Athena di Properzio, age 8, featured in the Ashland Daily Tidings.
My daughter, Athena di Properzio, was featured in the Ashland Daily Tidings last week.
The article was written by Angela Decker.
Athena could write her name before she turned two (I have proof), and she has always loved to draw.
Her drawings are surprisingly well executed.
She’s only 8 years old but she understands perspective and depth and how to fill negative space.
She won a contest at Ashland’s local brewery, Standing Stone, and we got a gift certificate that helped pay for part of dinner there.
Athena was so proud. And it was fun to go out to eat, something we rarely do.
The first few paragraphs from the article about Athena di Properzio read as follows:
Athena di Properzio is a joyful artist. The sunny 8-year-old gets a kick out of drawing, painting and being outdoors. She’s already won prizes for her work and is spending time this summer drawing, knitting, and occasionally illustrating a story she wrote for her siblings.
Her teachers at the Siskiyou School are struck by the delight she takes in both her work and play.
“Athena is absolutely radiant,” said instructor Christine Crawley. “She approaches all life with a heartfelt glee. This shows in her artwork, which comes straight from her heart.”
Cynthia Bower, di Properzio’s handwork teacher agrees: “Athena is an absolute treasure. The bright colors she chooses when she knits reflect her cheerful personality,” she said.
Athena is also a big nature lover. “She’s our nature girl,” said di Properzio’s mother, Jennifer Margulis. “When she was younger, she used to tell us she wanted to go outside and taste the world.”
Published: June 29, 2009
Last update: January 23, 2020
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