeah, MAYBE there is a slight chance for autism from vaccines, but wouldn’t you rather have non verbal, diaper wearing 15 year old than one who is dead from chicken pox? Sheesh people.
Virstyne says
Thank you Jennifer for your brilliant and information-laced article. 😉
Amy says
Love it!!!!! I’ve been having a debate with a friend and he just does not get it! He thinks the government is on the up and up.
Megan Stevens says
I love what you are encouraging–parents to think for themselves, to be discriminating, to not blindly trust a system that is harming too many. Not to mention reform. Thank you for speaking out toward reform. It is needed. Your tone and the approach of this article is helpful. May it open a few minds and doors.
Virginia Trowbridge says
Thank you so much for your bravery! My Mom was an RN for 50 years, her specialty was neonatal intensive care. My daughter is her only grandchild and I am grateful every day that I had a Mom who bravely advised me to go against the doctor’s recommendations and choose not only which vaccines I wanted my child to have, but when I wanted them (if at all). She didn’t like the trend of grouping them together, nor how many they were recommending. When the MMR gave my healthy daughter the Measles, I realized Mom was right. Working in healthcare she saw some horrible things that doctors and pharmaceutical companies caused, such as Thalidomide given to pregnant women which caused their babies to be born without arms. She taught me to trust my intuition because no one knows my child better than I do. She would be so pleased to see a fellow champion of rights fighting for all of us. Thank you.
Becky says
Excellent article. I have shared widely. Parents need to know ingredients and potential short term and long term harm of the recommended vaccines.
Traci says
Jimmy should look at all the malpractice suits and lawsuits caused by all those intellectual pharmaceutical companies and doctors and researchers. And also realize its not just about vaccinations. People fight about freedom to carry, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and don’t think we are going to backdown when it comes to freedom to choose if us as adults and our children are going to get shot up with chemicals as preventive medicine. One child shouldn’t risk their life for the life of another on something that MAY happen.
nhokkanen says
The CDC has built an impressive distribution system. Problem? It’s a one-way, profit-centric juggernaut with no reciprocity. No systems in place to receive and act on consumer input about product problems. Vaccine adverse reactions are ignored… because they can.
Legislation must be enacted to mandate that vaccine manufacturers and policymakers create a workable system to deal with vaccine adverse reactions — to create treatments and prevent further injuries. Any other consumer product in this country has repair, replacement or restitution protocols in place. The continued denials by CDC, ACIP and industry are simply allowing this public health disaster to grow, grow, grow until society collapses under the unmanageable burden.
Tiffany says
This was very informative but a little far fetched. Yes there can be side effects on occasion. The CDC has covered things up. Have you forgotten though about all the terrible diseases that have almost been completely eradicated because of vaccines? I agree that they try to force a large number of vaccines on children, but you can choose whether or not to have your child receive them. Humorous article, but don’t forget that the reason most of us aren’t infected with measles, tetanus, pertussis, chickenpox, diphtheria, smallpox, and polio is because of vaccines. The miniscule amount of people acquiring these diseases would increase over time if everyone stopped vaccinating their children. So your welcome for keeping the disease away from your children for so long and good luck to their health in the future when there is an outbreak.
J willett says
Please do some digging…these diseases where already on their way out when big Pharma jumped on the wagon…and created the vaccines. One of my biggest regrets is having vaccinated my children…I was one of western medicines faithful flock for years. I really thought all of the meds and vaccines were about mankinds betterment; their safety! My faith was totally misplaced. It was only after being extremely damaged by an antibiotic that I began to realize that sickness not wellness is a billion, no trillion dollar industry. Just stop and think…I know it’s very hard to believe that people would actually set a child up for chronic disease or a possible short very pain filled life, but this is a business, a very thriving, powerful industry. The children in the US are the least healthy of all developed nations…look it up do not take my word for it! Research this please!
Mac says
Love the article and agree with it completely, but I was surprised to see no rebuttals or negative comments at all. Has there really been no dissent in anything you posted or are negative comments all being deleted? Just curious as I’ve never seen an anti vacc post with zero trolls.
MC says
Look at the comment right above you…’s a rebuttal, but not as violent as some I’ve seen.
Asra says
Hilarious! should add the preference of formula feed over breast milk in #12
Deb says
Great article. I commented on a pro vac post about the dangers of vaccines and the abuse I received was extraordinary. Everything from I should die, be in jail etc because I wrote that my children, now 39, 33 and 26, had never been vaccinated and enjoyed good health. It’s all fear based. Pharmaceutical companies run scare campaigns and people believe them. The government are complicit. Here in Australia, welfare payments are withheld if children aren’t vaccinated. Yet I know someone in his 50’s who developed polio right after his vaccination as a child. Another girl developed whooping cough afterwards. Time to stand up and be counted!
Sheila says
Ppl in their 50s that got polio was probably from the live oral vaccine- that isn’t around in first world countries any more. It is still is available in countries like India- bc the risk of getting polio in the community is still a lot higher than getting it from a vaccine. Oral polio is cheaper and more readily available. Ppl also may have gotten whopping cough after the vaccine bc their immunity had waned- hence so many boosters that are needed. You have to seroconvert.
Remember that your personal anecdotes are not science or evidence based medicine.
JP says
I know that this is years late, but anyone with the attitude “your anecdotes are not science” might actually want to read and consider the thousands upon thousands of anecdotes of harm before dismissing them out of hand.
Heather says
I wanted to add another angle to this issue. I have two children ages 9 and 3 that are not vaccinated. I interviewed doctors in my community to find someone that I thought would at least not question my decision every time I stepped in the office. At the start of this year I received a letter from the doctor’s office stating basically: to set up an appointment to get my kids vaccinated or find another doctor. The reason in the letter was that their office will be fined by the government based on the number of patients they see that are not vaccinated. Big brother is working really hard on this issue.
sherry says
More proof – from the US Gov’t.
The info/chart below is more proof – it compares infant mortality rate (IMR) with # of vaccinations per country – it’s info gathered by CIA and published by National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). Make sure you look at Tables 1 & 2 as well as the conclusion section at the bottom of this link.
Sheila says
This is so grossly negligent it’s sad.
There is no conspiracy!
We doctors took an oath! Do no harm! Vaccines have saved lives- all these life threatening illnesses are real- and have the potential to come back.
Why are people assuming that doctors want to harm children? We don’t make money on vaccines! Trust me! So frustrating that this is even a conversation these days. It is so sad.
Jenifer says
We are parents of vaccine injured children. Why don’t trust doctors about it? It could be a screaming 15 mo child whose high pitched screaming made nurses change out every 5 minutes but was sent home because they didn’t know. His vaccines earlier in the day and seizure should have been a clue. It could be most doctors have no idea what is in vaccines or what cell lines are used to create them. Could be we have an issue with heavy metals at such a level the EPA would require has at to clean them up if spilled being injected into healthy children for things like hep b for no reason! It could be I can add and read studies done that say they aren’t safe. It could be the lies told. Vaccines can and do cause autism. It’s been proven over and over again. It could be my perfect healthy bright child stopped walking and talking 3 hours after his shots. It could be that you gather info from the CDC that owns 22 vaccine patents so we all know they are honest the same way they were honest about cigarettes. It could be that we as parents are ignored by doctors who think they are God. Listen closely to this, if preventative medicine causes damage it ceases to be preventative medicine. First do no ahem I guess except for my son and hundreds of thousands of children like him.
Lubbna says
Oh dear! God forbid one of your kids gets a terrible vaccine preventable disease, you may just change your mind. Please get an education involving immunology, microbiology and pharmacology before you present your biased opinions.
Sujani says
my questions are simple. what happens when your unvaccinated children put other children (who medically, actually cannot be vaccinated) at risk? can you fully take responsibility for this decision? can anyone here understand herd immunity?? can you see how this is a pressing issue of our collective responsibility to ensure a healthy planet for all our children? (i say this, because i have never met an anti-vaxxer that doesn’t recycle).
oh and by the way, it doesn’t seem like you will take responsibility for the decision to disseminate this either. you realize full well that people will look to this blog to make their medical choices- but your disclaimer at the end wreaks of self-preservation. i’m sorry that you don’t see your role as greater than this. children die, people died, from what remain preventable diseases.
Anna says
I am a selective vaxxer and support parents doing what they think is best for each of the children and society, whether no or all vaccines. The hepatitis B is what sent me down the selective path. I have been reading pro and anti articles here and there and discussed this a little with my parents and brother, who are doctors or nurses. My brother, so far, is getting all the vaccines for his child, but doesn’t berate me for what I am doing. My parents delayed vaccines for some of us. I have a main questions for anti and pro vaxxers.
Anti-vaxxers- Wouldn’t there be more money in treating sick kids at hospitals? (Or do you believe that all vaccines are useless and don’t prevent children from having a severe reaction to certain illnesses?)
Pro-vaxxers- Has there been any study on the effects of inserting mercury in human bloodstreams? I am under the impression that vaccines work by prepping the immune system so one can easily “fight” the illness. Let’s say that Billy is fully vaccinated for pertussis. Pertussis come around and Billy “catches it” however his immune system knows how to fight it and he recovers quickly and has no obvious symptoms. However, couldn’t he still infect others, even if for a shorter time window than an unvaccinated kid?
jozef scales says
here i did it again! i did your homework for you! maybe you stuck your neck out a little too far this time? is that funny? non-medical “professional” has to school “medical professionals”? wow what were you people thinking?
jozef scales says
you Ms. Margullis have lost your credibility as well as most of your commentors losing all credibility by the second!
“Mom Contracts Polio from Vaccinated Infant” old and covered up news now being revealed
Lynn Barton says
I always find it interesting when critics throw out ad hominem attacks while never EVER specifically addressing the evidence given or the arguments made. “Lies!” they bleat. What lies? Where? If you cannot specifically rebut her arguments and evidence, giving actual reasons for your different opinion, why would anyone pay any attention to you? Especially to Nicole, who wrote her own attempt at satire, reacting to assertions that Jennifer never made. Jennifer never said anything about OTHER PEOPLE’s decisions being stupid, nor did she impugn the motives or intentions of the medical profession in general. Why must everyone be the same and do the same? Draw your own conclusions, make up your own mind, vigorously defend your views and try to persuade others to your side, but try to make an actual argument. As for those guilting parents for somehow hurting THEIR children, let me be very clear: I DO NOT have any moral obligation to put my child’s health at risk for YOUR CHILD. How dare you make such a demand? The very idea that this is a righteous thing is testimony to how little moral reasoning people are capable of any more. Just because someone is in public health doesn’t mean they can think their way out of a paper bag. If vaccines were perfectly safe, you might have a point. But since they are not, you don’t. Unless you want to live in a communist state where there is no individual freedom and literally all that matters is the “herd” (and some of you I think that’s exactly what you want), you must respect other people’s right to make health care decisions for themselves. And for heaven’s sake, LOOK at the evidence of harm. You have to be willfully blind to ignore it. Vaccination decisions are risk/benefit questions that are only easy for people who don’t like thinking. Go ahead, trust your doctor implicitly as the demi god he or she is to you, and I hope it all works out. I hope you don’t end up with a heart attack from Vioxx, dementia from statins, or a ruined life because your hip replacement was recalled and you are sentenced to a lifetime of pain or risk of paralysis if it is removed (as happened to a family member). I especially hope nothing happens to your children who are inoculated with dozens of vaccines and annual flu shots. (You might want to check into the veterinary thinking on regular vaccines for dogs and cats and changing protocols due to over-vaccination, which never approached the number of vaccines given to children. Oh yeah, you are not interested in the evidence, or you would have considered the evidence provided here.) Anyway, hope none of that happens to you or your kids as you steadfastly refuse to face the fact that medical interventions always imply risks, and the one taking the risk (or their parent) is the one who should make the decision, because that’s the one who must live with the consequences, good or bad. That says nothing about the motives of the doctor. It speaks to the reality of life, where there are no certainties. Why is it ok for you to demand I sacrifice my child for you, just because the risk is small? (Which it isn’t.) But even if the risk WERE small, when it happens to your child, that’s a 100% risk for that child. It is morally reprehensible to make such a demand. Yes it is. It is reprehensible. I’m taking back the moral high ground. By what moral principle do you assert your demands? If you want to surrender your adult responsibilities to a paternalistic medical authority who looks at you more like livestock than a human being, be my guest. Just leave the rest of us alone. Please.
jozef scales says
The Vaccinated are Infected Carriers-
jozef scales says
FDA approved vaccine lists SIDS, AUTISM as adverse events on vaccine insert
Linda says
Very well written. I found it very unnerving that when the Disneyland outbreak happened a few months ago everyone, and I mean everyone, in the media, doctors, pundits, you name it, were saying that parents who don’t vaccinate their children should be held liable for anyone who gets sick as if these diseases are going to spontaneously appear in their children because they didn’t get vaccintaed. The ones carrying the diseases are the ones who get vaccinated. No civil debate, no nothing, just lynch mob mentality from every side. It’s a very sad state of affairs.
montoya sigafose says
I’m a non-vaccinated child, I’m 23 and have found myself throughout my whole lifetime more healthy then the other child around me. My immune system is naturally stronger and I know for a fact that if I do get sick I can survive with the correct nutrition and supplements. I know because I have. I find that you are awfully persuasive about your way of thinking and do not find your journalism or way of writing attractive in any way.
Everybody should have there free choice in what to do, I feel you quite persuasive to make people believe you and not the other side of it. My advise on your journalism, try and be more neutral because your being a bitch to my point of view and you have no reason to.
Kelly says
Omg! I LOVE YOU! Thank you for the best article EVER written on this topic! Seriously, I love you!
Tom says
Non-medical, non-scientific, creative option at best.
Pestilence says
And here I thought my brothers were going to ride out without me. Thank you for bringing my children back from near extinction. Poor ol’ Whooping Cough hasn’t been this strong in decades. I can’t wait until little Polio has his return. And I can thank you, and your kin, for it.
Matt says
HAHAHA Isn’t this something?
Abby says
You hit the nail on the head, excellent piece of writing. Thank you!!
Lauren says
So true and so funny. Good job with this article. Your awesome!!!!!!!
Emily says
Abso-flippin’-lutely awesome! Bless you!!
Ebonee says
You’re my freakin hero! You brave, smart lady! THANK YOU for writing this.
Ivet says
This article is a complete waste of time…KEEP IT SIMPLE and SAFE for your children, read the inserts and reject ALL vaccines!
Dr. Claudia says
Thanks so much for the truthful satire! Absolutely love it.
Janem1276 says
I find many more anti vaxxers resorting to ad hominem attacks when I point out the flaws in their logic
PutinReloaded says
My best advice for parents trying to decide how YOU want to go about vaccinating, it’s never mandatory, don’t let anyone bully you!!! It’s your choice, no one else’s. Do your research on the ingredients, read the vaccine inserts, read varse reports of injuries, research each and every disease and the cure. Rarely ever getting chicken pox kills someone, but the vaccine nearly killed my son. Write down your list of your research for the pros / cons and go with your motherly intuition <3
** Here's our vaccine journey **
I use to vaccinate on a very delayed schedule, never more then one injection in a visit. My son got his first varicella vaccine at 5 years old.
Within a few minutes of leaving the Dr office, Colt through up, passed out, choked on his puke and stopped breathing. My husband ran him from the parking lot into ER lifeless! My son was in full blown antiflantic shock, was put on a ventilator, was having seizures, flat lining, being shocked back to life, which shoved the breathing tube to far and collapsed a lung.
It was touch and go for a few hours, we were life flighted to a close by children's ICU.
After 48 hours on breathing machine, and more medicine I've had in my life, my baby boy starting breathing his own breaths while still on machine. He faught a horrible battle all due from having a vaccine reaction. I will never take chance any of any vaccine on my children again!!
Once he left the hospital in April we had some asthma issues, which have now cleared up. All his brain scans came back fine, luckily he was only a few minutes not breathing. I couldn't imagine if we were far from an emergency room, our dr office is located inside the same building. We faught to get him medically exempt from all vaccines, and still fighting to medically exempt my daughter.
He carries an eppie pin and still fighting to see a allergy specialist along with genetic testing. We believe it to be a gelatin issue, which he never displayed before vaccine reaction. Now he can't eat marshmallows, some cereals ext without his throat itching. We haven't needed to use eppie pin yet.
He's now in kindergarten and doing great with academic but struggling socially.
pilar says
yes. You are describing an anaphylactic shock (one of the unlikely side effects that can happen with any other medicine and that should have been explained to you). May have happened with an aspirin. And that’s why aspirin is bad? (it prevents strokes every single day in old people) . You are not being objective. Your son is protected and as I see he has not suffered any of the other diseases for he was vaccinated… I just do not understand why you forget to acknowledge this.
Holly says
You act like everything you say is gold… As a healthcare professional who has done her research, and completely vaccinated her child with no bad outcome, I can say that some of your sarcastically written points are just off. You do a disservice to anyone who reads this by not presenting 100% truthful information, but then that’s kind of par for the course, isn’t it?
Sandra Gie says
I absolutely love your articles because you tell it like it is. No beating around the bush. You stick your head out and are not afraid to face the backlash that comes from those who don’t know any better. You are an inspiration and a writer whom I highly respect. You are angel to the children of our world. Much respect to you Jennifer Margulis. Keep up your brave work.
Norm says
Well, when you summarize our current reality like that…my response is, we’re doomed. All the usual post-Enlightenment safeguards–science, reason, integrity, truth, progress–have been subverted by fear and greed. And what appears to be the truth (we’ve created an iatrogenic holocaust for children) will be so hard to face it may take generations before we can face it.
Miguel says
Thanks for updating and re-posting this piece.
The lockstep war-march the news media and our politicians have committed to is an ugly, undemocratic and anti-American trend that seems unsustainable with the weight of the truths you point out and link to.
Keep up the strong work!
Tierney says
This is actually worth me printing out. And bringing out on a rainy day. I laughed- I cried- I’m sending it to all my friends. WELL. DONE!
Magpie says
Well done.
This word is getting trivialized, but I think a lot of what we see is the ‘weaponization’ of the commentariat. Big Pharma has spent enormous amounts of money in public relations campaigns. Part of that is using software that creates multiple accounts that a handful of people can use to make it seem like a groundswell of public opinion. The tell is the quick ad hominem hit or regurgitation of a talking point.
It’s hard to imagine an actual person so hard-up for cheap hits of superiority doing this, and believing that forced vaccination is medically necessary or appropriate in a free society. I have to think they are mostly bots, what used to be called astroturf but is quite a bit more virulent now, trying to ram through this and eventually other forced medical procedures for their clients.
Jason says
Jamie says
This post is great in so many ways! I love how Jennifer brings light to the absurdity of some of the ideas we are indoctrinated into believing, but she does it with class and really gets the reader to think. Always a breath of fresh air =)
Nicole says
Thank you!
Barbara says
Brilliant article! Thank you for being a voice for science and freedom.
M Arnold says
Excellent! Ty!
Patricia Ann says
Brilliantly written!! Could read this piece over & over. Thank you Jennifer Margulis!!
Beth says
And now, in this Covid-19 world, we have a shiny, brand-new vaccine to add to the list. Hastily developed (in a world that had never before had a coronavirus vaccine succeed), with no long term data, being pushed like nothing before it as totally safe. Yet in the time since the vaccination programs started, we have already had adjustments made to regimes because of newly discovered side effects (blood clots being the most obvious).
The big reason given for everyone needing the vaccine? For the safety of the whole community. So if you are reluctant to vaccinate, you don’t care about anyone but yourself. [Next we’ll all be wearing uniforms for the sake of others who can’t afford unique clothing!]
Can anyone tell me how a vaccine that doesn’t claim to prevent people catching the disease, is actually keeping the community safe? It may prevent serious illness and hospitalisation which will make our hospitals less busy, but that is a secondary effect.
Ted Mullins says
Seems to me that all these nay-sayers should be asking the question:
What is causing all the Covid-19 variants???